» Romance » Arranged Marriage to My Mate, soccerluv4 _ [best desktop ebook reader .txt] 📗

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to have a little taste of her. To kiss those beautiful luscious lips. To feel her sexy, curvy body against his. To feel her warm touch on him.
He snapped out of his thoughts, and lay down next to her on the bed. He watched her sleep, her chest falling up and down with every breath taken. He turned off the lamp and snuggled into the covers, wrapping an arm around Taylor’s waist, before falling asleep.

Chapter 12 (Taylor’s POV)

The sound of beeping woke her up from her peaceful slumber. Sighing, she turned off the alarm clock on the night stand. Today was her first day at North Valley High. She’d be going to the same school with Leo. As if seeing him at school would be bad enough, she’d still have to come home and see his face. Speaking of Leo, he still had his heavy, muscular arm around her waist. She tried to pull away gently without waking him, but he just pulled her in tighter. She gasped as she hit his rock-hard chest. Looking up at his face, she saw a small smile play on his sleeping face. Taylor smiled, but snapped herself out of it. Gathering all the strength she could muster, she lifted his arm off her waist and rolled from underneath him. She landed on the ground with a thud.
‘Ugh, why me?’ She threw up her hands in surrender. Stiffly getting up from the ground, she trudged over to her suitcases. She grabbed a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a blue tank top. She paired it off with a black leather jacket and some high top converse.
The warmth of the shower felt good against her icy skin. She was nervous to attend a new school. She hated the whole ‘new kid’ feeling. But it was only for a few months, then she’ll have graduated and be off to college, where everyone was new and she wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Wrapping a towel around her, she got out of the shower and pulled her clothes on. She grabbed the straightener and did some final touches on her already straight hair. Applying some eyeliner and mascara, she was finished.
Taylor walked out of the room to find Leo still asleep on the bed. She sighed, knowing she had to wake him up. Shaking Leo furiously, she tried, with no avail, to wake him up. He didn’t more an inch.
Taylor grew impatient. Just then, an evil grin fell upon her face at the devious idea she had in mind to wake him up. She grabbed a bucket from the bathroom and filled it with icy water. Finding some yarn, she tied the yarn to the bucket’s handle and put it just above Leo’s head. She tied the other end of the yarn to Leo’s arm.
‘Pefect! When he stirs even just a little in his sleep, the bucket will fall the icy water right on top of him! That’ll wake him up’ She smiled triumphantly before sneaking downstairs. Grabbing an apple, she sat at the table patiently for the fireworks that would soon come.

(Leo’s POV)

Leo’s eyes shot open as icy water coated his face and body. He shivered, but soon grew angry. Looking at his arm, he saw that it was tied to a bucket, which he assumed, held the icy water. Leo cursed before heading to the bathroom to clean himself up. After showering, brushing his teeth, and changing into a new set of clothes, he walked down the stairs. He spotted Taylor sitting at the table, eating an apple, completely unaware of him behind her. Leo’s expression changed. He was pissed at her, and he would get back at her.
“You ready?” He asked Taylor, acting as if nothing happened. She looked confused and shocked, but quickly recovered.
“Yeah, let’s go.” They walked out towards the garage. Leo felt like taking his less flashy car, the blue hummer. Taylor was drooling over the Ferrari and looked quite disappointed when Leo got in the hummer. She huffed, crossing her arms, and got in the passenger. Soon, the school came into view. He parked quickly and got out, leaving Taylor behind. He had to plan some way to get back at her, and he couldn’t do it if she was at his side all day. Walking over to his friends, his mind swarmed with ideas for revenge.
“Hey Leo! Over here!” Ryan shouted from stairs of the building where his group of jocks and cheerleaders met up.
“Hey guys. What’s up?” Leo asked upon arriving. Ryan and one of his other friends, Josh, began talking about the football game they were having this weekend. Their voices faded as Leo watched Taylor at the edge of the parking lot. She looked so beautiful yet so vulnerable walking through the crowd of students. She looked like a lost puppy. He desperately wanted to help her, but he knew he couldn’t. Not with his friends around.
Ryan looked over at him apologetically. He could sense the wave of guilt and sadness radiating off of Leo. That was Ryan’s power. He could sense people’s feelings. He also had telekinesis. His power was incredible! Who wouldn’t want the ability to move things with their mind? Just like Leo had the power to read and control people’s minds, Ryan had his gifts. Leo glanced over to Ryan, giving him what seemed like a reassuring smile. Ryan still looked skeptical, but then smiled back before turning back to the rest of the group. Leo sighed, and went up the steps, into the school as the rest of his group followed him.

(Taylor’s POV)

She grumbled silently as she watched Leo walk away from her. The jackass left her in the parking lot.
‘Whatever, I can find the office myself,’ she grumbled once more before heading through the crowds of students. People pushed through and bumped into her, barely saying sorry. Her light structure didn’t help, as she kept getting thrown right and left. Taylor scurried quickly towards the steps where Leo once stood with his friends. She found the office. Inside, a small, frail woman sat typing on the keyboard. She looked up, spotting Taylor.
“Hi sweetie, what can I do for you?” She said in her honey light voice. The woman was quite beautiful. Her grey blazer over her white button up shirt and gray skirt made her look sophisticated yet sweet at the same time. Taylor noticed the picture frame of her and two German Shepherds on her desk. ‘A dog person huh? She’s gonna love me then,’ She admitted sourly, remembering her werewolf status.
“Yeah, I’m new here, and I just needed to pick up my schedule,” Taylor stated.
The secretary smiled and handed her some papers with her schedule, locker number and combination, and an assignment notebook.
“Here you are hon. Now if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask! I’m Mrs. Kennedy by the way. Now you better get going, I’ll just write you a pass. Good luck sweetie!” She scribbled a quick pass. Taylor grabbed the pass and headed to her first class. Before she could, she ran into someone’s hard back.
“I’m so sorry!” Taylor said looking flustered. The guy turned and faced her. He had soft brown hair that swept over his forehead. His brown eyes matched his hair making him look like a cute, friendly puppy. He towered over her, at around 6’4’. Huge, compared to her small 5’6’ frame. He was the same height as Leo. The strange guy stared back at Taylor before answering.
“It’s okay, have I seen you around here before?”
“No, I’m new. I’m just trying to get to my class,”
“Here, let me see you’re schedule. I might know where it is,” He grabbed the paper out of her hand, and let out a small gasp. She eyed him curiously.
“You’’re, m-my s-sister!?” He blurted, looking bewildered.
“What?!” Taylor’s face turned into a mixture of shock and confusion.
“You’re Taylor Daniels?!?” I’m Matt Daniels. Look, I can’t explain everything now, but we have a pack meeting with Leo after school. I’ll explain everything then. Just go to class.” He gave her a huge hug before running off somewhere. She walked away, still dazed at what she heard. Finally, she found her first class, AP Chemistry. She loved chemistry! Even if it was an advanced class, she was still amazing at her favorite subject. She took a deep breath before walking in.

(Leo’s POV)

Leo was trying to pay attention to the teacher in Chem class. Ryan kept poking his back. It was starting to annoy the crap out of him. He turned around to face him. “Would you stop that Ryan?!” He half growled, half scolded Ryan. He looked sheepishly back at Leo before turning his eyes on something behind him. Confused, Leo turned back around to find himself looking at Taylor standing at the doorway. Nervous couldn’t even describe how she looked, more like she was ready to bail out of there before the teacher would notice. Mr. Montgomery finally turned to her.
“Hello, you must be the new student. Please tell the class your name?”
“Taylor Daniels,” she mumbled. Mr. Montgomery ushered Taylor towards the empty seat in the back. Leo watched all the stares she got from the guys. They were practically drooling over her. He suppressed a growl that was forming in the back of his throat. ‘MINE!’ screamed his wolf. She quietly slid into her seat, unaware of all the male attention she’d gathered. She slid out a notebook and began to take notes. She caught Leo staring at her and he jerked away, facing back to the front.

Chapter 13 (Taylor’s POV)

Taylor walked quickly to her last class. So far, she had every single class with Leo and it was driving her insane. When he wasn’t glaring at the guys in the class, he was glancing at her throughout the class period. She arrived at her AP Calculus class, and-what a surprise!-Leo was there. Turning away from his stare, she quickly shuffled in, taking a seat far away from Leo. She ended up next to Ryan. He was nice to her the whole period, occasionally cracking jokes at Leo.
“Ok, you’re officially my new best friend!” Taylor stated while trying to hold back a laugh. Ryan grinned.
“Yes! I always wanted a hot best friend! Just look at Leo! He’s jealous!” Ryan ushered towards the now fuming Leo. Taylor waved before cracking up again. It had been a while since she laughed so heartedly. Ryan was practically like a brother to her. She smiled, but her thoughts went back to the strange boy she met earlier. He claimed to be here brother, but why was something in her gut telling her to believe him? Normally, she would’ve thought he had some screws loose, but for some reason, a part of her was telling her to believe the guy. I mean, they resembled quite closely to each other. Both with their brown hair, chocolate eyes, and other similar features, they looked related.
When the last bell rang, Taylor scurried off towards her locker, but Leo was already standing outside the door, waiting for her.
“We have a pack meeting right after, so go wait by my car. Don’t go anywhere,” Leo whispered, only allowing Taylor to hear. She nodded silently, before going to her locker. Dropping some of the books inside, she gathered her bag and proceeded towards Leo’s hummer. She waited outside, leaning against the hummer, impatiently. She stared at the throngs of people descending from the school
“Good, you waited. Let’s go.” Leo’s hard voice shook her out of her staring. She nodded before getting into the car with him. The engine

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