» Romance » HighSchool Discrimination, TillTheEnd ☻ [inspirational books to read .txt] 📗

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        R O S I E ' S  P O V                   

I cuddled beside Christian, feeling the warmth from his broad chest. We were cuddling at the top bench, supported by the fence that was poking my back. We stared at the group of soccer players; kicking, passing, and sliding through the dirt. It was dark outside and the only thing that gave us light and almost blinded me was the numerous lamp posts at each side of the field. I couldn't imagine anything more romantic than having my boyfriend with me while I watch my favorite sport that my boyfriend also played. 

We both had a thing for soccer though I knew that should be kept a secret from everyone. Christian didn't know either, the dream I've always wanted to achieve. To become a famous soccer player was the top priority of Rosie Hamilton, until I had to give it up for middle school and high school. It's the way you survive through the teenage years until I make it into college. Hopefully, the years pass by because I can't wait to kick, slide, and pass. 

 To be honest, I was a maniac when it came to soccer. You give me a field and a ball, and I'll show you skills. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to touch a single soccer ball since third grade. I cuddled closely until I was under Christian's chin, embraced by strong arms that made me happy. I felt more warmer with the blanket that was wrapped around me. Christian was generous enough to bring a blanket for me. 

"Babe, are you having fun?" Christian asked. "I know you don't like sports but I couldn't take you anywhere other than here." 

"Yeah, you're grounded and you're not allowed to buy anything." I laughed. "It's fine. It's better than nothing." 

I was practically lying to him. I rather watch soccer than eat outside to some fancy dinner. It wasn't like I meant to keep it a secret from him, I just couldn't trust him even though we've been dating two years from now. He's been sweet and generous but sometimes he scared me with the possesive type; always wondering where I went or who I was with. It relieved him just to know I was beside him, going nowhere but wherever he was. 

I felt prisoned but he always made me feel safe, somewhat. I kept the jittery feeling inside me, waiting to burst out because I was excited to see a game after all these years. Just now, I would treasure this like it was the last time I'd ever watch soccer again. Yes, I watched Christian practice but it wasn't the same from a real game. I wasn't allowed to watch his tournaments or even cheer for him. It wasn't allowed in our school, you stay where you belong and that's that. 

And that's stupid. 

I kept my opinions to myself though saying a single word about it will end up ruining my childhood dreams. I don't want my future children to think of me as a total loser. I want to appear as someone they can look up too or someone they are proud of. I want to leave a legacy in their mind. Eh, sounds creepy but whatever.

I gripped my blanket, slowly breathing in the agitating feeling of excitement. Swallowing what I couldn't do, I brought out my phone. Writing in my anonymous website, sharing my feelings and problems that made me at peace. Knowing, that random people cheered me up and got me through it. People all over the world supported the weakling me. 

Rosie Hamilton, the weakling. 

"Rose, don't worry" he smiled. "I'll get my credit card back and I'll buy you the new pants you wanted. You know, the one that costs fourty dollars." 

I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, the one with pockets." 

"The one Justin Bieber wears to hide his skinny legs." 

I pulled away, staring into his blue eyes that reflected myself. I bit the bottom of my lip and slapped him on his thigh. "Don't mess with Justin, you're just jealous that he has more girls than you." He snorted, looking away; feeling judged and compared. He always took everything seriously and that's what I hate about him. He couldn't take a joke. For real, I found that unattractive for guys out there. 

"You're kidding, right? I found puberty the first time I learned the ABC's and he found puberty the first time he learned how to ride a car," he proclaimed. The people around us, eyed us with irritating looks; bothered with the fact that we weren't paying attention to the game but was obviously having a quarrel. 

"Chill, I was joking. You're acting immature again and it's getting annoying," I said softly, pissed off. 

"I'm immature? You're the one comparing me to Justin Bieber," he paused, glaring. I pushed myself away from him, keeping a distant between him and I. 

"Whatever. You know what, I'm leaving," I said, snatching the jacket I gave him from the bleachers. I could sense the guilty aura coming from him and I, who wasn't listening to any pleads that came from his mouth, glared at him once more before disappearing into the parking lot. Unfortunately, he was a coward not to chase after me. 


I searched for my phone but noticed I left it on the bleachers and it was beside Christian. Depressed, I tried to bring myself to come back but decided to take a phone call from the local store downtown. I pulled the large jacket on and snuggled through it's warm feeling. 

It was February, the month that still hasn't recovered from winter. Honestly, I was more into summer than I was more into winter. Though I do frequently have sunburns from the sun, it's better than having sick days due to the fact that I was easily taken in by nasty pathogens. 

I walked through the streets and felt violated by the random stares people gave me. Mostly the hookers and random ladies that passed by scared me the most. One of them blew smoke right into my right eye, almost blinding me. The other, leaned closer and smiled at me. Not to mention, she had a teeth filled with random crap I do not want to know. 

I made my way across the local store and decided to make a run for it. Crossing the street while there wasn't any cars around. I paused to stare at the group of guys that went to my school, fill the vacant side of the store. They stood on skateboards while they took sips of some random juice. If I wasn't mistaken, it looked like beer or something like that. 

They seemed to notice me, post-phoning on what they were about to do, to stop and stare at me. One of them decided to wink at me. I couldn't help but blush right in front of them. It wasn't like they weren't good-looking. To be honest, they were amazingly gorgeous. They were between skinny and muscly, just an averagre body with a beautiful face placed on top of it. 

"Rosie," one of them called out. "You're the top "Pretty Perfect" girl. What are you doing out here alone?" 

I shrugged, bitting the bottom of my lip. "I just came from a soccer tournament, had a fight with my boyfriend, left my phone behind, and decided to use the local store's phone instead." 

"Hey, you can use mine. I wouldn't mind," one guy said, walking towards me. He handed me his phone and let out a smile. I wasn't surprised that these guys were generous, they were a family and was literally loyal to anyone. Not to mention, they were voted as the most generous group in our school. Cheerleaders were on the bottom of the list along with the rest of the groups such as soccer, basketball, and football. 

"Thanks," I smiled. "I can't believe you'd help out a 'cheerleader'. Not to mention, the rule that seperated us to hang out." 

They shrugged. "Restictions, those are the worst. It's completely stupid. Like, it's discrimination all over again." I couldn't help but agree with them, the people who made those rules acted like they owned America. It wasn't fair but I couldn't do anything about it, many people already agreed with it. Mostly the people on the bottom of the lists and the people who were considered popular. 


"Yeah, tell me about it." I sighed. "I hate hanging out with people that doesn't have a single common thing with me." 

"By the way, aren't you. Well, six of you, going to introduce yourself?" I asked, turning the phone on. 

 They stared at eachother than shrugged. It was something they did frequently, like it was some kind of habit that skaterboarders had. 







 R Y ' S   P O I N T  O F  V I E W

I stared at the two boxes grasped at both hands. I didn't know which one I should pick because they wanted both. It wasn't like I had enough money to pay for both especially since I was the one who paid for the sports drink they bought. It was a mixutre of piss and prune juice. Obviously, it tasted like shit and I didn't know why they were addicted to it.

I decided to pick Oreos instead of Chips Ahoy because I wanted Oreos more. Yeah, I counted my opinion and I was the one paying, I atleast have a say in what I should buy. I handed the Oreo box at the casher and took out my wallet. She stared at me with suspicioun, like I was about to suddenly rape her or something like that. Please, I'm way out of her league.

She handed me back the box and I gave her the money. She would take fast glances and then, look away. I didn't know if she had a thing for me or just cautious.

"You can keep the change," I said, denying the change that was reached out to me. "And next time, don't stare at customers that doesn't want to be stared at."

She looked at me surprised but then, looked away. She was probably embarrassed or guilty at the same time. It didn't matter, she should've spoken up for herself. I despised people that don't say the things  they wanted to say and kept it to themselves. Like, express yourself instead of keeping it cooped up in your mind and chest. Feelings, opinion, ideas, etc. Don't keep it to yourself, say it and someone will likely listen.

Sometimes, you have to speak up or nothing will change.

I exited the local store and threw the box at Brett, who was on his phone, texting. He glared at me and then, picked up the box that landed on the ground when it hit him.

"Thanks," he said, opening the box. "Rosie, you want some Oreos while you wait?"

I turned my attention towards her and noticed she was here this whole time. Well, she wasn't the type that would hang around us; the group that's not allowed to hang out with her popular group. So, I don't know why

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