» Romance » My Sweet Loving Jimmy, Corinne Rose [ebook reader for manga .txt] 📗

Book online «My Sweet Loving Jimmy, Corinne Rose [ebook reader for manga .txt] 📗». Author Corinne Rose

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~ My Fresh Start ~


Hey I'm Willow, I'm 18 and soon to be a 19 year old. I've never really had a hard life. I mean yes, my dad died when I was 14, but I never let that get in the way of me living my life. Yes, it was hard at first but God needed him more, and I'll see him again some day. My mom, Anny, and I just moved to Richmond, Virginia, this city has a population of about 197,790 people. Even with all those people around me I'm sure I'll still feel alone. My mom is usualy at work, so I don't see her that much and I'm not very good at making friends. But it's okay I'm use to being alone. I just hope that I wont be alone forever. My mom says money can bring happiness, yes it can but only for a short time. I'd rather have no money and someone who loves me no matter what, than have someone who buys me things and doesn't know how to love.

Anyways, I have my first day of school tomorrow, but I'm not really looking forward to it. I just don't like all the clicks and drama, it's so childish.

Today is the first day of school, What will I wear? I decided to wear a brown/black leather jacket over a baggy grey shirt, with some ripped dark washed jeans and my combat boots. I would describe my style as edgy and dark. I just don't see the point in trying to be someone I'm not, someone like Barbie. I'm not girly or frilly by and means, my mom is though. She's like Elle Woods times two, blonde hair blue eyes, and pink galore. I, on the other hand, take after my dad. I have dark brown eyes and hair, and skin thats beyond pale. But thats okay everybodys different, God made me who I am and I'm not going to be someone I'm not, that would be dumb.
After getting ready my mom called me down, and I know why. "Willow hurry up and get down here. I need to take a picture of you." She said. "I'm coming." I yelled, while running down the stairs and almost tripping. She put me by a wall that she said was "decent enough.""Smile big." Mom said while snapping the picture.

"Can I go now, I don't want to be late on my first day."

"Fine go." She kissed my cheek and I was out the door.

I arrived at school early, which I always tend to do. Getting out of my 1972 VW Beetle I see some of the clicks already. I'm not even inside yet and they are everywhere. Once I went in I accidentally bumped into one of the popular girls. Bright blonde hair, big blue eyes, makeup galore, and a perfect smile. "Oh, sorry." I said, with an apologetic look on my face. "Whatever freak." She answered with a snotty tone to her voice. This is why I don't have friends and never do. Because I'm the freak or the misfit. Everybody sees my clothes and my eyeliner and automatically thinks I'm weird. They don't see my heart, they don't see who I really am. They don't see me.

After forth period it was lunch time so i headed to the lunch room. As I walked in I felt like everyone was watching me. They looked me up and down, judging me with their eyes. But I don't care, this is my fresh start and it wont be ruined. I'm not very hungury, so I'll just go sit outside. While walking toward the door, that girl from earlier tripped me. I landed face forward on the cafeteria floor. Still laying on the ground, I turnd over on my back while everyone laughed at me.

"Oh, sorry." She said in a sarcastic way, while standing over me. She then walked away with her two friends laughing. Thats when I sat up and a boy hurried to my side. I thought to myself,"Is he nuts, why is he helping me?" "That's real mature Elle." He shouted at the girl. "Are you okay?" He asked while helping me up. "I'm fine." I said. Finally back on my feet, I suddenly get dizy and almost fall again. The boy helped me to a bench outside, and we sat down. "What are you doing?" I asked, as he looked at me with a confused face.

"I am helping you, am I not suppose to?"

"No, its just, I don't need help. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."

"Hi I'm Jimmy, and your welcome. I always help others after they fall on their face."

"What? Are you trying to make me laugh or something?"

"You know, most people say thank you, then introduce themselves."

"I'm not like most people, but thank you."

"So are you going to make me guess, or are you going to tell me your name?"

"Well that depends. Are you planning on secretly stalking me for two years, then one day just kidnap me and kill me?" We both giggled and I then smiled and looked off to the side. I turned back toward him and said, "My name is Willow." "Well its nice to meet you Willow." He said with a smile on his face. Jimmy just sat there stairing at me, so I decided to pull out my agenda. Once I did that he took my school agenda out of my hands. "Hey, what are you doing? Give me that back." I said trying to get it back. "Willow if were going to be friends I need to know if we have any classes together." I suddenly stoped and looked at him while he was reading the peice of paper. "Friends? I never said I was going to be your friend." He looked at me and said,"Well I didn't think I needed your permission."

"Well you do."

"I just thought that we could be good friends. But I guess if you would rather me be that stalker guy who in two years...."

"Fine were friends."

"Good, because we have AP History together right now."

"Well then I guess we better get going. Don't want to be late." I got up and started walking and he followed. Once in the class room, I sat down and Jimmy chose a seat right next to mine. "Do you have to sit by me?" I asked. "Why can't I? I thought we were friends." Jimmy said with a pathetic look on his face. "We are it's just...." "Good morning class I am Mrs. Hollin, and I will be your AP History teacher for the next 6 months."

After school was over I started walking to my car. "Willow." Jimmy shouted while walking over to me. "What?" I asked a little irritatedly. "Do you need a ride home, because I can...." "I have my own car Jimmy." He looked a little dissapointed when I said that. "Oh, okay then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." I continued walking,"Yea, see you tomorrow." Once I got home I did my school work, cooked some dinner then went to bed.

It's a week later now and Jimmy is still bugging the heck out of me. "Jimmy why are you so clingy?" I asked him while he was eating a sandwich. "What, I'm not clingy." He said defensively.

"You are, your like a puppy or something. You never leave me alone. Do you have relationship issues?"

"No I don't have relationship issues."

"Then why are you always around me at school?"

"Well we do have have more then half of the same classes together."

"So, that doesn't mean you have to sit by me in every class."

"Maybe I like you."

I looked at him, suprised that he just said that. "What?" Jimmy got up and walked out of the lunch room. I quickly got up and followed him.


~ A Blossoming Friendship ~


"Jimmy wait." I said rushing behind him. "What?" He yelled as he turned to face me and stoped walking. "You like me? In what kind of way? Like a friend or...." He cut me off, "I like you like a friend, thats all.""Are you sure?" I asked somewhat hoping for a different answer. "I'm sure." He said then he walked out side and sat on a bench. I decided to go out and sit on the bench as well. I just sat there and stared at him. The wind blew his dark brown hair while he just sat there, and his beautiful bright blue eyes just looked around. He then looked at me and smiled, and I put my head down and smiled as well. Jimmy scooted closer to me, so I looked up at him. "You know...." He said, "Your my bestfriend." I smiled and told Jimmy he was my bestfrind also. Later when school was out, I walked to my car and tried starting it, but nothing. Jimmy saw me set my head on the stearing wheel and came over. I sat up when he said my name.

"Willow whats wrong?"

"My car, it wont start."

"I can drive you home."

"Thank you."

We got into his truck and he drove me home. Jimmy then parked and he walked me to my front door. "Do you want to come in?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Sure." We walked inside toward the kitchen and my mom was home. "Mom what are you doing home?" I asked. "I got off work early today...." She pulled me close and whispered, "Is that your boyfriend?" I then shouted, "What no." Jimmy looked at me and I walked over to him. "Mom this is my friend Jimmy." Then he interupted me saying, "Bestfriend, Jimmy." I looked at him and smiled. "Well Jimmy I am Anny, Willow's mother but I'm sure you already know that. Willow I'm going shopping do you want to come?" My mom said. "No I'm fine." I answered back. Then she said bye and left. "Oooo shopping, how fun." Jimmy said sarcasticaly. "No not really." I said.

"So, you have a nice house. A very large nice house. When were you going to tell me you were rich?"

"I'm not rich, my mother is." I said while putting my keys and bag down on the kitchen counter. "Money isn't everything."

"It can buy you everything."

"Not love." I said softly.

Jimmy looked at me, smiled, and said.

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