» Romance » Random Knigghts, Dennitra Lomax [free ebook reader for ipad TXT] 📗

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of us, and after a few chuckles and jokes, we decided to get going. Liam and I got into the Jeep, while Max got into his car, which was directly beside us, and a nice car it was. An all black Ford Mustang, with all black rims, and black-leather interior. By the gorgeousness of it, I could tell it was a newer model. I was in love, with his car. All black? Nothing’s better.
“Whoa! Nice car, big spender!” Liam shouted to Max, and they both laughed.
“I’ve got so much money, I don’t know what to do with it all!” He replied.
Although he seemed to be joking, I didn’t believe he was. While Liam blasted his radio, my eyes shifted all around me. From people, to buildings, and everything in between. The sights were beautiful. Well, to me they were. When we arrived, I could hardly contain myself. FunFest lived up to my expectations, within first glances of the place.
“Let’s do laser tag first!” I exclaimed.
I’d played before, but playing laser tag when you’re in elementary, as well as playing with your parents, could never be as fun as playing with people your own age. Both Liam and Max agreed that laser tag could be played first, so we went to stand in line. The wait wasn’t long, but it was long enough for them to make a bet on whose team would win. I was leaning towards Max’s team winning, because they didn’t have me on their side to weigh them down. I suck at sports. I suck at anything remotely athletic. Plus, Max had the most butch looking girl on his team, who looked like she played this game for a living. Note to self: See her coming, get out of the way. After getting suited up in the glow-in-the dark gear, Liam and I; and the rest of the people on our team, went to our side, while Max’s team went to theirs. The lights shut off, and the siren beginning the game sounded. I ran. We all did. Simultaneously, but in different directions. I’d planned to stay next to Liam, but I noticed he was no where to be found. Neither was anyone else on my team. I guess, I’m on my own. Not good. I figured it wasn’t a good idea to continuously prance around, so I crouched against a wall with a hole in it big enough to see anyone coming. I just hoped the hole wasn’t too big, that someone could see me. The paranoia of being spotted caused me to lay belly-down on the ground. No one would spot me now. I heard something, so I gripped my paper-weight gun tighter. By the rate of my heart, you’d think I were in a life-or-death situation. I heard foot-steps, but I wasn’t sure what direction they were coming in. My eyes were glued in the direction they would come, or so I thought.
“Ouch!” I exclaimed in pain, as I grabbed at my legs.
I quickly, well sort of, realized what happened. The person’s foot-steps I’d heard weren’t coming from in front of me, but behind instead. They tripped over my sprawled legs, and were somewhere around me! I fumbled around for my gun and, when I finally grabbed it, fired. I saw the aggravation on her face, as the colors on her gear went into a bright frenzy. A computer voice spoke overhead:
“Red has taken the lead.”
Guess my team was red, makes sense cuz my gear’s red. Good to know. I struggled to get up, but once I felt the ground beneath my feet I sprinted away from the scene. I kept replaying her face over and over again, and it cracked me up every time. I indulged in my greatness, a little too long.
“Freeze!” He shouted.
I did as he said. I put my arms up, with gun in hand, and slowly turned to see who was being so lenient. His blue gear was the first thing I saw, and I knew I was in trouble. Next, I saw a smirk I’d seen before, and before even looking at his face, I knew who it was. Max.
“Well, well, well. Look what we’ve got here. A straggler.”
His voice was that of an Englishman. His smirk intensified, and I couldn’t help but smile back. I lowered my arms, but kept my gun by my side. His accent was pretty good, so I played along.
“Ya got me, Max. Finish me.”
“I will. Or maybe, I wont. Are you up for a truce?”
I lowered my eyes, “What’s the catch?”
His smile beamed, “No catch. It’s more like, a trade-off.”
I leaned forward, in interest.
“What do you want to trade?”
“A kiss-for your life.”
His accent had left, as did my smile. I was shocked he’d think I would ever kiss him, especially when he knew Liam and I were…together? Well, regardless of the fine print, it was obvious Liam and I had something. Right? Max couldn’t be that blind. I was super uncomfortable, but I didn’t want him to see that. I noticed he was creeping forward, and my heart started beating a million miles an hour. My first instinct was to run, but then he would shoot me, and I didn’t want that. But, I’d handle that situation much better than this one. Max was in grasps reach from me now, and I knew what I was going to do to avoid all of this.
“So…do we have a deal?” He asked, smirk still in place.
I was beginning to think it was glued in that position. I didn’t know how to flirt but, if my plan was going to work, I had to try my best. I tried to embody someone very sexy, so I just drew my inspiration from Naomi off 90210. She was super sexy, and she had flirting down to the t. I batted my eyelashes, lowered my eyes, and placed one hand strategically on his chest.
“Sure, close your eyes.”
His eyes quickly shut and, for a moment, I skimmed him over. He was indeed, handsome. From his bed-head to his biker boots, I’m sure the ladies went wild over this dude. His lips puckered outward as he awaited a kiss that would never come, and I marveled at his stupidity. He was vulnerable. I’d planned on that, hoped for it. I pushed him back with my left hand, that rested on his chest and his eyes shot open. Before he could react, I shot him. His gear went into a frenzy of light, as I’d seen before, and I felt such a rush from deceiving him. His face couldn’t have been more shock stricken, and it was all the pleasure I needed.
“Sorry love,” I replied, accent and all, before retreating.
“Red Team is in the lead,” the voice overhead exclaimed.
I was on alert this time, so another awkward position didn’t present itself. This game was pretty fun. Before the lights cut on, I caught up with Liam and we finished off a few blue team members. Our lead was tremendously greater than that of the blue teams, and I felt proud to be apart of the winning side. Liam told Max to pay up, and unlike most guys, who would try to weasel out of it, he handed over the ten bucks with no argument. I didn’t think to tell Liam about the incident between Max and I. It wasn’t even a big deal, and it was all in good fun. At least, I think so. I wanted to golf next, but the boys were stuck on rock wall climbing. So, we made our way over to where the high wall stood. I wasn’t one for heights but I didn’t want to be singled out by them, or called a scary cat, so I pretended to be psyched. The three of us were getting our gear put on, and I couldn’t have been more freaked out. Up close, the wall seemed even higher than it was when we were standing in line, and I was contemplating whether I had it in me to do this. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and warm breath near my ear.
“Chill All’s, it’ll be fun.” Max whispered.
I guess I wasn’t the best at hiding my real emotions, even though I’d been giving it my all. But, I wasn’t going to cave now. He slowly made his way in front of me and, when our eyes met, I shot him a confused look.
“What do ya mean? I’m not scared.”
His eyes never left mine and even though mine wanted to leave his, they couldn’t.
“I never said you were, but I can see in your body language that you are.”
I lowered my head, in defeat, and didn’t say anything else, but we both knew he was right. When I looked back up, he was in front of the wall smiling back at me. Liam was already halfway to the top of the wall, and Max was going to join him. I jogged over to where he stood, and smiled back at him.
“It’ll be fun,” he said again, smile intact.
It amazed me how nice he could be. How he could go from obnoxious to sweet in like a second, was shocking. But intriguing.
“Thanks,” I replied, before we began to climb the wall.
Max wasn’t so bad. His bad boy image seemed to be just that, an image. It wasn’t really him, at least, I didn’t think so. By the minute, Max was growing on me. I could genuinely call him a friend. But something inside of me felt Max didn’t want to be just friends.

Chapter Twelve

We had such a blast at FunFest. Hanging out with Liam and Max was amazingly fun. After doing everything, and I mean everything, at FunFest we left there to go to Max’s house. When we pulled up in front of this huge, castle-like, home I was speechless. No way this was Max’s house! No way. Liam was overly enthusiastic.
“Bro, no way! This house is insanity!”
Max chuckled as he got out of his car, and started towards the giant front doors of…apparently his home.
“Yeah, she’s all mine!” Max exclaimed, as he pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door.
“All yours? Yeah right! Forgot your dad lives here?”
Liam’s smirk was contagious, and I found myself wearing it as well. I figured Max was trying to impress us, but what he should’ve known was the house itself was enough to impress anyone, especially us.
“I didn’t forget, because he really doesn’t live here,” Max replied darkly.
I hung my head, pretending to be uninterested as to why Max’s father didn’t live at home. But, Liam wasn’t so uninterested.
“How cum?” He asked, blankly.
“Well, his company is based in California and he works 24/7, so he thought it only fitting to get a condo out there. It saves him a pretty long flight from here to there whenever he gets a business call.”
Max shrugged, and Liam did too.
“Your lucky, bro! You’ve got this entire place to yourself. No parental supervision, no rules, it’s any guys dream!”
Liam rushed off into the many different rooms, shouting tons of whoa and wows. Max stayed behind, with me, and I tried to contain my amazement. The entrance was breathtaking. A grand staircase gradually rose, from both sides of the room, towards the never ending, vaulted ceiling. A chandelier hung in perfect distance from the front door, catching all of the sunlight that shone from the huge window above the entrance. Even though I hadn’t seen anything but the entry way, I
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