» Romance » Missing, Jaelin and Shelby [reading list TXT] 📗

Book online «Missing, Jaelin and Shelby [reading list TXT] 📗». Author Jaelin and Shelby

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Who are you

My car came to a stop at the first stoplight. My eyes rolled the street that i had so many time driven by. My cellphone buzzed in my pocket making me jump. I sheepishly checked it.
Cassie: Cassies mom, come to the hospital quick
Me: what why??
Her: Cassies she shes sick
Me:oh my gosh ill be there as fast as i can!
I took right after the stop light turned green. Then headed for the hospital. 'What could she possibly have?' A tear slid down my face, what if she dies. I gasped,and mentaly slaped my self where are these thoughts coming from? I never would say somthing like that let alone think it.

I pulled my mustange into the first open parking space. I grabed my bad and headed for the doors as fast as i could. I walked it to a green waiting room. The paint was peeling off the side, and had differnt colors smerd on it. The floors where a light brown with a few chips in the tile. I weaved my way through all sourts of people.I passed a man who looked to be in his early 30's throwing up into a trash bin. And an elder woman who had a tubes in her noses with a tank next to her. And last i passes a boy who bone was sticking throughhis finger. I bit my lip trying not to scream i cant stand the hospital they always smell like medication and the people and where way too nice. How can you wake up at 5am and be so cheerful. I finnaly made my way to the couner. The woman sitting there seemed to be in her late 20's with sholder cut adburn hair, and carmel eyes that seemed dull and bored. "Hello miss can i help you?"
"Um... yes," i began not sure what to say."Im here for Cassie Dillard."
"Yes,Cassie,"she paused and typed somthing in the computer after a moment passed she looked up at me and smiled sadly "room 62 B. Its on the third floor." I thanked her and headed for the elevator. I took a deep breath and steped inside. I pushed the 3 button, and it blinked to life with a orangeish light.

I knocked on the door that read 62 B. Then opend it. Cassie was laying the bed eyes glued on the T.v. i giggled. She looked up at me mad."Even if your sick with whatever, you cant put the remote down." She smiled "T.v. is way to addicting!" i walked to the empty chair by cassies bed and as criss cross. "Um Cas what are we watching?" "Red Riding Hood." I looked at Amanda Seyfried and Siloh Fernandez as they danced at what seemed to be a festable. "Cas why are you here?" She looked at me. "I threw up blood then blacked out in the bathroom and-" A knock at the door stoped her, it was the doctor. "Hi Cas, miss im gping to have to ask you to leave, where going to run some test." I nodded my head and got up. " You can reture in a hour, oh and if your looking for lunch we have some good food in the cafe." "Where is that?"
"The fith floor." I left the room and headed for the elevator.Where did her parents go? Where they in the room? No, the doctor would have asked them to leave.
Oh well.
I opend the doors to the cafe.It was a deep brown color with a tan stripe that circled that whole room. There were tables on the left side and the food was on the right.I walked over the panda geting my regurl noodles,orange chicken and shrimp. I spun the noodls with my chop sticks, when my phone buzzed. I took it out my pocket and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hey Raynie," Dustins sweet voice said smothly.
"What do you want, I asked sourly.
"You babe." I could here the smile in his voice.
"So where are you, babe? your not home"
"How do you know where I live, you little freak?"
"Dont worry about it... so where are you at?"
"My question first. Then Ill awsoner yours."
"No," he growled. "Tell me now you... just tell me!" I picked up some paper and crumped it by my phone. "What... i cant... hear...I think... were..." I hung up my phone and slid it back into my bag. And looked at my shoes. We'd make a good couple, but im not sure if i want this... hes popular and all but ive never really had a boyfriend. And of course hes had lots of girls but i dont know if im girlfriend meterial. I sighed.

"Hi," a sweet,deep voice rumbled,from the other side of the table cuting off my thoughts. "Uh hi," I bit my lip.
"how long have you been here?"
He smiled, "oh not to long" i blused. I looked at him. He had sandy blonde hair,green eyes, and a fit and lean body. Probily has a six pack too. I wonder if hes a good kissed. Then blused more at the thought.
"Who... who are you because i dont think its sa-"
"shhh, he placed one of his fingers to my lips,"youll know soon but heres not the place."
"Are you saying ill see you again?" A spark of hope ran through my body.
"yes sooner than you think,oh and dont worry about your friend she will be alright." He smiled reveling pearly white teeth. I blushed again, but not because he smiled because he threw me a rose before he left. Who are is he?

Painting pictures

That night I layed in bed stairing at the ceiling fan as it round and round. I held the rose too.
Iurned over looking at the clock. 12:29. 7 hours till sun rise. I sighed, closing my eyes as i doesed of...

Where am i? I looked around the room i was currently in. It was a light grey room with a desk and a chair. There were painting one had of a girl with black curling hair about the age of eight, sitting in the grass with a boy maybe nine or ten laughing. The boy had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. The next paintingwas the boy with a frown on his face,as the girl cryed into his arms. And one of the boy kiss her cheek at the school steps. I swong my legs over the side of the bed. I have to get out of here. Before i could get my foot on the ground i herd foot steps coming toward my "room". The door opend and a man with pepered grey and black hair walked in with the boy who mighted have been the boy from the painting. There was somthing about him that made me feel like i was drawned to I need to kiss his soft lips.
"Hi." It was clear the boy was scared of me. Or maybe it was his father. He had dark black eyes and a frown making it easy to tell he was unhappy. "Im kyle, I...I saved you." "Why," i wisperd. He didnt asnwer. And i was unsure if he herd me so i asked again, but more demainding this time. He looked at me lovingly. "Because i love you Rayne." "Who are you?!" Tears filled his eyes. Hurt and pain was all over his face. The man walked towards the door looking back at the boy, urging him to follow. He nodded the looked back at me when the door closed, and wispred. "Your mine," a wicked smile came accrose his lips. Then he turned and left the room. I have to get out.

Tears where falling down my face. Those damn memories, always hurt me. They haunt me. I wiped my tears away and turned over checking the clock 7:06. I took a deep breath and went to the bathroom ,striped, and got into the shower. I didnt feel like standing so i decided to sit on the shower floor. The water ran slickly through my hair. I loved the way that felt.
After my shower i got dressed in light grey skinnys and a black love hurts shirt with big pink letters and my pink toms. I combed and blew dryed my hair. it curled down my back in waves i normaly would strightedn it but today i was feeling moody. I grabed a pack of blood from the fridge. normaly i didnt drink blood as much but when i was feeling weak or moody i would pop open a pack or too. I decited to walk to school today so i grabed my bag and headed for

Not you again

The next day after school i went on a short walk. I wasnt having a good day.I chocked out a sob when i noticed where i was. I put my had on the trees bark. "hey girl how have you been." A tear slid down my cheek i smiled and wiped it away. This way my chiledhood bestfriend. Im guessing you think im crzay, a tree? I was a very shy kid a rich kid whos parnets didnt give a damn about what she did as long as it didnt involve money. Wow i must walk really be fast this super speed thing is amazing ive walk

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