» Romance » an unexpected love, e.l.smith [snow like ashes series .TXT] 📗

Book online «an unexpected love, e.l.smith [snow like ashes series .TXT] 📗». Author e.l.smith

Chapter one ~Hannah~

So, how did I, an honors student at the best school in the country end up as a vampire? Well it all started the night of the big Spelling Bee. Yeah, I know, lame. But at the time it was something I had trained for all school year. So, after it was over, i won of couse, I had decided ti take a short cut.
The short cut i took was a dark alley behind a set of apartments. Yeah, I know, probably not the best idea what with it being midnight and a full moon out. Yeah, now you tell me. So, anyway, I went down the alley, which was flooded with trash cans, discarded boxes, and an overflowing dumpster. The smell was revolting, but still i pressed on. It was dark, and the only street light kept flickering making it really hard to see.
As i pressed on, my heels came into contact with something. It was soft, yet felt familiar. I looked down, what ever it was had trash thrown all over it. I nudged it with my toe, and the trash fell away to reveil a hand. Oh my God!!!! It was a body, a dead body! i widened my bright green eyes and took a step back. I heard a something moving through the trash, and i immediatly stiffened.
A cold chill washed over me, and I pulled my black coat tighter around my small form. I looked cautiously around. What was out there? I knew I had to get away soon because what ever it was that had killed this person was coming for me now. Shaking for the cold and fear of what ever was out there caused me to back up again, but instead of hitting air, i came into contact with a warm, hard body. I stiffened and heard a chuckle. Full of terror, I turned slowly around and gasped.
Facing me was the most beautiful man ever.He looked about 17 or 18, the same age as me. he had dark slightly ruffled hair, pale skin, and stormy gray eyes. His chisled features were perfect. He wore a black t-shirt that clung to his hard muscles, and worn jeans. Even in this simple get up he was goregous.
His hands shot out and grabbed my arms. I blushed and he met my gaze, making me forget where i was. I stared at his face, his perfectly sculpted face and full lips. He smiled and said, "Well well, what do we have here?" He gazed into my eyes and my stomach clenched in fear. I looked into his mouth at his perfect white teeth and saw the vampire teeth. Oh no, what should I do? I tried to pull away but he just tightened his grip.
"Hmm, trying to escape? That just won't do.Now that you know my secret, what to do with you?"His voice was musical and enticing. But i needed to lwave, like right now. I pulled away again but the pressure only increased and tears came to my eyes. "Please, Let me go." I begged, but he just smirked. "Sorry, but i can't allow that now that you know." Then he pressed his soft nose to my neck and sniffed. But like lightning, me opened his mouth and bite me. I felt weak and when he let go i collapsed in his arms.
So, that's how it happened. But the transformation was a different story. For two days, I was locked in a steel and concrete room. I was unconscious for most of it, but the few times i was awake i would viciously attack him. Each time though, he would calm me down after restraining me of course, and stay with me till i fell asleep.
After i wasw done with the transformation, Adam, finally found out his name, showed me around his home. He lives in a 15th century castle in the country side in Southern Ireland. I don't know how i got there, but it must have been the night i was turned. anyway, so yeah, i've lived with Adam for about three days now.
but we aren't alone. There is Adam's Two uncles, Bob and Tom, and about 20 servants. Plus Adam's huge golden retriever Stan. I sighed thinking about it. Adam had lived here for about five centuries, and i wasn't even allowed to see my family again. Oh well, i guess i would just have to get use to it here.

Chapter two~Hannah~

I sighed as i thought about that night. I just needed to forget it, i had a new life here. I looked around my huge room, with the large wall to ceiling windows, four in all, and with blood red drapes. The cold wooden floors and beautiful architecture amazed me. i had a huge oak dresser and walk-in closet. thank you Adam, and not to mention the bathroom. With two sinks, a large shower and tub big enough for two.
I walked out into the hall and entered the parlor. But i immediatly stopped and stared at the scene before me. Adam was having another one of his "days". He was surrounded by ten different women and they were all graabbing at him.
As soon as i met his eye he smiled and said, "Hey Hannah, sup?" I just cringed and said, "Nothing, I was just leaving." And at that very moment one of the women stabbed him with a stake, great, he told one of them again. he cried out in pain and the women dipursed. they all left through the front door, each slamming it hard.
I laughed and smiled down at him. he groaned and stood up growling."Oh, so you think this is funny?" Oh great, he was in a mood now.
"Yeah, i do. Why do you do this everytime Adam? You tell em and they freak out on you." I yelled at him. Heat fill my cheeks and tears welled up.

He just smirked, "Maybe because i like to. Why do you care?" That question brought me to a hault. Why do i care?
I just gritted my teeth, "God, you truly are unbelievable Adam." I turned and started to walk away when he said, "Whatever, just walk away like always." I stopped, what did he just say? i turned and glared at him.
"You insufferable bastard, I hope you rott in hell." I turned and walked away, but not before hearing, "You know Hannah, your nothing but a pain in my ass."
Now, that hurt, more than he would ever understand though. I ran down the hall to my room and grabbed my backpack. then i raced to the garden. It was the only place i could go that was quiet and away from Adam. When he is in his famous moods, its best to leave him alone.

Chapter three~Adam~

that girl really was a pain sometimes. grrr, why did she even care that i had a bunch of random women over! i mean i was entitled to whatever i wanted wasn't i?


Text: No copying allowed by:E.L.Smith
Images: No copying allowed by:E.L.Smith
Publication Date: 10-13-2012

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