» Romance » SABASTIAN, Melissa Sunbeam [free e novels .txt] 📗

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and eat. Sabastian I have something to tell you. I fell pregnant just before you left and i didn't know untill after you left. With all the stress of you leaving I lost our baby. I'm so sorry. Sabastian look as white as a ghost. Reanne was scared of what might come next and Sabastian didn't know what to say. tears came rolling down his cheeks. he turned his back to Reanne and left the room. Sabastian went outside and went for a walk past the corral. Blaze called out to him but he was oblivious to anything but his own thoughts in his head. Sabastian made a call on his cell to micheal to cheak up on him. Micheal asked if something was wrong. He could tell something was wrong by the tone of Sabastians voice, but Sabastian shut him down by saying he didn't want to talk about. Micheal started to worry and said I'm comming down there if you don't tell me whats going on. Reanne was pregnant before i left Chandler she didn't find out until after i was gone. Because of the stress i put her under by leaving without saying a word she lost our baby. What can I do i cant help her heal the lose of a baby. Seeing her unconsious on the floor scared me to. I dont know what to say. Reanne tryed to get out of bed but her head throbbed at the sudden movement, she layed back down. Blaze I'm gonna go check on Reanne somethings happened judding by the way Sabastian was when he walked past. Okay. Sabastian kept walking and numbness took hold over his body. He knew he coudn't blame Reanne. Do you want me to come down for morale support it would be good to catch up with Reanne. I'm thinking of getting her away from here for a few days. I get the feelig she's locked up here ever since i left, I don't think i will be ever able to fix the damage I have done. Nock nock, Come in Tyler. Tyler I Know what you are gonna say and im sorry. I didn't mean for you to see me like this. I found it easy to drown myself in alcohol rather than ask for help. I saw asking for help as sign of weakness. Is Sabastian okay? I don't know. Blaze called out to him as he walked past but he didn't even look up. It looked like he was crying. With that she got up out of bed and got dressed. She didnt care that Tyler was in the room. I told Sabastian about losing our baby after he left. Oh! Reanne sat on the bed and begun to put on her boots. She felt a massive head spin comming on but she kept trying to put her boots on. Do you need any help putting your boots on. Here give me that. Tyler helped reanne with her boots and walked down stair with Reanne to make sure she didn't pass out on them. I DonT need en escort any further. Reanne went outside and took a large deep breath of fresh air and headed over to the corral.
Blaze looked up as the calf was getting branded. how your head? Its pulsating like a heart. I guess you wont be doing that again. When ever have I learnt from my mistake for the first time. Blaze replyed with a laugh. Have you seen Sabastian? He head in that direction, Blaze pointed towards the river. Reanne closed the gate and went towards the river. Sabastian she called out. Over here he replied. She could tell he had been crying. May I sit beside you. Be my guest. I didnt know any other way to tell you and its been eating me up inside. Sabastian looked up at her. Is that why You were found unconcious on the floor Reanne was speechless she didn't know how to answer the question. Sabastian waited for an answer. Reanne I still love you and always have. I wanted to call you but I thought it best to leave you alone because the hurt and pain I caused you would have been to fresh. Can i have the lawyer come here, I don't want to let you out of my sights. Okay but i dont need a babysiter. Whats going on with you and Tyler. Why do you ask. I want you to come away with me. hold on you have been here only five minutes and you are trying to win me over. Hold on a minute I wanted to spend time with you. I want to get to know you again. I thought you might want to also confront my dad, he's the one responsible for this mess. Look let take each day as it comes Sabastian, Im not couping. Sabastian got up and grab Reannes hand. When you were unconsious on the floor i was scared for you. Trust me it wasn't a good way to see someone for the first time in 8yrs. Tyler has fallen for you hasnt he? He has that same look as i did when we started going together. He has been a good friend and been there for me when Ive need help. If I organized a Press conference would you be there with me. What does that involve. Basically you dont have to answer any questions that you dont feel comfortable with and if you get into trouble I will deal with the vultures. Sabastian put his arms around her waist and hugged her and he felt Reannes body tence. Tyler have you seen Reanne or Sabastian. No they haven't come back yet. Blaze have you got any beers? Yes in the fridge have I ever let you down there. No you havent and I don't expect you ever will, Tyler said with a big grin on his face. I better get back to feeding the horses and cattle. Please bear with me I have all these emotions and fears. At night it gets hard to sleep. I spent two weeks in the hospital hating you. I was so bitter. Blaze told me to track you down but I woudnt have a bar of it. Your my angel. Perhaps this trip will do you some good. With that Reanne looked at him and then she walked off. Sabastian sat there stunned at her reaction. Reanne opened the gate to the coral and went inside. hello boy. Co/jack walked up to Reanne and nudged her hand with his nose. Do you want to go for a ride. Reanne went into the tack room and grabed the saddle and bridle and went outside in time to see Sabastian go inside the house. how did it go with Reanne? Don't ask. Have you seen her. No and with that Sabastian looked out the window just in time to see Reanne ride off. I will be in my room can you let me know when she gets back please. Reanne rode the ridge line to her favourite spot above the homested. Co/Jack what am I gonna do and can I really forgive Sabastian. Reanne sat down and closed her eyes. She lapped up the last of the sun in thought. a few minutes later she got up and waled with Co/jack down the ridge. Some time later she got back to the house and noticed there were no lights on. She took the saddle and bridle off Co/jack and turned him loose in the coral. she went quitely inside and up the stairs. Reanne is that you? Yes go back to sleep. Reanne heard movement in Sabastian room as she neared the door. His face meet hers as she neared his door. What happened today Reanne? I don't know I just freaked out I guess, I was scared. You have no reason to be scared of me . Sabastian wraped his arms around Reannes waist and pulled her close. I love you Reanne and I m neva gonna let you go again. Ive decided to take the trip with you but it on the grounds that if i feel uncomfortable for any reason I can leave. Okay. To be honnest Sabastian I dont know if i can forget you leaving me the way you did. Honey thats why I want you to confront my father. We dont owe him anything. Reanne embraced his arms around her. she felt safe and secure. Do you want a night cap Sabastian? They went down stairs hand in hand. Whats going on down here? Sorry if we woke you up. I couldnt sleep anyway.Blaze are you still okay to look after this place. Im gonna take Sabastian up on his offer. Are you sure? Yes Blaze, if i dont do this its gonna tear me up inside that i didnt try. Do you understand now? I guess i do but i wont make me worry about you any less. I know you have been a great friend to me, but i have to do this. I dont know why my heart is telling me to do it but it just is and nothing will change it. Please dont look at me like that. I'm sorry but i cant help but worry Reanne. Reanne eyed up the whiskey bottle and grabed it.She poured three glasses and made a toast to new beginings. Heres to new beginings for me and Sabastian not to mention Blaze heres to a life long friendship that will never die. Here Here. Sweet heart one glass is enough for you ok. Cant have you turning up at dads drunk. Sabastian gentally took the bottle out of Reannes hand.He could see fear written on her face. Reanne I will exercise Co/Jack for you and make sure tlyer doesnt get into trouble while you are away.Earth to Reanne did you hear anything I said. Oh sorry what did you say?Are you okay Reanne? yes I was deep in thought thats all.

Lets go Reanne we have to be at the airport 11am. Im ready. Reanne put the final touches to her make up and then went down stairs.I want to thank you for looking after the place. Your a good friend Blaze. I know, who else is there to keep you in line? Reanne just smile and walked out the door. Sabastian make sure you look after her otherwise the whole town will be on your ass got it. yes Blaze, i promise. Give a hug you big offe sabastian gave Blaze a hug then grabed the last of the gear and went put side to the pick up.Reanne whats wrong you have been silent ever since we left, Why does it feel like i said goodbye Sabastian?
It's not forever Reanne. I know. Its time to go you two. Micheal cant wait to see you
As they arrived at the airport they managed to dodge the media and get safely on board the plane. My emotion were running high and i begun to have doubt about the trip. Whats wrong Reanne? You want an honest answer. I'm terrified and i'm having doubt about this trip. Sabastain move to sit beside her. Is it the first time away from the the ranch? Yes and i dont like it one bit. You are gonna be okay Reanne let me pamper you like a princess deserves. Reanne looked into Sabastians eyes. Your eyes still have that same truthful sparkle that they did when i first met you. The smile on Sabastians face hearing those word was from ear to ear.He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. What ever happens over the next few days we will face it together. Before i new it Sabastian was gentally pushing me to wake up and
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