» Romance » Wanting Love(working on), Nacomy Aracena [love story books to read TXT] 📗

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It was a normal sunny day in the city of New York.People walking everywhere.You could smell the hotdogs from street venders and fumes from cars.People bumping into you without even a apoligize.The tall builidings were everywhere but the sun was shining brightly.It was noon and that's rush hour everywhere.Got to get here.Got to get there.No one stopped and relaxed or looked around.My name is Leslie and I looking around.I'm tall and am wearing my school clothes..I ditched school for the short purple-blue hair is moving in the soft breeze.I had lived in the city for years and never got tired of it.I'm 17 years old and about to turn 18 in a few months.I see new people and faces from all over the USA or other parts of the world.I love it here.But what I didn't like was all the couples.I saw a guy holding a girl close and walking down the street to a cab.My stomach knotted.I had never known what it felt like to fall in love or to be loved.My family died when I was 13 and I lived alone every since.I thought love was just a fairytale no one every got a chance to feel."Plus..who would love a loser like me?"I thought.Half of myself wanted someone to point my thought wrong but the other side told the other half to shut up.I didn't know I was walking around again and ended up at the park.I kept thinking and thinking.Hours passed and it was getting dark.I started leaving the park."I'll take the ally way for a shortcut home."I thought and hurried in.I slowed when I saw a tall dark shadow standing a few yards away from me.It seemed not to notice me.I started to walk away untill a cat yowled and tipped over a trash can.I froze when I felt someones eyes on me."Well,well,well..who do we have here?A beauitful girl?"It was male.I turned slowly."I'm sorry.I was walking this way till I saw you.I was turning around to go another way."I finally faced him and he was wearing a hood and ripped jeans.His face was covered by the shadows but his eyes were glowing and his eyes were red."It's okay."Suddenly I heard someone whimper.""It begged.The guys eyes turned wided.I around him and saw a women with her neck all bloody.She was shaking and was dying.She saw me and her eyes teared up.Then she died."I'm sorry sweetheart but you know to much."I start shaking and backing away.I turned around quickly but he was infront of me.Inches away.He grins and shakes his head."Don't'll make it worse."He grinned.I screamed at the top of my lungs and I felt his teeth on my neck.But before he could sink them in.A hand pulled me away and I fell to the ground.My neck was scratched and was bleeding and it was throbbing like crazy.I saw a tall figure and its wearing jeans with a shirt.Another guy.His hair was mess but in a good way.He looked at me and I froze.His eyes were red as well but darker.He looked handsome and amazing.Perfect.He looked away from me to the other guy."Leave her alone.."He said in a strong voice.He's voice was amazing,sweet and luctures.I looked at both at them."Why don't you find another cute girl to bite?This one's mine."I looked at both of them.I stand up quickly and run.I'm out in the streets and I run home.Not stopping.When I get there.I fall on the ground and try to calm my breathing."Who..who were they?"I think and get up slowly but fall.My legs are tired but I force myself to the couch.I close my eyes and drift to sleep.My mind shows my images of them.Mostly of the guy who saved me.Then that's when I realized what they were...Vampires.I stand up quickly and find myself on my bed.I was on the couch.This is impossible!I look around.I'm being watched.I know it."Come out!I know you're there!"I say and look around.I hear a soft chuckle.I feel a breeze go past me and then someone was in my face."Yo're very observent.I like that."It's the guy from the ally.I shriek and grab my pillow.I slap it at his face and he doesn't move an inch."Hey.Watch it!"He laughs.I push away and lay my back on the head board."Why are you here?"I say under my breath."I know what you are and why don't you just kill me like the other guy did with that women?"I take my pillow and throw it at him.He smiles."that guy.His name is Joshua.My brother.You're lucky I stand up for girls.That women was dead when I finally showed.I wish i could of names Ryan.You?"I look him over.Shorts and a polo shirt."Leslie..Why are you here?"I ask and look him in the eyes.My heart studder's and I don't know why."I wanted to check on you.."He smiles and touches my neck.I push him away."don't touch me.."I say and notice my neck is covered in a towel."Y-you wrapped my neck?"I ask softly.He nodded."Thank you.."I blush red.He touches my hot cheek.Then his lips met mine.

His Life and Mine

I push him away."What the heck!"I shout.He chuckles and sits on my bed."What?"He looks at me curious."Why did you kiss me!?"I growl and push him off my bed.He hits the floor with a thump."Okay the hurt a little."He said and stood up.I start tugging at my hair.I do that when I'm nervous and I seems he could tell to."Hey,I'm sorry.I didn't mean to make you upset.I just sometimes let my wild side loose."He said and untangled my hand from my hair.My feel my pulse racing and I pray he doesn't hear it. He sits back and we just stare at each other."Do you mind explaining what happened?"I ask and he smiles."Sure,but you won't belive it."He says.He explains about his brother in the ally that I divided to pick to walk in.Then he came and took me home while I was passed out."But what did I feel on my neck?"I ask."Figure it out yourself."He smiles.I roll my eyes."Names Nacomy by the way."I say and he nods."I'm Alex."He says and we just stare at each other."Don't you have some where to be?"I ask,hinting that I want him to leave.He shakes his head."I can stay here all night.I sigh."Fine whatever.I'm going to bed.Goodnight.Leave when ever and lock the door.If your sleeping over take a pillow and grab a blanket and sleep some where."I say and cover myself with the blank and try to sleep.I hear him fumble around till everything went silent.I then fall asleep.In the morning I wake up and look around.He isn't here."Must of been a dream."I think as I get ready for school.I put on my uniform and walk to school.Everything seemed normal but I felt watched.I turn around and looked back.Nothing.I keep walking and ignore the urge to turn around and scream."I know someones there!Stop watching me!"I finally get to school and rush inside.I get to class first.I sit in the way back and look out the window.What felt like forever the bell rang and people rushed in.Girls talked about some new guys.I ignore them and kept looking out the window.The teacher finally walked in."Okay class.Be quiet."He said and everyone quieted."We got new students today."I turn back to the window and look outside.I hear a few footsteps and a voice."Hello.I'm Mason."He sounded kinda fimaliar.The next voice made me stiffen but keep my gaze on the window."No.Not him again."I think in my head."Hello.I'm Alex."Said the next voice.I looked up to see if it really was him.My eyes locked with his.My cheeks flushed with color."Hello Nacomy."He says and the whole class looked at me.The girls stopped sending flirty sign and gave me disgusied looks."Her?"Their eyes said."H-hi Alex."I stummer and he chuckles.I roll my eyes and look down."Nacomy?Do you know Alex?"The teacher asks and I nod."Well then you and Alex shall sit together."He says and Alex smile grew.I kept looking down and scribbled in my note book."Good to see you again."He says.I try to ignore him."I'm sorry about last time.Why don't we start again?"He says and sticks out his hand."Hello I'm Alex."He says and I shake his hand."Nacomy."I say and smile."Great so after school,wanna hang out?"He asks and I shrug."Maybe.If I agree I'll see you at the park at 3.If I don't show up in 15 minutes then I didn't want to."I say.After school I divide,why not go?I see him standing there and I start walking over.My heart was pounding.Why?That's so werid."Hey Nacomy!"He says and seems happy to see me made me even more nervous.Why was I feeling this way?This wasn't natural."um hey."I say."Let's go.I wasn't to take you somewhere."He says and grabs my arm and pulls me to the forest."If you try to rape me I can scream so loud your ear drums will burst."I say and he laughs."If I was going to rape you,I would have done it in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.So no one can hear you scream."He laughs and we finally get to a huge cliff with a amazing veiws of mountains."Oh my god.."I say and walk closer."Becareful.It's beautiful but dangerous."He says but I sit on the edge."How..did you find this place?"I ask.He sat with me and smiled."A girl told me.She said it was beautiful and romantic and that we should probably have a date there.I said no though."He said and looked out at the sky.


Text: Made by Nacomy Aracena in 11/16/12

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