» Romance » one stroy two souls, Vanessa [read after txt] 📗

Book online «one stroy two souls, Vanessa [read after txt] 📗». Author Vanessa

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I entered my first period class.
“Grayson!” my best friend Travis called from across the room. The class began talking making it hard to hear anything but the buzzing chatter of everyone talking at the same time.
“QUITE! Quite down” just then the class was so quite that you could have heard a pen drop three rooms away. Ms. Hale was one of the meanest teachers at this school and by far the hardest to past. Also if you got on her bad list you can never ever get out. Or at least that what everyone say’s.
“Mrs. Rams, how kind of you to join us.” she said dryly, not meaning any of the words she just said.
“ I’m so sorry Ms. Hale it won’t happen again” Thinking to myself I shouldn’t have promise something I couldn’t keep especially to this teacher, but it’s to late now.
“ Just sit down” she said even more dryly than last time.
I’m already on her bad side and it was only the first day of school. Maybe she has heard of me from other teachers, not a good start either.
I scanned the room for a place to sit, all the seats where filled except one next to a girl I haven’t seen before. I have skipped a “few” days of school last year, but I think I would have remember seeing her. She had olive complexion with dark green eyes, eye lashes so long they almost touch her brow, long wavy dark brown hair which was tied to the side and pink plump shiny lips. All I could do was stare she. Must be knew.
“ Can I sit here?” I asked her in my I’m hot and you know it voice.
“ It’s a free country.” she said in a way that it sounded like she could care less who was sitting next to her. This took me by surprise she look so innocent and sweet when I was looking at her just few seconds ago, like she could start singing and a bird would come flying on her finger and sing along.
“Hi my name is Grayson” I put my hand up like I was going to shake hers’ and pulled it back, thinking in my mind who shakes hands anymore. I felt like a complete loser. She smiled like she was agreeing to my thoughts.
“ Hi.” was all she could say. I would have stopped right there but something about this girl made me want to know everything about her.
“that’s when you say your name.” I said slow and teasing
“ Aria, my name is Aria.” Ms. Hale announced that the seat she a signed us was our permanent seat for the whole year.

The last bell finally rang, I couldn’t keep my eye’s open enough when Mr. Weller was introducing what we are going to learn this year in world history. It wasn’t my fault that he made every thing sound so boring, and it wouldn’t kill him to have a tic tak or two once in a while. But Aria had this class too, four out of six classes wasn’t bad.
“ Hey want to come with me Mike and his cousin to that ice place that just opened last month. Mike said he knows this girl that works there and I guess she gives him free ice cream. I think she is related to him or something like that, but knowing Mike he probably is.”
“ Sure, I have nothing better to do” I sighed as I unlocked my car.


After picking up Lily at school we went straight to the ice cream shop. The walls were neon colors there was huge bean bags chairs around in a circle in the middle of the store the rest was tables and chair except for the arcade that look like it was in a different room and within the arcade was the playground.
Kids of all ages where running to the arcade and standing in line. It was crowded. We waited in line for about fifteen minutes just for ice cream. They better be good was all I was thinking.
“Lily, how was your first day of school?” I had to talk louder than my normal speaking voice even though she was standing right next to me.
“ It was really fun, Emily said that I was her new best friend and that I could spend the night at her house.”
“Is Emily one of the girls in your class.” I guessed
“ Yes! How was you first day of school?” she smiled sounding older than she was. This always scared me, I wanted to keep her my little sister forever.
“ It was okay, I meet a few people and they where kind and the school had pretty nice bathrooms.” She smiled at this. My sister had a fascination with bathrooms every where we when she had to see the bathroom. Which became our families inside joke. But that family is torn and there is nothing that would make me laugh about it. Not now, not ever.
When I was still paying for the ice cream Lily was already running to the arcade her head in the sky like always. It happened so fast, all I could see was her dropping her ice cream and this guy picks it up offering his to her and she took it.
“Lily!” I ran after her
“Don’t talk to strangers or take anything from them.” I said almost hysterical, how many time has my parents told her this.
“ I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking, I should have asked you first if it was okay” He said, he was that boy in my first period class that sat next to me. Grayson.
“ Thanks that was kind of you to offer, but… that’s your ice cream she can have mine.” I said
“ no it’s okay I really didn’t want any, but who can turn down free ice cream. Oh and I didn’t lick it yet I swear.”
What was the harm in this, he was just helping out a kid and why punish him for trying to be a good citizen.
“ Lily what do you say to the kind man?” I pushed
“ Thank you!” as she licks her new ice cream with a wide grin across her cheeks.
“ Your welcome!” his voice was sweet and caring.
“ Grayson! We have to go,” one of his friend yells for him
“ Well, see you around” as he said
“ Thanks again.” I said back

“ Mom why do I have to come with you, I don’t even know them, and why do I have to wear a dress just to have dinner?”
I didn’t want to fake being happy around people I don’t know. I already felt tired, I just wanted to go to bed and hope to wake up and find that all of what has happened in the last three months was a long nightmare. But I’ve tried to pinch my self every day nothing ever changes and I should stop that it can’t be healthy people might think that I’ve gone mad.
“ Aria, quit arguing and just get ready.” she insisted
I search my closet for a dress to wear, I couldn’t decide between the white, one strapped cocktail dress or the purple strapless ruffled knee length one. I paused because I heard a buzzing noise, it’s my phone. I took it out of my backpack flipped it open.
“ Guess who got tickets two the Boys Like Girls concert?” Darcie was basically screaming in my ear
“ I don’t know ,who?” I said sarcastically
“ Your best friend in the whole wide world!” she mimicked my voice
“ How did Haley get the tickets? and I don‘t sound like that.” I said playing along
“ She better not be your best friend!… Because I could take someone else with me! I could find someone better to replace you.”
“ I Was just kidding Darcie! Can I call you later my mom is making me go to dinner at one of her old friends house, and I’m not ready yet or even found a dress to wear.”
“ Okay, call me tomorrow, don’t forget. Wear that purple ruffely one, it make your legs look great. ” Darcie yawned
“ Why do I need my leg to look great?” I asked laughing
“ Just in case you see any guys on your way.” she sad teasing
“ alright thanks, bye.” I forgotten how much I missed her, and how badly I needed her she one of the few, that know what I’m going through right now. I quickly got dressed and combed the tangles out of my hair then ran to the kitchen where my mom was fixing Lily’s dress.
“You look lovely honey.” my mom fixed my bow on the back and we headed out to the door.

The doorbell rang and I hear Mary open the door to greet them. I started heading down the stairs in my sweats and t-shirt just to make my parents angry for not telling me we had guest coming.
I know they would yell at me in front of who every was here and show them their real side not the façade they put up in front of people.
When I saw Aria in her purple dress I quickly sprinted back to my room praying she didn’t see me. This girl is every where I turn whether I liked it or not .
I don’t know if I should go back down there just the way I was, because I really wanted my parents to blow a gasket or dress nicely to impress this girl who seem not interested in me. I thought to myself there would be plenty of opportunity to when my parents dinner some other night. I quickly got change in my gray long-sleeved button up shirt with my black pants. When I got down stairs everyone was standing in the sitting room talking.
“ There you are!” my mom said sounding caring like she missed me, but it as all an act to show that she was a good mother, I almost believed it myself but I knew better.
“ Sorry.” was all I could say
“ Grayson this Elizabeth Welch and her two daughters Aria and Lily.” She said pointing at each of them
“ Mommy that’s the man who gave me his ice cream” Lily squealed as she jumped up and down with excitement pointing at me.
“ You guys know each other?” my mom had a questioning look on her face.
“ Well I know Aria from school and I met Lily at BoBow’s ice cream shop, when she dropped her ice cream cone on the.” ground
“How nice of you to do such a thing” I mother emphasized on the word nice like it was hard for her to imagine, that word and me in the same sentence. We haven’t even had dinner yet and I could tell this was going to be a long night.
“ Can you pass the salad Grayson?” Mrs. Welch asked pointing to the bowl that was with in my reach her question had pulled me out of my own world of thoughts.
“ Yeah, sure” I quickly handed her the bowl hoping that she hadn’t been asking me for while, as I was wrapped up in my thoughts.
“ Aria how was your first day
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