» Romance » The Forgotten Child, Lorhainne Eckhart [bearly read books txt] 📗

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he’s known you his whole life.”

“His mom and I are old friends, saw that boy in his diapers. We’re a small community here. You’ll find out. We help out our neighbors. I live down the road on a small ten-acre parcel; it’s all that’s left of the 50 acres Herman sold off to Brad’s daddy. Lived here my whole married life; my Herman, God rest his soul, and I were married fifty years when he passed on a few years back. He brought me here from the big city of Spokane. I was a city girl who knew nothing about farming and what it takes to live off the land. He was patient, and I cried a lot of tears; packed my bags to leave more times than I can count. I was a silly young thing.” Mary smiled warmly.

Emily turned in her chair, so she could see the kids. Actually, her gut ached as she worried what Trevor would do next. “Oh, they’re just fine. Your little angel, there, seems quite comfortable with Trevor.”

“Yes, she’s a good girl.”

Mary wrapped her hands around her mug as if she needed to warm her hands. She gazed into it, as if needing to say something, but couldn’t quite find the words.

“Brad’s real special to me. He owns a lot of land here, Emily, almost five hundred acres. His daddy started buying up the land in these parts when families were approached by developers. He didn’t want a bunch of small acreages, and city slickers moving out here. And Brad has stayed true to his daddy’s ways. He’s a farmer. He works the land, raises cattle and hay, has dairy cows, and he’s one of the few around here who’s stayed away from all those antibiotics and growth hormones. He’s got a good head for business. Smart when the smaller farmers went under. Brad’s expanded until he’s become the largest dairy producer on this side of the peninsula. What I’m saying to you is he’s not good at tending the home. I’m glad he hired you.”

“Thank you, I am too.” They both laughed, but Mary’s frankness about Brad gave her a deeper insight into the fallibility of this difficult man.

“Now, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but Brad and his two brothers were a wild bunch growing up. One night the sheriff showed up with all three of them in the back of his car. His daddy sure was mad. After that, he worked them pretty hard. Said if they had all this free time to get in trouble, well, he’d find more productive ways to direct that energy. And boy, did he. All the farm grunt work was done by his boys, all summer. He didn’t need to hire no help that year.” They both laughed at the picture that presented.

“Emily, you know, Brad had quite a time finding someone for this job. It was awful. Women apply, they come out, work a few days, see Trevor and one of his spells and they’d leave. And I can see that same look in your eyes.”

Emily met those wise, glassy eyes straight on. “There is something wrong with that child. In the store today I didn’t know what to do. He went ballistic. Threw his shoe, it hit the cashier, and then security was called…” she dropped her face into hands as her stomach pitched, reliving that awful moment.

Mary gripped her forearm. “Brad should have been straight up with you. I’ve seen some things. Taken him to the store and he’d pee in the middle of the food aisle. There’re colors like orange and yellow that he’ll yell and scream if sees them. Even the smell of certain perfumed laundry soaps can send him in tailspin. I don’t know what to tell you, Emily. I just don’t know about these things. In my day, we’d give the child a hard whack on the bottom to straighten him out.”

The knowing look Mary fixed on her confirmed her suspicion of this astute woman. “He doesn’t know anything’s wrong with Trevor, does he?”

Mary threw her hands up. “I raised five young’uns, some kids are high-spirited. But Trevor’s not quite right. Brad may know deep down, but he’s been struggling for a while to just get through day and night.”

Emily couldn’t fight the urge, even though she knew it wasn’t her place to ask. “What about Trevor’s mother, what happened to her, didn’t she help?”

“Nah, that girl Crystal was selfish. A baby didn’t fit her lifestyle. The best thing that ever happened to Brad was the day she left. Hurt him bad and changed him overnight.”

Her mouth ached; she didn’t know how to ask how’d it change him? What was he like before? Those questions remained unspoken, locked inside.

Mary finished her tea, and then got up and rinsed her cup in the freshly scrubbed sink, before putting the cup in the dishwasher. “Keep Brad out of the kitchen. He’s the worst cook and wouldn’t know how to put a proper meal together.”

Emily had figured that much out. The first day when she went to the cupboards, the fridge and freezer, she saw nothing but prepackaged foods, TV dinners and a lot of canned ready-to-go meals. Easy, and absolutely zero nutritional value. Except the one saving grace; two freezers on the back porch filled with homegrown beef.

Mary lingered for a few hours, showing Emily where things were stored in the house. The chicken coop behind the house, where she could collect eggs; normally one of the hired hands would look after it, but in case they got busy, she’d know what to do.

Emily carried Trevor through the twenty-stall horse barn, with individual turnouts, a hot wash rack, separate hay storage, an outdoor riding ring, a poultry barn for meat birds, and the dairy barn. There were several other outbuildings; Emily had no idea what they were for. There were, what looked to be, hundreds of cattle grazing in the field with calves dogging their mommies. The sky appeared bluer, larger; so did the pristine untouched forest and the picturesque mountains in the background. It was invigorating, and a lot of responsibility for a man to carry. Maybe that’s why Mary showed her around, to give Emily this outside view of how complex a man Brad was. She knew that she’d only skimmed the surface of his life and his responsibilities.

Chapter Nine

Katy became cranky and wanted up. Trevor whined a “whee, whee” sound, sure to escalate into a full-blown meltdown, so Mary and Emily hustled back to the house. Time had slipped away. Although Mary had provided Emily with loads of information, it had thrown her schedule off. Not that she’d hammered one down yet, but she had a pretty good outline and the only saving grace was that the men had gone to town for lunch.

Now as the kitchen clock mounted on the wall by the table ticked closer to four, she scrambled; grateful the kids were occupied in front of the big screen TV again with their baby blankets, watching Treehouse, a children’s television station.

Emily grabbed two pounds of butcher-wrapped hamburger from one of the large freezers by the back porch and started browning it in a large frying pan. Pulling out the macaroni and canned tomatoes, she hurried to set the table, waiting until the meat was cooked enough to add the other ingredients. Just as she assembled the entire casserole, she heard footsteps, the men’s deep voices laughing and joking, and someone stomped in the back door. She stole a glance over her shoulder as Brad entered the kitchen, alone. He stopped cold and quirked his lips in a teasing way she’d never seen before. Emily glanced down to see what he found so amusing and she nearly tripped over the big black garbage bag propped up beside the fridge. While cooking dinner, cleaning out the fridge had somehow found its way onto her list.

“Wow, you wasted no time putting some order into this well-neglected kitchen.”

Emily warmed. She was so unsure of her footing around Brad. He could turn on a dime. She needed to distract herself, so she turned back to the stove. But he didn’t take the hint; instead, she could feel his heat as he came up behind her. Flustered, she wondered if she’d overstepped. “I cleaned out your fridge, I’m not sure how long some of the stuff was in there but I don’t think it’s edible. And if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather just toss it than take a chance.” She found the nerve to turn around and face him, and willed her shaking hand holding the wooden spoon to stop.

With a twinkle in his eye, he lifted the spoon she was holding and set it down beside the stove. “For safety, just in case you decide to knock me over the head for the mess I left you.”

Huh, who the heck was this guy?

“Anyway, you’re probably right. Mac’s been helping out in here; afraid we’re not much good in the kitchen. The guys quite often eat here too. Did I mention that?”

“You did. I’m not sure if I made enough tonight. How much do they eat?” Her palms were sweating.

“Relax, they’re not coming tonight; they’re headed into town as we speak.”

Emily was relieved, at least for that reprieve, now maybe there’d be leftovers for lunch. “Um, I wanted to talk to you about something that happened today at the store.”

“Did I give you enough money?” He frowned.

“Yes, yes you did. It’s not that.” Oh, boy, how was she going to tell him? “When…” A thunk, as if something heavy had hit the floor, had Brad rushing into the living room; Emily right behind him.

The potted spider plant that was on an entry table lay on its side with dirt spilling out. Trevor was barefoot, dancing in the soil, with a fistful of dirt

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