» Romance » The Nerdy Revenge, C. Joyce [i wanna iguana read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «The Nerdy Revenge, C. Joyce [i wanna iguana read aloud txt] 📗». Author C. Joyce

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Chapter 1


Alexander's POV. 


Stacy was just in front of me, staring what I would say. There was a painful lump in my throat. Come'on Alexander, just tell her. "I like you..." This is so messed up, isn't the girl suppose to say that?

She looked like she could burst out in laughter. Her light brown strands of hair was flying in the air."You like me?" Once she laugh, so did her crew of obnoxious girls. "News flash, whatever your name is- I don't date losers, especially you."

That got me so pissed out, Darren was right. Stacy is a bitch. "You don't even know me!"

"Exactly." She made 'Exactly' as a long and in a duh tone. "I know what people say about you. Better yet, I don't want to even know you more." 

 The boys in her group snicker at me with amusement. "Look. Alex, Zander, Alec, what ever you name is-"

"-Alexander." I interrupted her...I'm starting to wonder why I liked her in the first place. Stacy's 'Miss All

That' in my entire grade even school. She's know at being great at everything, from sports to education. Basically, everything. Rumors had it that she's from a millionaire family. While I? I'm only great at studying, nothing more and nothing less..Sure, my family's rich but no one knows that.Stacy made a 'Whatever' face while flipping her light brown locks.

"I'm sorry." She rested her right hand on my shoulder. "I just don't date losers like you. Ok? Bye. Bye." With that, she began to walk away to her next class.


I sighed, I just thinking: why the fuck did the tell her?

 "Hey man." There was a slap on the surface of my back. I gloomy looked up to see two of my friends, Chris and Will."Hey...""What's wrong?" Will asked me and I could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh. "You told Stacy you like her, right?"


Chris shrugged, "So..." 

"Well," I got off of my seat, "I was publicity embarrassed." By that time those two were laughing their ass off. "What's so funny?"

"We set you up!"

What? My teeth clenched, "WHAT?"Will was hanging onto Chris, still laughing.

"Sorry man. The truth is...we never liked you. We pretended  to be friends with you."My actions took over my body and I threw a punch at the both of them. They ducked it and grabbed my arms. Pulling me out of the class and into the halls. Chris and Will threw punches after punches after punches. I was being a baby and trying to protect my glasses. My gigantic turtle sized black glasses. Finally a teacher came and stopped them, they were sent to the principal's office. The teacher asked me if I needed to go to the nurse's office. For the truth, I don't feel like walking. I ignored the stares from some of my classmates.  They didn't try or ask me if I was ok. All of them...were just staring and laughing.

"Hey, Stacy." Shit...


"Isn't that the loser that told he likes you..."

My head turned to their direction, great. More embarrassment. I'm starting to miss the days were Stacy's cocky ex, Colton, beat me up after lunch. Or the fact no one sits next to me in lunch besides Darren. Maybe I can get used to people mocking me. But now?

"Yup, that's him alright."

"What a poor nerd...he got beat up."

"...hmm...Let's go, he's just another nobody, he's not important." My head turn back to face up at the gray ceiling. Oh...Stacy, my dad had always told me to fight fire with fire. Well, before my mom yelled at him not to teach me that. Want one word from me, Mrs All That: Revenge.

Chapter 2


Stacy's POV.


"Hey, Mom, I'm home!" I slam the doors shut and walk inside my house.

My mom came out from the small kitchen. "Stacy, you're home." She walked over to hug me. "Oh...dear. There's only left overs for you to eat. We ran out of money to buy groceries."

I brush my hair with my hand, and sat down to eat. "It's fine mom." Let's see what's for dinner...cold pizza. Hey, food is food.

Mom sat down a chair next to me. "'s school."

"Same old."

"Hm-" She started to twirl her fingers. Weird...Mom only does that when she's hiding something.

I stopped eating my cold as ice pizza slice. "Mom. What's wrong?"

"Well..." Mom had a frozen face. "We ran out of money in the bank. Apparently...your father took the rest of money." There were tears in her eyes, that made me want cry also. "The landlord's coming to get the house tomorrow."

I jumped out of my seat. "WHAT?!"

She stand up with me also and patted my back. "It's ok. Nothing to worry dear." Her voice started to stutter, "Your father-he'll come back to save us."

"Enough about him!" I can't believe she still has faith for that asshole. "He's gone! Gone! He left us-for..for that stripper!"

My mom finally had finally found her last breaking point. Well, her second breaking point. Her first one was when my (useless) dad left us. "I know...I need some alcohol." She tried to grab a bottle of jack but I took it away.

"Enough with the drinking! Drinking jack won't fix our problems!" Mom began to walk from pace to pace, around the kitchen. "MOM!"

"Relax, I can fix this." I don't know what's she's doing. Mom had the phone book in one hand and a telephone in the other. "I have a friend that will let us stay with her for a bit."

"Who?" I asked her.

"Oh, a long time friend." She answered me. "I think they have a son your age, that goes to the same school as you. What's his name again....? Alexander."


Chapter 3


Alexander's POV.


"Alexander...are sure about this?" My older sister, Alexi, asked me. "This-your plan seems dumb. You are who you are, and-"

"Look sis," I interrupted her, "I don't need your wise words right now. Just cut."

Alexi sighed in a deep breathe but began to cut my hair. "I don't know who you are having a makeover for but she must be lucky."

In my brain, I was laughing like a hyena. "It's not to impress her. Trust me, it's for revenge."

Enough though I couldn't see her, I knew she had a dissapointed look. I need it also...Revenge is low in so many levels. But frankly, everyone had pushed me beyond my limits. "Fighting fire with fire will only had more flames." One of Alexi's usual words made me had a second thinking. Do I really want to do this? Change who I am to just make fun of Stacy?

Heck yeah!

Sure, she's a girl and I'm a boy. Boys are suppose to not care. Everyone had gone out of the line. I'll admit, I was the most lamest and geekiest looking high school-er ever. But...Snap out of it Alexander! But-for nothing-everyone's a asshole! They deserve revenge, and mostly, prove them wrong.

"Done." Alexi said while handing me a mirror. "Not bad...even if your my dorky little brother." I took another peek in the mirror, I did not look dorky. My usual long black hair with bangs that covered my eyes. Were gone. I had almost forgotten the color of my eyes-Forest Green. Alexi also gave me contacts so I don't have to wear my 'nerd' glasses. Even a new set of clothes, brands like Hollister and Abercombie.

"Dorky?" I said in a cocky tone. "Bitch please, I'm the one and only Alexander."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Please little brother, you may look different. But in the inside, you're still my lame ol' brother."

"That's where you're wrong." I couldn't help but to smirk at her. "I've changed inside and out."

"Yeah, sure." Alexi said in a boring and sarcastic tone. Let's see how my new look impresses some chicks. "Where are you going?"

I straightly answered her, "To bang some chicks."

As I was closing the doors I could hear Alexi mutter, "Yup. He lost it."

"Oh, Alexander, dear." I paused my steps on the stairs to listen to my mom. She took a first peek at me and her jaw dropped. "What in heaven's happened to you!" As a over protective mother, she checked if I was ok.

"I'm fine mom..." I continued on walking to open the doors.

"Wait-" I stopped my steps again to face my dad. "-we're going to have your mom's friend and her daughter staying here for a while."

I nodded. "Do I know them...?"

"I'm not so sure," My mom said slowly, "but you may know her daughter. She goes to your school."

"What's her name?" I asked her before walking outside.

"Stacy Dayie"


Chapter 4


Stacy's POV.

"Stacy!" Someone cheered my my name as I walk down the halls.

I could feel numerous boy's perverted eyes roam on my body. A lacrosse player, I knew, wolf whistled at me. "Damn." I could hear a boy say. "Look at that ass!"

You mean you? I was thinking in my mind, I hate pervy boys. There was a cold gush of wind as the doors opened. Whoever it was, they left girl's jaws to drop. I decided to look, it's not going to hurt. My eyes landed on a boy and I mean a hot boy. He had black hair, green eyes that could pull you in, and did I mention a killer body?



The boy looked like a Greek God or at least a Hollister model.  He had a smirk on his kissable mouth. Smirk on boys only means one thing: They caught you checking them out.

In a deep, husky voice the Hollister model said, "Love checking me out, Stacy?"

I swear, I heard that voice from somewhere..."How do you know my name...?"

His smirk turned into a devilish grin. "You'll figure me out later." Was his last words before the Hollister model said before walking

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