» Romance » Three Words To Happiness, Sonja Aliccia [most inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Three Words To Happiness, Sonja Aliccia [most inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Sonja Aliccia

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1  So,My name is Hope, Ironic because I've never had much hope.

Well,I'm Hope, A typical teenage girl with a broken household. My dad has always been an abusive drunk that never really cared what I did , My mom left himabout three years ago,mainly to go out and do drugs.  So I'm just a 17 year old girl,with straight A's and B's on her report card, Titled the geek in this awful society.
I'm not really a geek, Just pay attention in class to avoid these girls that brag about their new thongs and padded push ups. Everyone treats me differently, Even without knowing the things I can do.
That's why sometimes I allow them to just treat me like total shit, Because it's destinys punishment for allowing me to do such things. The only one that doesn't treat me differently, is a new kid here,I was surprised,because we haven't gotten a new kid here since I was in fourth grade.
His name is Chase,He has that dark brown hair that falls perfectly in place,Those beautiful turquiose eyes,That perfect sharp shape he has to him. He truly stuns me whenever I look into those big turquiose eyes. I feel like I know him from somewhere though, I feel so connected to him,So worthy,but every single time I hear his name my whole body shivers with excitement of seeing him again. He's only been here since school started,It's already snowing even though it's October,That's what I get for living in Minnesota. I have gym class with him, Fourth period. He's never really talked to me,but he's never insulted me,or thought anything bad about me,Well not that I could tell. I have one best friend
in school, her name is Violet, She has long black silky hair,Big dark moss green eyes,Her hair always curls perfectly,She's usually in lunch detention, So I often sit alone at lunch. Until today.  Hey guys! Hope you liked it so far! It's my first story I've actually shared.

Really,Don't pay attention to my other two books,I wrote them when I was like,Eleven. 
I have a Wattpad. Same username,Also same story. I'm thinking about putting more up on there.

Chapter Two: Lunch

   Chase sat right across from me slamming his school meatloaf on the table,I swear it looked like it could grow legs and walk away,I couldn't believe Chase sat right across from me,Staring into his big blue-green eyes just sent tingles down my spine. "H-hello, My name is Hope." He smiles and plays around with his meatloaf.

" I know who you are" He has a weird,but attractive look on his face. "I'm Chase,I figured I'd come sit at your table,because your little friend has detention again and I haven't fully introduced myself."

I start running my fingers through my hair wishing he'd move a few spaces closer to me,I start to get lost into my thoughts until he drops his fork on his plate and pushes his tray away. "I swear this food cannot be edible,I could barely break it apart, this lunch is shit. Wanna go grab something?" I look behind me to see if he was talking to me or not and I look up at the clock, a good five minutes before next period.

"Well we don't have much time,Maybe tomorrow?" I say as I realize how my voice cracked and now I feel the whole spotlight is on me. "Scared to miss 4th period? It's only gym,C'mon we can go grab some subway or something." As he shoots me an intriguing look. "My dad would kill me if I've ever skipped class." I lie,I know my dad wouldn't care,He doesn't have to know though.
"Ah,Alright I give up. Do you have a cellphone,Miss Hope?" I nod, "Yeah,but I ran out of minutes,So I have to wait two more weeks unti I can text or call." He starts laughing "Alright,I'll get out of your hair,See you in gym."  He walked away with so much confidence,I was surprised of what just happened.
Trying to wipe the confusion off my face, I walk to next period feeling like I'm not even there, Like a light headed zombie,I keep hazing off into my own thoughts,I needed to wake up and actually socialize,or even pay attention for that matter. Lunch was all I could think about.
Finally it's 8th period, I never seen Chase show up in 4th. He probably conjured up some other,better looking girl to skip class with him,like all the other guys do. I wonder if he is like the rest of the guys. I don't think he's like the rest,bu- as the bell cuts my whole thinking process off, Finally time to leave.  As I walk down the hall to my locker,I grab my phone,books and the rest of my homework. I walk into the school parking lot as Chase looks like he's looking for someone and the strap on my bag slides off my shoulder, I swoop my hand back into it and I start getting frustrated with it,So I pull out my phone to text Violet to see if she wants to go to the mall later,Until Chase notices me and starts approaching, With a huge grin on his face,"Hey Hope,Seems you magically got minutes on your phone?"
I give off a nervous laugh,"Yeah I guess I did." He gets abit closer "What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" I try to glance the other way to break the awkward silence between us "The mall with Violet." Chase looks down and stares at my feet "Well she won't be able to reply,I heard she was supposed to attend 4 O'clock detention,So if you don't mind we can go do something?" I felt nervous and my palms felt sweaty "C'mon Hope,Don't make up some lame excuse again,try to get to know me."
He smiles. I bite my lip and fix my bag that doesn't really need to be fixed,"Sure,Where to?

Chapter Three:Was It A Date?

   We sat in the car for awhile.                     So, I sit in the car for a few minutes and stare out the window wondering,Where he's taking me,until he spoke up. "So have you ever been ice skating?" He glanced over and grinned at me. "I used to roller blade as a child,Never went ice skating,Why?" Chase looked over by the radio and turned it up a little "No reason" As he smiled that looked extremely attractive,I look at how his hair perfectly fits his face,and the way his shirt fits perfectly,I guess I got abit distracted because it startled me when he asked "Checking me out, huh?" With a huge smile across his face.
I didn't look at him that long,did I? I clear my throat "Oh,no. Just looking at your shirt,It's ...Uh, My favorite color." I glance back over noticing it's a light blue color which happened to be my favorite color,Just cheesy that I said that's why I was staring for so long. Ugh,Excuses.
I need to make this less awkward. "So,Chase.. Why did you talk to me today? No one usually does. Except Violet of course." I felt a small burning sensation in my cheeks,Was I blushing?  Chase looks over at me as I try to hide my face, "Well  you looked like you needed someone to talk to,plus I'm not one of those jerks that usually leaves a pretty girl alone,just because they want to get laid or something,I'm really interested in being your friend,Hope." I feel the temperature in my cheeks rise, oh god. Please don't notice that I'm blushing,That's the last thing I need.
He finally pulls over to some cafe shop,I wouldn't mind a warm drink,According to me feeling like a frozen popsicle due to me just wearing a thin pink sweatshirt. He un-buckled his seat belt. "Hold on,okay?" I nod as he gets out quickly and opens my door for me, No guy has ever done that for me. "Ladies first" He smiled. Why was he being so nice? There's other girls,better girls he could've chosen to take out,but no he chose me. "Something up with the moon today? " I muttered to myself.

  He looked at me as I saw his eyes wander around my expression. "So,Uh want something to drink?"
Him still having his eyes on me,I shrug a little and seem to find myself staring back. "Y-Yeah It's cold out here." I noticed I stuttered and got a little nervous wondering if he noticed.  We walk into the small little cafe,It's so cute. Brick red walls,Small little black chairs and thin looking round black tables and a few booths. "So table or booth?" He smiled at me as he got closer,So close I felt his breath beside me. "Uh,Booth." I smiled back. He asked the waitress for her to escort us to a booth and I guess he came here often,She asked if he wanted his usual and he glanced over at me and nodded,"Anything you want,Dear?" The waitress asked,I felt so weird. "Uh,just a hot chocolate would be alright for now,Thanks. She glanced at Chase smiling at him and he nodded so she walked away. 
Chase put his hands on the table as he starts tapping his fingers to a song that sounded familiar, I didn't question it though. "So,Hope what do you like to do? As in,like hobbies." 
"Oh,I like to Read,Write.. I like to roller blade,Stuff like that. And you?" He puts his hand on the back of his neck rubbing between the back of his head and the upper part of his neck,I look over and actually saw how muscular he was, I bit my lip and he leaned forward. "Well,I like to draw a lot.. I play bass,Is listening to music a hobby?" I giggle and run my hand through my hair, I usually do that when I'm nervous.
"Well, I guss so. If it is a hobby, It must be another one of mine." We make eye to eye contact and our hands get closer and I bite my lip,We had some type of moment,but as soon as his hand touched mine I felt like there was fireworks bursting inside my stomach,until the waitress came over with our drinks and we both quickly pulled away. "Sorry..

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