» Romance » Spring Dance, Pat Johnson [read full novel txt] 📗

Book online «Spring Dance, Pat Johnson [read full novel txt] 📗». Author Pat Johnson

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Study hall…last class of the day before what is suppose to be a relaxing weekend working on the car he had just bought. But the relaxing weekend would only happen if Jim finished his history report before the bell rang, and at the moment that just didn’t seem possible. Jim had been sitting at a work station in study hall with an open book in front of him, still turned to the same page that he had opened forty-five minutes ago when study hall first started. Jim just sat there, staring into space, chewing on the end of his pencil wondering how in the world he had gotten into the situation that was clouding his mind.

“Why in the world did I say yes,” he wondered to himself as he assessed the problem in his mind. “Nerd boy…never goes to these dang dances and suddenly I find myself roped into going to one all because I can never say no to my best friend....and with Marissa of all people.”

As he stood up, stretching his arms over his head to relieve the kinks in his back he spots the very girl he wants to avoid. Marissa, homecoming queen and head cheer leader, was heading into study hall. Long blond hair, curvacious, and long sexy legs. A girl any guy in his right mind would want to be seen with....except him. Marissa was totally out of his league. She was followed by her friend Molly who was Jim's best friend. Both were chattering back and forth and did not see Jim, who very quickly sunk down in his seat, hoping the front of the tall work station would keep him from being seen.

Both girls put their books on a table in front of Jim’s workstation and sat down with their backs to him.

“I cannot believe that I let you talk me into asking the king nerd to take me to the Spring Dance Molly.” Marissa moaned “He will probably wear a pair of polyester slacks and a plaid sports coat.”

“Hey, Jim is nice and besides, it is only one dance and the theme is The Fifties so if he does dress like that he will fit right in, right?” Molly answered back laughing softly as she came to Jim's rescue

“Nice or not he is not Rocky,” Marrisa replied ignoring Molly's question.“I know now that I need to think before I act when Rocky and I have a fight and I want to make him jealous. If I knew where I could find Jim I would just cancel going to the dance with him and stay home.”

“I have his cell phone number so you can call him.” Molly told her as she pulled her cell phone out of her back pack and opened it up, handing it to Marissa. “It is number 1 on speed dial.”

Jim quickly reached into his pocket and tugged his phone out, turning it off. He did not want it to ring and give his position away. Just as Marrisa took the phone in her hand, Rocky walked into the library with a very sexy red head hanging onto his arm, laughing softly at something he whispered in her ear.

Smacking him lightly on the arm the red head said, “Oh Rocky, you are so bad.”

They headed to the back of study hall, not even noticing Marissa staring at them, her mouth wide open in astonishment.

“Did you see that?” Marissa exclaimed “We have not even officially broke up and he is already hooking up with Sherry!”

“We are in study hall and we don’t want Ms. Thompson coming over here so tone your voice down” warned Molly softly.

After a few minutes of standing there staring after Rocky and Sherry, Marissa handed the phone back to Molly and sat down.

“Guess I am stuck going to the dance with nerd boy after all.” Marissa complained. “I just hope I can make Rocky jealous enough to make him come back to me and forget all about Sherry.”

Seeing and hearing everything, Jim smiled to himself as he thought to himself, “Nerd boy am I? Guess it is time to show Ms. Homecoming Queen another side of nerd boy even Molly has not seen.”

Knowing that there was no way to sneak out of the study hall without being seen by Molly and Marissa, he sat there and tried to concentrate on his report but finally gave up when his mind kept wandering to the evening ahead.

Suddenly the bell rang, breaking into his thoughts. He shut his book and slipped it into his back pack, patiently waiting for the girls to leave.

“What time is Jim picking you up?” asked Molly

“He said around seven o’clock.” Marissa responded as she gathered her things. “See you at the dance?”

“Sure will. Smile and try to enjoy yourself tonight.” Molly said “I'm sure you will have a good time if you just let yourself relax.”

The girls walked out of study hall talking softly and giggling. Giving them a few minutes lead way, Jim finally got up and stretched the kinks out of his back. Slinging his book bag over his shoulder he headed out for home planning in his mind how to show Ms. Homecoming Queen just how wrong she was about nerd boy.

By six-thirty Marrisa was sitting on her window seat staring out the window watching for Jim's old red beat-up truck she saw him drive to school everyday to roll down her street. She could only imagine what the inside looked like. He probably had a floor board full of pop bottles and twinkle wrappers. As she sat there smoothing down her baby blue poodle-skirt, she saw a cherry red Mustang moving slowly down the street, as if looking for a particular house.

Sighing, Marrisa thought to herself, “Man, sure wish I was going with Rocky tonight.”

When she looked out the window again she saw the mustang stop, then pull into her drive. Figuring the car was just using her drive as a turn around, she continued to sit there. Much to her surprise, Marrisa heard the car engine stop and the driver side door slowly opened. A few minutes later she saw Jim climb out of the car carrying a corsage box.

Jim rolled his shoulders and shut the door. He was dressed in form fitting black jeans with a white t-shirt that was pretty much molded to his chest showing off muscles Marrisa did not know Jim had. His hair was slicked back in a duck tail so popular in the fifties. As he made his way to her front door Marrisa jumped up and did a quick look in the mirror to make sure hair was fluffed out and her lipstick was on straight. In spite of the fact she was just using Jim to make Rocky jealous, Marrisa found her heart pounding with excitement.

Hearing the door bell ring, she took a deep breath and made her way downstairs wishing now that she had told her parents to stick around instead of insisting that they go on to their weekly dinner date. If they had been there her dad could have opened the door allowing her to make a grand entrance.

Opening the door, Marrisa said, “Hi Jim. Please come in while I get my sweater.”

Jim stepped inside the foyer, looking around for her parents. He held out the corsage box, “This is for you. I wasn't sure what color your blouse was so I got you a white orchid wrist corsage.”

Marrisa turned around and held out her wrist, surprised at his choice of flower. “Would you please put it on for me?”

After fumbling and almost dropping the box, he got the box open. He laid the box on the entry table and slipped the corsage on her wrist. When she got her sweater, Jim took it from her and held it out for her to slip her arms into, something that Rocky never did for her.

When they walked out the door, Jim offered her his arm. “Allow me to escort you to the car Marrisa.”

“Is this your car?” she asked in awe

“Yes it is.” Jim told her “I just finished restoring it about a month ago so this is really the first time I have had her out. And don't worry, she is safe to ride in. I did take it for a small test drive after I restored her.”

When they got to the car Marrisa reached for the door handle but Jim beat her to it. He opened the door and helped her inside, then shut the door behind her. Jim came around to the other side and got in. When he started the car, music from the '50's came out of the speakers.

“Thought since we were going to a sock hop we might as well listen to that kind of music to get us in the mood to dance.” he told Marrisa giving her a big smile. “I just love this type of music. It is what my band and I play at the club on Saturday night.”

“You play in a band?” Marrisa asked in astonishment as she watched him out of the corner of her eye.

“Actually I am the lead singer and they are playing tonight at the dance.” Jim said proudly. “But don't worry, they have a lead singer so you and I can enjoy the dance.”

She found herself wondering if he could actually dance or if he had two left feet. Thankfully she had opted to wear sneakers instead of heels so if he did have two left feet he wouldn't cause her to trip if he stepped on her feet.

Without taking his eyes off the road Jim said, “You look very pretty tonight Marrisa. Blue is a very good color for you. It brings out the blue in your eyes.”

“Thank you.” she answered back, not use to getting sincere compliments from a guy before.

They drove the rest of the way to the dance in silence, letting the music and Jim's singing break the silence. When they drove into the school lot, Marrisa saw Rocky and Sherry heading into the gym. After parking the car, she reached over to open the door.

Putting his hand on her arm Jim quietly said, “Ladies do not open their own doors.”

He quickly got out and came around to open her door, helping her out of the car.

“Hey guys!” Molly yelled from the next row. “About time you got here.”

She hurried over to them, dragging her date with her. Taking a good look at Jim she smiled wide and gave him a thumbs up.

“Hi Molly. Hi Sam.” Jim said once again offering Marrisa his arm. “Let's get this party started.”

They walked in the gym that was decorated with balloons of all colors, red, blue, yellow, green, and many more colors. There was also posters on

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