» Romance » My Teacher is My Mate, BlackFire Stars_ [popular romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «My Teacher is My Mate, BlackFire Stars_ [popular romance novels .txt] 📗». Author BlackFire Stars_

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Summer's Ending

Ava POV:

The leaves are slowly but surely changing colors, and the cold wind is getting stronger each day. School starts in two days...and yet I still have to start my summer homework for World History. School isn't that hard, although it is complicated. With all the drama and rumors spreading like wildfire from one place to another...

"So what color should I paint my nails...," Domonique asks pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Uhm how about a deep green?" I reply not really thinking about it.

"No I think I'll be bold this week..." she says while digging through my drawer of nail polishes. "I think I'll do hot pink." I roll my eyes knowing that she'd regret choosing that color later.

Dom and I are completely different. She's preppy and bubbly, while I'm more shy and quiet. She's got beautiful long raven black naturally curly hair, while I have a lighter brown color with some highlights...not to mention it's straight and stiff.
Her face has no flaws and she even has a beauty mark under her left eye. I have freckles all over my face, though no acne or pimples.
We both have blue eyes except mine are more of a grey color while hers are ocean blue. I do think the gold flecks around my pupils are pretty if I can admit that.

We're 18, though I'm older. She's 5'4 while I tower her at 5'7. Basically, she's the average white teenage girl and I'm just weird.

"...Hello?" She says while waving her hand in front of my face. "Where do you always go in there?"

"Anywhere, everywhere, nowhere..." I trail off feeling a little embarrassed.

"You should go for a run." She suggests. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention we're werewolves.

"Yeah I should," I say getting up from my bed. "Alright I'm going to go do that. I'll be back in 30."

"Okay but if you get home and all of the Oreos are gone, it's your fault." She smiles evilly at me.

I smirk, "We'll see..." I walk out of my room and downstairs past the living room to the back door. I grab my favorite leather jacket just incase it was too cold. I open the door only to get blasted with dry chilly air. I breathe in, loving the smell of seasons changing. 
I start walking towards the forest that surrounded the area behind my house. Afterall, since my family and I are werewolves, we need a lot of space to run so that's why we live in a more secluded neighborhood. Mostly werewolves, like me, live in this tiny community. But sometimes humans move in.

Recently, a werewolf family was transferred to the Silver Rain pack since the daughter found her mate there and now there is a house for sale to the left of mine.

The Alpha lives four houses to the right from mine. Even though it's far away, you can always hear him yelling when he gets frustrated. 
I pull out my chapstick and slide it over my lips to soothe their dryness. I enter the forest and look around wondering if anyone's watching. I conclude that I'm the only one out here and start taking my shirt and pants off, then my bra and panties. I fold everything and set it into the crease of a tree in the neatest pile I can manage it into.

My bones start cracking and morphing into the bone structure of a wolf. Fur coats my body while I grow fluffy grey ears and a grey and white spotted snout. My wolf is mostly light grey but some parts have tiny white scattered dots. I'm not huge but I'm not small either...maybe just a little bigger than the average size. 

'Maybe it's because you eat so much crap,' my wolf says making an appearance in my mind.

'C'mon Opal, why do you have to ruin everything?' I talk back to her in my head.

'I'm just having a little fun. Jeez don't freak out.' I roll my eyes at that. I can never tell if she's serious or not.
I start sprinting deep into the woods to 'my spot'. Nobody, not even Dom has been here. 'My spot' is a miniature waterfall with a stream leading to a beautiful open meadow full of gorgeous flowers. It's so stunning when the sun is shining on the water all the way to the radiant purple pansies. I just love to lay down next to the river in the meadow, and to stick my finger in the water to play with the tiny fish that swim around. 

I sigh, relieved from getting here safely. Lately there have been rogue and hunter sightings around here, but I don't think they'll come out in the daytime in plain sight. 

'But they could...I mean I like being let out to run but this isn't safe. Somethings off. We need to go back, something's going to happen. I can feel it.' My wolf says with urgency and fright. That isn't normal, usually she's joking around and never serious like she is now. 

'Are you being serious? Sometimes I can't tell. You're scaring me Opal...' I say looking around the open field. I open my mind link just incase something does happen. Mind link is like speed dial, you just open it and you can only connect with someone in your pack. In this case, I'd contact the Alpha, good thing his mind link is always open for emergencies.

'Something's coming, start going back' Opal pleads, voice filled with nervousness. 

'I can't smell any rogues. What could it be?' I say while cautiously walking back to the forest.
'I think there are hunters. I can feel something watching us...' Now that she mentions it, I feel something watching us too. I start walking faster and looking around more.

'Should I shift?' I ask Opal.
'Yeah. Maybe if we turn back to your form they'll think we're human and won't kill us.' I run into a tiny area surrounded by thick bushes so no one sees me turn back into human form. I'm a little embarrassed by my naked body and I try to cover myself with branches.
'Why are you covering yourself? We should be running back home before whatever's out there comes to kill us!' Just after she says that I hear a twig snap about 10 yards away. I sniff the air seeing if I can tell what it is, but get nothing. 

'Opal, why isn't there a smell?' I asked confused.

'I bet it's a hunter, sometimes witches help them by giving them potions that mask their scent. Contact the Alpha!' 

'Alright I will!' I shout at her.

'Alpha! There are hunters in the forest! I was out running and something's following me! What do I do?'

'Ava, get back to your house and lock yourself in the safe rooms I installed. I'm sending warriors out to your location right now, stay calm and just walk home fast.'

'Yes Alpha.' I come out of the bushes only to be confronted by someone wearing all black. I cover my body with my hands out of instinct. 

'Hunter!' Really? I didn't notice. 'Ava, get out of here! We haven't even found our mate yet! I don't want to die!' 

'Do you think I want to die either?!' I say back, scared out of my mind. The hunter takes out a tiny silver blade and points it at me.

"Stop communicating with your wolf, or I'll kill you right now." I could tell it was a man by the way his voice sounded. I start backing up, not listening to his warning. 

'Opal! How am I supposed to get out of here?'

'I-I don't know....I think you should-' Opal stops right as I get cut on the back of my neck by the hunters knife.

"Ow!" It stings as if the blade was laced with liquid silver.

"I told you to stop." The hunter whispers in my ear.

"Why can't I talk to my wolf anymore? What did you do to me?" I asked panicking.

"The blade was covered in silver, it cuts off the contact between human and wolf and it takes your heightened senses away temporarily." He explains. 

"Why are you even talking to me? Why am I still alive?" I ask disgusted with the hunter for teasing my life. "What could you possibly want me for?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you if I don't want to...which I don't so.." He trails off not caring. "So where did you put your clothes?"

"In a tree at the other side of the forest..." I look down, uncomfortable with him looking at my nakedness. 

"That sucks." He nods to himself.

Why isn't Alpha Aiden here yet? I start getting worried. Was this a trap? Was there actually a group of hunters hunting down the Alpha and I just played a part in their plan by mind linking him? I look around frantically.

"What are you looking for, mut?" He criticizes me. He smiles creepily. "Called the Alpha, huh?" I start walking backwards again, more fast this time. Hunters were highly educated and skilled but could never run faster than a werewolf. He starts walking towards me, I turn around and sprint back towards my house. Since my wolf is currently blocked from the silver in my bloodstream, so is my mind link and heightened senses. 

I start getting closer to the edge of the forest and start screaming. Hopefully Dom is listening. I quickly climb up the tree with my clothes in it to grab them. I hear a plucking noise and soon after that an arrow is in my right shoulder. I screech from pain and surprise. I forget my clothes in the tree and start running towards my house again, more fast. My vision start getting cloudy and I'm stumbling around but still running somewhat fast. I keep yelling for Dom to come out of the house but she doesn't. 

I start getting slower to get to a fast jog. I look back towards the forest to see the hunter getting another arrow ready to be shot at me. I see him look surprised and retreat back into the forest. I get confused and just as I'm about to look forwards again, I bump into something hard and fall with a scream. I fall on my back and the arrow gets lodged more through my shoulder. I cry hysterically.

"Oh my God! You have an arrow in your shoulder!" A man's voice yells. I start screaming for Alpha Aiden but my screams get hushed by the man. 

"Please don't hurt me!" I beg. Still unable to see well, I look around needing to know what's going on. A pair of warm tingly arms wrap around my naked body, carefully dodging the arrow. 

"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. Let me take you to my house and help you." He says calmly. "I used to be a doctor before I went into the teaching industry." He tries to make conversation to help me calm down, which it does. I can feel him walking in the direction of my house. I try telling him to go left to my house but he ignores my whimpers and takes me to the vacant house next to mine.

"Why are we going to an empty house?" I ask trying not to choke.

"I just bought it 20 minutes ago. Then I heard screaming and came out as soon as I heard it to see what was going on out here only to find a young...naked...girl with an arrow lodged in her shoulder." He explains. "What happened for you to get that? How are you still awake?"

I think about it, realizing that any normal human being would've passed out by now from the pain. "I d-don't know," I lie.
"And..." he pauses. I can feel the embarrassment rolling off of him in waves, "...why're you naked?" I blush and he clears his throat. I try thinking of an excuse but I couldn't.

"Uhhh..." I try to

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