» Romance » The Love That Could Be (Re-Written), Tasha.x [large ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Love That Could Be (Re-Written), Tasha.x [large ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Tasha.x

Chapter 1

Okay so this story is a re-written one of 'The Love That Could Be' As i had forgetton where i was in that one and started messing it up so i have decided to delete that one and re write it again but it has a diffrent plot and diffrent character names but some where along the line you will find bits that are the same as the old one but i guess please comment/vote and fan! And enjoy!.

First day back is always fun right,You get to see you old friends be re-united with then after not seeing them for the summer it all sounds like your average first day back at high school but it wasn't like that for Marnie, She had not seen her friends in all of the 6 weeks holidays as they had all gone on there holidays with they're parents but the thing that her friends did not know about Marnie is that her parents had died when Marnie was at the tender age of 10 ever since then Marnie has had to fend for herself, Well that was 8 years ago and Marnie was now legally an adult in the eyes of the law.

Marnie had been working at a little diner out of town for 8 years as the owner 'Little Rita' as she was called by had found Marnie sitting in the diner one day with puffy red eyes and dirty clothes on and ever since that day Marnie had stayed with 'Little Rita' until Marnie had told her that she was going to start renting out a flat in the town of Niella at the age of 16 so Marnie could get fully equated with school.

Marnie had been estatic to be starting back at school as in all of the summer holdays she had been coped up in the diner writing in her journal,gazing out of the window into the hazy sunset but now was the time that she could get back into her normal routine of getting up for school then driving in her old clapped out Volvo V40 to the diner where she would do her night shift.

Marnie was not what you would call popular but everyone knew her face but she has only a few true friends that have stuck by here through thick and fin but still they do not know any of Marnie's past and that's the way Marnie wanted to keep it.

'Marniee!' Marnie was cut out of her thought's as her best friend Sandy shouted her name from all the way over the parking lot making people turn there heads to the pair and causing a slight blush to form on Marnie's face at all of the attention she was getting.

Marnie slowly closed her car door and met Sandy half way across the parking lot where Sandy jumped on Marnie and gave her a hug which was more like a death lock at how tight Sandy was holding Marnie.

Sandy babbled on about how good her holiday was in Greece and how she had myricasly met a boy there that had showed her around and in her words 'Had treaten her like a princess',Half way through the conversation Marnie had drifted into a world of her own but before she knew what was happening she was falling to the ground her books flying in the air but as she closed her eyes she didn't feel the impact of the floor.

She waited what had felt like a few minutes and slowly cracked one eye open but she had to suck in a breath as her eyes had meat-en the brightest coloured green eyes she had ever seen in her whole life, Sandy was leaning on the floor beside her frantically calling out to see if her friend was okay but Marnie was to deep into looking into the mysterious strangers eyes to even notice the words that where coming out of her friends mouth at the time, The mysterious stranger lifted Marnie up off of the ground and that's when she could fully see what he looked like, He had brown spiky hair and a very masculine face and he was wearing some boys club jeans and a white top with the sleeves rolled up his arms..Overall he was perfect.

Sandy was tugging on Marnie's sleeve but she still did not notice until Sandy all of a sudden slapped Marnie around then face which had took Marnie out of the trance she was in and looked straight at Sandy but not before hearing a loud growl which made both of the girls head turn to the mysterious stranger who was now being restrained by a group of lads around the same height as him but the thing that Marnie noticed is that his eyes had all of a sudden gotten more greener if that was possible and he wasn't growling at Marnie he was looking straight at Sandy with narrowed eyes which physically made Sandy pale in the face.

Marnie walked over to the stranger her heart pounding in her chest but worried for her friend's sake, Marnie was now stood in front of him and he still had his eyes of Sandy but Marnie looked up to him and stared into his green eyes and after a little while he looked down and looked into Marnie's baby blue eyes and his breath's became less ragged and Marnie was once again pulled into a trance with him, The stranger grabbed Marnie's hand after his friends had saw his attention was now off of Sandy and grabbed Marnie's hand leading her away from the school and into the woods which made Marnie's breath hitch and her heart rate pick up once again.

Going Into Sandy's Point Of View!.

Wow. I don't think i'd ever been more scared then when i was standing there where the stranger that had caught Marnie was standing growling at me with deathly narrowed eyes that looked like if they could kill i'd be 6 feet under right now.

I came out of my train oh thoughts and looked around noticing Marnie and the stranger where now gone and it sent me into a craze not knowing where my best friend had gone to with a guy she had only knew not even 5 minutes! I looked around frantically seeing if i could spot Marnie but having no luck i looked right in front of me and there stood the Mr strangers friend who where restraining him and now they where looking at me.Oops.

I scanned them all they where all tall built and tanned but when i landed on the last one in the line my heart stopped and a big smile came to my face! It was Reese the guy who had made me feel like a princess in Greece and one he had noticed me his mouth had dropped and he came running up to me, He picked me up and spun me round which didn't half make me dizzy but i didn't care the guy i had fallen in love with was here he was here with me and i couldn't possibly be happier.

I looked down after Reese stopped spinning me and he was looking down at me with love and happiness in his eyes that i couldn't resist and so i leaned up and pressed my lips to his which he was straight to kissing me back, After a while we heard gasps and i broke away from Reese turning around seeing Marnie and the stranger back and Reese's friends with wide mouths.

"Umm Marnie this is Reese he was the boy i was telling you about that i met in Greece.." I put my head down after finishing the sentence not wanting to look at her face but i hear a squel and in the next moment i was being ripped away from Reese which had made him let out a growl? I was being hugged by a squealing Marnie which must have meant she was happy for me right?.

I know it's short but i hope you enjoy!.


Publication Date: 09-23-2012

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