» Romance » Pranking with the boys!, Faith R, Hailey M [mystery books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Pranking with the boys!, Faith R, Hailey M [mystery books to read .txt] 📗». Author Faith R, Hailey M


“Move aside peasants, the seniors have arrived!”  Liam boldly shouted, pushing students from his path in a playful manner.  His hand was raised in the air in a regal fashion, a smug pout set on his lips and his chin raised in confidence, eyes set straight forward.  The rest of his friends followed in a less dramatic manner and instead regarded Liam with a debating look, debating whether if they should just leave his diva ass here and run off.  Freshman students scurried out of the way, worried looks plastered on their faces.  The other years, who were by now used to Liam’s antics, shoved him playfully back or laughed and ducked out of the way.  Liam was unperturbed by these attacks and still kept his posture intact.         


“Liam, you’ve only been a senior for a few minutes and you’re already receiving death glares from the freshman,” Carly warned.  She raised an eyebrow at the glares the small yet awfully cute, new freshman were sending Liam, who was completely oblivious to them. Summer vacation had just finished and the gang was back to school, the gang being – Carly, Callum, Liam, Jasper, Dylan, Marissa, Samantha, Lillian and Elliot – after last year’s bet the guys had added five new members to their crew.


“Oh shit!” Carly hissed under her breath, stopping in the middle of the hallway. 


“What’s up?” Elliot asked, stopping beside her and bending down to view the side of her face.


“I need to get to my own locker and I don’t think I’m going to get anywhere through this,” She indicated to a range of students all conversing with each other, some from freshman, others from senior, junior and sophomore years were lingering in the corridors, making the freshman look smaller than they really were.


“I could give you an escort,” Liam chimed from behind Carly, practically bouncing to the idea.


She stared at him for a second and almost felt guilty for her next word, “No,” The key word here is almost.


“I know a short cut,” Elliot whispered so only the gang could hear but he immediately added “Only soccer players are allowed to know.” That left a deflated Liam to fall dramatically to the floor.


“Curse you Elliot, curse you.” He continued to mutter under his breath while Marissa bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing at Liam’s downfall.


“Okay then tell me,” Carly urged Elliot, ignoring Liam’s continuous melodramatic acting.


“I can’t tell you, I have to show you,” He whispered in her ear making Carly blush ever so slightly “Come on,” he said taking her hand in his.


Liam instantly snapped his head in the direction Elliot and Carly had ran off in, hand in hand. He got to his feet and stared at the two still walking down the corridor, he could see Carly laughing at something Elliot must have told her. 


“I HATE YOU ELLIOT MORGANS!” Liam shouted before ducking behind Marissa, who had allowed her laughter to finally burst free. She turned around in time to meet eyes with Elliot and Carly, both of them confused.   Marissa pointed towards Liam, who had started crawling on the floor like he had turned invisible. Carly just rolled her eyes and walked away waving at the rest of them, they waved back, still watching the crawling Liam.


“How can you hate your best friend’s boyfriend?”  Marissa asked Liam, as she helped him back to his feet.


“I don’t hate him. In fact I really like him, he’s good to Carly,” Liam told Marissa, a glint in his eyes making him seem cuter, “It’s just...I don’t approve of him taking my Carly away from me!” His voice grew louder, causing a few freshman students to shuffle cautiously away from him.


“Drop the drama, Liam,” Samantha groaned, “You’re disturbing our important conversation.” She promptly turned at this reprimand back to Lillian and carried on their discussion on bras.  Liam turned away, a small blush coating his face. Marissa chuckled at the sight and leaned to kiss him on the cheek, not helping in dimming the maddening blush on his face.


Dylan had been watching Samantha gloss her lips and talk about how expensive the new bras were, which she had bought before school had started. She turned at the tap on her shoulder, Jasper stood behind her with, dare she think it, a somewhat nervous expression.


“What is it Princess?”  Dylan smirked at the nickname she had dubbed him as.  Reminiscing the time Jasper had boldly stripped off his T-shirt and thrown it into a crowd of drunken girls so that he could save his friend.


“Really? You’re not going to let that one go are you?” Jasper breathed out pinching the bridge of his nose.


“How could I it’s priceless,” She chuckled at the annoyed look on his face.


“Beside the point I need to ask you something really important.”  He took her arm in his hand, not forceful but firm, he was serious.


Hope this works, Jasper thought to himself, trying to keep himself from sweating anxiously.


He stopped in a relatively quiet area, the rest of their friends too preoccupied with their topic of discussion to notice that they had abandoned them.  Passing students spared only a single glance at the two of them before moving on.  Jasper took a deep breath; please for the love of God do not faint. 


“Will you go on a date with me?” Jasper quickly blurted out.  He didn’t mean to sound desperate, no; he would kill himself if he had.  He just wanted to get it off his chest; this whole ordeal was driving him crazy.  After the dreaded words left his lips he let out a small sigh, it almost made him sound so laid back about everything.  However, Dylan knew better.


Dylan blinked rapidly; she carried on with this act as if she could make him disappear.  “Excuse me?”  She opened her mouth and then snapped it shut, she tried again, “You’re asking me out?”  Clear shock was slapped on her face at the impossible words he just spoke.


“Yeah, I really like you so I thought it would be a good idea to date. If it doesn’t work then we can move on.”  Jasper was still standing stock still, his words coming out in a rush.


I hope I’m not noticeably sweating, I think I can feel the sweat under my armpits…shit.  Jasper trained his eyes on Dylan, not taking anyone else into account that walked past.


“What do you like about me?” Dylan asked further.


I can’t faint now, of all time not now. Just say. Say it! Jasper thought clutching his hands tighter trying to stop them from sweating.


Does he really like me? Is it my eyes? I do have my father eyes, does he like my eyes? Dylan was still questioning herself when Jasper’s answer was revealed.


“I like your female assets,” Jasper blankly replied.  There was a silence between them; the innocent chatter of the students around them suddenly coming into perspective.


Dylan stared at him blankly, all surprise gone, only a dull sense of disappointment thrummed through her now, “Okay.”


“No!  I said that wrong,” Jasper back tracked.  He finally moved by waving his arms sporadically in front of him and almost smacking her in the face.  “I like you.  I only realized during summer vacation.  You have to understand that it’s very hard to get a reaction out of me-”


“So I’ve noticed,” She interrupted.       


 “-But you were different.  You made me feel annoyed, angry and frustrated all at once.  And God damn it I enjoyed it.”   


Another silence befell them, this time not so drastic.  Down the hall they could hear Callum laughing raucously at something, while Samantha beat him with her bag.  “Cute,” Dylan muttered, smirking slightly at his rose coloured cheeks. 


“Sorry what?” Jasper asked, leaning closer to Dylan to hear more clearly.  She shook her head and stepped back, away from the dangerous proximity.   


“Okay,” She simply said, folding her arms over her chest.


“What?”  He said stupidly. 


This time she chuckled, “Yes Jasper, I’ll go out with you.”  A slow smile spread across his lips until she held up a finger, “But one date only, if it goes to shit we never speak of this again.  Do I make myself clear?”  She warned.


“Crystal,” He agreed, nodding his head.


Five pairs of eyes stared suspiciously at the two people, unconsciously they huddled together.  “Why is Dylan smiling at Jasper?” Liam asked holding onto Marissa, “I hope she isn’t planning on doing horrible things to him, he’s too young to die.”  Marissa turned to him with a quizzical frown, yet, her lips pulled up into an amused grin.


“I think they’re finally partnering up for world domination,” Samantha theorized with a single nod.    


The others agreements were drowned out by the bell shrieking its call of the dreaded.  Waving goodbye and telling each other they would meet after class, they all dispersed to their first period of senior year.



Text: Faith.R/Hailey.M
Images: Google
Editing: Hailey.M
Translation: -None-
Publication Date: 03-27-2015

All Rights Reserved

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