» Romance » Return to First Love, Leandra A. [people reading books .txt] 📗

Book online «Return to First Love, Leandra A. [people reading books .txt] 📗». Author Leandra A.

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Red String of Lost Love

Chapter 1: Return to First Love





Eyebrow, check! Hair and makeup check! Alright everything is good; I am ready to go and this time for sure...


Every day I am living making sure that people will see me as perfect, from my appearance to how well I do my job; I see to it that there will be no flaws at all. I can say that each day my world is fulfilling... until today.


Good morning everyone, there will be a meeting tomorrow and make sure you are all done with your reports and assignments by tomorrow.


Yes, Ms.Lian...Who does she think she is? She might be good with her job but please, does she even hear the word consideration? I am not surprise that at she is still single no man would dare to be with her!


(Chatting, background noise)


Hi, everyone please listen I would like to introduce Mr. Zack Stanley. He was assigned here from the main office and he will be working with us from now on. (Whispering noise) He was just transferred here from our main office. Ladies I know that you are all excited but please be easy with him.


No way...of all people why him? Is fate playing games with me?!


People will have one thing that they would want and do everything to forget, in my case, it’s him. 


Almost ten years has passed but I can still vividly remember all things that have to do with him. It’s not like he has done me or my family wrong, even I can’t understand why he made a big impact on my life.


However thinking how I am in my past I guess it does make sense why I can’t forget him. I mean, he is the main reason of what I have become now.


During my college days, I am one of those you called nobody. I’m the type that you will forget after the semester end. I would spend my days studying and doing lackey job for everyone. But please don’t misunderstood, at that time I am fulfilled doing those things, I am content and it’s not like I want to be popular or something at that time. That is why considering my attitude towards life I can't believe that me as well, will experience the taste of love at first sight.


 As an art and advertising major student, I would always visit different historical places, read books and literature to help me visualize and think of a motif for my next project. That is why my favorite place in school is the library, but that is not only the reason.


 In the library I can always see a boy sitting in the corner of the room beside the window reading a book. Looking at him it always seems that the time has stopped both my time and the people around him. He gave out an intimidating yet gentle and sad aura, which made me at that time unable to look away from him. Like a stalker, my eyes would follows him whenever I see him at school and I would wait until he finish what he was reading just so that I can borrow that same book. It was also because of that I learned what his name was.


Zack...Stanley... So this is his full name... and what is the title of this book? Interpreting the art of Da Vinci? Now that is unusual is he also interested in art? I hope so since I am from the art department (giggles).


I want to know everything about him, that is why I would always borrow the same books that he will read in order to know his type and at least even if it is only on the log book, our names will be next to each other.


Remembering my past self I want to jump now out of this building I can’t believe how naive I was and to think that it is a part of my college days not elementary!


They all say that everyone would dream about being with your soul mate for the rest of your life and at that time I was really happy at the thought of experiencing first love for the first time.


Ms. Lian Kim? Are you listening? Don’t tell me even you has fall in love at first sight with our Mr. Zack here (laughs hard)


He stretch out his hand to me waiting for me reach out, honestly I don't know what to feel at this point.


But it does seem like that he doesn't remember me...


It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Kim (smiled)


(Reluctant) Nice to meet you as well Mr. Stanley 


I can’t believe him! To think that all these years he is the source of my frustration is it really that easy to forget me? This might be nothing for him but I did confess to him before; yes! I did confess to him and allowed myself to follow his every whim at that time.


Ten years ago I have done something that would make me regret the rest of my life. My desire to be with him has reached the point that just knowing his name and seeing him is not enough. So when he first talks to me, I was not able to control myself and confess to him at first meet.


How can I reach that book? It's too high… maybe I should try to jump!


Should I help? (His hands reach out the book)


No way... am I dreaming?


Let’s see... Interpreting the Art of Da Vinci, is this the one you are looking for?


At that time I can’t believe what is happening and was really panicking. Should I thank him and introduce myself first? Won't he find me disgusting because of how I look at him and surely my voice will tremble. My head is spinning and I can’t think properly.


My desire just suddenly voices itself out...




I...I Like you… please... go out with me.


He did not response for a quite bit of time that’s why I tried to look up and see how his reaction was. He blankly stared at my face and then suddenly burst in laughter.


Pffft… hahaha ...I can’t believe this, a confession coming from the first meet?


I was so ashamed of myself; I can’t believe that the first word that comes out of my mouth when he speaks with me is a confession.


But since this looks interesting, sure I’ll go out with you. So what is your name?


Li... I am Anne Li Kim!


So it’s Anne, Please take care of me...Anne (smiled back)


His voice is deep and warm, even though he laughs at my confession and just find these interesting, he might even considered going out with me as a way to ease his boredom, but still my heart was filled with joy because I will have the chance to stay with him.


I don't care if he was just making fun of me or doesn't feel the same way I do, these things are none of importance for me at very least are my thoughts that time.


I can't believe this... I can be with him... is this really happening?


But honestly thinking about it now, I don't know if that was the start of my dreams coming true or a nightmare...


What took you so long?


Zack I am sorry the line is too long and they no longer have that thing that you want me to buy for you...


Anyway, after school I want you to come with me we are going to have another drinking party.


Zack would always ask me to do his assignments or buy something for him or his friends. I become known as his number one lackey at that time but it didn't matter to me at all. I can't find the strength to disagree with his whims especially whenever he looks at me.


I am really weak with that handsome face of him...


I am really stupid, Am I really that simple to let myself be pulled around because of how I love his face?


Sometimes he would invite me to go with him and his friends for a drinking party only to be his personal driver whenever he got drunk. And there will be times that during his drunkenness he would vent out his frustration about his family, specifically his mother who left him alone with his father. Maybe that is why the first time I saw him my first impression of him was he looked so sad. It was during those times I felt so close to him and can't find the strength to leave him alone.


One time to my surprise he invited me to go with him at his house. He just suddenly held my hand and drag me out of school to go home with him. I remember being so nervous at that time thinking the reason why and how should I act while I am alone with him.


Anne, go to my room and make yourself comfortable. I'll just get us something to eat (sound of the door closing)


Like a child I followed his instructions and patiently wait for him inside his room. I looked around and was so amazed with how messy his room was. The room is well ventilated and there are several pictures of taken by him displayed around. There are books everywhere, his room was big but looked small because of arrangement of the furniture and this big bed of his.


Wow, I can't believe I am now inside his room, am I dreaming? (Pinch herself) It hurts! I don't think I am dreaming (giggles)


His bed... (look intensely) No... Don’t even dare to try it ... he is just step away!


Who in the world would never think of lying on your crush's bed if you see one?! That's why even if I am so afraid of being seen, I can't fight the urge to jump and lie on his bed.


Pfft.. What the hell are you doing with my bed? You are really my stalker. (Laughs hard)


I am sorry, it’s just... (Please let me disappear)


Anyway, come here closer Anne.


Zack pulled my hand and slowly touch my face. He looks at my eyes and at that time his face looks so serious making me think; who is this man I am with now? I was so confused on what is happening so I turned my face away from him as he get closer.


Zack, I am sorry but I still have something to do, I will go first!


Before I can even stand, Zack pulled me and pinned me down on the bed. Without even the time to react he kissed me, not letting me to fight back as he held me. I can't move at all because my hands are being held tightly by him, for the first time I believed the saying that a man's strength cannot be compared to a woman. I can feel his hands trying to remove my clothes and his kisses getting deeper.


Wait... Zack...please...stop!


It was my first kiss and a deep one to boot! I was so scared that I can't breathe because of the sudden turn

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