» Romance » Time to Breathe, Jacelyn Schoof [books suggested by bill gates .txt] 📗

Book online «Time to Breathe, Jacelyn Schoof [books suggested by bill gates .txt] 📗». Author Jacelyn Schoof

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I covered my face with my hands. "Why are you doing this to me?"I mumbled. "Do you understand how much this hurts? I can't be without you, Drake." I pleaded
"Trixie." my hearts missed a beat, he used my full name. "I can live without you. I want to. You’re no longer good for me. I don't want to be with you anymore. Let me go."
"If that’s what you want. Then go. Get out of my house!" I rose from my bed and ran over to him; I pushed on his chest and forced him from my room. I ran back to my bed and threw myself upon it. Then they came, the tears. I grabbed my pillow and placed it on my head. I rolled under the sheets.
Every new day starts where the last left off....
I woke up cramped, and cranky. I sat up and took a shower. I got dressed in dark clothes and stormed downstairs. "What’s wrong, hon.'?" My mom pried. "Leave me alone." I retorted rudely. I downed my cereal and ran outside to catch the bus.
The driver opened the door, I glared fiercely at him. He turned away. I looked at the full seats, only one left. The one next to Drake Orly. I dragged myself down the aisle and sat as far from him as possible, throwing one horrifying glare his way.
The bus seemed to take forever to finally roll to a screeching stop in front of Clarke Middle School. As soon as the bus stopped, I was out of my seat, waiting for the door to open.
I stepped into the fresh breeze and wiped the sweat from my fore-head.
I turned around.
"Trixie, is that you? You look horrible."
"Just what every girl wants to hear, Drake."I spat the last word out as he eyed my dark tinted clothes and blonde hair covering my face. I turned around and raced to my first class. I sat in my desk, and waited for class to start. I heard the scrape of a chair sliding on the thawing floor. I covered my head with my arms on the table.
"Trixie, can't we just be friends."
"Drake, can't you take a hint."
He had no time to cover his face before my fist collided with his nose.
I knew what I was doing, or did I...
"I'm not sorry for what I did. I will not apologize. I will not explain why!" I ranted in front of the principle. "Trixie Nor! This behavior is not acceptable. I will give you two choices. Choice number one, apologize to Drake. Choice number two, I ban you from school for three days."
"Well, Principal Vanner, obviously my choice is two. See you in three days." I said sarcastically, adding some icy humor to my last sentence. I rose and snuck a peak into the nurse's office; Drake sat with ice on his nose his eyes red from crying.
As long as the way seems, it's longer when there is a conflict...
"Dad, leave me alone. I know what I did. I know I’m grounded." I slammed the door for emphasis. I went and sat on my bed. I stared at the wall, clawing at my pillow. My hand shot to my pocket. I pulled out my phone and looked at the caller ID. Drake Orly. "What?" I spat. "Trix, I want you back. I want to be with you, forever. Come to Dave's Sushi and we can talk it over." Drake said. He hung up then. My heart soared, he wanted be back!
I jumped out of bed and threw on a cotton purple dress. I added some silver stilettos and threw my hair in a messy bun atop my head. I grabbed my silver hand-bag and made for my window. I grabbed the ladder and swung myself to the ground bar by bar. I raced into Dave's.
Hopes soar, dreams crumble...
"Table for two." I requested. "Right this way, ma'am." a polite voice recited. I sat at the table and waited my heart thrumming wildly. People started leaving, the restaurant emptied. "Ma'am." a familiar voice spoke. "The restaurant is closing." I nodded, still in a daze. I rose and stumbled outside. I started my walk home, but when I reached the next street I froze. Jasper Tusch, Riley Irin, Harry Lou, Rafy Grou, and Drak Orly stood in front of me. Grinning wildly, wielding two water balloons each almost to the point of bursting. I lowered my head.
"Trix, I want to be with you forever." Riley mocked. "Trix, I want you back." Rafy recited. "Come to Dave's Sushi and we can talk it over." Harry said in a bored tone, as if he cared none.
"Drake, I thought you were better than this." I spoke my final pleading words. I tore across the pavement, one heel broke off in a gutter and another caused me to fall. A water balloon smashed into my head and I stumbled to get up. My dress tore when I scraped a tree; my back soaked from yet another balloon. I heard the screeching laughter behind me, closer. The tears came then, scorching my face, creating red lines. I ran barefoot, dress torn, handbag lost, hair fallen around my face, soaking in every feature of the back of my body, until I could run no more. I stopped and sat on the sidewalk, hands around my knees. My face hidden.
I now heard only one set of feet. "Twix? Trix!"
He came to me and tried to stand me up. "Trix, I’m so sorry."
"No, I’m sorry. I'm sorry for ever moving here, forever walking with you, forever confiding a secret with you, forever loving you, forever dreaming about you, forever speaking to you. I hate you Drake. Now it's your turn to open your eyes and see the damage you've done." I held my arms out from my body to show him my state. "Trix, I'm sorry."Drake pleaded. "Drake Orly, I never want to have anything to do with you ever again!" I ran around him and climbed my ladder, I crept into my bed and waited out a ~Morning~
every day begins where the last left off...
I woke up after earning only a few hours of sleep. Those hours were not peaceful. They were filled with horrible flashes of my episode last night. I slowly shifted off the bed and stripped of my wet clothes I threw the dress in the trash, it was ripped. I went and found a pair of sweats and an oversized shirt. I slipped them on and trudged downstairs. I grabbed a bag of chips and a soda. I returned to my room. I switched on the T.V and began to chew my chips and slowly sip at my soda. I flipped through the channels.
I heard a knock on my window. I turned around and smiled. I ran to open it and help her in. When she was in, I hugged her. "Yasmin! What are you doing here? You should be in school!" I said in a crazed voice. "No, I should not be in school." She declared happily. "Guess what I did this morning?" She said in a flurried tempo. "What!" I demanded. "I heard what Drake and his friends did to you, so, I socked him one in the face. I have been banned from school for three days too!"She said. "Yasmin, thank you so much. That means a lot to me." I said in a sincere voice. I leaned back on my bed and offered her some chips and my soda. I flipped through some more channels.
"You know what we should do, Yas?" I said. "What?" she answered "We should trick Drake, like he tricked me. But more sincere, like, leave me alone if you want your nose in place every day." I thought loudly. "That’s perfect. What should we do?"She asked, interested now. "He told me once that he once had a crush on Vanessa Hoi. We could write a fake love letter to him from her?" I thought out loud again. "That’s perfect." Yasmin agreed quickly.
I grabbed a pen and a piece of frilly girl paper and began. The note read, "Drake, I don't know how you feel about me. But I know how I feel about you. I know I love you, I always have and I always will. I think about you every day, and dream of making out with you. I want you so bad, I would hurt that beech, Trixie Nor for ever hurting you. Will you be my lover for life? Love, Vanessa Hoi."
We giggled silently as we snuck into the loud school and placed the love note in Drake's Locker. We ran out howling in laughter.
Sleepless night. Once out of the school, we ran towards Yasmin's house. We stopped a street from it, not wanting her mom to ask question as to why we were so out of breath. "So, Yas, can you come over tomorrow?" I asked. "I don't know, Twix, I want to catch up on the homework I’m missing." Her voice trailed off, I could tell she wouldn't want to be with me while I moped. "Oh, that’s ok." I ended the conversation. "I'll see you later, Yas." I whispered as I sprinted away from her back to my house, focusing on keeping my breathing even and holding back the wetness that threatened to overflow in my eyes.
I reached my house a few minutes later, I had failed to hold the tears at bay and they were now spilling down my face, creating red streaks and puff spots beneath my eyes. The top of my shirt was wet from where I had dabbed at the embarrassment. I climbed slowly into my room, bar by bar. I focused only on one thing, getting ready for bed. I stripped of my clothes the moment I was in my room and slipped into my pajamas. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I turned the T.V on and got in my bed. I froze.
In my rocking chair, looking completely relaxed, say Drake. He smiled a crooked smile at me and waved one hand in hello. I realized my mouth was open and quickly shut it. I remembered I had changed right in this room, and I clutched my chest, as if hugging myself.
"Yes I saw that..." His voice trailed off.
"You, stalker." I managed to stay after a few moments of silence.
"I thought you would come through the door, but not my Trix. You always go your own way." He smiled at the memories.
"My. Trix." I said, making him backtrack.
"Well ya, I came here so we could get back together. I was wrong Trix. I do need you." He looked into my eyes, trying to hold my gaze.
"Well, you’re too late." I stumbled.
"Trix how am I too late?" he asked, dumbfounded now.
"I... I've found someone else." I said trying to sound convincing.
"Are you dating?" He asked, angry now.
"Not, yet." I emphasized the last word.
"Who is it? Tell me Trix!"
My jaw dropped, he was jealous! "His name is, Peter Brown. Remember the buff guy in my science class..." My voice trailed off.
"You. Like. Peter." He tasted the words on his tongue as if he didn't believe them and had to make them real by saying them.
"Yes." I said curtly.
"I'm gonna set us right, Trix." he swore.

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