» Romance » love, rosebelikov [e book reader online .TXT] 📗

Book online «love, rosebelikov [e book reader online .TXT] 📗». Author rosebelikov

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Act 1
Scene 1
[Misaki and Ayame are at Misaki’s house, in her room where they are sitting on the bed eating hot fries, doing homework and listening to music]
Radio: Oh, well imagine
As I’m pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can’t help but to hear
No, I can’t help but to hear an exchanging of words …
[Music continues in the background]
Ayame: I just love this song!
[Misaki looks up from doing a math problem]
Misaki: (sarcasm) Really?! I thought you wanted me to turn up the volume because you didn’t want to hear the birds chirping.
Ayame: shut up and tell me what the answer is for problem 12.
Misaki: it is ………….. 243u.
Ayame: (looks puzzled) aren’t we doing geography?
Misaki: You idiot, we’re on calculus now.
Ayame: Oh, well can we discuss something that is really important?
Misaki: (sigh) alright, what is it?
Ayame: Have you seen your little sister’s new boyfriend? Who could have guessed that the little loser was able to get Kira? I mean, he hates girls who are just like Susan, shallow and conceited.
Misaki: (looking puzzled) Wait …. Susan is dating who?
Ayame: (looks shocked) you mean you don’t know who Kira is? Where have you been for the past 3 years? He is the sexiest man to ever walk the school grounds and as a bonus, he’s also rich. But I guess he isn’t the smartest one since he hooked up with your sis.
Misaki: (looks amused) WOW, who knew you knew all this stuff. Tell me, what’s going on with Mr. Hugh and Amanda?
Ayame: She’s trying to get a better grade by promising stuff but he won’t take it. But we’re getting off topic. Let’s hurry up and finish homework. I have a date with a really cute boy. You know, we could get you a boyfriend if you just-
Misaki: I how many times do I have to tell you, I’m going out with Alex.
Ayame: You and Alex don’t look good together, now if you went out with Kira that would be the ultimate couple.
Misaki: I don’t know Kira so I’m not going out with him. And don’t try to make us meet by (puts quotation marks around accident) “accident”.
Ayame: (try’s to look innocent) I would never do such a thing!
Misaki: And I don’t think he would like to go out with an emo girl.
Ayame: you’re not emo, you just dress in black and avoid the sun, plus you don’t like the popular people.
Misaki: Well they annoy the hell outta me. With their nice and pretty pampered faces. They think they can pass judgment on everyone just because they are perfect. It makes me sick, especially since my little sister is one of them.
Ayame: you know that if you would change your appearance then they would make you join them. You are gorgeous.
Misaki: and be a mind controlled zombie, (makes a face), no thank you.
Ayame: oh! I have an idea!
Misaki: What is it; you normally don’t have ideas so quickly tell me before it fades away to the back of your head
Ayame: (ignores that comment) you should join the popular crowd (Misaki starts to protest but Ayame cuts her off.) and spy on hem so we can make fun of them or use stuff that they reveal to you as blackmail.
Misaki: As good as that idea is I am not going to spy on them for your pleasure.
Ayame: (grumbles) I finally have an idea and you don’t want to use it.
Misaki: Anyways, I think I might be able to meet Kira today because Susan said she was bringing her boyfriend over tonight that way mom and dad can meet him.
Ayame: oh!
Misaki: No, I’m not going to steal him because I have Alex.
Ayame: if you ask me, Alex should be dating Susan since they only care about themselves.
Misaki: Well since I didn’t ask you, I am going to keep dating Alex.
Ayame: touchy. Well it’s time for me to go because I have a date and you got to get ready for the diner with your soon to be bf!
Misaki: it’s not a diner. It’s going to be a party for all these important people and she is bringing him along as her date.
Ayame: fine, whatever, tell me how it all goes on Monday.
[Ayame exits the house and Misaki gets ready for lunch.

Scene 2
[Kira is just barely leaving his house with Anthony. They are heading over to Misaki’s house for the dinner party.]
Kira: ah! We are going to be late. I told you not to go looking for a new shirt. You take forever to change (he whispers) almost like a girl
Anthony: I heard that and I didn’t want to go. That’s why I was taking so long to get ready. I was hoping you would leave without me. Sadly you waited.
Kira: I wasn’t going to go to a party where the only person I know is Susan. And you agreed to go fast the first time I asked you.
Anthony: that’s because I remembered that Susan has an older sister who is friends with this really hot girl named Ayame.
Kira: isn’t the older sister hot too?
Anthony: no, she is like this weird hideous Goth chick that stays locked up in her room all day, or at least that’s what Susan told me.
Kira: I thought you didn’t like Susan.
Anthony: I don’t but why would she lie to me about her sister. Have you ever seen her sister? I think her name is Misaki
Kira: so she has a Japanese name like mine?
Anthony: yeah but unlike you, where your dad’s secretary choose the name, Misaki was born in japan and lived there since her mom was originally born and bred there. I know that for a fact that the mom is still there.
Kira: I thought Susan’s mom is Misaki’s mom? And I got my name because karui died and dad wanted to remember his old friend.
Anthony: no. That’s the second wife. After the first wife found out that the husband was having an affair and the end result was a baby, she divorced him and canceled the flight that was supposed to take Misaki to the US so she can meet her dad for the first time.
Kira: wow! I’m amazed that Susan is really a bastard but I’m more amazed that you know all this.
Anthony: Ayame told me all this. Since her family used to work for Misaki’s mom, they are up to date with all the scandals going on between the parents.
Kira: so you met Ayame but you didn’t meet Misaki. Yet you are being judgmental towards Ayame’s best friend.
Anthony: I’ve only talked to Ayame, not Misaki. Plus she won’t tell me anything about Misaki. Every time I try and get a hint she just laughs and tells me to be patient. That I’ll meet Misaki at the party.
Kira: well we are almost there. I just have one mile left to go.
Scene 3
[Misaki was forced to change into a sultry low-cut midnight blue dress with a slit on the side; she was almost done when she heard a knock on the door. She quickly threw on a coat to cover the dress and went to let in the guest.]
Misaki: hello and wel-. What are you doing here?
Ayame: I’m here for my date.
Misaki: you are bringing your date here?
Ayame: well I wasn’t going to just leave you here to face the wicked stepmother and her equally hateful hag of a daughter.
Misaki: well what about your date?
Ayame: well my boyfriend is Kira’s best friend, Anthony.
Misaki: so this Kira guy is coming over to Susan’s party and he’s bringing his best friend that is also your boyfriend?
Ayame: see, you’re not just pretty. You’re also smart! Kira will love that
Misaki: shut up and help me greet the guest
[Exit both]
[Misaki goes to her room to get her outfight fixed. Ayame goes with her to help out. The guests start arriving. In the background, S&M is playing]
Dj: Na Na Na Na
Come on
Na Na Na Na
Come on
Na Na Na Na Na
Come on
Na Na Na Na
Come on, come on, come on
Kira: wow. There are a lot of people at the party.
Anthony: (sarcasm) you are right, I say we get rid of all these people. You tell the people at the right side if the room that there is a serial killer in the house and I’ll be on the left spreading a rumor that Susan was shot and is in the hospital so the party is cancelled. Ready, go!
Kira: (sarcasm) ha ha ha! You are so funny
[Enter ayame]
Anthony: shut up. Hey look over there, you see the blonde girl making her way over here?
Kira: yeah, the cute one?
Anthony: that’s ayame.
[Enter Misaki]
Kira: okay, then who is the sexy girl with black girl who’s coming after ayame?
Anthony: I don’t know but I think she is one of ayame friends. Here they come right now
Ayame: hi Anthony. (Turns towards Kira) Hi, you must be Kira. Anthony has told me so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you. Let me introduce you to my friend here, (looking mishchiviously) unless you want to guess who she is.
(Misaki walks up to them)
Kira: hi, I’m Kira
Anthony: hi, I’m Anthony. Who are you?
Misaki: I’m Misaki
(Anthony and Kira look at Misaki in shock)
Anthony: you’re Misaki
Misaki: (looking at him strangely) uh yeah, that’s what I just said, I’m Misaki
(Kira is first to regain his composure)
Kira: excuse him, he was expecting you to be an awkward looking emo girl who is pasty with greasy hair
Misaki: thanks, I think
Kira: (blushes) sorry, didn’t mean it like that
Misaki: don’t worry, I’m used to it. People are always surprised when they meet me. I think it has something to do with the fact that Susan doesn’t say nice things about me.
Kira: she doesn’t-
(Misaki interrupts him)
Misaki: you don’t have to make excuses for her even though you’re her boyfriend
Kira: who’s boyfriend? Oh yeah, I’m Susan’s boyfriend
Misaki: (giggles) smooth, I sure hope she didn’t hear you say that or else you are going to get in trouble.
Kira: nah, (turns his head around to make sure that Susan didn’t hear what he accidentally said. That just makes Misaki laugh)
(Susan sees Misaki and Kira talking so she makes her way over.)
Susa: what’s going on?
(Misaki and Kira look at each other)
Misaki and Kira: (At the same time) nothing. (They look at each other and burst out laughing)
Susan: (looking annoyed) Well seeing you guys laughing at something as if you were friends, I would say there is something going on.
Misaki: well I better go and find ayame. See you later Kira
(Misaki exits)
(Kira’s eyes follow her even though she already disappeared.)
Susan: (looking mad) looks like you were getting comfy with Misaki
Kira: (finally looks at Susan) huh? Oh, we were just talking. She isn’t a weirdo like you described her. She’s nice and pretty, also funny. Come on, let’s go eat.

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