» Romance » The A girl, Hope [the read aloud family txt] 📗

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no tomorrow as they sat down at a table laughing together. Well, I was about to burst their bubble.
I ordered my coffee, and sat there for a minute before I realized she was going to kiss him. I rushed over dragging my chair.
“Mind if I sit?” I asked wedging my chair up to their table.
“Well, sure.” Miss Johnson said slowly.
“What a coincidence seeing you to here. This a date?” I asked and she smiled nervously.
“Well, it’s a date.” She admitted and I smiled.
“That’s nice, but I’d watch him. I hear he’s a player.” I said nudging her, and the whole time Adrian watched me carefully.
“Really?” She asked amused.
“Yeah, I’m sorry if I’m interrupting. I just have had a rough week, and really am in need of a friend.” I said playing my cards carefully and beautifully if I may say so myself.
“Oh no honey you’re no bother at all.” She said patting my hand, and I smiled.
“Thanks, it’s just I’ve been having these crazy nightmares about being trapped.” I said and she nodded concern written all over her Barbie doll face.
“I’m so sorry to hear that. You know I’m always here to talk.” She said and I nodded.
“I appreciate that.” I said smiling sadly before taking a sip of my coffee. After about a half hour of mindless chit chat with her she stood up.
“Well, I’d better go.” She said and I smiled.
“Oh, okay be safe.” I said and she nodded waiting for Adrian.
“I actually want to talk to Ahnallie about her dreams if that’s okay.” He said and she smiled at him probably falling harder for his sensitive side.
“I understand.” She said walking away, and I looked at him wearing my best poker face.
“So, you’re having nightmares.” He said restating his topic.
“Yepp.” I said with a little smile.
“About your time in the basement?” He pressed.
“Yeah, that’s right.” I concurred.
“What’s so special about them?” He asked and I shrugged.
“I can see the ending. The real one.” I said keeping my poker face steady, but his eyes lit up.
“Really?” He asked breathlessly.
“That’s what I said.” I said calmly.
“What is that?” He asked and I looked at him squinting my eyes a little.
“What is what?” I asked and he sighed.
“You’re answering and acting distant. Why?”
“You broke me once; I don’t plan on there being a second time.” I said, and he looked at me with a mixture of sadness and frustration.
“You broke yourself, and if you didn’t want to talk; why’d you come over here?” He pressed.
“I don’t know.” I admitted. “I just wanted too.”
“I miss you.” He said and my heart skipped.
“You left. You said we were done. You said you were done.” I said trying to not let emotion slip into my voice, but I could feel the strain from tears wanting to come. I could feel my frustration burning below the surface.
“I know what I said. I was mad, and you let me leave.” He pressed.
“I didn’t have the strength to chase you. I didn’t have the mind capacity to think through what was happening.” I said my poker face falling away.
“What was going on that had you so distracted? What was so important?” He asked, and I looked away.
“Matt knows something is up.” I mumbled.
“What did you say?” He asked turning my face to him.
“Matt knows something is up between us okay? He said he knew about my vampire incident, and that he was going to find out what was going on with us. I’ve been watching him carefully, and he doesn’t seem to be making any progress. It scared me though. I wanted to believe he couldn’t find anything out, but I knew it was possible he could. Then, we were fighting, and I figured he would give up. Think there wasn’t anything with us.” I said with a sigh.
“Does anybody else know our secret? Ahnallie answer me.” He demanded and I bit my lip.
“Aaron knows.” I admitted and he flopped back in his chair.
“I knew I couldn’t trust you.” He said and I stood up. “Where are you going?”
“This is why I avoided you. I didn’t want you to rub it in my face. I didn’t want to have to be ashamed or feel like I wasn’t good enough for you. I hate that feeling. I hate feeling like I’m not good enough, and you my friend have a knack for making me feeling that way.” I said, and he grabbed my hand pulling me back into a seat.
“I love you. I’m worried for you. I trust you; I don’t trust him. I’m sorry I’m hard on you. It’s just I am so close to having you all to myself again, and you risk it all the time.”
“I’m scared.” I said looking into his beautifully concerned green eyes.
“Let me help you.” He whispered.
“Let’s go to your car.” I said standing up, and he led me to his car. I got in the passenger seat, and he hopped in the driver’s seat.
“Things have been happening to me. Strange things.” I started, and he looked at me.
“Are you wearing contacts?” He asked suddenly and I shook my head.
“Those are my eyes now.” I sobbed, and he looked at me in shock. “I’m a monster. The first time it happened I thought the power had gone out, but I opened my eyes to a shadow world. I had a crown, black hair, red eyes, and full grown vampire fangs. There were shadows everywhere and it scared me. Then, when I came back to reality I had the red rimmed eyes. When I get to angry they turn completely red. It scares me, and I’ve been having mood swings and weird thoughts. Thoughts that tell me I’m a queen, and that people are below me. That they shouldn’t get to talk to me the way they do. I’ve pushed Elle around to the point she won’t ever love me again. Then, the other day outside your class I went to the shadows again. I knew one of the demons and he suggested staying there. I was tempted…”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I feel like such a jerk. You needed me, and I wasn’t there. I told you I’d always be there. I’ll always love you no matter how mad you make me.” He promised hugging me and I sobbed into his shoulder. We sat there for a second, and he held my face staring into my eyes.
“I missed you.” He whispered, and I nodded.
“Just kiss me.” I whispered with a little smile as he leaned in letting our lips meet. I heard a noise outside, and looked out the car window to see Matt on the ground looking at the car surprised.
“Oh no. It’s Matt.” I muttered, and Adrian’s eyes flashed red.
“He won’t ever threaten you again.” He said getting out of the car, and picking Matt up by the front of his shirt. I looked away, and he got in the car a few minutes later.
“What did you do?” I asked and he looked at me shrugging.
“I just made him promise. Don’t worry about it.” He said patting my leg reassuringly.
“Okay.” I said kissing him again. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“Well, I have to get back home. You have to stop seeing Allison by the way. I’m tired of seeing the two of you together when I’m trying to avoid it.” I said and he laughed as I got out of the car.
“I love you.” He called out the window.
“Love you too.” I called back jogging to my car as I saw my dad’s car pull into the parking lot. I started the car, and drove out the exit on the other side of the lot. I sped home, and ran to my dorm jumping into bed. Too bad for me I heard a knock on my door not five minutes later.
“Who is it?” I called out.
“It’s me.” Aaron said, and I sighed.
“Come in.” I yelled, and he opened the door closing it behind him.
“What are you doing in bed sleepy head?” He asked and I groaned.
“My schedule is different than yours. I’m usually sleeping right about now.” I pointed out and he laughed laying down next to me.
“I was going to invite you to a movie with a couple of my friends, but I think I like a day in better.” He joked.
“You’re lucky I don’t have the energy to slap you.” I growled.
“Oh you love me.” He said kissing the top of my head, and I faced him.
“Do I?” I asked, and he raised his eyebrows.
“Well, I certainly hope you do.” He said and I smiled.
“That’s right I do.” I laughed, and he chuckled wrapping his arm around me.
“I knew it.” He mumbled against my hair.
“Go see your movie, and invite Rose. She’d like that.” I said smiling sleepily.
“I’d rather you go.” He begged.
“No, I’ll fall asleep half way through. I need to sleep, and you need some friend time anyway. I’ve been taking up all your time lately.” I said and he grinned.
“I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, but I’m sure your friends miss you.” I said kissing him.
“Fine.” He groaned sitting up.
“Go, have fun. I’ll miss you, and bring Rose so I know if you cheat on me.” I said with a wink, and he rolled his eyes.
“As if I could find someone who would be worth cheating on you with. You’re the most gorgeous girl at this school.” He said and I smiled.
“You’re such a good boyfriend, now buh bye.” I said waving and I heard him close the door as he left. I smiled closing my eyes prepared for the nightmare I knew was coming. I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing and someone banging at my door. My hair was plastered to my face from sweat, and my breathing was shallow. I walked shakily towards the door leaning against it for support until the world stopped spinning before opening it.
“Yes?” I asked opening the door, and Rose walked in.
“Are you sick?” She asked taking one look at me, and I gave her one of my world famous are you kidding me looks.
“What do you want?” I asked her impatiently and she raised her eyebrows.
“Touchy, maybe you are sick.” She said putting her hand to my forehead.
“I’m not sick.” I protested pushing her hand away.
“No I think you are.” She said seriously, and on cue I ran to the bathroom. The world started spinning as I leaned against the toilet my guts spilling out. At least that’s what it felt like.
“Let me get the nurse.” She said, and I grabbed her wrist.
“No don’t. Just get me some pain killer.” I said and she looked at me unsure.
“Why?” She asked handing me the pain killer.
“I don’t want my dad to know, and I’ll be fine. It was probably some rotten milk or something.” I lied keeping my cool.
“This seems odd. It came out of nowhere. Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked and I nodded.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine. I’ll just take the rest of the day off.” I said and she bit her lip.
“I’ll be checking in on you.” She said and I nodded.
“Whatever makes you feel better.” I said and she smiled.
“Call me if you need anything.” She said leaving.
“One more thing, don’t tell Aaron.” I said and she nodded solemnly.
I groaned leaning against the bathroom wall. It was just perfect that on top of everything else going crazy
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