» Romance » Love in Evil, Tammy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Love in Evil, Tammy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗». Author Tammy

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I pretended to look panicked. Then I saw him, it was the second time in two days. I felt a pang of pain and then annoyance at the feeling that I now couldn’t shake. “Elle, let’s go through separate exits I’ll shout now when it’s time.” I said at regular volume because some people were shouting.
“Good idea.” She said heading toward the right exit. I walked over to him and grabbed him duct taping his mouth. When we were close to the door I shouted, “NOW!” Then I ran out pulling him with me. A minute later we were out and a safe distance away when the building exploded. I saw him realize who I was and I felt stupid for what I had done but I also felt. Well I wasn’t sure what it was but I think it was love. I shook it off just as I tripped bringing him down with me. I pulled off the duct tape.
“Aqua!” I heard Elle shout and his eyes grew wide.
“You should run and be quiet, if you say anything I’ll find you and kill you.” I threatened and he nodded. I realized he was wearing black and wondered why if he was so high up he was in a level blue building.
“But why did you save me? I did hurt you after all.”
“What did I say, get out of here!” I shouted at him, I didn’t know why I had felt love or pain upon seeing him but I was determined to act as if it didn’t happen. Of course I think it was anger coming out of me this time but I shouldn’t feel anger toward him for what he did but for what he was. And what he was a soldier of the other side. I was standing now and so was he. He looked very shocked. I punched him right in the face. “Get out of here before I make you leave the planet!” I threatened him again and he turned and ran. Then Elle walked up.
“What was… who was that?” She asked and I looked at her.
“What was he doing here?”
“I don’t know he’s a level black after all.”
“Wow and you saved him?”
“No I let him escape like an idiot after all he is a traitor.”
“What else is he?” She asked pushing for more and I looked at her straight in the eyes.
“An ass hole that deserves to die and mark my words it won’t happen again. However do me a favor and don’t tell anyone.”
“Of course but the angry answer isn’t what I was looking for.”
“Fine he is also a memory and nothing more.” I lied and she sighed.
“Okay whatever let’s get out of here.” She said and I nodded. We got back to our grounds and ate. Then we took showers and went to sleep after a few hours of waiting. However no one came to get us or attack the grounds so that was good. Besides we couldn’t stay up forever we had to get some sleep for training the others tomorrow.
Chapter 2: A surprise visit
I woke up to a banging on my bedroom door. I rubbed my eyes and walked groggily to my door to open it. I opened it to see Adriane and Elle panting after him.
“I tried to stop him, sorry.” She panted and I shrugged.
“It’s fine, I’ll gladly get rid of him.” I told her glaring at him. He whirled around to face her.
“Could you give us a minute?” He asked with a cold tone.
“You have this Aqua?” She asked unsure and I nodded. “Fine but the second I hear a scream.” She threatened.
“Fine fine just leave.” He sounded frustrated. As soon as she left he turned back to me. “We need to talk.”
“About what you filthy traitor?”
“Firstly us, we need to work this out.”
“Work what out? There is no us anymore and you should know that. You left four years ago after betraying everyone on this side and me. We drifted apart and then had an official breakup. I feel nothing for you, pain, regret, or love.” I spat at him and he looked down and then back up with a soft look.
“I know I hurt you but that can’t be true. You must like me on some degree otherwise you wouldn’t have saved me.” He said and I cringed inwardly for doing that. I knew it would come back to bite me.
“That was a stupid mistake to, next time I’ll let you die or actually.” I said grabbing the gun I taped to the bottom of my vanity and turning off the safety. I was angry as hell at his nerve, myself and probably what happened between us but I refused to acknowledge that part. He held his hands up.
“I also know that you’re angry but think if I go missing all the top people will come after you.” He coaxed me to put the gun down.
“I can take a few and I’m not alone either you know.” I said and he sighed.
“Look if you don’t want to see me again after this I won’t come back but for now lower the gun.”
“Fine, but I’m still keeping it at my side and firmly in my grasp.” I said and then got suspicious. What if he was saying that so he could have a better shot at me? I grabbed a metal detector. “Get against the wall.” I commanded and he complied I scanned his entire length, front and back. It didn’t pick up anything so I put it back. “Alright you have ten minutes say what you were going to and then leave.”
“Okay then. Well I just wanted to apologize for the way I ended things and for ending them at all. I can understand if you don’t want to take me back but forgive me, we can even be friends.”
“We can never be friends you are a traitor and fight for the other side, the wrong side at that. Besides that I will forgive who I want when I want.” I told him and he smiled.
“Well if you don’t feel pain or regret for me then it shouldn’t be a big deal should it?” He asked and I hit myself mentally. He was good but not good enough.
“Why do you want to be friends?”
“I’ve missed you and I want you in my life again. I wouldn’t have given it any thought but I was supposed to bomb this place because I was the only person who knew where it was. Then I saw you and felt the emotion I felt for you and couldn’t do it. Then you saved me only after you put me in danger but I wasn’t supposed to be there for fairness.” When I just stood there he stepped closer. “I really did miss you, you have to believe me.” He well kind of begged and it was… cute. I don’t know what happened I just kind of leaned forward and kissed him. The rush of emotion there was amazing; I thought that for sure there must be sparks flying off of us. Then I pulled back and realized what I had done. Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me?
“HA! You do have feelings for me still otherwise you wouldn’t have kissed me.” He smiled, thinking he had won. Me being stubborn and refusing to accept any emotion that had ever been there and still well was there stood straighter and looked right at him.
“No, you’re wrong. That was a test to see if there was anything there and I was right there wasn’t.” I lied looking in his eyes.
“You can’t be serious?”
“Well I am and you need to leave. I don’t want to see you again so just don’t come back.” I told him and he shook his head in disbelief.
“Fine, my pleasure.” He said turning into the ass hole he had become. After he left Elle came up.
“So?” She asked and I was confused. I was ready to forget what had just happened and continue the usual war.
“So what?”
“So what happened?”
“He begged me to come back to him or to at least forgive him, maybe even be friends. I turned him down; he is wrong if he thinks that we will ever be anything more than enemies.” I told her and she raised an eyebrow.
“Is that all?”
“No.” I saw the look she gave and sighed. “Okay fine, I kissed him but as a test to see if there was feeling there and there wasn’t so that’s that. I asked him not to come back and he agreed. That pretty much sums it up.” I told her and she rolled her eyes.
“There was feeling there and you know it you just don’t believe it yet.”
“Whatever I have to get dressed and then go help make more bombs to replace the ones we took.” I told her and she nodded. I closed the door and walked to my closet.
“Alright but that excuse can’t get you out of talking about it forever!” She shouted through my door. I just rolled my eyes and continued getting dressed. When I was done I headed to the bomb room. I saw Aaron there and waved but he just turned and left. Well if he knew he would be hurt why did he ask? I mean he knew I was “untouchable” as he put it. So if he was listening to his brain instead of stupid feelings he would have known that I would say no.
“I’m here.” I called and Akira, the girl who made the bombs, came out.
“Hey Aqua you took eighteen bombs of the small size maximum power variety right?” She asked looking at a clipboard and then back up.
“Yes, just hand me a manual and the supplies and I’ll get to work.” I told her and she handed me what I asked for.
“Okay just tell me when you’re finished.” She said going back into her office. It took me a few hours but I did finish it. Once I was done it was around dinner time.
“I’m finished. I’ll be going to dinner okay?” I confirmed and she came out.
“Sure see you when you need some more bombs.” She laughed and I was almost envious of her. She was the bomb technician and didn’t have to give up her feelings. However like I said I was almost envious, when you didn’t have feelings it simplified things, besides feelings got in the way of winning. I was completely sure that my side was the right one. I was fighting for witch’s rights; I believed they should be able to live as free spirits like the rest of us not as slaves. I know that if they were slaves they could surely just escape with powers but they refused to do anything bad unless someone harmed them first. So it was up to us to fight for them. I went into the café and was quickly approached by one of the ten above me.
“Aqua you need to go to the other side.” Eric said and I nodded.
“Okay for what?”
“Give them this; we are confirming a battle that they declared.”
“Okay when is this battle?”
“Saturday at 8:00 a.m. us at the top will not be there.” He informed me and I nodded.
“The usual building correct? Also the usual grounds for the battle?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yes deliver that as soon as possible please.”
“On it.” I told him and he smiled.
“Good.” He turned and left just as Elle sat down handing me some food.
“What was that about?”
“I have to confirm a battle
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