» Romance » 1 MILLION KISSES, Belinda Louis [uplifting book club books txt] 📗

Book online «1 MILLION KISSES, Belinda Louis [uplifting book club books txt] 📗». Author Belinda Louis

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I came out of spanish class, although I speak spanish and I barely could pass for god sake. I was walking down the hallways to my locker and I hate this group in my school called " The Plastics" Just because there parents are rich and all that jibber jabber they think they can control people. The main enemy I hate so much is Alison Hastings. She's such a bitch and is the main leader. I Ahria Robinson who's popular and play volley ball and I'm also popular myself. I'm your average hottie and I get a lot of guys attention but I put them down because I believe all guys are the same but act different. Back to the start, I was walking down the hallways to my locker until Alison came up to me and pressed me, she pushed me against my locker and my textbooks fell out my hand. "You bitch you think I didn't know", she yelled at me as loud as she can making a crowd around us.
Me: "Don't touch me you pathetic bitch, what are you even talking about", does this girl know who I am I'm from Brooklyn, New York. I was born and raised there this bitch wants a ha ass whooped if she don't calm her tone down.
Alison: "You were at that party flirting with my boyfriend.....You slut you know he's mine"
Me: "Listen bitch ain't nobody want to be with your boyfriend and never would I go out with him. He's the last person on earth I'd go out with anyway so.. up out ma face bitch", Ohhh I felt like slapping her. Your seriously fighting me over a boy like are you deadass! (Phrase they use in Brooklyn for being serious Ex. I'm serious; no joke)
She pushed me again then slapped me across my face. I kneed her to the nose 5 times and punched her and kicked her around her until she was bleeding. She was crying to stop but hell no I'm not going to stop I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. I heard a lot of OOOOOOO's and OOOOOOOOO snap's embracing my ears that I didn't even realize that my heel on my thigh length boot cut Alison's face because I was stepping on her like it was no tomorrow. That bitch plays to much and I will fuck her ass up again and again and again until she leaves me the fuck alone. The principal Ms. Duncan pulled me off of her and she was shocked at how there was so much blood on the floor. She took me to the principal's office and as always Alison's going to lie about things.
Ms. Duncan: "I'm shocked at you both and you both will receive 90 days suspension"
Alison: "No I can't I have a volley ball game this Ms. Duncan not like this"
Ms. Duncan: "Ms. Ahria Robinson my choice has been made and for all I know you will no longer be educated at this school once more"
Me: I just sat there in my chair while Alison had a big ass band aid on her forehead laughing at me
Alison: "Now your gone...I wouldn't have to worry about another dog licking my bowl of cereal", she laughed and walked out while I grinned at her scratching my nail on the wooden chair. Ms. Duncan handed me the note and I had to pack my things and go. My oldest sister came up very angry and pissed. She dragged me out and yelled at me the whole time in the car. My parents aren't in town so I'm staying at my sister's house. I've been in so much trouble that my sister Evelyn couldn't take it no more and decided to call my second oldest brother who's 19 going on 20 and I'm only 17 going on 18.


My second oldest brother Drew met up with me and came and pick me up and I said goodbye to my sister. Although I live in California, I was living in the suburbs but moved to the south side and moved into my brothers 8 bedroom dorm since there was a guest room I was allowed to sleep in there.
Drew: "What did you do this time around Ahria?"
Me: " I fucked up a bitch...cause she was pissing me off"
Drew:" Yaasssssssssss...fuck shit up. My sister got hands ohhhh" he said laughing.
Drew: "Na..but seriously You need to know how to control your anger and from now on I already filled out your application your going to James Madison High...and please don't get into fights over there because for all I know you've really got your sister gone mad at you over sillyness at Prep High one of the greatest schools there"
Me: 'I would have stayed if Alison didn't touch me"
Drew: "Does it matter for all I know your to dangerous and please CONTROL YOURSELF IN JAMES MADISON HIGH..PROMISE ME"
Me: I rolled my eyes at him and folded my arms together
Me: "OK FINE DON'T GET MAD AT ME", I rolled my eyes at him again and for a girl like like me who has fat in all the right places and curves in the right places. I figured I should go put on my bathing suit on and head for the pool. I was floating in the water until I heard footsteps coming my way.
Random GUY!:" Hey you must be Ahria?"
Me: I paused and didn't move an inch halfway removing my shades away from my face. DAMNNN!! He is so fine. I saw sexy boys in the upper suburbs but damn he is one of a kind. His eyes were hazel(Very bright) and sexy lips with snakebites and another one by his eyebrow and light brown blondish wavey short and curly hair and so much eye lashes. More than me I think
Random GUY!: "HELLOOO....."
A dog I didn't know we had that my brother didn't tell me about. WHICH I HATE DOGS. It jumped over me and I fell over and I almost drowned. UGHHH!!!!! what the fuck damn. The dog ran out the pool and started jumping on this random boy who sexy as fuck. He picked it up and started kissing and rubbing it and patting it's head as if it were a cat.
Random Guy!: "Hey calm down he's just 8 months old and he's very playful and he's my DOG!"
Me: "Well tell your pet dog to stay away from me"
Random Guy: "Well....that's up to him. I don't make choices for my dogs they do it themselves"
Me: I got up and I put the towel over me and walked and looked at him straight in the eyes. "No importa conseguir gilipollas de vida baja tú y tu maldita perro lejos de mí te patético trozo de carne"
My brother came in since he heard the loud noise in the back yard. He took my arm and pulled me into the room and looked angry
Drew: "Ahria what did I tell you"
Me:" Drew I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude it's just that-", He cuts me off
Drew: "I could careless, Ahria his living with you and you will treat him like brother and sister so please Ahria if that's a problem I will send you to Aunt Shelly and you know how strict she gets with you girl"
Me: " Yea I know I'm sorry Drew but this friend of yours-", He didn't even let me finish my sentence and just yelled at me
Drew: " Eli is not the issue....first of all why are you even in the pool?",
Me: " You know what I'll just go downstairs and get me something to eat", I just walked off like nothing happened and threw on my sports bra and my volley ball shorts. A couple hours later the door bell rang. I wondered who is it and since when my brother has people living with him. I guess he changed after all since college. I looked through the hole to see who it was. Of course my favorite chips is Doritos Spicey Sweet Chili. I opened it and I saw 4 boys standing in front of me looking like they never saw a girl in their entire lives.
Me: "Can I help you guys?"
Boy1:" Actually you can let me in"
Me: "I'm sorry-", My brother rushed downstairs and cut me off and pushed me out of the way
Drew: "Aye guys your back already?"
They all responded "Yea...Of course we live here too". I was confused I was thinking there my roommates to so why shouldn't I introduce myself to them since they never saw me before.
Drew:" Trey meet Ahria, Danny meet Ahria, AJ meet Ahria, and DeVontae meet Ahria", My brother introduced them to me but DeVontae I could tell something might click between us. I felt it the moment he looked into my eyes when he shook my hands.
Drew: "Now you all have met my sister....if any of you lay one hand on her YOUR DEAD!"
Me:"Drew relax it's not that serious"
Drew: "Pshhh whatever okay so let's go hang by the pool"
Me: "Boys", I rolled my eyes then slammed the door shut, I sat back down on the couch flipping channels. They were giving Love&Basketball on Bet, my favorite movie of all times. I grew up watching it during my childhood and I'll never get tired of it. I couldn't here a thing because the boys were to comfortable in the yard that I couldn't here the TV. I walked upstairs and screamed at them
Me: "Hey you turkey's and chickens the farmer would like it if you all shut the hell up because I'm watching a movie for god sake damnit"
They all looked at me smiling and laughing and Eli they boy who got me in trouble by my brother Drew because of his freaking dog was looking at me as If I was a newborn baby couldn't get his eyes of of me
I went back down stairs to watch it. Eli must have been following because I heard footsteps as I was walking away from them.
Eli: "Hey Ahria are you still mad about earlier today?"
Me: "No that was so 5 hours ago why should I even care?"
Eli: I just was asking because I felt guilty and I blame myself because if it wasn't for my dog we'd probably get to know each other more instead of just fighting...and I'm sorry"
Me: " Yea me too...but promise to keep that dog away from me"
Eli: "I promise"
And it was a moment of silence. I really wasn't expecting him to talk to me so why not ask him to watch a movie with me.
Me: "So do you want to watch Love&Basketball with me?"
Eli:"Yea sure"
He sat next to me and didn't make a move.I was looking good in my volleyball practice workout outfit with my ex-team on it he seem to admire it because he was looking at me back and forth

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