» Romance » Arranged Marriage to My Mate, soccerluv4 _ [best desktop ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Arranged Marriage to My Mate, soccerluv4 _ [best desktop ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author soccerluv4 _

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Leo, her heart rate seemed to skyrocket. Leo heard it. He hid back a grin; he did have this effect on women. But for the first time, he enjoyed listening to her heartbeat, being mates and all. She’d pushed his hand away and got up. Leo noticed her trip over the luggage bag on the ground, and he grabbed her waist before she could fall. His body seemed to scream with electricity when he touched her. He loved it. But, Taylor had come to her senses. Leo could barely hear the thank you she mumbled to him. Prying his hand off her waist, she went to the bathroom. Leo got up from the bed and headed downstairs. Soon, he heard footsteps come from behind him. His body and ears perked up, but his mind told him to stay where he was seated. Instead, he just turned around and glared at her. She dropped her head at the sight of his glare, and passed quickly by him. Her sweet vanilla scent wafting up his nose, causing him to quickly forget about his anger towards her, and his face softened. He had just noticed that she was wearing his clothes. His black shirt hung loosely to her curvy figure, and his sweats showed an inch of stomach on her body. ‘Damn, she sure looks sexy in my clothes,’ he grinned, but quickly turned his face blank.
“Why are you wearing my clothes?” Leo asked. He saw her panic and look down at the clothes she was wearing.
“Oh, uh, I didn’t have anything to wear when I took a shower earlier today, so I, uh, kinda borrowed your clothes,” Taylor spoke softly. He nodded once before turning his face towards the door. Every time she spoke softly, he felt sorry for her. She seemed so innocent, so human, that it almost hurt Leo to see the panic in her eyes. ‘Don’t hurt our mate! Love her, treat her nicely!’ His inner wolf roared out. He mentally replied, ‘I’m not hurting her! I just asked a question!’ ‘No, you asked a question that deliberately made her feel awkward! She was scared to see your reaction! You HAD to be mean to our mate!’ his inner wolf replied. Before he could defend himself once more, he looked at her. She did seem kinda upset, scared even. Her body language said it all. Her body was practically screaming to run the hell outta there. She was nervous, practically dropping things, but it didn’t seem that she noticed. Finally, he smelled the delicious aroma of the pasta. His stomach grumbled, but she hadn’t heard. Taylor asked Leo if he wanted pasta, which he replied to with a nod. Eating the pasta, he studied Taylor. Now that he thought about it, she was actually quite pretty. Her soft brown hair was straight down, a little past her shoulders, and her face consisted of high cheekbones, luscious pink lips, and beautiful brown eyes. She was way more beautiful than his ex. Taylor seemed to have noticed he was staring, and began squirming in her seat before giving up. He grinned slyly before hearing her angelic voice in his mind, ‘Whatever, he can just stare at me all he wants. I’m used to those stares. Not like I haven’t got them before. That’s what happens when you’re an outcast.’ Hearing this, Leo became enraged. ‘How dare people think she’s an outcast? She’s beautiful!’ His wolf was starting to take over his emotions, but he controlled them in time. By the time he’d noticed, she’d gotten up and was washing the dishes. He left his plate there and, with lightning werewolf speed, he raced to the bathroom to wash his hands before coming back. Taylor was getting his plate now. He stood behind her, her smell intoxicating him.
“It was really good, by the way,” he whispered into her ear. She spun around, his eyes studying hers. The corner of her lips turned up, but quickly forced them back into her original scowl. He looked at her confused, and she took that moment to break away from his closeness. He shrugged and walked out of the room. She let out a deep breath and continued on loading the dishwasher.

(Taylor's POV)
“Oof,” Taylor groaned, as she felt a small petite figure on top of her. Her eyes fluttered open. Sitting on top of her was a small girl. She had beautiful blonde hair and bright green eyes. Her button nose and dimples made her look cuter. She was wearing a soft lilac dress.
“Hi, I’m Daniela, but you can call me Dani! Are you my new sister? Can we go play outside? We can play hide n’ seek! Do you like hide n’ seek? I love hide n’ seek! Let’s go now! Taylor chuckled at the little girl’s enthusiasm.
“Tell you what, you go downstairs and eat some breakfast, and I’ll be down in a minute to come play with you, okay?” A huge grin spread on her face.
“Okay!” She jumped off and raced out of Taylor’s room. She chuckled, ‘what a cutie!’ She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After stripping and taking a shower, she got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a pink half sleeved t-shirt. Slipping on her converse, she headed downstairs to find Daniela. She was perched on a stool at the island table in the center of the kitchen. She smiled and jumped off the stool, grabbing Taylor’s hand in the process. Dani dragged her out the patio door. Taylor gasped. The backyard was beautiful. It was covered in lush green grass that ended just up to the forest in the back. Off to the left was a large in ground pool with blue water that sparkled. Right next to it stood a large pool/guest house. To her right was a beautiful garden with an assortment of lilies, roses, marigolds, and other various, beautiful flowers. She grinned.
“Come on Taylor!” Dani grabbed her hand and pulled her out towards the grass. She spotted a large soccer goal and grinned. Soccer was her favorite sport. ‘I’ll be spending a lot of time practicing here,’ she thought, a small smile tugging at her lips. She was brought out of her trance when she saw a pond off to the corner by the garden. It was somewhat secluded. There were small trees around the miniature replica pond. Inside, fish swam and frogs croaked happily. Around the pond were a couple of benches. One side of the tiny pond had small rocks, creating a small waterfall. This man-made pond was breathtaking.
“This is where my brother comes all the time. I like the fishies, but Leo loves to sit here. He likes it a lot. Almost as much as he likes you,” Taylor’s heart stopped.
“That’s sweet,” she managed to croak out. Her mind was whirring at the thought of Leo liking her. ‘No, Dani thinks that because he’s her fiancé, not because he truly loves her.’ She shrugged away from those thoughts, only caring about Dani. She seemed to be watching her intently, before poking Taylor’s side.
“Tag, you’re it!” Dani ran off.
“Oh, I’m gonna get you Dani” Taylor laughed after her.

Chapter 7 (Leo’s POV)

He watched her silently. He was staring out the attic window. Taylor was playing with his little sister in their backyard. He studied her. Her soft brown hair, and brown eyes riddled with excitement and happiness, her slender and luscious curvy body, and sexy long legs, the list went on. ‘Damn it, why do I have such feelings for her,’ he thought, as he watched Taylor intently. Just then, he heard a knock at the door. His mom walked in. She was dressed in a red dress and matching red heels. Her hair was up and pinned to her head. She looked like she was going out somewhere tonight.
“Sweety, I’m going with your father to a charity gala tonight, please take care of Dani and Taylor,” Leo nodded before looking back towards the window. His mother followed his gaze.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Leo didn’t answer back. He was too busy trying to organize his thoughts about her. His mother continued,
“Leo, honey, give her a chance. You don’t see this now, but you’re both destined for each other. You’re mates, and mates always love and protect each other. It’s been in our werewolf history for centuries. I feel something special in her. She’s worth your trust, especially your love.” Leo didn’t look back at her. She sighed and kissed his head before walking out of the room.The doorbell rang. He wasn’t expecting guests. Confused, he ran downstairs and answered the door. Standing at the doorstep was his best friend and beta to his wolf pack, Ryan Jennings. “Hey mind if I hang out here today? I got nothing else better to do,” Leo chuckled at Ryan before answering, “Yeah sure bro, let’s go play Xbox!” They both ran towards the living room and sat in front of their large flat screen tv. Grabbing their controllers, he began whipping Ryan’s butt.

“Are you kidding me? That was three fricken games in a row!?” Ryan exclaimed enviously.
“Hell yeah! I beat you’re high score Ryan! Someone just got whipped!” Leo doubled over in laughter. Ryan scowled.
“Well played Leo, but I will get you next time,” Ryan laughed, and soon Leo joined along. The patio doors slid open. Leo’s back stiffened. The soft, sweet vanilla scent wafted through the living room, acknowledging Taylor’s presence. Ryan noticed her instantly, but Leo sat straight, his back to her.
“Woah, Leo, you didn’t tell me you had a hot babe staying at your place,” Ryan got up and glided over to her.
“Don’t bother, she bites,” Leo murmured under his breath.
“What?” Ryan asked, clearly amused. He obviously heard what Leo had said, considering they had heightened hearing as part of their abilities as a half animal.
“That’s Taylor,” Leo didn’t bother adding the fact that she was his fiancé. Ryan looked back over at her, while Leo stood up, facing them.
“Hi, I’m Ryan,” Taylor nodded at him.
“Hi,” she replied.
“So, I was just creaming Mr. Knight over there, when you walked in,” Ryan gestured over to the Xbox and back to Leo.
“What?! Liar, I was the one that won three straight games dumbass!” Leo defended.
“Oh now, don’t get so upset. You lose, you lose. I’ll be easier on you next time. No need to lie buddy,” Ryan looked quite amused now, and even Taylor was trying to stifle back a laugh.
“Shut up Ryan!”
“Make me douche!” Leo lunged at Ryan, and they began to wrestle on the ground.
“Guys stop! Come on, please stop!” Taylor was panicking at seeing them fight. They both stopped fighting, then looked at each other. They burst out laughing.
“W..what?” Taylor looked astonished.
“Psyche!” They both yelled in unison. Taylor’s face changed from shock to anger.
“WHAT?!? You guys were messing with me?!” They both nodded, looking guilty.
“Jerks!” Taylor put her hands on her hips. Both of the guys feigned hurt. Then, they busted out laughing again. Taylor stomped away from them and ran up the steps.
“Aw man, she’s hurt. Go take care of your mate dude, I gotta get home or my mom’s gonna freak.” Ryan smiled before heading out the door. Ryan, being a werewolf, had a special power of sensing things about others. That's why he could tell Taylor was Leo's mate. He also had the ability to control forces like fire, air, water, and earth. Leo also had special abilities, like being able to read and control people’s minds. His most special, and quite rare ability was to be

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