» Romance » White Roses Red, Anna Huscha [philippa perry book TXT] 📗

Book online «White Roses Red, Anna Huscha [philippa perry book TXT] 📗». Author Anna Huscha

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Birthday Surprise

It was her eighteenth birthday and he was planning on surprising her. He lay in bed with the thought on his mind, he knew just how to do it, he had been planning this one for a month and a half, a wide smile spread across his lips as he laid next to her. Trying to keep a straight face as his time ran out. He only had five minutes before his girlfriend, Kara Baker would wake up for her day.

The time seemed to tick slowly, seconds seemed to turn into hours, he closed his eyes and tried to relax as she tossed in bed. He smiled bigger as he felt her hands on his sides.

"Morning baby" She whispered to him, kissing his cheek.

"Mmm, morning" He responded, turning to place her lips to his, she played with his hair. She seemed to wait for something and he knew what it was but purposefully, he prolonged it.

"Going to add anything?" Kara asked, he seemed to think about it.

"What is there to add?" He asked, with a new found confusion. His plans wouldn't be ruined this fast.

"Really?" Kara asked, she didn't bother to hide her disappointment as she got out of bed.

"What?" He asked as he climbed out and followed her to the bathroom.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, having just turned eighteen and your boyfriend not showing any interest has something to do with it!" She shouted at him, he blinked then nodded.

"Oooh! It's your birthday? I'm sorry boo, happy birthday" Mike said, he opened his arms to her for a hug but she just slammed the door into her face. His plan was going smooth so far or at least, the way he expected them to do. He just smiled.

Walking towards the dresser, he opened the second drawer and pulled out a clean pair of jeans. He had a huge surprise for her and he was going to show her it today. He was nineteen with short brown hair, brown eyes, and was tall. An athletic build and worked out regularly. He paid attention well and remembered every small thing.

Including her favorite flower, the white rose.

He listened as the water in the bathroom turned on, signalling that she was in the shower, he changed his close from his boxers to his socks before spraying a small amount of cologne onto his chest. Stretching, he waited. He'd surprise her first by taking her out for breakfast.

While waiting, he felt a jolt of pain wriggle through his chest, going from his gut to his heart. He ignored it.

After a while, the shower finally turned off and shuffling could be heard. She was softly singing to herself as she did every shower, she wrapped a towel around herself before walking out.

She slowly walked over to him, the shower having seemed to wash away her anger, he placed his hands onto her hips and drew her near.

"You know I love you" He said softly to her, resting his chin on the exposed part of her flesh while looking up at her. She smiled while kissing his forehead.

"I love you too and I know it's not your fault that you can be a little slow sometimes" Kara said with a small wink, jokingly. He chuckled.

"Hey now" Mike said up to her before standing up, he stood a few inches taller than herself, her hair was still drenched.

"Dry off while I go shave" He said, with a kiss on her lips, he went towards the bathroom. She smiled watching him go, she took her towel off of her and started to dry her hair as the water ran. He closed the door, opening the medicine cabinet he took out his pain killers. Popping one into his mouth, he washed it down with water.

Leaning on the sink, he sighed, rubbing his face with one hand while the other held him up.

He left the bathroom and greeted the now dressed Kara, on the bed. Taking her hand, he smiled then kissed it, moving in closer to her. He placed such a velvety soft kiss upon her lips, biting her lower lip softly, he entered her mouth. Intensely, his passion and love for her flooded into the kiss. With this one, he showed her three years of their relationship. His tongue longed for hers and its wish was granted as hers came up to meet his.

When he pulled away, she moved slightly forward, not wanting it to end. He smiled so sweetly with his forehead to hers, softly kissing her once before before drawing back. She didn't know what to say, a comfortable silence fell down around them as she lightly dragged her fingers over her lips. Mike reached his hand out, offering to help her up, she took it before moving her arms to slip around his neck. He held her close.

"I've got something to show you" Mike whispered against the flesh of her neck, placing a random kiss where his lips fell. He drew back and took her hand, leading her down the hall and out of the house. Getting behind the wheel, he waited for her to get into the car.

Once adjusted, he started and drove off towards his destination; with a bewildered and excited Kara.

It was a late night once again, one in the morning to be exact and he aws pulling into the drive way yet again. He slammed onto the side of the wheel before taking his keys and getting out. She was yell at him again, she would be laying in bed alone, again. He'd feel bad, he'd get yelled at, he'd get accused.

He was to blame, pulling into the driveway at one in the morning. He didn't smell of another woman, he didn't have another woman's kisses all over his neck, mouth, face, or other unsaid regions. No. He had dirt underneath his finger tips, pricks along his hands and arms, with blood trickling softly out of scratches along his forearms.

"Where were you?" Kara asked groggily, anger crept not far behind, waiting for an 'excuse'. He had been doing this every other week, every day he had found ways to tell her that he had to go do something. She didn't ask, she didn't follow, though she did hound him afterwards for an explanation. In which, she never had gotten.

"I was doing something, I'm sorry" Mike explained, he had been doing this for three months. Waiting for the right time to tell her all the truth, but for now, he had to risk her accusations, her blaming him for things he wasn't doing, for thinking he was a dirty man. He loved her nonetheless and was faithful; and so, took the blames and names.

She sighed, again, the same thing he said every time she asked him. She turned on her side and pulled the blanket up to her neck; she was too tired to fight with him right now. He walked into the bathroom and turned the faucet on, wetting his hands a little before scrubbing them with soap. He winced and spoke curses underneath his breath as the soap stung the cuts on his hands and fingers. He rinsed off the soap, it cleansed his 'dirty deeds' as Kara liked to call them. If only she really knew.

In time, she would.

Mike glanced over at her, keeping his eyes on the road, but every now and again, he liked to look at his beautiful girlfriend. She smiled and slipped her hand into his, lacing their fingers.

He smiled, he couldn't be any happier than he was when he was with her. Love-struck, was what many people liked to call him, some used sick puppy, crush, childhood fantasy. He was just entering college, him and his girl, both. He had graduated from high-school a football star but hadn't fulfilled it. It wasn't what he loved to do. Guitar playing, skateboarding, goofing off, doing whatever he felt like in the spur of the moment was what he had wanted to do. As for College, he'd go for a doctor license.

Squeezing her hand, he thought of the day they had met, trying to keep his mind on the road.

"He's not attracted to me" Kara whispered to her friend, Sara.

"I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking he does" Sara spoke softly, nudging her gently with her elbow. Kara wriggled at it and glanced back at the said boy, trying not to make it obvious that they were thinking about him. He was with his friends, the popular boy that wasn't oh-so-popular. Confusing, yet understandable. He was respected by all but mysterious. He was on the football team but let everyone know he disliked it. He was making his weak, old man proud. It was the only thing he asked of his son.

He had no problem doing it, he did it with all that he could, and refused to let his father down. He was sitting with his the respected guys, his skater, druggy friends. He loved them over his football brothers but was on speaking terms and understanding grounds with each sports person. None of which honestly knew how he was, just knew he was a football brother.

Kara couldn't stop glancing at him, after what her friend said, it gave her some false hope. Hope she wished she could push out of her head so she wouldn't get too hurt when she found out he didn't like her. Nobody she ever liked liked her in return. She bit the inside of her lip, wishing she could stare at him for forever.

That's when he lifted his gaze and looked right at her, she could swear he looked over her, through her, or someone told him she was staring at him, so she looked away. She blushed but was too curious, so looked back at him shyly. He was still glancing at her. Once he caught her eye, the left side of his mouth turned upward. Smiling softly at her. It was at her, no mistake. Her heart fluttered as she saw it. He was gorgeous.

He was tall, even compared to most people, with spiked up brown hair and matching brown eyes, though normal; it was really good looking to her. His face was that of a drop-dead gorgeous person. Underneath his shirt, she could tell he was toned, someone who possibly went to the gym on a regular basis.

She willed herself to look away, to tease him in a way, but she couldn't. She couldn't get enough of how he looked; no matter how much she wanted to just look even straight. He kept looking at her before finally dropping his eyes, talking with a friend.

"Kara?" Sara asked, she was still looking, Sara saw what she was looking at before elbowing her gently.

"Kara!" Sara exclaimed, she finally turned towards her friend.

"Y-yeah?" Kara asked, wondering how long she had been staring at him.

"Dork, were you staring at him?" Sara asked, Kara looked to the side.

"Maybe" Kara confessed.

"Oh, you were! Cute, isn't he?" Sara asked, Kara nodded.

"It's a shame though, people have been saying he's got his eye on Jenn" Hailey spoke up, sitting across from them, she was a gorgeous girl with green eyes. Having orange-red

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