» Romance » Random Knigghts, Dennitra Lomax [free ebook reader for ipad TXT] 📗

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get loads of crap from them for it. I decided to just make a plate, with everything on it. Even though I could never eat all of it, I’d at least pick at it to avoid any further argument. David sat to the far left of the dining room wooden table, while my mother sat opposite of him. I sat in the middle of the table, as usual. From the outside looking in, it would appear, we were a happy little family. Actually, to everyone here in town, we did appear to be this happy family, and that couldn‘t be further from the truth. Sitting here next to them, pretending, it sickened me.
My face construed to match my emotions, and my mother noticed.
“What’s wrong, honey? Is it the food?”
“Oh no, mom. The food is, great.”
Although I paused a little too long for my statement to be true, my mother left it alone. David finished his meal faster than usual, and excused himself to his room. My mother, although she wasn’t quite finished eating, took her and David’s plate into the kitchen and began to do the dishes. Figures. My mother never could be in the same room as me, alone. I guess it makes her uncomfortable, or something like that. Either way, we don’t have a good mother-daughter relationship. I’m not sure if I’m the problem, or if she is. While my mother finished the dishes, I picked at my plate, and forced a piece of over-seasoned meat down my throat. The seasoning was like a shock for my taste buds, and I grabbed for my glass of water to ease the burn. The coolness of the water overpowered the taste, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was definitely done.
And apparently, so was my mom. I no longer heard clanging dishes, and the kitchen was dark. All signs said, the coast was clear. I grabbed my plate, which appeared hardly touched, dumped it into the garbage disposal, and let it shred the food to bits. The sound was music to my ears. After rinsing my plate, and setting it in the dish washer with the rest of the dishes, I headed to my room. I always feel so at ease there. It was my sanctuary. I slipped my shoes off, grabbed my pajamas, and skipped into my bathroom to take a nice, hot shower. The heat from the steam was almost unbearable, just the way I liked it. A long, steamy shower can cure almost the worst of days. It was as if all of my problems and worries trickled away, along with the drops of water that rolled down my back. After getting dressed, and having groomed myself, I stuffed my headphones into my ears. Blue October was one of my favorite bands, and their sound filled the headphones, vibrating my eardrums with Justin’s amazing voice. Perfect inspiration for writing. Not that I needed inspiration to write in my diary. I wrote in it every morning, and every night. I wrote in the morning, so I could sort of set out what I planned to do that day or at least how I wanted the day to go, and I wrote at night to recap the entire day. Pretty sure today would be, by far, the best recapping ever.

Chapter Nine

He and I ran, holding hands along side each other. Our smiles beamed, while rays of light hit our skin. I could feel how happy I was. It was overwhelming how much I loved him. Although I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, I could feel that something was definitely different about us. We seemed closer. Almost, one. I caught glimpse of what looked like a bow-tie and, instantly, my eyes shot to the rest of him. Was he wearing a, tuxedo? I looked over his attire, and he was stunning. He was indeed wearing a tuxedo, and I doubt anyone could look any better in one. It was black and white, penguin like but, very flattering. I wonder what occasion would require him to look so snazzy. I realized we were still running, and I wondered why that was as well. Our run, was more of a jog. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, and it was weirdin’ me out. His left hand was still in my right hand so I gripped it harder, in case I fell from all of the jogging.
Something in his hand, rubbed against mine. I looked down at it, and gold flickered back at me. Liam didn’t wear rings, at least I’ve never seen him wear any, so I was stricken with confusion at the golden band on his finger. Although everything else was moving in slow motion, my mind wasn’t. The pieces came together, and fit like a puzzle. The sudden feeling of closeness, his tux, the ring, they could only lead to one thing. I forced my eyes away from his hand, and turned them onto myself. A sea of white was what I saw. The beaded, white cloth flowed around me, and I was amazed at how beautiful a dress it was. It was the wedding dress of my dreams and, apparently, today was my wedding. My eyes shot open, from the best dream ever. It was also pretty strange. I mean, I’ve only known Liam for a few days, and here I am dreaming about us being married. Talk about random. What time is it? 11:45am. What to do today? I didn’t really feel like writing, so I kept my diary entry short and simple.
Dear Diary:
I had a weird dream, it kinda freaked me out. Of course it was about Liam. Don’t get me wrong, the thought of me being with Liam forever was very nice, but the dream was odd. Sort of far fetched if ya ask me. Even if Liam would have me as his bride, it wouldn’t be any time soon. So, I’m just gonna enjoy the time we share together now, and not worry about anything else. Well, I’m gonna try to not worry about anything else. 
I hopped out of bed, and made my way over to my window. I wanted to see the sun for some reason. Probably because of my dream, but I’m not sure. I pulled my curtains back and sat on the window seal. Outside, it looked nice. Peaceful. I opened the window to feel the air, and the heat surrounded me instantly. The heat wasn’t as unbearable as yesterday, but I wished it were cooler. Any kind of cool breeze would’ve been nice. But here in Texas, when it’s hot, it’s hot. I prefer the winter. Cuz here in Texas, when it’s cold, it’s cold. It’s like, Texas is extreme, in every aspect. The food, the weather, the people, you just can’t catch a break. It’s so frustrating! But, I pretended to enjoy the sun. Raising my head towards it, I soaked in the rays of heat that seemed to strike harder and harder each second.
I looked in the direction that the voice came from, and it came from the window next door. Liam’s house. Sure enough, Liam was in his window seal as well. His smile was brilliant, even from a distance, and his arm waved side to side enthusiastically. I waved mine back.
“Hey, Liam!”
Every time I saw him, I wasn’t in control of how much I smiled. Something about him, made me feel like a different person. A more attractive, joyful person was what I became, and I enjoyed that.
“What ya up to?”
He asked.
“Nothin much, just woke up.”
“Me too. So, did you have anything planned for today?”
“No, not really. On Saturdays, I usually just watch crummy movies.”
I didn’t really feel like doing what I usually did on Saturdays, probably because I’d much rather be doing something with Liam.
“Ya think you could press the pause button on those crummy movies…to spend the day with me?
Even from my window, I could hear the anxiousness in his voice. As if I wouldn’t want to spend the day with him. It would be insane not to.
We both smiled for a short moment, and gave each other thirty minutes to be ready and meet at his porch. Even though David and my mom were both at work, I wasn’t comfortable with Liam being too close to my front door. He’d probably want a tour or something, and David could pop up at the house any second. Not a good look to have a boy in the house, let alone when no one was home. Unlike most girls, I only take a few minutes to get ready. Mostly, because I don’t work as hard on my appearance. I put together an “outfit,” as best I could, that consisted of my normal jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, of course. It was way too hot to wear my lengthy hair down, so I threw it into a sloppy pony-tail, but with my security hair still out in front of my eyes, and started downstairs to the kitchen for a quick snack. Peanut butter and jelly sounded good. After gobbling that down, along with a glass of milk, I grabbed my house key and went to meet Liam. He was already on his porch. His eyes crinkled around the edges from the smile on his lips, and his teeth peeked through. It was like I could see all of my hopes and dreams in his smile, it was hard not to stare. But then again, there were so many other attributes he possessed to marvel over. Picking just one, terribly difficult.
“Hey, Ally.”
He stood, from leaning on his porch, to give me a hug. His arms wrapped around my back, and slightly tightened before releasing. His scent, an amazing scent, filled my nostrils. Hygiene, another great attribute.
“Hey, Liam.”
He extended a dripping, water bottle in my direction.
“Oh, no thanks, I’m not thirsty.”
His eyes crinkled again.
“You, will be. It’s pretty hot, and since we’re gonna be out and about, you should take some water with ya.”
His arm was still extended, so I took the water. He was definitely right. The heat could dry out an ocean, and I would get thirsty. How, thoughtful.
“No problem.”
“So, where is ‘out and about’ exactly?”
He chuckled out loud, and his expression was that of a little kids, who’d been caught telling a lie.
“Well, I didn’t really plan where we would be going,” his smile increased, “I just knew that I wanted to spend the day…with you.”
My heart started to race, and I swore he heard how dangerously fast it was beating.
“That’s so, sweet.”
I felt my face grow hot, and it wasn’t because of the weather. I blushed more these past few days, than ever before.
“I know.”
Liam’s sudden revelation startled me, “ya wanna go to Rockwall?”
I laughed. The thought of leaving town tickled me, until I saw the confusion on Liam’s face.
“Why are you laughing?”
He asked.
“You can’t be serious!”
I asked, as I searched his eyes. But he was.
“Liam, Rockwall? That town isn’t exactly in walking distance from us.”
Liam’s confusion faded, and a smirk appeared.
“Who said anything about walking?”
We stood silent for a few moments. Until he reached into his pocket, pulled out a cell phone, and dialed. I didn’t know he had a cell phone. Then again, I hadn’t asked him if he owned one. There wasn’t much use for cell phones out here. Not when you can stick your head out the window and have a full blown
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