» Romance » Love in Evil, Tammy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Love in Evil, Tammy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗». Author Tammy

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if you tell anyone I’ll have to kill you.” I told her and she nodded, knowing I was serious. If I had said that to a regular human they wouldn’t have understood that and laughed. “Okay I had a dream last night and I know I shouldn’t have, that ability should be gone. I don’t know why that happened.”
“And what was this dream about?”
“Adriane and a battle.”
“And what happened in this battle with Adriane?” She asked and I gave her a summary.
“So what do you think that means?”
“Well unless you’re secretly a witch that can see the future nothing just some feelings that came back. Did you take your medication last night?” She asked and I shook my head. Oh! That’s it, my medication. I had forgotten to take my monthly medication last night that helped keep dreams away and gave a little aid with feelings. I pulled out my pill and dry swallowed it as we searched the rooms in the hallway. We searched all over the grounds and met back at the tower.
“Find anything?” I asked the other teams and they shook their heads.
“No and you?” Aaron asked and I shook my head. “Weird why would someone from the other side come over and not do anything?”
“I don’t know maybe they were fishing for information. Tomorrow we need extra security everywhere. Me and Elle are going to bring down their level blue grounds.” I said and he nodded.
“Which means you’ll need my expertise to make you and her some fake badges.” He said and I nodded with a grin. “I’ll have them ready in about an hour, see you then.” He said walking to his work building. I looked at my clock; I knew it was getting into the afternoon hours because my class and lockdown had taken a long time which of course I was right about. It was already three o’ clock. I grabbed the microphone and told everyone that lockdown was over with. Once I saw everyone heading out of the bomb shelters I got down from the tower and went to eat something. When I was finished I bought a blue romper, even though I didn’t like them much they seemed to be going around at the other side’s grounds. Then I got some navy heels and hair accessories. While I was there I went ahead and grabbed Elle some flats in navy that I knew she would like. She was my twin after all. I dropped the bags off at the dorm and then went to Aaron to pick up our “badges”. I decided I would visit him while I was at it.
“Hey Aqua you’re badges are just drying right now.” He said inviting me in. We talked while they dried before he got serious. “So I wanted to ask you something.”
“Fire away general.” I joked, or at least I was pretty sure I was. I didn’t joke too often.
“Okay first I’d just like to say that I’ve liked you a lot since I met you a year ago. First reason, you’re personality, the untouchable thing, is hot. Second your looks, your hair is so blonde and shiny. Your eyes are blue and show that there is more to you than what meets the eye. So I was wondering if you wanted to go out.” He asked and I remained still. I saw his face fall.
“Sorry but I don’t feel that way for you or anyone to be honest. And another bit of honesty feeling this way is why you haven’t been promoted from Class E because we can sense that you have feelings that could interfere with fighting battles.” I said standing and grabbing the badges. “Thanks for the badges.” I said and turned to go.
“Yeah your probably right, see you around.” He said as I left. I met Elle back at the dorm and handed her the badges.
“I’m taking a shower and then going to bed.” I told her pulling off my shoes.
“Wait how was Aaron?” She asked and I was confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“Well he said he was going to ask you to go out.” She explained and I shrugged.
“I suppose he did.”
“Those emotions I did not return and get in the way of battles, I made that clear to him took the badges and left.” I said honestly, I didn’t see anything wrong with that.
“Aqua, he isn’t coming back for you.” She said gently. “You need to have a relationship.” I don’t think she understands that I don’t feel these things.
“Elle, you are my twin and I trust you but that isn’t going to happen. Emotions of pain and love get in the way of winning. Besides I am past him, if he wants to fight for the wrong side that’s fine I’ll kill him to.” I said turning and walking away without emotion like always. I took my shower and went to bed drifting into another dream. This one was different though.
“So this is what it comes down to? Which can kill the other faster?” Adriane stared at me incredulously.
“I suppose so.” I said blankly getting into position with my sword. His face turned to the way it was before the fighting between us, soft.
“Aqua I know I hurt you but you have to understand.”
“No, I can’t and won’t understand. You chose this not me.”
“I didn’t think I chose losing you completely when I chose this side.”
“Too bad, you should have thought about that. Now let’s get this over with.” His face hardened.
“Fine then.” He drew his sword and we circled each other. Then he stopped and I took it as an opportunity and stabbed him right through the stomach and whirled around to see the last soldier there and stabbed him to. Then it kicked in, I had killed my only love. Elle was running with joy for winning our battle but slowed seeing the dead bodies around me. I took that as an opportunity as well and stabbed myself the same way I had stabbed him. I felt a final tear trickle down my cheek and blacked out. I woke up with tears in my eyes and ran to the toilet where I threw up. I sat there for a second, it was early in the morning and I had to get ready for battle but I didn’t understand where the dreams were coming from. Maybe I need a larger dose of medication. I walked to the doctor’s office in my nightgown, I didn’t care I was getting the stronger medication. I walked in to the doctor’s office and he woke with a stir.
“Miss Alaverez what are you doing here at this early hour?” He asked sleepily.
“I need stronger medication, at least twice this dose.” I told him and he looked surprised.
“I’m sorry but I can’t do that your weight and height calls for that being the maximum dose already.” He said gesturing to the pill bottle in my hand.
“I don’t care, it’s not working like it did. I need stronger medication.” I told him and he shook his head.
“I can’t do that, gain some weight and I can.”
“Yes you can now do it.”
“I don’t think so.” He said and ran over and punched him forcing his face to the side. I grabbed his shirt fiercely.
“I think you can, or would you like to be put with regular protection with regular humans?” I asked.
“No, I need the protection I’m too frail of an old man to protect myself if they get through the one soldier.” He said and I smiled.
“Okay then, give me the medicine and I’ll be on my way. You don’t tell anyone about this and I won’t tell them you tried to undermine a commanding officer’s authority, the top one to be specific. If you recall there are few above me.” I threatened and he nodded. I let go of his shirt and he shakily got the medication. As soon as he handed me the bottle I dry swallowed one. “Okay I’ll be back when I’m out.” I said going back to the dorm. Once I was there I showered and got dressed for my mission. Then I met Elle at the cafeteria where she was ready to go. We ate a bagel and drank some juice before I remembered that we had to pick up the bombs still.
“Okay now we just need to go to the cellar and pick up about twenty small bombs, that should bring down the building I believe.” I told her and she nodded.
“Yes it should, good thing I bought a messenger bag in navy blue.” She smiled and I grinned. We left and stood in the shelter picking some of the easiest bombs to place that did the most damage. We had eighteen and I decided that was good enough.
“Okay let’s go.” I said and we pinned our badges on leaving the ground. Once we were there it was easy to find the entrance we were going to use. It was locked with no guard, idiots, this is why they are losing right now. I pulled out a bobby pin and unlocked it we stepped inside to see quite a few people still eating breakfast. “See what I mean about the laziness?” I asked and Elle and she nodded with a snicker. We planted bombs here and there acting like we were watching the fountains or looking out windows. The bombs were all set to the same time; we just had to click the button. Once we were at the top story it got a bit trickier. “Okay you go into that room and I’ll do this one.” I said pointing to two doors in the exact middle. “You go right and do those people one at a time down the line and I’ll do the same with the left. Once they are dead and someone realizes this an alarm will go off. What we need to do then is head down stairs and then run out hitting the button, anyone who escapes we can kill. Try and do it so that they don’t make much noise otherwise the others will get suspicious. Ready?” I asked and she nodded. I headed into the room and she went into the room next to it. The man was in the bathroom so I hid behind his drapes. He came out and sat at his chair. That’s when I made my move. I crept forward quietly and over-doing it just for fun whirled his chair around, he smiled and I knew he was drunk because he thought I was someone else.
“Erica?” He asked and I grinned.
“Yes that’s me.”
“I’ve been waiting you know.”
“I know and I’m sorry.” I lied and walked forward with a smile and then stabbed him in the stomach quick enough that he couldn’t say anything. I left the knife in him I had plenty more. I went to the room to the left where a girl was sipping something and looking out her window. They really needed to get better skills, like not oiling up the door. I left mine creaky so I knew when someone came in. I ran over and stabbed her in the back of the neck where her throat was. She fell and I left continuing what I came to do. Once that was done I saw Elle at the end of the hall waiting for me.
“Sorry I would have been quicker but someone was drunk and thought I was someone named Erica.” I whispered and she nodded. We were on the bottom story, when the alarm sounded off letting them know someone foreign was in the building. I saw them look around for a leader and
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