Careless Whispers, Shannon Perkins [the best ebook reader for android txt] 📗

- Author: Shannon Perkins
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One careless whisper can end it all. I'm only saying such a thing because I speak from experience. I used to have it all, for I was an angel, literally. Though, I was a type of angel that could not ignore mortal life or even immortal life that took place below me. How could I? So much excitement, the humans were so interesting, I couldn't contain myself. But I watched one in particular, one female. She wasn't human, she was a demon, you can already sense how that went. I was kicked out of a so called place named 'Heaven'. No, it's not all great, there's nothing interesting up there. So what's the big fuss about it? My, humans are the pure definition of insanity. But such perfect insanity.
Now, let me give you a little picture of what I look like, what I had going for me when I fell. I'm just your average looking girl from afar I guess you could say. Slender build with the perfect curves that gave me the hourglass figure, I stand at about 5'5, pretty average there too. But there are some catches that I have to watch closely. My hair, well, let's say it's unique. At any given moment, any time my mood will change, the color of my hair will change to match what exactly I am feeling, a pain if you ask me, but helpful. My skin used to be flawless, such smooth, pale skin, so inviting. But now, now it's grey, scarred and cracked, just like pavement on an old city road.
I suppose you want to know why, let me explain, but first, allow me to give you a few detail. I fell for a girl. Well, more like collapsed, full of lust and greed. I wanted her all to myself, even after I was kicked from my sanctuary, I still was attracted to her. You would have thought that the fall would have caused some kind of memory loss... God, I wish it did.
Her name was Lilith Knight, she was beautiful, such a perfect curvy body with a breathtaking smile that would spread so easily across her face. Her silver eyes would glimmer without falter when she laughed, her teeth aligned just right, so pearly. Her hair fell down in graceful white waves down her spine that could catch anyone's attention. She was a demon alright, on the outside she looked like an ordinary mortal that had multiple plastic surgeries just to look like she did, but it was natural, maybe that is why I was attracted to her, but one particular act changed everything.
It was late, 2 A.M. to be exact on that fateful day in December. It was particularly cold that day, if you stepped out for only a moment, you could immediately feel your body react negatively, your muscles stiffening, making it difficult to cope with such harsh weather conditions. It's not like I didn't mind though, my body is used to unbearable temperatures. Why you ask? Well, I still don't know the answer to that. I don't remember a lot from my past, but this memory haunts me, so please, allow me to explain why I am the way I am today. I promise, you might not fully regret this decision.
"Lilith!" My voice echoed throughout the silent mansion just after I walked in from my daily jog, tone almost demanding. I needed to feel her touch, hear her soft words that would make everything somehow better. Though, as soon as I walked in, I knew something was not right at all.
When my lover descended down the spiral stair case, panic erupted within my body, adrenaline already coursing throughout my veins, making my immortal heart pound vigorously. "Kadira..." Lilith whispered, tone filled with a raging desire that could drive anyone insane, except me. Never, have I seen her like this.
"W-What's going on, dragă?" There was a sudden grasp on my shoulders with those words, a touch so chilling to the bone, it made my body tremble with utter fear. I could not shake the feeling away, especially when I looked up into those coal black eyes, so mysterious and haunting.
"I want to try something. You'll enjoy it, I know you will." She hissed into my ear, long nails trailing up the side of my neck, caressing the artery within it, I knew she could sense the fear within me, the curiosity as well, though fear was the stronger emotion of the two.
Without another word said, she threw me over her shoulder, carrying my back up the spiral staircase. Everything was fuzzy then, I only remember whispering a few faint words, though they escape my memory right now, in time it will come again I'm sure.
The next thing I know, I'm thrown so violently against the bed, I swear I felt the room shake ever so faintly, but enough to freak someone out, yes. A pair of wings crafted from flames wrapped around my fragile body, I knew it was no use though, an angel, a fallen angel for that matter was weaker than a demon, though I was older and just a tad wiser, she had the strength, which at the time, was all that mattered.
I could not move an inch, the only time I actually moved is when my beloved forced it upon myself, gripping my wings and pulling them apart with such force, they snapped in her grasp. There was a scream, was it my scream? Perhaps... I looked in her eyes once more before I shut mine tightly, as if it would rid the scene, as if it were just another night terror.
"Stay still." Lilith whispered, her tone surprisingly soothing, her actions however, did not match her voice. In a blurred motion, she pulled out a simple dagger that she always kept in her left boot for emergencies. She took a hold of my wrist, almost breaking that in half as well, feeling my bones crack in utter protest made me cringe. With a swift downwards motion, she sliced the palm of my hand, watching as the silver blood dripped down onto the clean bedsheets, just replaced that morning. Another scream, that time I'm sure it was mine.
"De ce faci asta?! Why do you do this?!" I cried out, my back arching up ever so slightly, the searing pain in my hand not letting up. With a wicked grin, Lilith slashed her own, bringing her bleeding hand over to mine, watching as her dark red blood seeped into my wound. That's when the real pain began, but I only felt it for a moment before everything went black, there was nothing. I felt as if I were dying... Again.
Days prior, I remember listening to my lover, she was talking about coming up with some kind of new and improved species. Of course, I thought nothing of it. I trusted her, I loved her. In a way, this all makes sense, right? A fallen angel combined with a demon, succubus if you want to be exact, surely the mix would be strong. But only I know now, I'm the only one, for now.
Tingling, my body was filled with that sensation as the nerves were revived, then soon an achy pain followed. It could be ignored, I suppose, but the small pain was annoying to me. I then commanded myself to open my eyes, it seemed impossible they felt so heavy. I let out a small grunt just then, bringing myself up to a sitting position, only then would my eyes open to a new and defined world. I was still in the room, my silver blood dried onto the sheets around me.
As I turned my head to the left, I saw myself in the full body mirror. Cracked, grey skin, hideous. "C-Ce? What?" Anxiously, I stood and almost collided with the glass, smearing the image just a little with my sweaty hands. My fists pounded against the mirror, making it shatter with just one blow.
I pivoted and ran out of the room, hands grabbing anything I could to support my unstable self... So clumsy I was.
"Lilith?!" No answer, there was no sound at all, not even a breath. My legs buckled from underneath me, and soon I was on the floor, sobbing. I was suffering physically, mentally, emotionally, in anyway you could possibly think of. My heart was beating, pounding even though it felt like it was ripped to shreds. I was betrayed, used.
The only thing I remember was just laying there, after I had wasted all of my tears. I would just stare, my mind wandering, looking at every situation I've ever been in and looking at it from a different perspective, but with this situation, I simply could not, I still can't, which is why I'm explaining it, maybe someone will finally understand.
Two years had passed since that day, the day that haunts my dreams, filling them with every last detail, even adding a little twist to the end. I end up waking with desire. Revenge. Yes, that word is magnificent, it holds many meanings. Every morning I bring my sleep filled body to an up right position, allowing myself to ponder about the situation, though it does not good.
A sudden sound ripped me from my thoughts, the morning dull as the sun slowly began to rise, hidden by the wispy clouds that covered the pink sky. My arm mechanically moved towards the sound, fingers grasping the phone to pull it to my face, eyes squinting as they scanned over the brief text from such a fantastic male.
Rael, a friend. My, how I wish he was more though. Who wouldn't want such a sexy man to be theirs? We had a love-hate relationship, we were basically friends with benefits, there for each other only if we had to be which mostly ended with hardcore sex anyway, just like any other romance novel.
I slowly swung my stiff legs over the side of the king sized bed, arms reaching up to stretch out my flat torso, slowly my hands slid down my chest, brushing over the two D cup mounds, then down my stomach, skin producing the goosebumps that would make my hair stand erect. I swiftly bring myself to a stand, making my way to my wardrobe, I only had just one hour to prepare myself for Rael, anticipation coursing throughout me.
With just a short black dress on and bare feet, I drifted down the spiral staircase just in time for the doorbell to ring, my speed gradually increasing until I found myself sprinting to the old wooden door, flinging it open and wrapping my arms around the muscular form that was before me.
"Ah, Kadira. I'm glad you
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