The Number 23, Shan Kang [books on motivation TXT] 📗

- Author: Shan Kang
Book online «The Number 23, Shan Kang [books on motivation TXT] 📗». Author Shan Kang
Sabrina woke up at 7:00am in the morning and it was the last day of school for the summer holidays.
"Today will be the last day of school, and then it's going to be the summer holidays YAAAY!" Sabrina thought.
Sabrina dressed, brushed her teeth, cleaned her face and had a shower then came downstairs for breakfast. She had noodles for breakfast as always.
After finishing her breakfast, Sabrina grabbed her bag and went out the door.
"Bye" said Sabrina
-----------------------After School---------------------------
Sabrina said bye to all her friends at school and came with her 2 friends on the bus on the way to town, Sabrina was supposed to meet her friend named Jack after school in front of the old moor street station that she always knew of so well.
Sabrina said bye to her two friends and rushed up to moor street station because..she was only 2 minutes late. Sabrina doesn't have a habit of being late and rarely gets late when planning to meet up with a person, no matter who the person is. Sabrina saw from a quite long distance that Jack was already standing in front of the station and ran up to him.
Out of breath, Sabrina said "Oh hi, sorry I'm late."
"you're not late" said jack.
Sabrina didn't say anything.
Sabrina and Jack then walked up from the station and Sabrina waved bye to her 2 friends then left.
"it was so pleasant walking with Jack, i haven't seem him for ages" Sabrina thought.
Sabrina and Jack walked around town having lots of things to say and Sabrina always wondered if Jack is happy to see her, or maybe Jack just wanted to meet up because she insisted him to.
Tired and helpless, they sat down on a bench.
"What do you think of the girl over there with that colored hair?" asked Jack
"Umm I don't know." replied Sabrina
"Do you think it's weird?" asked Jack
"Yeah abit." replied Sabrina
Secretly, Sabrina wondered why he asked her that but she couldn't ask any more questions in case it was intimidating.
Sabrina and Jack sat for a while then finally got up and walked to Dixi Chicken.
Sabrina bought some chicken pieces and chips and sat down with Jack.
They talked for a while about things that happens in school.
"I broke up with Shelly." said Jack.
"Oh, why what happened?" asked Sabrina.
Jack then explained why he broke up with Shelly and Sabrina listened carefully.
"What can you define of love?" asked Sabrina.
"It's when you love someone so much that you would die for them, that's true love."
"I think it's when you wouldn't give up that person no matter what happens." said Sabrina.
Silence occurred.
Sabrina knows that Jack will understand what that means because they have of course, went out before and he left her over family problems. But secretly, Sabrina feels a line of sorrow for Jack and sometimes, she wonders if he is alright at home.
Jack then acted funnily and Sabrina couldn't help but laugh.
"you're very funny." said Sabrina
"i know :)" said Jack.
"Do you like someone right now?" asked Jack.
"Yes." said Sabrina.
"What's he like?" asked Jack.
"Well, he's kind...and funny" said Sabrina, she couldn't help but turn away because she THOUGHT Jack would guess it was him.
"Do you like someone right now?" asked Sabrina.
"yeah" said Jack.
"What's she like?" asked Sabrina.
"She's sweet, cute, funny, kind, honest." replied Jack.
Secretly, Sabrina was thinking it might be her he was talking about.
After leaving dixi chicken, Jack walked Sabrina to her bus stop and Sabrina couldn't help but wanted him to come with her to her house then go but she knew that wouldn't be possible anyway.
Finally her bus came and gave a last hug to Jack and Jack hugged her back.
----------------------------2 days later--------------------------------------
It was still the summer holidays and Sabrina woke up at 11am.
She got up, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and took a shower.
Then she came downstairs to eat breakfast.
After she ate her breakfast, Sabrina went on her laptop and logged on facebook.
Sabrina saw that Jack was online and was very happy.
Sabrina talked with Jack for a while and asked how the day out has been.
"Jack, do you want to know who the boy i was talking about in dixi the other day in dixi?" asked Sabrina
"It's not my buisness to know" said Jack.
"Guess!" said Sabrina.
"I dont know? Daniel?" asked Jack.
"Nope" replied Sabrina.
"errm William?" asked Jack.
"Nope" replied Sabrina.
"Lucas?" asked Jack.
"Nope" replied Sabrina
"I don't know, who is it?" asked Jack.
"One more guess" said Sabrina
"Moi?" asked Jack.
"Huh?" asked Sabrina
"In french, is it me?" asked Jack.
"Yh, how did you know?" asked Sabrina
"I don't know, just guessed." said Jack.
"haha okay, now who was the girl u were talking about in dixi the other day?" asked Sabrina.
"I don't like to talk about myself." said Jack.
"But it's not fair, I told you who i liked" said Sabrina
Sabrina and Jack then talked a while about it then Sabrina got upset and logged off. She cried for no reason even she doesn't know why.
Then, Sabrina came back online.
"So who is it?" asked Sabrina.
"It's Wendy, it's Wendy ok?" said Jack.
"Oh ok, well thanks for being honest." said Sabrina, tears dripping down her face immediately. Suddenly, she don't know why, she felt so upset, so upset like never have been before.
"So does she like you too?" asked Sabrina.
"No." said Jack.
"How do you know?" asked Sabrina.
"I asked her, i asked her and she said no ok? >.
"Oh im really sorry i didn't mean to ask that. I wouldn't have if i knew she said no." said Sabrina. Sabrina did feel sorry for Jack and she ment what she said.
Sabrina then gave some advice to Jack.
"Then, you must have known what it feels like to have been rejected then?" said Sabrina.
"Yeah." said Jack.
"Then u must know how I'm feeling now?" asked Sabrina.
"yh :/" said Jack.
Sabrina then logged off and went to bed. She couldn't help but cry and cry.
There is nothing more to say, she just cried and cried for the next 2 days and never spoken to Jack.
She will never forget that day. That day, the 23rd of July, she could never forget about it.
2 days later, Sabrina was feeling alittle better. But when Sabrina woke up to take her old "Good or Bad Days" calandar down, she noticed something. Something unbelievable. On the calender, one of the bad days was on 23rd January 2010
Sabrina couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't believe her eyes, she just couldn't.
Sabrina then quickly logged in and told Jack about it and she thought that Jack would understand....and he did.
Sabrina then had regular conversations with Jack and started to feel normal again with Jack. She talked with him on facebook everyday and treated him like a normal friend. But Sabrina always felt so reluctant, she always felt love for Jack. And she knew that, she will always love Jack no matter what.
--------------------------------1 month later------------------------------------------
Sabrina woke up again and checked her facebook.
She checked Jack's profile and she couldn't believe what was in front of her eyes. "IN A RELATIONSHIP". Sabrina was shocked and refreshed the page 4 times but still the same, she even logged out and logged back on again but still the same word. Sabrina thought that this was just a dare from the old game "truth or dare", she thought that was a dare all along but on the next day when Sabrina logged on facebook again, it was still the same. Sabrina realized that this was not a dare anymore and got so heartbrokened, so heartbrokened that tears struck down her face.
She was so heartbrokened and she knew that she couldn't tell some of her friends because they have never went out before and they wouldn't understand.
"Oh this is a dream, please tell me this is a dream." wondered Sabrina.
But it wasn't. It was not a dream. It was a fairytale of a little boy and a little girl but it was real, so real that the glass wouldn't shatter a second.
Sabrina then asked Jack to meet up with her in front of moor street station again, her reason ask him if he's in a relationship right now but when she did meet up with him, she couldn't sum up the courage and confidence to ask him.
At the end of the day, Sabrina sat down with Jack infront of some building stairs.
Sabrina talked about the fact that it is sometimes difficult to discuss relationships as in going out with some of her friends because they have never been out before. Suddenly, tears stroke down her face. Sabrina felt very disappointed in herself for blabbing into tears infront of her ex boyfriend, but she couldn't control her tears. Her tears just dropped down one drop by the following drop like snowdrops and she just couldn't help it.
"What's wrong?" asked Jack.
"Nothing." replied Sabrina. She couldn't tell him how she's feeling right now and she could never tell him how she is feeling. She felt...she felt sad because she always loved him and she always wanted him by her side .. forever and she wished nothing like this would ever happen, she wished that life was easier, she wished that Jack never left her, she wished that they would stay together, she wished that they would both get married, she wished that he never broke her heart twice, she wished that some of her friends would understand.
Jack then walked to her bus stop and gave her a hug and said "Don't cry."
On the next day, Sabrina woke up as normal and checked her facebook.
This day, she wanted to find out about Jack's girlfriend and asked which school her girlfriend went to and want music she likes.
When she found out what school his girlfriend went to, she looked under his friend list for that school and found three results. All 3 are in a relationship but 1 of them was in a relationship with someone else as it said "In a relationship with ______" . So it is left with 2 more. Sabrina knew what kind of music his girlfriend liked and found her immedietly.
The next day, Sabrina logged on to facebook again and checked Jack's girlfriend's profile but this time, she noticed something. Her birthday was on the 23rd August. She couldn't believe her eyes. She thought this was all a dream. 23rd August is the date when she is going to get her gcse exam results. 23rd was the day when she had a bad day with Jack. And
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