» Romance » Surprises, Haley Bachmann [e ink manga reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Surprises, Haley Bachmann [e ink manga reader .TXT] 📗». Author Haley Bachmann

Chapter One
Can He Handle It
Bella oh'Charlie', Ohh i'm sorry i didn't ask you sir but i thought it would be good to make it a surprise I love you daughter and i would do anything in the world for her she is my world and my everything iv'e been thinking maybe we could move in together i found a nice apartment in the town that way we don't have to use transportation to go to the store it will just be a couple blocks down and that way we can save up for the wedding if we get a cheaper apartment down there for a while, Well Edward you guys don't even have any jobs how are you going to support each other you don't even have furniture, well my parent's are willing to loan us money for about a month in till we get comfortable on are jobs than we can start on are wedding then are life, soo you think your whole life plan will work well i sure wish when i got married at SEVENTEEN i had at least money and a house and a JOB Bella's never worked a day in are life she wouldn't know what to do out there robber's killer's and rapist no NO NO NO it's not going to work out, ' Bella' DAD i'm not a little kid no more i am seventeen about to be eighteen in eight months life is a wonder it's a wonder how your going to live life if your going to have kids or not get married buy a house not wait till your thirty five and be too old to have a kid at a younger age you have more excitement energy not wait in till your life is set up all you need is love and a ruff to live under and food you don't need any more experiment then that just going to to live your life life is to short to plan stuff and you sure did not care when mom died you did not worry to call or to see if i when in to depression give me a little more discreet let me live my own life, Bella you are my one and only daughter i don't want to loose you i lost your mom now i can't loose you i worry about you every day if your going to call whats on your mind i love you.'Five months later Bella and Edward are settle in there apartment and there are two days till there wedding' Ahhh... Ms. Bella Swan Collin's i love that name dear, uhhhhmmmm..., What is wrong sweetie, ohhh nothing, what do you want, I would like kids some day and a big house, well we still have a whole life planned for us,'sigh', Bella just wait a little bit longer.

Chapter Two
What will happen
Do you Mr. Edward Collin's take Ms. Bella Swan to be your lawful wedded wife and to hold and to cheri......, I do, o'k, Do you Ms. Bella Swan take Mr. Edward Collin's to be your lawful wedded husband to gold and to cherish, i do, Alright you may kissed the bride. ' later on me and Edward packed and got on a plane and flew to Florida that was my mom's favorite place in the world when we got there they had a couple of bottles of champagne waiting for us' uhh Edward what time is it,two o'clock in the after noon, what happened, lets just say you may have a wish come true, what happed to the bed why am i lay in feathers and memory foam from the bed, i couldn't help my self.' we didn't talk that much in till we got home' Hey Bella welcome home, Esme can i talk to you, yeah sweetie what is it well lets say that i think i might be pregnant and i'm really scared, well theres only one way that we will only find out in the bathroom third shelf up, o'k thanks.'Oh No there was two marks on the little stick' Edward i'm pregnant, well we will get threw this dear.' but how was we going to tell Charlie we drove home later on and there was two messages on the machine' You've reached the Collin's we cant get to the phone we will call you back later bye *beep* Hey Bella it's Jacob... Jacob Black I wanted to see how you was doing i talked to your dad well get back at me *beep* hey bud its dad i was worried about you please come by and see me some time Jacob called to. Ughh... Edward Ill be back i'm going to my dads, alright darling. *knock,Knock* Hey Bells, Hey dad, Were's Ed.., he stayed, ohh something going on, well...., Bella tell me, Promise you won't be mad, come on tell me, I'm... Pregnant...., ' his jaw dropped and he sat down and hunted the key for the big chest sitting right next to him out of his pocket' come on dad stop it's no big deal, no big deal Bella your knocked up you lucky i let him even marry you but this no oh heck no, i'm not yours no more i'm his, no matter what your still my baby, dad put the gun down, What's going on Charlie, ohh great he was listening how come you never came back you never even let me know you was alright Jacob, well i have had the flu, FOR TWO MONTHS, well you never told me you was going to run off get married and get knocked up ' i got a tight urge in my stomach' ohh dad my stomach it's hurting owwww, ' Jacob' Bella your bleeding', call Edward, O'k hold on very easy, ahhhhhhh get me my husband. Bella you need to calm it down you almost killed your baby from all the stress just keep it on the low ill be back in a little bit. Edward i'm right here babes, were's....... wer..... Jacob and dad...., dad is down stairs getting Jacob. * *Knock Knock* Hey Bella are you alright, 'Edward' GET AWAY FROM HER OR I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT GOOO......, Boys break it 'Charlie'.

Chapter Three
The Pain
Later that day i was laying there asleep in the hospital bed. Bella wake up your bleeding. "WHAT?" *Beep beep beep* Me hearing the sound of the doctor saying clear then a little buzzing sound . Bella Bella please come back Mr. Swan your gonna have to get outta the room "NO BELLA PLEASE WAKE UP" CLEAR *______/____//////__////* Bella are you alright? Where's my baby where's my baby .Im sorry to say Bella but shes gone. What do you mean shes gone were is my baby ? You had a miscarriage . I need Edward please give me him *Tears fall down my eyes* Couple hours later Edward walks in , Hey! where have you been?, Come on Bella we need to get out of here now ! Why! wait i just lost my little baby and you want me to go out there! Now ? Your crazy Edward i'm not gonna be able to go home with out the one thing i came here with . Bella, Now . i go to get dressed and he just throws a jacket over me and and grabs me in his left arm and in his right is my luggage* Edward your hurting me! on the way home we did not talk . Wait my street is back there , i know , then were are you taking me ? There was an awkward dead silence. We pulled up into the Cullen's drive way, we walk in . Bella, Alice shouted, the baby girl is over there . What ?!


Publication Date: 12-29-2010

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