» Romance » New Life, Cookie Chihuahua [digital e reader txt] 📗

Book online «New Life, Cookie Chihuahua [digital e reader txt] 📗». Author Cookie Chihuahua

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Chapter 1


Lana's P.O.V.

'Hey bitch!'

I groaned inwardly to myself as I heard the voice I had been dreading for the past 6 weeks. I turned around slowly and came face to face with my living nightmare, Melissa Grimshaw. Standing at 5ft 9", she towered over my petite 5ft 2" frame. Looking down on me through her wavy Aurburn hair, she smirked.

'Oh this years going to be fun' she laughed as she took in my appearence. Blue jeans, white tank top and a zip up hoodie. topped off with my black high top converse. Face framed by my ash blonde hair; hiding my abnormal eyes; my right eye a bright blue, wereas my left is a dark chocolate brown. I suppose this is why she picks on me. I kept my head down because, after many years of this, I have learnt that looking into Melissa's eyes would only anger her.


Luckily before she could critisise me any longer her captain of the footbal team boyfriend Josh Collins swooped in and grabbed Melissa. I took this opportunity to escape and go on a search for my one and only friend Zoey Parkins. I needed to compare time tables with her to see is either of us were safe from the evil clutches of Melissa. Looking around, I finally find the bouncing red head near my old locker.

'Zoe!' I called. She turned around and her eyes instantly brightened.

'Lana!' she cried as she ran over to me. I was happy to finally see my best friend again after the 6 weeks we had spent away from each other. We normally would have spent everyday together, but her family had taken her on holiday. My heart had sunk when she told me. I knew she hated leaving me as she knew me and my mum could hardly afford to keep our house, let alone go on holiday, but I was happy for her.

'I haven't seen you in like forever!' she cried still bouncing around.

'Zoe, it's only been 6 weeks!' I laughed as she finally stopped bouncing.

'Only 6 weeks! But that's like ages!' she said looking horrified.

'It was a long time' I agreed 'but I had my books and my drawings to keep my company'

Another reason why Melissa especially enjoyed picking on me; no-one liked a creative geek.

'Yeah,  well you would say that wouldn't you' she laughed 'Hey gove me your time table' she said, grabbing it out of my hands.

'Well if someone hadn't taken art we would basically have the same lessons' she complained 'but we do have spanish, maths and PE together so I suppose that's a plus.'

I was happy that I was sharing some of my favourite lessons with her. Honestly, even though I read a lot I absolutely hate english and instead adore PE.


We both jumped as the bell for our first lesson rang 'shit' we both cried. After 7 years at this school, we still hadn't gotten used to the schools abnormally loud bell. We both sadly headed in different directions  to out first lessons. Mine being english. What a lovely way to start a money morning. NOT. School passed quite quickly after that as I had art anf all of my other lessons with Zoey.


Trailing my way home that afternoon, I stopped by the newsagents to pick up some essentials that I knew wouldn't be in the house. After unlocking the unstable front door to the tiny bungalow me and my mother shared, I went into my very bare bedroom and flopped down on my rickty old bed. My bedroom only consisted of my bed, wardrobe and a desk which contained all of my books and drawing tools.

I lay there and tried to control the pain that was going through me. I had been feeling this since the beginning of english. I had put it down to the nerves of a new school year with Melissa but surely I shouldn't still be feeling like this should I? I just lay down and tried to go to sleep.


The rest of the week passed in a blur of pain. I must have looked like shit because even Melissa kept her distance, obviously not thinking it was worth getting ill. However by friday I had had enough. I finally went to my mum.

'Mum, I feel really bad' I explained.

I had expected her to put me back to be and comfort me like usual.  However, I had not expected her to freeze with a horrified look on her face. She led me to my bed and asked

'What exactly feels bad love?'

'Well' I started 'I've been aching all wekks and my head feels like it is about to explode.'

To my surprise she looked relieved by this.

'Okay the dear, I think you might just be coming down with the flu, you just lie down and get some rest.' She got up and went to head out of my room.

'Hey mum?'

She stopped and turned around,


Is it normal to be really itchy when you have to flu because -' 

I was cut off when she came flying towards me and was asking hurridly,

'Where! Where is it itching most?'

I slowly turned around and pointed to my lower back. I would feels her gentle fingers prying my T-shirt up to look at my back

'Oh god no' she gasped 'Why now?!'


Shane's P.O.V.

I had been feeling like complete and utter shit all week, but like usual,I just put it off as aching muscles from tryouts. I was walking into my bedroom when I felt the sharpest pain of all in my lower back. Running to my mirror, I twisted around and stared at my lower back. There in tiny writing was the mating symbol.

"Suus Illam Invenire"

"Illam Ad Tueri Suus"

"Sua Suus Amor"

(Her's to find,

Her's to protect,

Her's to love.)

It was time; my mate was ready.





Chapter 2


Lana's P.O.V.

It wasn't until wednesday the pain had receeded enough for me to be able to go back to school again. My mum pratically pleading, telling me that I didn't have to to go to school; but honestly, I think I'd rather face Melissa than stay in that room a day longer.


I had no mobile phone, so I couldnt call Zoe to explain why I wasn't in school, but I know she would understand. Walking warily down the grimmy school hallways, I wondered what Zoey had been doing for the past few days. She didn't have any other friends, so she must have been hiding in the library whenever it was lunch or break time


I had been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise there was a couple busy making out against the wall until I walked into them

'Hey, watch it!' growled the girl. She began to turn back towards the boy who was atleast a foot taller than her, when she did a double take. Her eyes widened.

'LANA!' She crie, jumping onto me. I hadn't even realised it was Zoe. 'When did you get back?!'

I just looked at her, to the boy and back to her.

'Oh sorry, Lana this is Tom, Tom this is Lana.'

Tom reached over to me and stuck his hand with a smile which would have ususally made me go weak at the knees. However, it didn't seem to affect me today. I took his hand and looked up at him. He froze mid shake when he saw my eyes. I began to look back downn when he laughed and said.

'Your eyes are awesome!'

I looked back uo quickly shocked. No-one had ever complimented my eyes before, let alone someone as gorgeous at Tom. He stood at about 6ft 2", was fairly muscular, had jet black hair and shockily blue eyes. I felt my own eyes narrowing, expecting him to follow up with an insult. I was surprised when nothing came.

'Lana, you need to learn how to take compliments.' Zoe laughed 'Anyway Tom moved to this school on Friday and was in a couple of my lessons, I would have introduced you then but you didn't look very well...' She explained 'And now we are just... very good friends.'

'Uh-huh' I laughed 'good friends who attack each others faces in the hallways.'

'Yep' they both laughed.

'I got to go babe, I'll see you at lunch; nice to finally meet you Lana!' Tom called as he begam his way down the hallway. I raised my eyebrow at Zoe.

'Oh shush' she sighed 'He's cute though isn't he.'

'I suppose, not really my type though.'

'Oh psshh, let's get to class.'


I was making my way to luch when someone grabbed the hood of my hoodie and swung me against the lockers.

'Where were you bitch? I was missing our games.'

Oh crap - Melissa.

'Answer me bitch!' she growled into my ear. I was obviously taking too long to answer. Hands grabbed my arms and swung me around to face Melissa. Melissa's followers, Jodie and Kylie, held me up against the lockers. Melissa reached back and punched me in the stomach. I slumped forward, winded.

'Now, i'll ask again. WHERE WERE YOU!'

'I - Ill!' I gasped.

'Yes, you did look like shit on Friday, but then again, you look like shit everyday.'

She hit me again.

'Now tell me the truth!'

'I AM!' I cried.

I closed my eyes waiting for another blow; it didn't come. The hands holding my arms disappeared. I slowly opened my eyes to see Tom with Melissa's wrist in his hand.

'Let me go, you bastard!' she screamed

'Not until you apologise to Lana.'

'No fucking way!' He tightened his grip in her wrist, she yelped.

'Okay, okay I'm sorry!'

'Good, now leave.'

They scattered.

'Lana are you alright?' I nodded still too pained to reply.

'Come on let's go to Zoey.' He led me towards the lunch room.

'Lana? Lana are you alright?' screeched Zoey.

'Yeah Zoe, just had a run in with Melissa is all.' Her eyes widened, but she nodded knowingly.

'You need to learn how to stand up to her.' she said. I just gave her pained look and went to get lunch.


School passed without another incident that day and i started to walk back home. As i approached, I slowed as I saw a black car outside out house. This wasn;t right. Neither me or my mtoher owned a car - too expensive. So we either had rich visitors (ha), or it was the debt collecctors. I was starting to lean towards the second option. I ran towards the house.


Shane P.O.V.

I had finally shown my parents my mark on Tuesday night after the pain had become so extreme I could barely move. As soon as they saw it, I was in the back of the car. heading north. The pain receeded more the further north we were. So, my soon to be wife lived in the north of England. The pain wasn't so bad anymore so i was able to sleep for a while.


I awoke to a searing pain in my stomach. I looked outside to see it was almost noon. I was about to ask where we were heading when another shot of pain hit my stomach - my mate was getting hurt. The thought made me see red. I don't know why, I didn't want to have a mate at

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