Learning How to Love Again, Irina K. [best ebook reader for surface pro txt] 📗

- Author: Irina K.
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"Hey babe, i'm sorry i couldn't make it to your party" said Alexia Taylor to her boyfriend Nick. Nick and Alexia had been going out for about 8 months now. "It's alright..." he tells her. "Is something wrong? you seem kinda dull lately" she says to him.
"Well... meet me at the lake then i'll tell you."
The lake.. that's the place where they first met.
"Sure what time?" she askes.
"Around 7:30"
"Ok well see you then hun."
4 hours later.........................................
Where is he? i thought to myself. 7:55 Why is he so late? As i start walking back to the road where my car is i stop suddenly behind a tree. Before i can do anything the tears start coming down my cheeks because there was Nick making out with Serina Glammer.Serina was the Head Cheerleader at school. Unlike me, i'm the main Captain of the Gymnastics team. It's not that suprising that she has Nick drooling all over her because she's Gorgeous. Every guy in school wants her. Her brownish goldish hair is down to her shoulders, her olive colored body makes her blue eye's stand out really well. It's not that i'm jelouse of her or anything, it's just that we've been rivals ever sense 4th grade. Before i can think about what i'm doing, I'm running up to them.
"What the heck do you think your doing?" I scream at Nick.
He turns to me with his face full of suprised.
"Umm nothing.. Nothing at all.." he manages to say.
"Nothing at all?" I scream at him while my tears swep down my face, "Dont lie to me! I SAW U! Is this what you were trying to tell me? that u wanna break up?"
"No this isn't what i wanted to tell you, well yes it kind of was but I didn't want to hurt you" he says back, but before he could say anything else I come close to him ear and whisper "You already have." and with that the tears stop and i run back to my car.
"Hey Lindsay? it's Alexia... we gatta talk.. in person..." I say into my phone while driving. It was 9:00 pm and it was getting really dark.
"Sure girl, but wats up? i mean why do u sound like something really bad happened..." she askes me.
"I broke up with Nick." i tell her flattly.
"OMG, how the heck did that happen? i mean u guys were like perfect for each other!"
"Well i guess he had other plans with Serina. Gosh, How could I have been so stupid, so blind to what's going on... "
"Honey, no. U were never stupid and you were never blind to anything."
"But, he was all over her.. I think i would have known if his feelings changed toward me..."
"Well i guess i can't argue with that... hey girl? u wanna have a smoothie with me? it is a friday night ya know."
"Sure I guess that would help, Let me check how much money I have.."
As Alexia looks through her purse, she doesn't notice that the stop light tured red........... *CABOOM*
"Hello? Alexia? are u there? what happened??? I heard a loud crashing sound!?!?!?! ALEXIA!"
14 hours later...................................
"Mom? Dad? is that you? oww my head hurts really bad... so does my foot.. What happened?"
"Well, from what people are saying.. you didn't see the stop light turn red and kept driving.. also the man that hit u said that he couldn't press his breaks in time, you also hit your head really bad. The docters say it was a miracle that you survived. Oh, and also u broke your leg when it got stuck between the seats. But they got it out and didn't have to amputate it."
"Amazing story mom.."
Just then the docter came in. He looked young about 20 or 21. And hot too. His hair waws spiked up, he has royal blue eyes, his smile is so adorable, he has perfectly straight teeth which are hecka white, he's about 5'9. His name is Max Fuller, at least that's what his name tag says.
"How is our lovely patient doing?" he askes me.
"Fine i guess, my head just hurts that's all."
"I'll get you some pain killers for that."
He gives me some pills and I take them.
"Thank you."
"No problem, it's my job to make you feel better."
That made me smile.
"You'll be out of here in about a week, we still have to do something with that broken leg of yours."
"Great, that means you'll be checking on me everyday right?"
This makes him laugh.
"Haha, yes I will be."
He turns to my parents and says "Your daughter is in fine hands. You guys can go home for the night." That's when i noticed it was about 11 pm. "Alright, i'll trust that you take good care of her." Is all i hear of my mother before the pain killers knock me out...
The next day Max was there checking on me just like he promised.
"So, Max, how old are you?" i ask him.
"Well i'm 20 right now, why do you want to know?" he asks while re-binding my broken leg.
"I don't know, I guess i just want to know my docter well, also because you looked kinda young."
"Haha, well as you can see, your my very first patient, I just started working here a month ago, so i'm getting used to all this stuff around here."
"That's great, sooo are you married?"
"No actually i'm not, and no I don't have a girlfriend either."
"Well for a guy like you, I bet it'll be pretty easiy."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well it's because your handsome, good looking, and also young. I bet every girl would want to go out with you."
"Well I wouldn't say every girl."
Just then one of the nurses came in.
"Hi Max.." she said shyly.
"Well hello there Kayley, it's nice to see you, oh and you look beautiful today."
"Thank you Max!" then she finishes giving me a shot and turns to leave.
"Well I have to go work, bye Max!"
"Bye Kayley."
I turn to him and say "Mmm,hmmm.."
"Like i said girls fall for you hecka easily, just by telling them their beautiful."
"What if i told you that you were beautiful, would you fall for me?" he says sarcasticly.
"Naa, Your to ignorant."
"How am I ignorant?"
"Well, you know how to make a girl feel good on the inside and out."
"That doesn't mean that i'm ignorant."
"You know what? I'm ganna call you Taylor instead of Alexia, I like it better."
"Call me whatever you want Fuller."
"So, Taylor, how old are you?"
"Well i'm turning 18 in 2 weeks."
"Wow, so your a senior?"
"Yup, and i'm really excited to graduate!"
"Haha I was just like you on my senior year, but I had my whole life planned out. First I would go to a medical school and become a Docter. Now I work here."
"I don't know what I want to be. I mean I wanted to be a docter when I was younger.. but I'm not so sure now."
"It's alright, you'll figure it out soon."
"Can I tell you something?"
"Sure what?"
"Well... the night I got into the car accident... well I found my boyfriend cheaching on me..."
was all I can say before the tears started coming down again.
"I'm sorry to hear that. And don't cry. I mean your a great girl, I don't know why any guy would want to break up with you."
"That's how life is I guess..."
"Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry but I have to go. I've got some paper work to finish filling out in my office and i'm running late on my schedule, It was nice talking to you Taylor, I'll see you in a few hours."
Then he turnes and kisses me in the head and says "Really don't cry, it doesn't make you look that pretty." and then he's out the door before I can say anything back to him.
"Gosh, i'm bored out of my mind!" I say to Lindsay a few hours after my talk with Max.
"Well u can be looking at those magazines that I brought you."
"Thanks.. but no thanks."
"Fine.. So Alexia, whose the hot doc?"
"U mean Max? He's my docter."
"No Way Girlfriend! I thought chicks only got hot docs in movies."
"Well, as you can see, I got one, that practicly every girl, young or old, falls for."
"That's got to suck... Do u like him?"
"WHAT? Oh course not!"
"Girl, no. I can tell that you like him just from the way you look at him."
"I just got dumped! I can't just like someone so suddenly only like a day or two later."
"I did!"
"Well I'm not you."
"But honey your beautiful, I mean look at that blonde hair and how it reachs down to your waist. I mean I would kill for that hair, and your eyes, their the most extaordanairy color that i've ever seen with that dark blue, and baby blue, and also that hint of purple.
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