» Romance » Dark Dreamer, JoJo Baybeyy [online e reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Dark Dreamer, JoJo Baybeyy [online e reader .txt] 📗». Author JoJo Baybeyy

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Chapter 1

Jayla Rodriguez is a Teacher in the 4th grade. She loves kids and she always will. Though knowing she cant have any of her own breaks her heart. Jayla is one of the carpathian women.Because of her heritage she has been in hiding living among the humans. Jayla has trained herself to withstand the sun for as long as she could(which has only been from sunrise to about 2:00 in the afternoon).


<<Something was happenin. I dont know what but everyone was surrounding the exit of the village.Jayla made her way through the crowd.When she got to the front she saw that the hunters were leaveing once again on a hunt. In the Group she saw Darian. As handsome as ever.Her Lovemate.
Just then someone from behind smashed into her and she flew to the ground.

" it!" she yelled from the ground
When she looked up,she saw that Darian was watching her,jus a few feet away. She held out her hand for him to grab, but he just turned away and disappered into the night. She sat there on the ground stareing after him. He just regected her. For the rest of the night Jayla sat there and cried her heart out.>>

Jayla woke up. Sweat drenched her night shirt.She looked at the clock and noticed it was only
"Ugh....not again,damn it" she told herself.

"well its almost time to get up anyways so might as well stay up" she said while walking to her kitchen
She got a bowl of ceral sat down and watched T.V thinking about what she was going to wear to work today.


Darian searched the perimeter. There was a Sanguisuga in this area. He feel and smell it. He rounded the corner of trees still in his wolf form. There. He ran towds the house that was all by itself in the open.
When he got there, chilren were on the ground sucked dry of blood. He went to the back and there on the steps was the Sanguisuga sucking the life out of a middle aged women.
Darian lunged for him. The sanguisuga dropped the dead body and caught the wolf. The wolf went flying backwards. Darian got up and charged the nasty bloodsucker agian. This time he caught its arm in his mouth and pulled. the sanguisuga's arm ripped off. The bloodsucker thew his head up and screamed. Darian took this as an oppertunity. He lunged for the sanguisuga's chest ripped out its heart and bit it in half. The sanguisuga's long nails got him in the face. When the sanguisuga could no longer stand, Darian changed back to his regular form.

"well,well, what do we have here?" He said as the bloodsucker fought to stay alive.

"well hell, hi there little nephew..didnt think you had it in you" The bloodsucker said.

Darian frowned....crap his uncle gave in to the darkness.


"yup thats right, i let the darkness take me,and it felt soo fuckin good, you should do the same you know" His uncle said

"hell fucking no. i aint some weak shit that i would just let myself slip away, well it was nice talking to you uncle but i gota run" Darian said

"Fuck yo-" he never got to finish because Darian smashed his face with a punch.

Darian got up and looked around. His pack was on their way so he would tell them to help clean this mess up.

Chapter 2

Jayla was on her way home from work when she noticed a hitchhiker. Usually she didnt pick up strangers but for some reason she felt this sudded urge to pick up this man. When she pulled over she opened the door and said,

"come on in,i can give you a ride if you like"

The man just stood there motionless , so when she was about to close the door The man suddenly got in.
They drove in silence for a while but then she asked him where he was going. she didnt get an answer so she just pulled up by a motel. The man got up and got out. When he closed the door she yelled out the window,

"your welcome!" Then drove off. sheesh, people these days just didnt have any manners.

When the women drove off the man smiled to himself showing rows of sharp teeth.Mmmmm he thought she's one of our people. he laughed to himself. she isnt even mated yet. yaeh he thought, i will have her then.He Smiled.

Chapter 3

Jayla got home, showered and went straight to bed.

<<Jayla was running throughthe forest. How she got there she had no idea. She looked back and saw something move in the shadows. She kept running even screaming for help. Nobody answered nor came. When she came to a road she saw a person standing in the middle of it. It was a man. He saw her and smiled showing sharp teeth shining with blood. before she could even turn and run, he was there gripping her arm,his long bloody,pointy nails digging into her skin.

"You are mine" He told her

The man bent his head down and opened his mouth at her throat. She screamed as his sharp teeth bit into her neck.When she looked over his shoulder she saw icy blue eyes stareing back at her. she knew those eyes.>>

Jayla shot up and off her bed. her sheets,shirt and forehead was soaked with sweat.

"Shit what the fuck was that" she said to herself. She had no idea what the dream meant. But still just in case something like that happens she will be ready.

Darian rose out of the earth. just then he heard a women screaming and found himself stareing into beautiful green lucious eyes.
Was this a sign? He did not know. But watever it was he will find out. Darian changed to his wolf form and went to inspect the area. He hadnt sensed anything evil, but just in case he made sure everything was all right. His pack was still in the cave sleeping, son he didnt have to worry.


Jayla sat on the porch outside her house. She enjoyed looking at the stars. She was the only one livin in the lonesome house in the outskirts of town. she never liked living among humans but this was where she could get away from all that. Not long now that she is planning on staying in the sun longer than she can handle and die. A faint rustling in the bushes caught her attention.

"Whos there!" she yelled out holding on tight to her knife.

"it is me" the voice was rough and she didnt reconize it.The man stepped out to where she could see him.
It was the man from the other night. but he looked different now. He looked just like the crea-

"No" she whispered to herself. realization hit her. He was a sanguisuga.

He practically smiled at her. his pitch red eyes shown with amusement.

"yes", he told her,"come to me" his voice was forcing a compulsion on her,he held out his hand.
Jayla's eyes went blank for a moment and she took a step forward putting her hand in his.


Darian ran through the forest with amazing speed. He knew the scent and followed it. when he got to where the scent was the strongest he stopped in his tracks. He couldnt believe his eyes. A women was fighting the sanguisuga. But not any women that he knew. He was entranced by her movements.


Jayla tricked the sanguisuga. when she put her hand in his she grabbed it and flipped him over.The bloodsucker was surprised at the little attack. When he was on the ground Jayla changed her close in the way of her people. Her robes fell off her shoulders and mist covered her.When the mist was gone she was wearing the clothes of a huntress.

The bloodsucker got up and lunged for her.she dodged him easily and slashed out with her knife and caught him on the chest.Blood dripped from his wound.

"ha...i never thought you would be this good" he told her smileing,"such luck i have for finding a carpathian huntress"

" shut the fuck up and fight asshole" She yelled at him. she never liked being reminded of what she was. She was rare to her people,which was y she has been in hiding all these years.

The bloodsucker lunged for her catching her off guard. But the attack never came. When she looked up she stared into a wolfs icy blue eyes. Eyes she would know anywhere


Chapter 4

Darian looked at her. He would sense her anywhere. His Lovemate. The women he has been searching centuries for. Her eyes were the color of green. The eyes he saw a few days ago that had reached out to his soul.

"we will finish this some other time huntress" the sanguisugas voice snapped Darian back to reality,"but know this huntress, I WILL CLAIM YOU AS MINE,until next time"with that the sanguisuga vanished.

Darian changed back to his human form and turned to his lovemate.His breath caught on how beautiful and fierce she looked. His gaze slid up and down her body.who would of known his mate would be a huntress, a rare kind to his people. The huntress clothing hung to her like a second piece of skin on her body, showing him every lucious curve she has.From the curves of her breast to the curves of her hips and the curve of her rounded but firm buut.When he looked at her face once again he found himself lost in the deep depts of her green eyes. Her long Brown hair was straight and hung to just above her hips. Then he noticed the little beauty mark right above her full heart shaped mouth,adding sexiness to her looks.
He held out his hand to her and said,

" tu sei il mio compagno di amore " you are my lovemate.

Chapter 5

"no" Jayla said to him.

Darian looked at her, trying to figure her out.When she looked up she stared into icy blue eyes. But when her gaze slid up and down his body,He was as handsome as ever. His hair was a blue black, she could tell that he has been out a lot hunting by the 8 pack of abs he has. But his eyes were what caught her attention. She could feel his lonelyness by just looking at them.

"What?" he told her

"I said no"she repeated

He frowned,"But you are my lovemate, the other half of my soul,you were made for me"

"well to bad,when you've been rejected by your love mate you seem not to care anymore,which is what i went through"

He scowled,"what do you mean?"

"are you seriously going to give me this bullshit? I mean ,dont you remember? On that last day you were in the village i

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