» Romance » Shift, Emily Zimmerman. [general ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Shift, Emily Zimmerman. [general ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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whispered. I sighed and sat up, I crawled over to him and pulled him into a hug “she forgives you, even if you don’t” I whispered in his ear. He hugged me tightly back “I know” he whispered back. I pulled back and smiled “now get out, I have to get ready” I said, shoving him off of my bed.
he looked at me quizzically, “ready for what?” he asked. I rolled my eyes “I have a date tonight, with someone with the name of Drake” I said, shoving him out the door. He turned around and cocked his head to the side “really? You’re up to a date? After all that happened today?” he asked me, an amused expression on his face. I nodded “yep” I said. His expression changed to a guarded one “then…you forgive me for yelling at you?” he asked. I nodded, smiling softly, he smiled a bright smile and hugged me, I hugged him back and shoved him out the door, he chuckled and I heard his footsteps into the room beside mine. I jumped into the shower and washed my hair out, I grabbed a razor and started shaving my legs, then my under arms, when I was done, I turned the shower off and jumped out, brushing my teeth, and checking myself for any scars. I only three, one on the back of my leg, another on my stomach across the belly button, and another on the side of my arm, one was from Garrison, the others were from the two shifters that I fought. I hummed tunelessly to myself as I looked through my closet for something to wear, I found a light blue dress, and paired it with my favorite silver earrings with blue stones. I still had my #1 mom necklace on, and I planned on wearing it for a long time. I wondered what my little red haired mother was doing right now, sitting in that big lonely house? Or enjoying life with friends? I hope she was enjoying life, because right now, even after all the attacks and scars I have gotten, I am enjoying life. I slipped on some light blue flats and put some makeup on, a little bit of blue eye shadow with a thin layer of black eyeliner. I looked at myself in my floor length mirror and smiled, I looked good. I blow dried my hair, it didn’t need curling, it was already wild with natural curls. I had just got done brushing it when Drake knocked on my door, I opened it and smiled, he had a short sleeve button blue shirt on, with khaki pants. He looked at my face, then slowly went down to the floor, and as his eyes went down, the heat in my cheeks went up. He looked up at my face and smiled “ready?” he asked me. I nodded, and he held out his arm to me. I looped my arm around his and we walked to the lunch deck. Everyone was either in their rooms, or at the music room, I heard music being played from here. We entered the lunch deck and I stopped, looking at the gorgeous table set. Tropical flowers sat in the center, candles illuminating them nicely. The sun was setting over the horizon, which made it look even better. The table was covered with a white table cloth, and a rose lay on a napkin beside a plate of spaghetti with meatballs. I turned to Drake, who was smiling down at me “you did this?” I asked him softly. He nodded “yes, I sneaked out of my room when you were in the shower and walked over here, I did this, and still had time to change” he said. I nodded “thank you” I whispered, hugging him around the neck. He kissed my cheek and nodded. “My pleasure” he said. He led me to my chair, pulling it out for me, pushed me in and sat on the other side. He pulled up an ice bucket, and pulled out champagne, or what I thought was champagne, it was actually a bottle made to look like champagne, it was white grape juice. I laughed when he told me the reason “your mother wouldn’t let us have champagne, so she gave me this, it tastes better in my opinion” he chuckled. He poured me a glass and handed it to me. We tapped our glasses together in cheers and drank some. I set my glass down and smiled at him “thank you for this, I have needed a night like this” I said, looking around at the beautiful sunset sky. Drake smiled “anything for you” he murmured. We talked for hours while we ate and drank, I told him about my likes, my dislikes, and my kind of in the middles and he told me the same “you can’t tell me that you don’t like soggy cereal! It is the best kind of cereal!” he argued. I shook my head “no way, I hate the way it feels in my mouth, for some reason it reminds me of a wet diaper, the weird slushy like stuff inside, it grosses me out” I said, laughing at the disgusted look on his face.
“I’ll never eat soggy cereal again” he said.
“I told you” I laughed. He smiled teasingly “so, do you like Muse?” he asked. I stared at him for a long while with a blank face “do birds die?” I asked him. He cocked his head to the side with an amused expression “of course I do! They are like the greatest band ever!” I half shouted. He laughed “okay, I know what music to play at a birthday party” he said, raising an eyebrow at me. I just remembered that my birthday was three days ago, “oh yeah, I forgot” I murmured. He chuckled “wow, you forgot your own birthday, you should be ashamed” he teased. I shrugged, my cheeks turning pink “no birthday party’s!” I pointed at him. He cocked his head to the side in confusion and his eyes went down to my neck, it held my mom’s small necklace “you love your mother dearly” he said, not a question, a statement. I nodded “of course” I murmured. “You miss her don’t you?” he asked me. I looked away out at the darkened forest “of course” I repeated quietly. He sighed “I’m sorry, if I could, I would fly her out here and let her visit you. But I can’t. It’s too dangerous” he said. I nodded, understanding “I know” I whispered. I looked at him and smiled, “so…do you like Flyleaf?” I asked him. He snorted “who doesn’t?” he asked me. I shrugged “good question” I said thoughtfully. We talked for another hour before we started tiring, I yawned, making him yawn “I think it’s about time we called it a night, don’t you?” he asked me. I checked the time, it was twelve thirty “yeah, it’s getting pretty late” I said quietly. Drake nodded and got up from his chair, he stood up and walked over to me and held out his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me up. He pulled me into his side and put his arm around my shoulders. “So, why no birthday party’s?” he asked. I shrugged “because, it is embarrassing” I said. He laughed and kissed my forehead, my heart skipped a beat and I blushed. He walked me to my room, stopping there, he turned to me. I stared into his green eyes, and he stared deeply back. “Goodnight Jenna” he whispered.
“Goodnight” I whispered back. He leaned down, kissing my cheek. I closed my eyes as his lips lingered, “Goodnight” I repeated as he walked into his room. I walked into my room and closed the door, leaning against it. I smiled, closing my eyes and touching my cheek. I got into bed; the only thing on my mind was Drake. I turned over to face the wall, putting my hand on it, he was on the other side, and I could swear I felt the warmth of his hand on the other side. I closed my eyes with a smile and fell asleep.

Chapter fourteen.
I was standing on the lunch deck, not knowing how I got here, I just ended up here, I don’t remember even waking up. something told me to turn around, and I did without my permission, my body turned around, and behind me was death, everyone was dead lying on the ground, I saw Drake and my body went numb, my emotions were gone, I stared at him blankly, then the realization of his lifeless body lying there made me fall to the ground, I didn’t scream, I just sat there, suddenly in front of him, I sat there beside him, tears falling down my cheeks and onto his face as I cradled his head in my lap. Garrison and his minions appeared in front of me, Garrison was smiling wickedly, and his minions had the same look. I looked down at my night gown, and found it bloody and torn, I was bleeding, my stomach was torn open and I was bleeding to death, I suddenly fell onto Drake, I couldn’t move, it was like I was paralyzed. My last thought was ‘at least I’ll be with Drake’
I woke with a start, my sheets were wrapped around my legs and arms, making it impossible to move, my breathing was ragged, and I was covered in sweat. I looked around the room with my night vision, I saw nothing. I sat up and wiped the sweat off of my forehead. That’s when the tears started flowing, I put my head in my hands and cried, ‘it wasn’t real, it wasn’t real’ I thought to myself, my silent cries turning into quiet sobs. I slid down to the floor off of my bed, sitting against it. I wanted to go and check to see if Drake was okay, but I refrained. He was alright, I could feel it. “Jenna? Are you alright?” Drake’s deep, worried voice came from outside the door. “No” I said quietly, still sobbing. Drake came into the room, seeing me on the floor. He walked quickly over and sat down beside me, pulling me into a hug “it’s alright, you’re alright” he comforted me, rubbing my back soothingly as I cried into his chest.
“I had a dream about them Drake” I whispered. Drake held me tightly against his chest “what happened?” he asked me gently.
“I was…standing on the lunch deck, and I turned around th-there were dead body’s just…p-piled everywhere! You were lying on the floor, dead. I dropped to the ground in front of you, you were d-dead! And suddenly Garrison and the others were standing in front of us, I h-had the urge to look down and I…oh god” I sobbed. He stroked my hair “it’s alright, it was just a dream” he whispered, trying to comfort me. “I had the urge to look down, so I did, my stomach was ripped open, that’s when I fell half way on top of you, I couldn’t move” I whispered. I wanted so much to tell him how much I loved him, seeing him alive and well, it relieved me so much. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest, holding him tightly, he held me tightly too, whispering comforting and soothing words in my ear. I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. They were worried and full of love. I moved my arms and put my hands on the back of his neck, I pulled him into a passionate kiss, he immediately responded, he held me tighter, if possible, and ran his hand through my hair. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance, I granted
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