» Romance » Broken Pieces, L. S. [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗

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it’s not that bad” she said.

I shook my head; I can’t help not to feel frustrated about this whole thing.

“I don’t understand, I mean is he forcing you to do it?” I asked with the obvious frustration on my tone.

“No” she said calmly. “Ron never forced anyone of us, although he initiated the idea, we were doing it because we want to. You maybe think that Ron is a bad person but he isn’t, he maybe stiff and strict but he has a good heart. I can even remember the first time I got here. I ran away from home, my mom is a stoned woman who wants to sell me to work as a prostitute. I saw this place, I asked Ron if I can work with him and even though I had no experience, I was a dropped out junior high school student with nothing, no place, no money, as in nothing” I was able to relate to her. “Ron never hesitated to hire me; he gave me a job, a place, and a family. When I first knew it I felt disgusted too but eventually I was able to understand it. And now I am doing it like it is part of my life”

I don’t know how to say after hearing her story, even though she clearly said that Ron isn’t a bad person for me I still think that he is just like Dan. He is just as evil as Dan.

Kate told me everything that I wasn’t able to find slumber because I have been thinking about it.

Apparently, all the girls in the diner are all giving Ron extra service every night. They even have schedules. Sunday is Lana, Monday is Jane, Tuesday is Sally, Wednesday is Kate, Thursday is Alice, Friday is Megan and Saturday is Lauren but she left and I am her replacement. Now I get why everyone looks like they were all running for America’s Next Top Model. Kate said they were doing it because they want to. They consider Ron as a family. But there is no family that will do such thing. Kate said that Ron lost his wife and 2 kids in a car crash 4 years ago. He was lonely and mourning, a year later he opened the diner and Lana was his first waitress, she was his first “employee with benefits” too. Kate told me a lot actually everything and one thing I know for sure I am not giving Ron anything more than what a normal waitress should do.




As much as I tried to act normal in front of everyone I can’t help myself not to feel awkward whenever I am around them, especially Ron. I feel conscious every time he gets close to me. I feel like any minute he is going to touch me. I don’t mean to judge them since I am not a virgin myself but at least I lost it because I was force to. Even after I heard their story I still didn’t understand why they do it, I don’t think it was about the money cause if that will be the case they could’ve just applied to Keith that pays way better than here. Based on what Kate told me, they were doing it out of pity. She even said that once a week of sex with Ron won’t hurt at all.

“Jillian! What are you doing there?” I almost jump from where I was standing when I heard the loud voice of Ron.

My mind got occupied by what I found out. I forgot that I was standing at the counter waiting for the customer’s order and apparently it has been served already and the customer is a bit frustrated. I immediately took the order and ran to the customer’s table. I apologized for keeping her waiting and she just smirked at me. I came back to the counter to get some refill when Ron walked towards me.

“What is wrong with you? Are you sick?” he snorted at me.

I shook my head right away. My heartbeat accelerated as he leaned close to me.

“Then do your job right” he yelled at me.

I looked down because people were staring at me. I walked towards the other customer’s table in embarrassment.

Despite of having a busy day the thought of the girls sleeping with Ron is still didn’t slip my mind, even a bit.

I went to bed early since I was alone; the girls went to the beach party hosted by one of the customer’s in the diner while Ron went out to play some poker. I am planning to do some reading or maybe some net surfing since Kate left her laptop with me.

I got to thinking of what I am going to do with my life. I am planning to save money, and I want to go back to school. I need to finish high school first in order for me to step in to college. I want to at least finish my studies, I don’t want to serve pan cakes forever and I don’t definitely want to sleep around just to earn money.

I am just hoping that Ron won’t do anything that will make me leave this place, cause as of the moment I don’t have enough money to get me some decent place to live.

I turned on Kate’s computer and went online, I typed in my old school’s website, I would like to get in touch with the guidance counselor or registrar’s office to request for my credentials to be sent to me. Since it is beyond office hours, no one is available to chat with, so I decided to just send an e-mail.

I checked on Google and Yahoo news before turning it off. I put it back to Kate’s cabinet before I rested my body in my bed. That day was a bit exhausting good thing we’re close tomorrow so I am planning to check the city to do some window shopping; I remember how Ron embarrassed me in front of many people earlier. But I felt a bit relieved because I don’t think Ron like me to be his Saturday dish.




I was awakened by the warm hand caressing my legs; I didn’t know how long I was asleep. The last thing I remembered, I was reading my Literature Book, the warm hand continues to caress my legs sending me shivers. I opened my eyes as the hand went in between my legs.

I was horror seeing Ron’s face smiling at me in desire. I immediately removed his hand but before I was able to sit up he went on top of me.

“No” I pushed him away

He smirked and he didn’t even move an inch. Well he is more or less 200 pounds while I don’t even know if I even weigh 40 kilos.

“It’s Saturday night, didn’t the girls tell you?” he teased.

I tried so hard to push him away but he is too heavy for me, and every time I get unsuccessful he gives me a familiar smirked that I used to know; Dan. A sudden anger washed over me. After all these years he is following me, he started to kiss me on my neck. I was able to run away from Dan and I will never ever let anyone else do this to me again. I am done letting people control and violate me. This is my life and I should be the one in control.

I glanced on the side table in between my bed and Kate’s bed and I saw the lamp shade over it. I tried so hard to reach for it. Tears are forming in my eyes but I kept them from falling I am not going to cry again.

When I successfully reach the lamp shade, I gave all energy I have and threw it on Ron’s head. He fell on the floor holding his head, I got up and held the lamp as tight as possible, and if he overcomes this pain for sure I’ll be dead, so I walked to him and slammed him the lamp over and over again.

Reality came back to me when blood started to flow from his head down to his face. He cried in pain as he laid on the floor and my heart beats fast when he is no longer moving. Is he dead? Did I kill him?

I loosen my grip on the lamp until it fell on the floor, the glass breaks on my feet but I was frozen from where I was standing.

If he is really dead then I might end up in jail. I need to get away from there before the girls come home. I ran to my cabinet, grabbed my back pack and filled it as many things as I can. I was running from as fast as I can, it was late and since the party on the beach is still on no one is actually roaming around the street. I don’t even know where I am going but I just need to be as far away as possible from that place. No one will help me. I am a stranger here, no one will help me except for one person; Nicole.

I was thankful that I still know how to find Keith’s club. I was thinking twice if I should ask for their help or not. For sure Keith hate me so much, I don’t even know if he was aware about my feud with Nicole. I am ashamed but I don’t have any choice, admit it or not I need them. 

I took a deep breath before opening the door I was still shaking for earlier incident when I walked inside; at the door I was gotten in the way by one big guy I think he is a bouncer or something. His skin is tan, he is wearing black fit shirt that has ‘security’ on it and black pants. He is creeping the hell out of me.

“No solicitation allowed here” he said in huge husky voice.

I tightly held the strap of my backpack for some support.

“I-I was looking for K-Keith” I hesitantly said.

He smirked like a dog. I have a huge feeling that he doesn’t believe me. Well, I can’t really blame him; I was wearing a pair of sesame street pajama that Kate lend me with flip flops and back pack. I was even sweating from running so fast. So I don’t really look like someone knows the owner of a huge strip club.

“I- I am not l-lying, I am looking for Keith, I really need to talk to him, it’s important” I was shaking.

This guy is really scaring me. His wrestler appearance can easily break all the bones in my body.

He shrugged his shoulders and took the walkie-talkie he has hanging on the waist.

“Someone is looking here for boss” he said on the radio.

I was surprised that he didn’t ask any more questions.


He put the radio back on his waist and looked at me again.

“Wait here” he said

I nodded.


I stood there, slightly tapping my foot on the floor. I don’t even know what to tell Keith. I don’t even know what his reaction will be. For sure he hates me, I just ran away I didn’t even talk to him.

Mr. Creepy/Wrestler guy stood in front of me too, watching my every move.

“Who is it t—”

I saw how surprised Keith was to see me; he looks so handsome wearing a khaki suit.

“Boss she said she knows you” creepy/wrestler guy said.

Keith nods.

“Yeah, you can go inside, I’ll take care of this here” he told the bouncer and he immediately disappeared.

Keith ran his gaze on me from head to toe and then shook his head.

“I had a feeling you are coming back” he comments

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Is Nicole there?” I asked.

He glanced inside.

“She is doing a show, what are you doing here?”

I remembered Ron’s bloody face and fear came to me again.

“I-I n-need, I need your help” I was about to cry again. “I t-think I killed someone”

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