» Romance » A Chance With You, Paula Camille Wong [top 10 inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «A Chance With You, Paula Camille Wong [top 10 inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Paula Camille Wong

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complete opposite. She was the one who had abandoned him. Left him all alone.

And he wasn’t prepared to open up the emotions he tried so hard to conceal because he had just seen her. He will not lose his head yet again.

He will see to it that Jane will not break the ice in his heart, which she had built.
Chapter 9

The birds chirped outside the window, sun peeking from the draped curtains. Jane’s eyes slowly opened. Blinking a few times before her vision finally adjusted. The last thing she had remembered was the highwaymen attacking the carriage. Cork had almost forced himself on her. And then she remembered who had saved them.


Her eyes softened at the sight of the person next to her bed, sleeping peacefully, her form on a leather chair her head on the back side of it. “Lily,” She whispered, recollecting Lillian’s nickname whenever she was a child. “What are you doing here? You should rest in your room,”

Lillian yawned and opened her eyes. “Oh horse feathers,” She mumbled rubbing her light green eyes. “It is the least I can do for you saving me. I could have been the one under that…horrible man,”

Jane smiled softly. “I do not think Lord William will forgive me if I let them harm you,”
“You know that is funny. I do not think William will forgive ME if I let them harm YOU,”
She looked confusedly at Lillian who only smiled. “I thought you were the smart one. Well, be on your feet. Come on. I have to introduce the famous Jane who saved their lady from danger. You are the hero here you know,”

“I am no hero. I am just trying to do what’s right,”

“And that righteousness you possess will get you killed. Do not worry. I will not scowl on you. I do think William will do the scowling. He is quite mad at you,”

“Mad at me? Why would he--…?”

“Do you have to ask?” By Jane’s expression, she sighed. “You are a smart woman but a naïve one at that,”

She opened her mouth to retort but was interrupted as Lillian hauled her to her feet, letting out a small squeal as the room opened, two maids came in. They had a friendly smile. “Hello miss. We are here to assist you of your personal care,”

“Oh you don’t….,”

“Fiddle sticks Jane. They are here to assist you and that’s that. You are my guest and you will be treated as one. As for your gowns, I ordered the footman, Maris, to throw them out. You will receive new ones. They are all in your wardrobe,”

Jane’s eyes widened instantly. “Really Lillian, there is no need for you to replace my-…,”

“Hush,” She remarked motioning for the two maids to continue.

“But really I can dress myself. There is no need of a hassle,” She said breathlessly jumping slightly as the maid unfastened her faded light blue gown, revealing a low cut bodice, the other maid getting to work untying it then the next moment was on the floor, followed by her corset leaving her with nothing but her silky chemise. Her face blushed red but a soft smile formed, replaced by a laugh as they motioned for her to enter the bathroom, the golden tub filled with hot steaming water.

Maryse, the younger maid smiled softly and lifted up her chemise over her head and onto the ground. While Marisa, the other younger maid with shining light brown eyes took the scattered pins out of her hair. The rest of her clothing followed as they helped her ease her way inside the hot steaming water, a soft sigh escaping her rosy lips. It has been so long since she had taken a bath with hot water. Back in her townhouse, she was left with only warm water. Almost cold.

Once she was finished bathing, Maryse and Maris helped her out of the tub, assisting her, wrapping a towel around her naked body, fair-hair dripping wet. Lillian was sitting on the bed, her own peach afternoon gown, sprawled about her. She smiled softly at the sight of Jane’s form exiting out of the lavatory, skin flushed. “Well you look like you enjoyed yourself,”

“It was heavenly,” Jane responded in a lazy voice, sitting herself down the mirror compartment. Her comb on top of her mahogany desk, a silver mirror attached to the wall, golden chained necklace on the table also.

“Here, this would look beautiful on you.” Lillian said behind her a grin on her own pink lips. In her hand was a breathtaking, difficult handmade gown. A beautiful light green gown with sapphire gems on each long sleeve, low cut on the shoulders and chest, and also a trail of emeralds and rubies on the base of the gown.

Jane looked at it, her eyes wide. “I cannot possibly wear such a…complex dress. It must cost a fortune and I..,”

“You are a guest Jane. I insist,” Her tone was final and she knew there is no way she can change it.

“But it does not look like a morning gown at all,”

“It’s not morning dear. It’s the middle of the afternoon. You overslept,”

“Middle of the afternoon?” She asked clearly not believing it one bit.

“Yes. You were sleeping so soundly. I did not want one of the staff to bother you,”

“I told you. It is of no matter. I can handle myself well Lily. I am not invalid,” She muttered. Lips curving into a frown.

“I know you are not. But still…,”

Jane’s eyes softened. She can see the concern in her friend’s eyes. Strangely, she was still unfamiliar of someone caring for her. Guessing if you lived with a heartless mother, selfish step father, and the selfish step father’s depraved son, it’ll change you in matter of ways that one man cannot understand. “Thank you Lillian. Now help me dress will you. I do not want to waste any other time,”

As soon she was dressed and her hair was neatly made, Maryse and Marisa smiled, their gray eyes glowing at the sight of her. “You do look beautiful my lady,”

“She’s right,”

“Indeed they are both right,” Lillian smiled and took her hand. “Now let me introduce you to the house staff. They are excited to meet you,” She let her out of the tall structured door and into the long hallway filled with more different doors, each one designed differently but their knobs was all the same. Dark red carpet stretched out of the hallway, the same matching curtains draped either side to let the afternoon sun enter the hall. When they reached the center of the hall, they turned right to view a beautiful marbled fountain on the center in shape of the beautiful Greek Goddess, Aphrodite. She was undressed, her arm draped over her husband, Hephaestus, their lips connected. Water were surrounding them in the center of a small pillar, exiting in different directions onto the ground. The stairway was carpeted as well, the same color as in the hallway, golden railings was at the edge of the stairs, stopping at the very last step, looping down. At the very bottom was a line of people. All dressed in their needed uniforms, from maids to footmen. At the sound of their slippers, they glanced up and a smile formed on every lips.

When Lillian and Jane made it down, she introduced her to everyone. Each bowing and smiling, beaming at her thanking her for saving their lady’s life. She is a hero. But she knew she was not.

Jane glanced around, trying to spot a particular man. But couldn’t help but frown when he was nowhere in sight.

“Who are you looking for?” Lillian asked watching her.

She shook her head, masking away her disappointment with a smile. “No one,” There is no way to deny it. She was looking forward to seeing William again. Hoping that he would show some sort of emotion towards her. Not that emotionless stare she saw before.

“Come. Let us go to the sunroom. There, we can have our afternoon tea,” Lillian took her hand and led her through the stairs and into the hallway they were in before, turning a corner to reveal another glimpse of a hallway, in the center was a massive mahogany double doors. She opened them, leading her inside. There was a piano on the far corner of the room, chairs surrounded each length, too many windows to count, curtains draped the sides, and a chandelier was located at the center top of the room not lighted. She closed the door behind them, but not just before ordering for a maid to fetch them a tray of tea and lemon biscuits.

Jane made her way to the far side of the room, sitting down on the leather chair facing outside of the window. The sun was set low on the sky now. And still there was no sight of him. She sighed. She shouldn’t get her hopes up with something that is so ridiculous. Both of them had changed. They were not the same adolescents who laughed and played in her father’s townhouse. Both of them have evolved. None of them were the same. William had chosen Meredith.

Never Jane.

The sudden stab of realization brought her back from her dreams and dragged her to the cruel drenching reality.

“William must be with his mistress,” Lillian muttered lowly.

And just like that she felt her whole world crumble into nothing but a pile of ashes. You will not be affected by this. You foresaw this coming. William should have a mistress. There is no surprise in that. He is handsome, wealthy, and noble. You can’t get affected. You won’t. But still, she can’t repudiate the fact that sharp needles stabbed her heart. It is ridiculous. But it seemed that her heart has a will of its own. She is still deeply in love with him. Even after all these years. Such long years. No matter what he has done. She cleared her throat. “Mistress?”

“Knowing him, he will not be back until tomorrow-…,” She broke off as the double doors opened. There, striding in the room was William.

Jane’s eyes widened in surprise. He was dressed in a white ruffled shirt, his black cravat tied around his neck, dark brown overcoat matching his trousers, over knee length black boots. His hair was mussed because of the wind when he was riding she guessed.

“Well this is a surprise Will. What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Lisa’s bed?” Lillian asked annoyed.

He didn’t answer her, instead his eyes

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