» Romance » Sweet Temptation, N. J. [ebooks children's books free TXT] 📗

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New beginning

Mandy’s P.O.V:

I heard a far away noise but I couldn’t bring myself to wake up. I would like to hang on more to the image of the sexy guy I was about to kiss, when suddenly an ice cold hand touched my face.

“What the hell?” I woke up with a jolt. The gorgeous face disappeared from my mind.

“Wake up sleepy head!” My sister’s voice called next to my bed. “It’s already seven and you’re going to be late.”

“What?” I shrieked. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? You know I need more time to get ready.”

Gosh, I hopped out of the bed and repeated the list of things I needed to get done before I could go to school: take a shower, do my makeup, my hair, my – Bang! I slipped on the floor head first.

“Mandy, you ok?” My sister asked with concern in her voice.

“As if you care” I muttered under my breath, trying to get up.

“Ow, I do care. I don’t need your already ugly face to be uglier when we arrive to the new school.” She said stalking away. “I’m going to leave you; I don’t want to be late.”

Sighing, I managed to get up and took a shower first, then finished all my businesses.

“Hi, mom!” I said as I entered the kitchen.

“Hi, what was that loud noise?” She asked giving me my daily fix of orange juice. Yep, you heard me right, my daily fix of orange juice. Unlike most everyone, I didn’t like caffeine.

“Oh, that was just my head banging the floor” I answered nonchalantly. I drank hurriedly my juice as the time passed rapidly.

A few minutes later, I was in my car, ready to go Shelton High. Nervously, I glanced at the clock on the car. Ten more minutes and I’ll be late. NO!!!! I must hurry. Looking around, I saw the street was almost empty so I sped up a little more than the required speed.


After parking and locking my car, I took my bag and ran to my counselor’s office. I was about to open her door, when I saw a gorgeous guy emerging from her office. I felt my whole body froze as if I was rooted on the spot. He was exactly like the guy I just dreamt about this morning. Only, he was hotter in flesh with cool blue eyes that seemed like they could see through my soul. He wore a pair of black jeans that rode low on his hips. On top, he wore a grey t-shirt that stretched across his toned chest where I could clearly see the outline of his abs. My eyes were about to get lower when I heard someone clearing their throat.

“Hmm… You must be Amanda Parson. Welcome to Shelton High. I’m Ms. Sparks, your counselor.” Face burning; I turned to look at the woman behind me. She was a petite little thing with glasses that emphasized her pretty face, though they did nothing to hide her grey eyes. She was really pretty and must be in her mid thirties.

“Hi, Ms. Sparks. It’s nice to meet you. Sorry, I think I am a little late I know, but –“She raised a hand to cut me off. Wow! I thought my old excuse from my last school would work but I guess I was wrong.

“No apologies needed.” She said in a stern voice, but the laughter in her eyes bellied her tone. Then, turning to the eye candy who moved next to her while I made a fool of myself, she proceeded: “Logan here would be your guide for the day. He’s in the same grade as you are and he has most of his classes with you anyway.”

So his name was Logan. Hum… I liked it, it suited him. I was about to greet him when Ms. Sparks dismissed us.

I walked along side Logan in the hall way. First we made a stop to my locker which miraculously was next to his. He waited patiently while I stuffed my books inside. The whole time, I felt like his eyes were on me but I kept my eyes straight. On the hall, I felt more than saw everyone’s eyes on my face. “She must be the new girl”, I heard when we were close to the first flight of stairs.

“Lord, how am I supposed to climb those with high heels on?”

I heard someone chuckling. Surprised, it was from Logan. I turned around and saw him looking at me as if he felt my eyes on him. His whole face seemed more gorgeous than it was. How was that even possible? I wondered. For some reason, I wanted to keep that smile on his face so I continued some more.

“I should have expected climbing stairs would be involved in a small town like Shelton.” I know it was lame, but he found it funny anyway since he laughed out loud.

“I could always carry you, you know.” He offered after his laughter subdued. This time, it was my time to laugh in his face.

“What?” He asked in awe. Wait, was that wonder I detected in his voice. No, I must be dreaming. After calming myself a little bit I told him.

“Thanks for the offer but last time I checked I’m not an invalid, honey.” That earned me another one of his sexy smile.

“Don’t worry, I could carry you anytime.” He replied as if carrying me was no big deal. Without waiting for my answer, I was up in the air, bridal style.

“Logan!” I cried. “Put me down before you hurt --” He just ignored me and took the stairs two at a time. In no time at all, we were in class.


Logan’s P.O.V:

I glanced down at the new student’s schedule. Her classes were almost similar to mine except for gym which she had fourth period. Amanda Parson, her name read. She must be one of those spoiled little princess used to make everyone wait, I thought. Why else would she be late on her first day to a new school? I was about to tell Ms. Sparks that I was going to be late when I saw a gorgeous girl who looked like she was from a Vogue cover. Damn! I felt my heart skipped a bit. MATE! My wolf whispered. I nearly fought for control as my wolf wanted to claim her right there. I let her talk to Ms. Sparks and contented myself to watch her lush pink lips move. She smelled like vanilla and strawberry. Fuck, I was already hard just from her sent. Calm down idiot! I said to myself. I needed to think of something disgusting quickly. Think man! My parents having sex! Ew. That did it, thank goodness.

I walked her to her locker. Guess what? It was next to mine. I felt like doing my victory dance. I was already imagining seeing her next to me every day. I took a good sniff of her. God, she smelled so good. After she put her things away, I walked her to our first period. On our way, I heard people whispering about her, but I didn’t care as long as they didn’t insult my mate.

 At the sight of the stairs, I heard her moaning: “I should have expected climbing stairs would be involved in a small town like Shelton.” I laughed. She was so cute in her ridiculously high heels.

“I could always carry you, you know.” I offered after I got myself under control. Wait a minute! Where did that come from? Before I could answer myself, she laughed. It had a sweet sound on it. I was warm all over again. Damn! I had to readjust discreetly my pants. As much as I liked hearing her laughter, it took everything in me to stop myself from grabbing her right there.

“Thanks for the offer but last time I checked I’m not an invalid, honey.” She answered me finally. I smiled at her and she seemed to melt right there. Hmm… Interesting. She was not immune to my charm either. She was my mate but she didn’t know it yet.

“Don’t worry, I could carry you anytime.” I said. She was about to protest when I swept her off her pretty feet, bridal style.

When we get to the door, I put her down. She looked at me curiously but before she could say anything, I turned to face her.

“I know Amanda, we’ll talk during lunch, I promise.” She opened her mouth but closed it when the door opened.

“Ah! Ms. Parson, welcome. Come in!” Mr. Winston ushered her inside.

“Class, welcome Ms. Amanda Parson.” Mr. Winston ordered.

“Welcome, Amanda.” The class answered.

I looked at her face the whole time. She was blushing!!! Who still blushed at 18? I was mesmerized by her face.

“Thank you…” She replied with a tiny voice.

After a while, Mr. Winston told her to sit on the free sit in the back. Another plus for me, it was the seat on my left.



 Mandy's P.O.V


During the whole period, I felt someone's eyes like they were burning on my neck. Finally, the period ended! I couldn't focus during the whole explanation. Thankfully, Mr. Winston was happy to talk alone while the class was pretending to listen. As for me, I was reviewing Logan's appearance: long dark hair, cool blue eyes, strong and firm jaw, and soft lips – or so I thought – narrow hips, six packs, and long muscled legs. I was about to get into more details when I heard the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard call my name:

“Amanda…” I turned my head slowly to the voice’s direction.

“Yes?” I answered Logan because it was his voice. My internal temperature just got up or what? I was trying so hard to focus on what he was saying, but all I could see was his lips moving. Such sensual lips.

 “I was just saying that we should go to our next class.” He said with a smile.

“Really?” I didn’t even realize that the class was empty of any student until I turned around. Moron, if you had paid more attention to what was happening around you, you would have known, I told myself. But my next thought was something about what he just said earlier. He said “we” as if we were an item. I smiled to myself as we get out. Once outside, he put his hand on the small of my back. My goodness! His hand was so warm; I could feel the warmth spread throughout my body. I felt myself leaning into his touch.

“Mandy?” I heard my sister’s voice behind us. Why? It was the second time she interrupted my daydreaming in one day.

I hurriedly put some distance between us and pasted a fake smile on my face before turning to my sister.

“Yes, Vicky?” I answered calmly when the truth was I wanted to choke her. Thankfully, Logan kept his hand where it was. He even tightened his hold.  For some reason, it gave me a support I needed to confront my sister.

“Why don’t you present us?” She said suggestively to Logan as

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