» Romance » Shift, Emily Zimmerman. [general ebook reader txt] 📗

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in this, I need to sedate him, then we need to take an X-ray of his body, the bones are not healing right, I can tell, I might need to re-break them” I said grimly as the boy cringed. They went to work, grabbing the tools to sedate him, and setting up the X-ray. After I sedated him, I ran him through the X-ray, my suspicions were correct, I had to re-break his ribs and put them together, I listened as they mended, nodding to myself. I then sewed the wound together as best I could, and wrapped it with bandages. “Okay, you need to change these every day until the wound is healed” I told the nurse. The nurse nodded, “thank you, we don’t know how we would have saved him” she said thankfully. Jenna nodded, patting her shoulder. my clothes were bloody, and my hands were shaking and blood stained as well. The shock of what I just did was starting to set in. I stumbled my way back to my room, barely making it to the bathroom. I threw up into the toilet and leaned against the bathtub. “Jenna, are you alright?” Drake asked. Maria, Laurence and Drake were all standing there as I operated on the boy, my father not only taught me piano, but he taught me survival and health, I think he knew I would need it out here. I nodded “I’m fine” I mumbled, my hands were still shaking. Drake looked at me worriedly, “I just need a shower and to change clothes” I mumbled, trying to convince myself more than him. Getting up and washing my mouth out with water, throwing some in my face as well. Drake stayed in my room while I showered, afraid that I would pass out in the shower; I wasn’t so sure I wasn’t going to either. I got out of the shower and grabbed my towel, drying myself off. I put on some clean and not bloody clothes and walked out of my bathroom and sat down on the floor, putting my face in my hands and pulling my knees up to my chest. “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked me, worry still in his voice. “I’m fine” I replied. I listened as he walked over to me, I didn’t expect for him to pick me up, he picked me up bridal style, me yelping in surprise, he set me down on the bed and pulled my covers over me, “get some rest okay? You need some time to calm down from the shock” he said softly. I nodded slightly, “okay” I mumbled. He was about to walk out of the room, but I grabbed his hand “stay with me, please” I pleaded. He looked at me and smiled softly, kissing my forehead “Okay” he said. I don’t know what got into me, but I insisted that he sleep in my bed with me, I cuddled up to his chest and fell into a deep sleep. I awoke the next morning to soft breathing, something I wasn’t used to hearing in the morning. I opened my eyes and looked up to find Drakes face, his hansom features completely relaxed; I had my head buried in his neck and my hands on his chest. He had his arms cradling me to his chest, his blonde hair was disheveled, but that only added to his handsomeness. Our legs were entangled together; it was like a pattern, his leg under my leg, my leg under his leg. I couldn’t help it; I reached up and stroked his eyebrow. It arched slightly, and his arms tightened around me, mumbling something incoherent. His face was so close to mine, his kissable lips so close to me, my mind went back to when he kissed me, the fiery passion that went through me was like nothing I had ever felt before, I had never dated anyone before, he would be my first boyfriend, “I wonder if it feels the same way with everyone” I wondered aloud.
“If what feels the same way?” Drake asked, his eyes cracking open slightly. I blushed “nothing” I muttered. He raised the same eyebrow that I had been stroking earlier; I wished I could stoke it again. “Alright, alright…I was wondering if…the way I felt…when I kissed you…” I trailed off, blushing deeper. He nodded, understanding “I don’t think it does, the way you feel when you kiss your mate is something that no human alone can ever feel” he said, his eyes drifting to my lips. I watched as his bright green eyes flitted back to stare into mine instantly. I cleared my throat nervously, hiding a small smile. “God, I don’t know how to act around you, you are too beautiful for your own good” he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.
Chapter twelve.
I felt her stroking my eyebrow softly, it felt so nice, she stopped stroking it after a few seconds, and I felt disappointed. Her breathing changed, like she was thinking about something upsetting, or, something nice. “I wonder if it feels the same way with everyone” she murmured, a quiet whisper. “If what feels the same way?” I asked, opening my eyes ever so slightly so they would adjust to the light. She blushed; looking down at her hands on my chest “nothing” she lied. She looked back up as I raised an eyebrow, a look of longing in her eyes. “Alright, alright…I was wondering if…the way I felt…when I kissed you…” She trailed off, blushing a brilliant scarlet red. I nodded, so that’s what she was thinking about, the day we kissed… “I don’t think it does, the way you feel when you kiss your mate is that no human alone can ever feel” I was sure of it, the feel of her soft lips on mine, it was like nothing I had ever felt before. I realized that my eyes had drifted to her soft red lips and quickly looked back up into her eyes. She cleared her throat, though I saw a small smile on her lips. She was so beautiful; I had to work to keep my words from being a jumbled mess. “God, I don’t know to act around you, you are too beautiful for your own good” I whispered, my lips close to her ear. I felt her shiver and looked into her beautiful eyes. How I longed to kiss her, to feel those naturally blood red lips on mine, to feel her soft skin, but I couldn’t, I promised myself not to kiss her until she felt ready. She put her hand on my neck and smiled. She then sat up and jumped out of bed, her graceful movements not helping me to keep from kissing her. She stretched and walked into the bathroom, grabbing clothes and a towel on her way. I laid back with my hands behind my head, looking up at the ceiling as I tried to restrain myself from going in there and joining her in the shower. This is going to be a hard few weeks. I had dreamed last night that she was in my arms, and I was kissing her deeply. Part of that dream was true, she was in my arms, but I was not kissing her deeply. A few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, seeming to forget that I was in the room, she had a towel wrapped around her, this was definitely not helping, I raised an eyebrow at her, and she widened her eyes at me and looked down at her towel. My inner animal was growling inside of me, I wanted kiss her so bad. Before she could do anything, I was in front of her, I put my hand on the back of her neck and kissed her deeply, and she pressed her body against mine and put her arms around my neck, returning the kiss passionately. Then she seemed to realize she was only in a towel, we broke apart, her looking away from me, her breathing was heavy, and so was mine. Regret flowed through me “I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me” I mumbled, sitting back on the bed. She looked me in the eyes; her eyes seemed to say that she wasn’t sorry. “I’m going to go get changed” she said quietly, blush coloring her cheeks. She walked back into the bathroom and I heard the rustling of fabrics. I decided to give her some privacy, I was about to walk out her door when she spoke, suddenly sitting on the bed “don’t go” she pleaded, again, that pleading voice I couldn’t resist. I turned around and looked into her eyes; they were afraid, she was afraid to be left alone. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug “I’ll never leave you” I promised her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest “thank you” she whispered. I didn’t answer, afraid that if I did, she would disappear, and I would wake up from a dream. I wanted to tell her that I love her, that she is my one and only true love until the end of time, but I couldn’t, afraid that she would reject me. She sighed and let me go “we need to go check up on the boy, I still haven’t gotten his name” she murmured. I nodded and grabbed her hand, we walked into the hospital wing, it was near her room. Of course, her room was close to everything. We walked in to find him still sleeping soundly, his bandages had been changed, and he seemed in good health, he was another case of premature; we seemed to have allot of those these days. He seemed to be only fourteen. Jenna watched with rapt attention as he shifted on his bed, she seemed to be listening for something, her hearing and sight was much better than the average shifter. And she was faster. She walked over to the boy and put her hand on his, listening. “He’s healed, but there will always be a scar” she murmured, looking at me. I nodded and walked over to her side. The nurse came to the other side of the bed, “I took out the stitches, but I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to start bleeding again, so I wrapped him back up for his ribs” she said, a quiet voice that I recognized. She had put a surgical mask on, and that was strange to me, it seemed strange to Jenna too. It was Ley; I could pinpoint her voice out of a shouting crowd. Had she put the mask on so I didn’t recognize her?
“if you don’t mind my asking, why the mask?” Jenna asked, breaking the silence. Ley seemed to have panic in her eyes, she glanced at me “uh, I am a little sick, I didn’t want him to get sick” she said. Jenna nodded “okay” she said. Ley seemed to relax. I began to wonder what Jenna’s power would be, I wasn’t supposed to tell her about the power, just train her in how to use it after she was informed of it. Her senses seemed heightened. Hearing, strength, speed, they all seemed to be better than average. Jenna cocked her head to the side, listening, “I think someone found out about our boy here” she said to me Just as footsteps faded in down the hall. Yep, her hearing was definitely heightened.

Chapter thirteen. (Jenna’s P.O.V.)

I heard a faint noise, it sounded like footsteps, I cocked my head to the side, listening intently, yep, footsteps, and talking. “He is down here, but why won’t you tell me who you are?” I heard Maria’s voice.
I looked at Drake “I think someone found out
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