As The Sun Sets, Erinny Rose [carter reed .txt] 📗

- Author: Erinny Rose
Book online «As The Sun Sets, Erinny Rose [carter reed .txt] 📗». Author Erinny Rose
that was still dripping down her neck, I saw that bits of her t shirt and trousers had been ripped from her body and the patches that were left seemed to be fused to what was left of her skin, there was strands of skin hanging off her arms and back, I could see a deep hole in her left thigh, it deep enough to fit my fist in to it. The woman obviously feeling my eyes staring at her body she turned back around to face me, the woman’s face was now much younger
“Mum…” I gasped in horror, but at that moment I was wrenched out of my nightmare and was forcefully thrown back into reality as I vomited violently over the side of my bed, I lay back into my pillows gasping and shaking, I was relieved to find that it was light outside because I had the bloody images flashing through my head which would have kept away sleep.
“Wow you look bad”
“Thanks Bree” I mumbled, it was now lunch time and I had been feeling nauseous ever since my nightmare, maybe I was ill, maybe the dream was triggered by an oncoming fever, or something I ate last night, I don’t know all I know is that I know that im not going to last the rest of the day, feeling as crappy as I do now.
“Hello? Lana? Im talking to you” I looked up to see Kiah looking slightly concerned “Bree is right Lana, you really don’t look well, look at her!” she said looking at everyone sitting around out table “She’s clammy and she’s burning up” she reached out to feel my forehead.
“I’m fine” I gasped pushing her hand away feeling as though I was about to vomit there and then “I’m just tired” after a short pause I said “urm actually” as I stood up cautiously and tucked my chair in “I’m just going to go to the toilet” I could no longer hold back the sick feeling “see you guys in class” and I rushed off toward the toilet, when I finally reached ladies room i was completely unaware that it was empty, I wasn’t paying much attention I just rushed into the nearest cubicle and vomited violently and loudly down the bowl. I staggered into class ten minutes late and slumped down into my desk after apologising profusely to my teacher who luckily is one of the nice ones and let me off with only a warning,
“Lana, I think you should go home” muttered Demitri who was sitting beside me
“I’m fine, there’s only one lesson left after this” I groaned
“You are not fine, you need to go home! How did you get to school?”
“I…urm…I…I walked” when I left for school I decided that I was too distracted to drive my car safely
“I will give you a lift home”
“But you don’t have a car” I muttered “And what about Will?”
“Will is going back with Kiah and my dad lent me his car”
“Oh ok”
The rest of the day ran really slowly, I was only sick twice more but by the time Demitri had heaved me from his car and to my front door I was hardly aware of my surroundings
“I really don’t think I should leave you alone” said Demitri
“It’s ok, I will be fine” I muttered as I leaned heavily against the door frame
“I don’t know” he sighed, then added “do you want me to help you upstairs?” as he noticed that I was swaying rather dangerously.
“No thanks”
“Fine but I’m going to send Bree over later, ok”
“Sure, just tell her to let themselves in” I said, he paused for just a few more minutes debating with himself then wondered off back to his dad’s sleek green Ford Focus, after he had driven away I shut the door and sank slowly to the floor and rested my head against the cool wall.
“Lana?” I opened my eyes to see Linda crouching in front of me looking concerned “what’s wrong?”
“I think it’s just a bug” I muttered as I allowed my eye lids to close again
“I didn’t think you looked too well this morning, I think you better go to bed”
“Ok” I agreed as she helped me up and half dragged me up the stairs
“If you want I will stay until you get better”
“Please, I don’t really want to pass this on to Dylan” I muttered as I changed in to my bed clothes and slowly climbed into bed.
“It’s not a problem, just get better ok” and she left the room
I felt too ill to even think about my dream and got to sleep almost straight away. When I woke I realised that I felt much better and that I felt hungry so I climbed out of bed, Dylan’s cot was empty so he must be sleeping in his play pen and sure enough when I got downstairs I saw blankets on the sofa where Linda must have slept and Dylan in his playpen sleeping soundly, I crept past him silently so not to wake him and entered the kitchen to find Linda sitting at the breakfast bar reading the mornings news paper.
When I entered she looked up at me and said “You look better this morning”
“I feel better” I confirmed as I reached into the breadbin and pulled out a slice of bread and put it in the toaster, I didn’t want to push my stomach too far so I was just going to have dry toast, “Thank you for staying by the way, I’ll pay you an extra days wages”
“Don’t be silly” said Linda almost angrily “You were ill, it wasn’t your fault you were ill”
“It wasn’t yours either” I replied as my toast popped out of the toaster and landed on my carefully positioned plate
“No” said Linda sternly
“Ok, well, only if you’re sure”
She nodded at me and then said “You going to school?”
“Of course!” I thought “Its Friday” I looked at her then nodded as I had my mouth full
“Well you had better get ready then, quickly”
I looked at the clock and then yelped, the clock on the wall said half past eight “great!” I groaned as I dropped my toast back on to my plate and dashed upstairs. I was showered and changed in record time it was now quarter to nine and that was a first for me, well getting ready in fifteen minutes that is. I decided that it was safe enough to drive and arrived in class with two minutes to spare.
“Feeling better then?” asked Bree
“Much” I said nodding “Hey, what happened to you last night? Dem said he was going to send you over”
“I came” said Bree “but you were asleep, I only came to check on you anyway, Linda seemed to have it all under control anyway”
“Are you doing anything tonight?”
“No, why?”
“Want to come round and order pizza?”
“Sure, I fancy pizza actually, want me to tell the others?”
“Sure ok” I agreed, I love spending time with my friends and seeing as Linda said she would stay again tonight I thought I would take advantage of the extra time I had.
Chapter Ten
It was a year ago that my mother died and I didn’t know what to do, I just sat in my bed feeling crushed, one by one I let the tears spill out of my eyes as I remembered the day of my mothers death.
It was seven in the morning and I woke up to the sound of my curtain being wrenched open, “Lana! Come and look, it has been snowing all night!” my mother was such a wonderful person, very excitable, like a child you might say, “Come on Lana” she said as she prodded me, I sat up and shielded my eyes from the soft white-ish glow that was coming from my window, I smiled as she came into focus, my mother: the most beautiful woman in England, with her waist length golden blonde hair, the white glow coming from the snow made her look like an angel, I know that it’s a childish description, but that’s how I see her. “Your father is going to be so annoyed that he missed winters first snow fall” she sighed as she fell back onto my bed.
“It’s his loss” I said grinning as I wrestled myself free of my bed covers “he doesn’t have to go on all these trips, it’s not exactly company policy mum it’s his choice.”
“I know” she sighed “but it pays well and with the new baby we really need the money”
“Yeah right” I muttered under my breath “he should stop giving my half his wages then!”
“Oh great!” mum groaned as she heard a baby starting to cry
“It’s ok mum, I’ll see to him” I offered, mum had a baby just three days ago and I am the only support at the moment seeing that dad is away
“Thanks dear” she said wearily as she closed her eyes
I wandered into mum’s room and walked over to the crib in the corner and carefully picked up a beautiful baby boy. Supporting his head I carefully checked his nappy which was surprisingly dry and figured that he was probably just hungry “mum” I whispered as I re-entered my bedroom “I think he is hungry”
“Ok, pass him here then love” she muttered as she propped herself against my headboard and placed about five pillows behind her.
I watched as she breast fed him, at first, when he had just been born I had looked away feeling embarrassed, but mum had said that it was natural and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. After about ten minutes I asked slowly “Mum? When are you going to name him?”
“I told you before honey, I want to wait till dad gets back so we can choose a name together” mum answered as she put her top back into place and put the baby gently over her shoulder to burp him, but instead of burping he vomited all down her back and thankfully missed my sheets “Damn” she groaned “this was the only top I have that isn’t stained already, here love can you take him and clean him up whilst I get changed?”
It was about mid afternoon when mum came to me and said “heya honey, I need to get out of the house for a bit, the baby is sleeping so all you have to do is keep an eye on him” and she passed me the baby monitor.
I didn’t notice that anything was wrong; I just figured she was tired and a bit stressed which was natural because of the baby, “Sure, no problem mum” I answered
“Bye love, I love you”
“Love you too mum” I watched as she hesitated in the doorway “mum, go and have a good time, we will both be here when you get back”
I didn’t have a clue where she was going, I just figured that she was probably going to see her friends, so when I woke up at half past ten the next day and she wasn’t back, I was frantic with worry, mum never usually stays out all night with out telling me, so the first thing I did was phone round all her friends, yes all fifty of them that lived in this region and not one had seen her since the birth of the baby, three days ago…
I don’t have a clue how I got to sleep, all I remember is settling down in the rocking chair next to the baby’s crib at about two in
“Mum…” I gasped in horror, but at that moment I was wrenched out of my nightmare and was forcefully thrown back into reality as I vomited violently over the side of my bed, I lay back into my pillows gasping and shaking, I was relieved to find that it was light outside because I had the bloody images flashing through my head which would have kept away sleep.
“Wow you look bad”
“Thanks Bree” I mumbled, it was now lunch time and I had been feeling nauseous ever since my nightmare, maybe I was ill, maybe the dream was triggered by an oncoming fever, or something I ate last night, I don’t know all I know is that I know that im not going to last the rest of the day, feeling as crappy as I do now.
“Hello? Lana? Im talking to you” I looked up to see Kiah looking slightly concerned “Bree is right Lana, you really don’t look well, look at her!” she said looking at everyone sitting around out table “She’s clammy and she’s burning up” she reached out to feel my forehead.
“I’m fine” I gasped pushing her hand away feeling as though I was about to vomit there and then “I’m just tired” after a short pause I said “urm actually” as I stood up cautiously and tucked my chair in “I’m just going to go to the toilet” I could no longer hold back the sick feeling “see you guys in class” and I rushed off toward the toilet, when I finally reached ladies room i was completely unaware that it was empty, I wasn’t paying much attention I just rushed into the nearest cubicle and vomited violently and loudly down the bowl. I staggered into class ten minutes late and slumped down into my desk after apologising profusely to my teacher who luckily is one of the nice ones and let me off with only a warning,
“Lana, I think you should go home” muttered Demitri who was sitting beside me
“I’m fine, there’s only one lesson left after this” I groaned
“You are not fine, you need to go home! How did you get to school?”
“I…urm…I…I walked” when I left for school I decided that I was too distracted to drive my car safely
“I will give you a lift home”
“But you don’t have a car” I muttered “And what about Will?”
“Will is going back with Kiah and my dad lent me his car”
“Oh ok”
The rest of the day ran really slowly, I was only sick twice more but by the time Demitri had heaved me from his car and to my front door I was hardly aware of my surroundings
“I really don’t think I should leave you alone” said Demitri
“It’s ok, I will be fine” I muttered as I leaned heavily against the door frame
“I don’t know” he sighed, then added “do you want me to help you upstairs?” as he noticed that I was swaying rather dangerously.
“No thanks”
“Fine but I’m going to send Bree over later, ok”
“Sure, just tell her to let themselves in” I said, he paused for just a few more minutes debating with himself then wondered off back to his dad’s sleek green Ford Focus, after he had driven away I shut the door and sank slowly to the floor and rested my head against the cool wall.
“Lana?” I opened my eyes to see Linda crouching in front of me looking concerned “what’s wrong?”
“I think it’s just a bug” I muttered as I allowed my eye lids to close again
“I didn’t think you looked too well this morning, I think you better go to bed”
“Ok” I agreed as she helped me up and half dragged me up the stairs
“If you want I will stay until you get better”
“Please, I don’t really want to pass this on to Dylan” I muttered as I changed in to my bed clothes and slowly climbed into bed.
“It’s not a problem, just get better ok” and she left the room
I felt too ill to even think about my dream and got to sleep almost straight away. When I woke I realised that I felt much better and that I felt hungry so I climbed out of bed, Dylan’s cot was empty so he must be sleeping in his play pen and sure enough when I got downstairs I saw blankets on the sofa where Linda must have slept and Dylan in his playpen sleeping soundly, I crept past him silently so not to wake him and entered the kitchen to find Linda sitting at the breakfast bar reading the mornings news paper.
When I entered she looked up at me and said “You look better this morning”
“I feel better” I confirmed as I reached into the breadbin and pulled out a slice of bread and put it in the toaster, I didn’t want to push my stomach too far so I was just going to have dry toast, “Thank you for staying by the way, I’ll pay you an extra days wages”
“Don’t be silly” said Linda almost angrily “You were ill, it wasn’t your fault you were ill”
“It wasn’t yours either” I replied as my toast popped out of the toaster and landed on my carefully positioned plate
“No” said Linda sternly
“Ok, well, only if you’re sure”
She nodded at me and then said “You going to school?”
“Of course!” I thought “Its Friday” I looked at her then nodded as I had my mouth full
“Well you had better get ready then, quickly”
I looked at the clock and then yelped, the clock on the wall said half past eight “great!” I groaned as I dropped my toast back on to my plate and dashed upstairs. I was showered and changed in record time it was now quarter to nine and that was a first for me, well getting ready in fifteen minutes that is. I decided that it was safe enough to drive and arrived in class with two minutes to spare.
“Feeling better then?” asked Bree
“Much” I said nodding “Hey, what happened to you last night? Dem said he was going to send you over”
“I came” said Bree “but you were asleep, I only came to check on you anyway, Linda seemed to have it all under control anyway”
“Are you doing anything tonight?”
“No, why?”
“Want to come round and order pizza?”
“Sure, I fancy pizza actually, want me to tell the others?”
“Sure ok” I agreed, I love spending time with my friends and seeing as Linda said she would stay again tonight I thought I would take advantage of the extra time I had.
Chapter Ten
It was a year ago that my mother died and I didn’t know what to do, I just sat in my bed feeling crushed, one by one I let the tears spill out of my eyes as I remembered the day of my mothers death.
It was seven in the morning and I woke up to the sound of my curtain being wrenched open, “Lana! Come and look, it has been snowing all night!” my mother was such a wonderful person, very excitable, like a child you might say, “Come on Lana” she said as she prodded me, I sat up and shielded my eyes from the soft white-ish glow that was coming from my window, I smiled as she came into focus, my mother: the most beautiful woman in England, with her waist length golden blonde hair, the white glow coming from the snow made her look like an angel, I know that it’s a childish description, but that’s how I see her. “Your father is going to be so annoyed that he missed winters first snow fall” she sighed as she fell back onto my bed.
“It’s his loss” I said grinning as I wrestled myself free of my bed covers “he doesn’t have to go on all these trips, it’s not exactly company policy mum it’s his choice.”
“I know” she sighed “but it pays well and with the new baby we really need the money”
“Yeah right” I muttered under my breath “he should stop giving my half his wages then!”
“Oh great!” mum groaned as she heard a baby starting to cry
“It’s ok mum, I’ll see to him” I offered, mum had a baby just three days ago and I am the only support at the moment seeing that dad is away
“Thanks dear” she said wearily as she closed her eyes
I wandered into mum’s room and walked over to the crib in the corner and carefully picked up a beautiful baby boy. Supporting his head I carefully checked his nappy which was surprisingly dry and figured that he was probably just hungry “mum” I whispered as I re-entered my bedroom “I think he is hungry”
“Ok, pass him here then love” she muttered as she propped herself against my headboard and placed about five pillows behind her.
I watched as she breast fed him, at first, when he had just been born I had looked away feeling embarrassed, but mum had said that it was natural and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. After about ten minutes I asked slowly “Mum? When are you going to name him?”
“I told you before honey, I want to wait till dad gets back so we can choose a name together” mum answered as she put her top back into place and put the baby gently over her shoulder to burp him, but instead of burping he vomited all down her back and thankfully missed my sheets “Damn” she groaned “this was the only top I have that isn’t stained already, here love can you take him and clean him up whilst I get changed?”
It was about mid afternoon when mum came to me and said “heya honey, I need to get out of the house for a bit, the baby is sleeping so all you have to do is keep an eye on him” and she passed me the baby monitor.
I didn’t notice that anything was wrong; I just figured she was tired and a bit stressed which was natural because of the baby, “Sure, no problem mum” I answered
“Bye love, I love you”
“Love you too mum” I watched as she hesitated in the doorway “mum, go and have a good time, we will both be here when you get back”
I didn’t have a clue where she was going, I just figured that she was probably going to see her friends, so when I woke up at half past ten the next day and she wasn’t back, I was frantic with worry, mum never usually stays out all night with out telling me, so the first thing I did was phone round all her friends, yes all fifty of them that lived in this region and not one had seen her since the birth of the baby, three days ago…
I don’t have a clue how I got to sleep, all I remember is settling down in the rocking chair next to the baby’s crib at about two in
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