» Romance » Anger (Hell's Heaven #1), K. Green [urban books to read txt] 📗

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to my father’s PC. I turn it on. I wrote the password, which is my mother’s name. He needs to change that. When was needed and started looking around the PC. So many separated folders. In each year, there were more and more folders for each month.

I find the one I needed.

Holy shit. So many things in it for the whole month! I thrust my hand in my pocket and take a USB. I bow down and plug it in the PC. I copy every single thing from it. Plus the month before and the month after my mother’s death. This can’t happen just for a month.

I look the clock on the wall 9;40 PM.  And this crap is on 66%. My father needs faster computer I swear to god.

“There’s footsteps.” Alec said peeking from the door. “Never mind, just a club whore entering a room.” I nod, but he doesn’t see it anyways. 9;42 PM and this crap not ready. 82%. “There’s some tattoo guy opening every door.”

“Dante” I whisper “Shit. We are in trouble. Emilyn couldn’t distract him long enough.”

He closes the door and steps towards.

“Get up”

“What?” he pulled me by the hand and sat on the chair. Oh, that’s what he wanted to do? I sat in his lap facing him. He lifted my tank top a bit and kisses me again. Alright so many kisses tonight, but like I am complaining anyways! The door opens and I raise my head looking at Dante.

“What’s going on here?” he grumbled. I shrugged

“Do you need anything?”

“His hands off you”

“Get out.”

“You ain’t fucking with him”

“And I said to get out.” I smirked when Alec bit gently my neck. Dante narrowed his eyes.

“Dante!!!” I heard Emilyn to scream “Help me!”

He leaned back into the hall “What!?”

“Alec and Alex are fighting. Come help me for fuck sakes!”

They fight? What for? Well right now I doubt I care much, I need to get the USB back. It’s ready. Everything is copied.

“Don’t bullshit me kid, go ask somebody else.”

“Everybody are drunk you asshole.”

Dante looked at me then Emilyn then back me “I’m coming after a minute. Do not move.” 9;55 PM. He closed the door loud and got off Alec’s lap. I leaned down to take the USB and turn off the PC off.

“Mission completed?” he asked standing up I nod and go towards the door. We go downstairs. The party is still going on, but there were less people. Probably left into the bedrooms upstairs and or just left to fuck in their own houses. Either way they are fucking.

We go outside, just to find Dante ripping the both boys apart. So they were really fighting? Tsk. I said distract, not fucking fighting and ripping each other’s faces.

“What’s going on?” I ask

“Stupid fight, nothing to worry about” Wes heavy breathing said.

“Tell her the truth asshole” Alex said.

“Which from all? That you are the jealous pussy here?” I take a deep sign putting my hands in my pockets. 

“Let’s go home. Seems like none of you have fun here.”

“Yeah, better do it. I guess Emilyn you’re staying at my place tonight?” Wes asked and she nodded.


I unlock the front door and lock it again when Alex is inside. All lights are off, with no life inside the house. Just the noise of the passing cars. I walk towards the stairs.

“First aid kit is in the your bathroom” I said without looking back

“What’s going on with you and this guy?”

“Nothing.” I say and go inside my room, closing the door loud.

I turn on my laptop and plug in the USB, then I leave it on the bed. I take long hot shower. When I’m done I wear my father’s shirt which I took today. I wear and my long knee socks. My feet are sensitive after shower, don’t blame me!

I sit on bed leaning myself on the bed’s table and I pull the laptop in my lap. I open the month before my mother’s death. 01.05.2014.

There’s nothing interesting in there. Just the profits from the clubs, we had in town. Which was quite big amount of money. There’s nothing else in here, but the profits. Nothing about the other MC Club. What the heck?

I opened same month as my mother’s death. 01.06.2014.

There’s again a lot of stuff about the club’s profits, but there’s was another folder, with no name on it. I went in.

A lot of pictures, voice records, videos.

4 pictures of threatening notes. Whichever I opened, was a threatening note, and with small cassette on each one was written the number with the note... What the fuck? I went back to the first one. There was some hand written words note and a picture under it. That was me. I was laughing brightly. My hair was still blond and I was with my cheerleading uniform, I was carrying my Math’s book. On my both sides were two other cheerleaders. With red marker I was enclosed. Above my picture there was the note.


Look what we have here!

I doubt you’ll want this… precious daughter of yours

to be all in blood yea?

Her laugh that day made my cock so hard…


That’s disgusting… what the actual fuck? I went to the next one. There I was again, at the school’s football field. I was on the top of the pyramid. My hair was tied in a ponytail, my face stayed focused. My hands spread to keep balanced, while I was staying on one leg.


Oh my! Look at those legs!!!

I’m just letting you know… the scream of her sweet mouth

 when she fell… was just amazing!

I had goosebumps. How’s her ankle?


This guy was stalking me? Like serious stalk? He had some kind of dirty fetish over young girls. Pedophile.

On the third picture, was me again. Ok this really starts to freak me out. This time I was at other city, for the cheerleader’s competition. We won 2nd place. Back then as far as I could remember, there was a gunshots when we were leaving the building, I was shot in the shoulder. On the picture I was front everybody smiling. On the picture just below my body was his gun pointing at me. I could see what kind of gun he was using, and his tattoo on his hand. Dragon spinning from his thumb, and it ended on top of his wrist.


Congratulations, My dear Liese!

Your performance was amazing, so sad that your

father wasn’t there to watch you. Poor girl.

Shall I shoot her? Look at her pretty smiling face John!

Isn’t it lovely? Want to bet that her face would look

amazing in some red colors on it and some holes?

What about her other holes, she’s going to be so tight…

Give me what I want John, and you know what is it.

Or your cute daughter, will be buried in your town’s cemetery.


What is all this, this is just… I got no words. My father let me go all around the country for my competitions, without telling me that a psycho was stalking and chasing me like a horny teenager? What for the fucking fuck sakes!? This freaks me out, more than it should. If he’s dead, why do I feel scared? That’s not normal.

On fourth and last picture with a note, this guy was behind me. Literally on three meters behind me. I was with my dark blue skirt, white tank top and my vest on my back, my hair was tied on low two pony tails. Next to me was Wesley and on the other side was Emilyn, wearing their own vests.


Best trio ever! Don’t you think?!

Those three looks amazing together… would it be awesome…

 if I make this little boy rape them both?

Wait, why would I bereave myself of two warm pussies?

Their screams will just turn me on more.


Wednesday. At 3pm. You know the place.


What place! Where this should be! Oh my god… this start to piss me off. ‘Chill Liese, chill. You haven’t even looked in other things.’ Yes I should do that, it better this way.

I went to the video’s folders. I turned on the first video. 30 minutes long? What the fuck is in this video?

I recognized that was one of our cameras as the gym, mechanics and bar area. From there I could see everything. Another camera turned on, so it’s collage of all cameras around? I suppose.

My mother’s car stopped and parked near the bar’s entrance. She was with Miranda. There was no Harleys neither other cars around. Everything was empty. They left the car, and went into the bar. For fifteen minutes everything was empty. Then a lot of Harleys started arriving. They were our people. Five minutes had passed. My mother left the bar seemed mad about something. Miranda follows her outside. Another camera turned on behind Miranda’s back. Is that… is that a fucking gun in her jeans?! They fight for few minutes, then Miranda grabbed the gun, but didn’t show it. She just held it.

Oh dear lawyer, you want to shoot my mother now? Are you that jealous over her? Pathetic cunt! I shook my head in disbelieve.

I jumped when my mother’s head exploded when her head turned to the gate and her body fell on the ground.

“Wait, wait, wait! What happened!? Oh god…” I covered my mouth and my eyes watered. Another camera turned on. There was a guy on the gate of our club area.

The guy had big body, not fat, but in muscles. He was sitting on a Harley, he had ripped jeans with a holster on with another gun and a knife. His shirt is white, and he had a vest on. I’ve seen every guy in our club, he’s not one of ours. He raised his gun again towards Miranda and he shoot her twice, then she fell next to my mother’s dead body, with her mouth opened, obviously screaming. I could see small black spot on his hand. So that’s the same guy from the picture?

“Shit...” I whispered my tears were falling down uncontrollably on my cheeks. The guy turned around leaving. His vest had ‘Black Knight’s Hell’ name on it.

I pushed my laptop of my lap. Oh god. I leaned my chin on my knees and crying. She wasn’t protecting my father… another lie… of his. But he lied to me to protect me from awful thing that happened. Oh my god… I look the laptop again, her blood is everywhere in the area, even with her brain. Her blood is all over Miranda too. All the members, who were there went out of the bar. They moved Miranda away pushing wounds in her stomach to stop bleeding leaving my mother there dead. President’s Old Lady, what a joke, after all this bitch took all the fame she wanted!? There he is, my father, showing from the gate with the VP and two more people. He stopped as fast as he could off the Harley, and leaving his bike to fall down. He was the only one running towards my mother. He fell on his knees cupping her face crying and screaming

And video ended.

This can’t be true, my mother shouldn’t have this kind of death! It’s impossible. She’s been always nice and cheerful. Always helped rest of the club’s women. No matter cooking or looking after their kids! She kept the peace between women in the club. Between the all club whores, outsider women, and rest of the old ladies of the club members.

Her hair was in bright brown with some blond shades in it. Her eyes were blue in small shades of silver in them. She wasn’t really tall, but every cloth looked amazing on her body. She wasn’t skinny, neither fat, but she had her own curves on her body. I remember she always had sweet scent of roses. Her hair smelled of them also. Even now I could smell it… so

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