» Romance » SABASTIAN, Melissa Sunbeam [free e novels .txt] 📗

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away. I trust you and your not just a colleage your my oldest friend to. My Grandfather has died and i have to go and settal his affairs. Micheal walked over to thee broken glass and picked up the photo. He new when he looked at who was in the photo why he was so upset. I fly to Chandler tommorrow. Can you please make sure no one knows where im going I dont want any interuptions. Whats going on Sabastian. Micheal held up the the photo of Reanne in front of Sabastian. Its Reanne you are going back for isnt it. No. Ive known you long enough to tell when your lying to me. Man I feel sick dont worry Reanne I dont feel much better. Are you okay Reanne Your white as a ghost. Nothings wrong its just may stomache doing 360 degrees turns. I don't blame it. You polished off a hole bottle of Grants when you got home and fell asleep at your desk. I think we out did ourselves this time. I'm gonna stay behind when you go to pick up Sabastian. I need to give this place a spring clean since i have guests. Why dont you sit down Reanne and relax. I have to be honest with you I'm shit scared. Sabastian hasnt been home in 8yrs and my emotions are all over the place and worst of all how do I tell his baby died. Reanne calm down and take each day as it comes I better get ready he's going to call me when his plane lands. Blaze went up stairs to change here clothes. Hello is anybody home, i'm in the kitchen. Reanne turned and faced Tyler. Whats wrong?Tears were streaming down her He walked over and grabbed Reanne gently and gave her a heart felt hug. Its good to have you back Tyler. Sabastian is comming home. Your kidding me arnt you. He's want to see me and settal his grandfathers affairs, he died three weeks ago. All these emotions and fear are running threw my head. I'm not couping please dont tell Blaze she is like a mother hen. I promise you I won't. Reanne wiped the tears off her cheeks. Blaze ran down the stairs as the phone rung. Hello hi its Sabastian we have just landed. Okay I'm on my way. Do you have a horse Yes I do. Theres a stall in the barn for him and I will make room in the tac for your gear. Tyler moved close to Reanne. She felt his hand brush against hers, a strange feeling runed threw her body that she hadn't felt since she was with Sabastian. Reanne I have to go, his plane has just landed. See you when you get back.Okay. Sorry i didn't mean for my hand to brush up agains yours. Dont worry about it felt good to have that male contact again. I have plenty of work for you. I need you to start straight away Caspers comming in the arfternoon to brand the three hundred head of cattle in the north paddock. Would you mind getting them to the yard own your own . No thats okay. Blaze finally made it to the airport in record time and managed to find the gate. I'm here to pick up Sabastian Apia. ID please. Here you go. Would you please go threw that door and wait in the private lounge. He will be with you once he clears customs. Blaze went and sat down. Reanne can you come here and sit down.Both Tyler and Reanne sat down together.What going on Reanne? your not your usual self. A ghost from my past is about to show up thats all. I did some thinkig while I was away. I've fallen for you Reanne. You have taken my heart. Reanne was totally Stunned. Tyler moved closer to Reanne and She could feel the closeness of his body. He gentally kissed her soft Cheek and slowly made his way round to her lips. Reanne all of a sudden pulled away. Whats wrong? Tyler I havent been with any guy since Sabastian left me.- As Blaze went to sit down a striking man came threw the doors infront of her table and headed straight for the bar, while talking on his cellphone. Blaze got up off her seat and went up to the guy. Blaze went up to the man and said excuse me sir, he turned around. Is that you Blaze. Look I'm gonna have to call you back an old friend has just turned up and I want to catch up. Sabastian walked over to where Blaze was standing and gave her a hug. How are you Blaze Okay I guess. Whats wrong? I dont remember you eva being this handsome at school. I was expecting you to turn up in torn old faded jeans and a dehiem shirt not a business suit and a private jet, Sabastian wanted to ask about Reanne but decided not to. Blaze was in a hurry to get back to Reanne. We need to go I have to get back to Reanne I hope you don't mind. She isnt to well this morning she got carried away at the pub last night. No thats fine. How was your flight? It was the same as usual Boring. Pop your gear on the back. Please don't expect to much from Reanne, she is terrified of seeing you again. Some stuff has happened that has had a big impact on her life and it has changed her. Blaze I never meant to hurt her. My father sent me away to do the last year of school in the city because he hated her because she wasn't from a wealthy family like mine. I got sick of dad so I gave in. I wanted to say goodbye but he didn't even give me that. I had no other choice, he was going to disown me and as much as I hated him at the time i unconditionally still love him. Tyler got in from bringing the cattle in and saw reanne unconsious on the floor. We are here. Blaze got out of the pickup and started to walk towards the house Tyler heard the pickup and ran outside. Blaze it's Reanne she's unconsious on the floor. Sabastian I need your help. What happened? She didn't come with me to get the cattle in. I only got back a few minutes before you guys arrived and found her on the floor With this in her hand. Sabastian fought back the panick and picked up Reanne. Where's the shower. upstairs and second on the right. What have you done to yourself girl. Sabastian turned the shower on and got in to the shower with her. He craddled her in his arms, what have I done. Blaze went up stairs to check on Reanne. Tyler found another bottle in the Study. Blaze I never ment for any of this to happen. Tears streamed down his face. I know and I will be having words to your father. 10 mins later Reanne started to come around enough for her to realize that she was in the shower. Blaze can you help her get dressed and put her to bed. Yeah will do . Come Reanne lets get you into bed. Hi You must be Sabastian, Im Tyler. She told me that she wasn't couping and i didn't think much of it at the time. I'm so sorry that you had to come home to this. Don't be Im the only one responsible for this. Don't blame yourself. Blaze had just put Reanne to bed. Blaze is that you? Yes. I had a dream that Sabastian was craddling me in his arms in the Shower crying. Trust me get some sleep you are going to need it. Blaze stayed with Reanne untill she went to sleep. How is she? she's okay. I have something to tell you Blaze. After you left Reanne told me she wasn't couping and told me not to tell you. She was crying when i arrived too. Dont panick. Sabastian walked in on Tyler and Blaze talking. I'm the cause of whats happening to her at the moment. Blaze Im going to sit with Reanne then he walked off. . Sabastian went upstairs and paused at the door and looked at Reanne again and then he went and sat down. Reanne was sleeping. I'm so sorry for what happened. I love you with all my heart and I hate my father for what he did to us. Sabastian is that you. Im so sorry you had to see me like this, Im so sorry, Dont be Angel I did a simalar thing before I left This place. Reanne moved and craddled herself in Sabastians arms and lent her head against his chest like old times. She could hear his heart beat. Man my head hurts and so it should love you went threw 2 112.5's of alcohol straight with that she drifted off to sleep again. It hurt Sabastian to see Reanne like this, Blaze can I borrow the phone please. Yes sure it's over there on the counter. Hi Micheal its Sabastian I'm going to be a couple of weeks down here is that okay with you? Yes, whats going on? I turned up at Reannes place and she was unconsious on the floor. There were two empty bottles of whiskey. I feel responsible. Hay look take all the time you need. Everything is ticking over nicely here. If I have any problems I will call you. Thanks so much I owe you one. I will be sure to collect don't you worry bout that. Casper has just turned up to brand the cattle in the yard. Thanks Tyler I Will be out in a minute. Sabastian I want you to keep an eye on Reanne. Blaze walked out the door to meet Casper in the yard. Hi Casper. Hi, I think you better take alook at this Blaze and Billy is furious and he wants heads to roll but i managed to talk him down. Blaze looked at the paper. Are you and Tyler okay to do the branding on you own. yes i booked this job for 4 days. Two days work and two days partying, you should know me buy now. Blaze gave a big grin and went inside. Sabastian we have a problem. Read this. We got cornered last night by a Daily Times journilist. I said no comment. But She wrote this. As Sabastian read the artical he started to get angry. Do you have her card with the number on it. HI is a Claire Daines there please? yeah well I have alittle problem and it can get bigger if you want it to be, stay away from Reanne Queen. There will be a press conference soon I will let you know when. No Its not a threat. I'm trying to protect her thats all. Sabastian got off the phone and felt alittle releaved. Reanne woke up to find Sabastian by her bed. how long have you been there for? For most of the day. I thought you were a dream. HereS something to eat. Reanne plucked up the courage to ask the question that has haunted her for the last 8yrs. Way did you leave? I had no choice my father was going to disown me. He hated me with anyone who wasn't as wealthy as we were, I gave in to protect you from his nastyness my dad is no saint if you get where im going with it. There's a side to dad no one knows about and it aint pretty. Anyway I loved and still do love you. Please try
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