» Romance » Missing, Jaelin and Shelby [reading list TXT] 📗

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The end of me

The blood driped from his lips. He smiled showing his fangs; I fell to my knees covering my blood-stained neck as blood ran warmly though my fingers. Tears ran slickly down my cheeks and on the floor making puddles where they fell. I screamed with fear mixed with pain. The lightning cracked lighting up the dark den. The rain pattered on the window.
"Rayne, we're coming! Stay where you are!" I heard my mother call, then suddenly the doors flew open. I saw my mother's eyes widen. She gasped when she saw me, or what was left of me. I layed lifelessly on the floor. She took a step towards me, but quickly backed up. A shadow in the room caught her eye. She backed up to the wall as the shadow was right in her face.
"Boo" he whispered. She fell back and covered her face as the shadow smashed the window and ran into rain. Glass was shattered everywhere. Suddenly everyone was in the room, and I was slowly beginning to lose my vision. I felt my father's strong arms pick me and carry me out. I took a steady breath. My first breath as a vampire. Then everything went black.
I watched as the rain fall like my tears had once had as I sat at my desk. I put my head on my desk and sighed loudly. It had been three years since id been...normal.
"Rayne?"a voice had whispered fearfully.
"What?"I answered fiercely. I looked up seeing Cassie. Her brown eyes look apologetic. "oh sorry," I turned back to the window. "I was just thinking.
"Its okay,"she smiled. I envyed her beautiful, misty eyes and her long brown hair with red high lights. And lush lips. I definitely envyed her pink lips. I glanced down at my own hair, black with purple tips. I looked back at the window and saw the reflection of my pale purple eyes sparkling. My nose ring glistened against the bright lamp next to me. I stared at the reflection of my red stained lips, wishing mine could be a light pink like Cassie's.
"Lets go to lunch," I said quickly, trying to take my mind off of my appearance.
"Okay, let's go!" She laughed. We left the class room, entering the lunch room soon after. We took our place in line. A boy that I recognized vaguely stared at me. I felt my face tighten. "Whats so scary? They're just guys." Cassie said chuckling. I shook my head. We got our food and found a table, the farthest away from the jocks. It didn't matter that I was a cheerleader for our school's team. I would just never fit in with them.
"Well, well, look what we have here..."
"What do you want, Dustin?" Dustin McKell was a hot football player, one of the hottest. Cass liked him."Can't just say hello?" he smiled.
I sarcastically smiled. "Hello.. and goodbye."
"Fiesty, I like it. So anyway, let's talk about you and me, Spring Fling on Saturday night."
"Ha!" I let out a joking laugh.
"No, seriously. Maybe if you weren't so worried about your grades and weren't such a bitch you could have a boyfriend." He ran his finger though his hair, then twirled the end of my hair around his finger. "Think about it. Call me. No, forget that, I'll call you. Later, Rayne," as he turned away, he kissed his first and second finger, and turned them towards me. I watched till he sat back down with the football players. I saw the rest of the cheer squad crowd around him, ooing and awing. He was a popular, I was a nerd. We could never be together. No matter how hot he was. I looked over at Cassie, who was silently eating her sandwich.
"Sorry Cass," What was I sorry for? It wasnt my fault he asked me out. She waved her hand dismissing it, but i could tell she was hurt. i sighed heavily. This is why I didn't have many friends. Too dramatic, too complicated. Or at least I used to think that. I could tell that my popularity was slowly increasing. The new Rayne would love to have a buch of friends, and most definitely love to have a boyfriend. The old Rayne, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with people, wanted no friends, much less a boyfriend. But I'm not the old Rayne anymore. I'm New Rayne, Rayne the Vampire!


I opened the door to my house, then tossed my bag on the couch and headed for the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator, looking for a quick snack when I started to hear shuffling in the other room. "Melinda," I thought. Melinda was a witch who took me in and took care of me when i ran away from home three years ago. She had no parents, only a ten year old sister, Melanie.
"Hey hon, how was school?" Melinda snuck up behind me.
"Fine, how was your day?" I answered.
"Awesome, I learned great new spells." Oh great. I hated when she learned spells. She learns them, but can never get them right. Melanie was the better witch, even though she was thirteen years younger than Melinda. Last week Melinda learned a spell that could change your look, and, boy, did i look bad. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and shut the door. Melanie entered at that point.
"Hey Rayne!" Melanie's curly brown hair fell to her shoulders. Her blonde highlights stood out against her dark hair. Her icy blue eyes stared, something they did when reading someone's mind. Yes, I said that right. She can read minds. I said hello, sighed, and went in to the living room. i grabbed the remote off the coffe table and ploped down on the couch watching whatever was on. My eyes began to shut, and I slowly drifted off...
My heart was pounding as I jumped out of my fathers arms. How could I stay with my parents? I'm a freak! I ran out the door into the pouring rain. "Rayne come back! We wanna help you!" I didnt stop even when they did come after me. I was too fast for them with my new vampire speed. I ran through the local park where i had so many times played as a kid. Through the little lake where all the kids went to fish even though the water was three feet deep. Suddenly I was in the forest. I stoped at my favorite tree. It was an oak tree and it was huge. I liked it because i could climb it. Tears slid down my face.
"Why did you do this to me?!" i shouted to no one. A chilly wind whipped past me making my dark hair fly behind me. I climbed up the branches one more time and sat on the highest branch, my favorite branch. "Now what!?," i screamed to the sky. I hung my head and began to let the tears fall angrily. Realizing that crying did nothing for me, I wiped my tears and jumped, landing hard on the ground. It would've killed a normal human, but I wasn't normal. Or human. I walked on, walking until my legs went numb. I could no longer feel them, and with that, my legs collapsed, leaving me on the cold hard ground. Thunder boomed, but I saw no lightning, I could feel no raindrops. I couldn't see the sky, the treetops covered it. Nothing looked familiar. I wasn't sure where i was, but what I did know, was that i was lost. Strong arms picked me up. I dizzly let them take me.

I woke up gasping. I looked at the clock. 7:42. Tiredly i went up stairs to my room. I went through my closet trying to pick out what to wear. i picked out two outfits. the first was grey skinnys with a pink newyork shirt, and pink convers. The next was a simple skyblue ruffeld skirt, and a black shirt, and silver sandles. And my other outfit was a pair of denim shorts and a shirt the colors of a sunset. in the end i went with the skirt and black shirt. I hoped into the shower washing my hair and body. After about 10 minutes of drying myself i went to my bathroom mirror and put my earings and percings in, then headed to my room to get dressed. I sighed with releif as i looked at the clock. 8:27. 45 minites to get to school. I went to my car not skiping breafast. I smiled as i looked that the lime green mustang. It was one of a kind. they dont make the color anymore. and if anything happend to it i would be Devon was its name, it was named afyer my little brother. I jumped in over the doors like in the movies. I smiled as the leather from the seat filled my nose and wraped around me. I griped my stairing wheilwhen my phone whent off. I opend my purse and dug through untill i found my phone at the bottem.I looked at the text. It was from ky a guy who i met some time ago. Then he told me he had wanted to go out. I knew he was a jerk but i gave him a chance anyways.
Ky:Dinners off tonight
Me:Why what happend?
Ky:Um like the game
I smirked the game.typical Ky.
Okay then.
Me:oh hey this relationships off!
Me:The game
Ky:I see what you did there
Me:well im glad
Ky:whatever im free
Ky:school later.
I shook my head.Thanks for making my day. i was heaed to cassies house.Tears welled in my eyes bluring my vision."Why are you crying, you didnt even like the jerk." I wiped the tears away. I didnt like him but... but it just hurt my feelings that a game was better than me. I sat in the garage for a little bit,then pulled out heaed for cassies house.

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