» Romance » The love that could be <3, Tasha [classic book list TXT] 📗

Book online «The love that could be <3, Tasha [classic book list TXT] 📗». Author Tasha

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1.New kid.

Dear diary

It's the last day of summer break and then back to school tomorrow, it has gone to fast but there is one positive point that I get to see my two best friends in the world the stylish Courtney and the lovely Emily.

Emily and Courtney have been my friends since primary school and we are still together now.

Hope tomorrow will be a blast.


I set my diary down and chucked the blankets over my head for a nice peaceful sleep

Beep, beep, beep


“Err school better get up

I lifted the blankets and quilts from me and went over to my dresser and had a look and my hair was all over the place so I plugged my hair straightners in and started combing my hair then straitening it.

I walked over to my closet after I was finished doing my hair and adding a bit of makeup on and decided to wear a crop top and some shorts as it is sunny outside and you don

t really get many of these days in Alaska.


“Tasha are you ready your going to be late

Me: “Yes mum im ready im just getting my bag”

I picked up my back of the window ledge and ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast and walked out of the house and onto the street.

It took me about twenty minutes to walk to the school as my car is in for repair as me and Courtney trashed it into dustbins when we were drunk but luckily I didn’t get my drivers licence took of me only a warning and then my mum had a go at me and my dad had a go at me down the phone as he works around the country so I don’t get to see him a lot as I used to.

Courtney: “Hey Tasha over here”

I turned around to see Courtney and Emily standing by are usual tree we sit at because we get to school early so we can talk.

Me: “Hey guys how was your summer”

Courtney: “Not that good really my mum made me meet her new boyfriend and I wonder how long that will last”

Emily: “Well I met a guy and we are friends but I like him a lot and we better get going or were going to be late”

Me: “Oh yeah class”

We walked in silence for the rest of the walk to the parking lot were we would meet up with other friends and talk.

When we got to the parking lot everyone was crowded around a Aston martin vanquish v12 so me and Courtney went to look what was going on and a guy appeared from the drivers side of the car he was HOT! He had blue jeans and a black t shirt that showed his muscles and his hair brown hair covered his eyes.

Me: “Seems like there is a new kid”

Courtney: “And he is totally hot you should go for him we all know what your like with guys you wont let anyone get in your way when you want someone”

Me: “Hey that makes me sound like a bitch and a slut witch I am none of them ok then maybe im a bit of a bitch at times”

Ok so maybe Courtney was right a little that if I want something I will not let anyone get in the way of that but I do consider other peoples feelings to.

Courtney: “Why don’t you go and introduce yourself now that the crowd has gone”

I didn’t see the crowd pass and go as I was caught in one of my day dreams again but I was considering to go and talk to him.

Me: “Ok then”

I walked over to him were he was leaning against his car.

Me: “Hi im Tasha nice to meet you”

Guy: “Hey im Kyle nice to meet you Tasha”

Me: “So have you just moved here then”

Kyle: “Yeah I just moved here”

I didn’t realise the bell had rang until Courtney shouted me from the front doors of the school and I said I would be a minute and she should go ahead.

Me: “What’s your first class”

Kyle got a schedule out of his bag and ran his finger threw it.

Kyle: “Ummm I have English”

OMG I had the same lesson as he did eeeeeepp.

Me: “I have that lessons to do you want to walk together”

Kyle nodded and then we started walking threw the parking lot and up to the school.

When we entered English class I went to sit down and Kyle followed me to the empty seat next to me and about a minute later Mr.Howard came into the room.

After about ten minutes of the class I received a note so I picked it up and it said…

Hey Tasha what’s your num J Kyle.

So I wrote back

Why do u want it J Tasha.

I passed him the note and he read it and started writing again.

Because then I can txt you after school J

I read the message and wondered if I should give him my number as I have only know him for like half an hour.

My num is 07785264771.

I passed him the note and he folded it up and put it in his pocket and then I turned back to the front and the bell rang and I didn’t even know what the lesson was about but I thought oh well.

I picked up my bag and was going to go out of the classroom but Kyle stopped me.

Kyle: “Hey I will text you later”

And then he walked out of the class before I could ask for his number but I just let it drop and walked to my next class.

The day went by in a blur and the next thing I know im with Courtney and Emily walking home and were talking about the new guy Kyle.

Emily: “So Tasha what do you think of Kyle”

Me: “He’s ok I guess and hot oh I got to go guys I will text you both In a bit”

I walked of from Emily and Courtney saying bye and then walking down the road to my house.

When I got in the lights were off so I went into the kitchen and there was a note there saying that my mum and dad have gone on a business trip and wont be back until Sunday yay I thought to myself four days to my self.

Why I was day dreaming of what I was going to do my phone vibrated an I picked it up out of my pocket and I had a text from an unknown number so I read it and it said…

Hey Tasha its Kyle I need to talk can you meet me at the park in 5 minutes.

I replied back to Kyle saying I would be there in five minutes and so I picked up my jacket and left to go and meet Kyle.

I made it to the park in five minutes but I didn’t know were Kyle was so I searched the park but I couldn’t find him so I went to have a look near the lake and I found him sitting there with his head in his hands so I went over to him and put my hand on his back and he looked up and I smiled.

Me: “Hey what did you want to talk about”

Kyle told me to sit down so I did then it went silent until he broke the silence.

Kyle: “Tasha I need to tell you something well there are two things actually and I don’t know how to say either of them but I…I think im falling in love with you Tasha”

I didn’t know what to say we had only know each other for a thew short hours and he is telling me he loves me but I don’t know how I feel about him though I like him a lot and I think im falling for him to.

Me: “Kyle I…I think im falling for you to but what was the other thing you wanted to tell me”

There was an awkward silence between us and I didn’t know if I should say something or not.

Kyle: “I don’t know how to say this and I don’t know how you will react but I want you to promise me something and that is that when I tell you, you wont leave me”

Me: “I promise you I wont go any were not without you, you are my life now Kyle”

Kyle: “Tasha im a werewolf”

I couldn’t say anything at that moment all I could do was stare at Kyle thinking that he was a werewolf but that didn’t change how I felt about him I still love him no less and im glad he told me his secret.

Me: “Kyle I don’t care what you are”

When I said that he lifted his head and I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

Kyle: “But there’s another thing im the alpha of my pack and you are my mate”

Me: “Kyle what’s a mate”

Kyle: “Tasha a mate is your soul mate the person who you will spend your life with a mate is like the other half of you”

I snuggled up to Kyle and rested my head against his shoulder and he rested his head on my head and I got his hand and entwined our hands together and looked up to him and smiled and then I lifted my head up to his and kissed him passionately.

It felt like the kiss lasted for ever not just a few minutes but I pulled back to get some air.

Me: “I love you Kyle no matter what you are”

Kyle: “I love you to”

We went back to looking at the lake only then did I realize that it was dark and we could see the stars and I pulled my phone out to check the time and it was already seven o clock I thought to myself its been four hours we’ve been here I could stay in Kyle’s arms forever but I had to get back.

Me: “Kyle I have to go”

Kyle: “Oh ok ill see you at school tomorrow”

I thought about tomorrow and I didn’t really want to go to school so I thought im going to ditch tomorrow its not like my parents will find out.

Me: “Actually you wont see me tomorrow at school cause im ditching”

Kyle: “And why would you ditch you would have nothing to do”

Hmm I thought to myself what if I could get Kyle to ditch with me.

Me: “I will tho your ditching with me now lets go your

Coming back to mine my parents are gone for four days”

Kyle: “Aren’t you a bad little girl”

I just smiled and grabbed his hand and we walked back to mine.

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