» Romance » Arranged Marriage to My Mate, soccerluv4 _ [best desktop ebook reader .txt] 📗

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her life. Life itself wasn’t perfect, but when you found something that meant life, it became perfect. And today, she’d realized that she found her perfect, her life....Leo.

Chapter 19 (9 months later)
The sound of beeping monitors, shuffling shoes, and loud commands filled Taylor’s ears. The wheelchair she was in pushed her down the hallway of the city hospital. Its bright white walls and familiar blue uniform dressed faculty surrounded her. But all she could think about was the immense pain from her contractions. The baby was due. Leo ran alongside her and whispered comforting words, but all she could think about was the journey ahead of her. They arrived in a spacious room, where a doctor stood waiting. After performing routine checkups, Taylor lay there on the bed, bracing herself as a contraction came and passed. Leo held onto her hand, cooing soft words in her ear.
“Leo, call the doctor, I think the baby’s coming now,” Taylor said through clenched teeth as another contraction came, much more forceful this time.
Leo’s eyes went the size of saucers, before he raced out of the room and came back with a doctor. He once again grasped his wife’s hand and listened to the doctor’s orders.
“Alright Taylor, you’ve dilated 10 centimeters, and it looks about time to deliver. We’re going to ask you to give gradual pushes and brace yourself,” the doctor’s voice absorbed in her ears as she began the experience.
“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Knight, you have a boy!” the doctor exclaimed, before giving the baby to the nurse.
Taylor breathed in a large breathe, and clasped onto Leo’s hand. Her baby was officially born, and he was absolutely beautiful.
The nurse came back with their child wrapped in a blue blanket and handed him to Taylor. She cradled him in her arms, and her eyes instantly welled up with tears of joy. Placing a tender kiss on his forehead, she took in his beautiful face. He looked just like his father.
Leo looked down at his son and wife. The picture perfect family. His son looked just like him, and he couldn’t be any more happy than this point. This was his family. Leo looked lovingly at the mother son duo. Taylor looked up at him, and connected her lips with his, before they both settled their eyes back upon their son.
All thoughts in Taylor’s mind about raising a child drifted away. All she could think about was how happy she was about her child, her husband, her family. They were now complete. She could just imagine having her two boys playing outside, with her watching them. She could imagine Leo teaching him to ride a bike, or how to play videogames. She could imagine him growing up to be a handsome man, going to college, having his own career, wife, and kids. And lastly, she could imagine growing old with Leo. Their love would never die; their hearts would never stop beating for one another. This was how she envisioned her life. Although the journey was crazy, the final destination was well worth it. She was onto a new life, with her loving husband, and son. Gazing down at her bundle of joy, she couldn’t possibly imagine anything better than this moment alone.
Chapter 20
“Aw man, you won!” Leo’s teasing tone rang out to Taylor’s ears as she worked in the kitchen, watching her son kick a soccer ball into the goal. It had been 5 years since little Alex Knight was born. Two years after, another addition came into the family. Cassandra Knight, their beautiful three year old daughter sat in the kitchen, watching Taylor cook.
“Hey babe,” Leo kissed Taylor’s cheek lovingly. He opened the fridge and grabbed two bottled waters.
“Mommy! Mommy! I beat Daddy in soccer!” Laughing, Taylor swooped down and picked up Alex, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Yes I did sweety! Good job! Now go upstairs and change and I’ll give you ice cream,” Taylor exclaimed.
She watched him run upstairs with his tiny legs, before two arms wrapped around her from behind. Leo placed his chin on her shoulder.
Turning around in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You hungry? I can make you something if you like?” She questioned.
“I’m hungry, just not for food,” Leo stated before claiming her lips with his. He kissed her with such love that it melted her insides completely.
“Ew, mommy! Why is daddy eating your face?” Alex’s voice brought them out of their kissing. Chuckling, Taylor let go of Leo and opened her arms wide for Alex. He ran to them without hesitation, and she kissed his forehead again.
“Daddy wasn’t eating my face, he just showed me that he loves me. Now let’s go get you some ice cream,” Taylor replied, letting Alex down.
Leo grabbed Alex’s hand, interlocking their fingers. He picked up Cassandra and carried her as well. They began walking towards the front door. Taylor watched them walk side by side, father, son, and daughter, and couldn’t help but feel her heart warm at the sight. Her two boys and her baby girl. Before, the idea of a family was just that: an idea. Now, it was true, right before her eyes, and she felt complete and whole. Life felt so right for the first time. Taylor intended to keep this family together, through thick and thin, and hoped it would stay that way. It was truly crazy how life changed when people did. Life depended on people. Because she added two people to her life, happiness and joy were also added. Smiling at herself, Taylor grabbed her jacket, and headed towards her front door to join her family.


Important note(!) : There will be a sequel to this about Taylor and Leo's kids growing up and finding their own mates. I will be working on it soon! Thanks to everyone who read, liked, and supported this book! Without you guys, I would have never been encouraged to finish it! Thanks to all my fans for commenting about it and I'm glad you guys liked it so much! Can't wait for the sequel! What's gonna happen with Alex and Cassandra's mates? Who will they be? I will try to start writing the sequel soon, but so far, I have some cool ideas! Goodbye for now,

-Soccerluv4 <3333



So, as you guys know, I will be making a sequel to this about Alex and Cassandra with their mates.

That's why I need all your help on deciding what kind of romance it might be....?

For Cassandra:

-Student/Teacher mates
-Forbidden (i.e. enemy: packs, just hate each other in general?)
-New Boy
-Accidental Marriage(maybe Vegas? lol)-to her mate of course, which is like a double accident O.o

For Alex:

-Player falls for new girl
-Best friends end up mates (him and one of his best friend's that's a girl)
-Cassandra's best friend (the whole "my best friend's brother is my mate" thing....)
-Sad/lonely girl (abuse, invisible girl, lost a parent, etc.)
-Rejection (like father, like son.....? lol)

So I know I just listed practically every cliche out there, but I just wanna see what my fans and readers will be interested in the most....

(Personally......I want Cassy's mate to be the whole student/teacher relationship just cause it's forbidden and kind of sexy.....hehehe(; . But for Alex, honestly, I'm clueless....because this is probably the first time I'll be writing in the guy's perspective with a few POV's for his mate since I'm better at writing girl POV'S)


You guys are my fans, and I trust your judgement to be totally loyal and in your best interest, and honestly, I like to write to please others, so if you guys want a hunky teacher to be Cassy's mate, then of course I'll write that for you guys! So, if you guys have any suggestions besides the ones I put up there, please feel free to comment them below! Thanks guys! (:


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts my beautiful fans!



So you guys know the whole reason I wrote this book was because Taylor was getting married, and.......I TOTALLY FORGOT TO PUT THAT HUGE PIECE IN THE BOOK! lol silly me
So, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce to you......their marriage!
(See what I did there? No? Okay, well then, this is awkward.....)

Enjoy the last of this book! (Till the sequel)

“Taylor wake up! Today’s the big day and we can’t have you sleeping in!”
Groggily, Taylor pushed back the covers over her head to see Leo’s sister, Andrea, sitting on the bed, smiling brightly down at her. On her left, was Natasha, who stood there with her hands clasped tightly in front of her, a smile lighting up her face as well.
Although, Taylor was incredibly tired, she was just as excited, if not more, for today. Today was what this whole adventure was about.
That was all Taylor could think about, as the two rushed her into the bathroom, drawing a bath filled with scented lavender soap, little ice bath crystals, and rose petals while she brushed her teeth. Amusement coated her face, as she stared at the two busy bodies, hastily trying to perfect everything.
“Okay, you’ll take a bath, and then come out for the makeup and hair. You’re robe is up there on the rack, and all the soaps and salts are in this cabinet if you need any more. Now relax, and leave the rest to us,” Natasha beamed, while Andrea nodded enthusiastically. They made their quick exit, leaving Taylor to collect her thoughts in the incredibly scented bathroom.
Removing her pajamas, Taylor sank into the tub slowly, watching the water part around her and surround her again as she submerged herself further. Taking a deep breath, Taylor’s mind swirled around the chaos coming from outside. Even with the sturdy walls, she could hear every note, every command that Mrs. Knight, Andrea, and Natasha shouted around. Once again, exhaling air, Taylor closed her eyes and willed herself to enjoy this while she could, because she knew this was only going to get much more chaotic.
‘Mr. and Mrs. Leo Knight,’ Taylor thought, smiling at how perfect it sounded in her mind.
Her thoughts were brought back when a sharp tug at her eyebrows caused her to yelp in surprise. The makeup artist smiled apologetically, before continuing. All morning, she’d been poked, prodded, turned, stabbed, and tugged at.
“God, if getting married was this cruel, I wouldn’t have done it,” she grumbled as the hairstylist finished up her hair. A mirth of laughter came from her two best friends, who looked quite amused with her punishment.
“Hey, you asked for it,” Andrea chimed, while studying Taylor’s hair from the back in the mirror.
“Yeah, someone needed to tame that unruly hair!” Natasha smirked, causing Taylor to pout and cross her arms.
“My hair is not that unruly,” she murmured half-heartedly, only to receive a chuckle from both of them.
“Hey, stop laughing guys! It’s not that fu-oh!” Taylor’s breath stuck in her throat, as the hairstylist spun her around to face the mirror. Her chocolate locks were curled to perfect, trailing down her back in flawless waves. Her front pieces of hair were pinned up to the sides with glittery diamond barrettes. Her bangs hung beautifully, framing her face. Glitter was gently sprinkled over her locks, shining
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