» Romance » The Becoming, Breanna Davis [some good books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Becoming, Breanna Davis [some good books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Breanna Davis

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and looked back at the two beat down brown chairs that were lined up against the ugly walls. I sat down in it and looked back at the principal.
“Miss. Cinnamon, do you know how bad a class disruption is?” he asked calmly.
I nodded and crossed my hands across my lap. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and looked at the overly weight man. He printed out something and signed it before stuffing it in an envelope. He left it there and met my nervous gaze again.
“You clearly do not know how serious it is! Because you are disrupting other kids who actually want to learn! People like you disgust me! What person in their right mind draws a picture of a boy’s private part and gives it to another student telling them to choke on it? What kind of vulgar surroundings did you grow up around?” he yelled.
In the heat of the moment he was standing and his face was flushed red from the yelling. I couldn’t help but compare him to a very angry Santa Clause. His button nose and gray hair and oversized belly and flushed cheeks made him look exactly like Santa Clause. If I wasn’t the one in trouble I would’ve been laughing at this moment. Then, I just noticed what he said.
“I didn’t draw that! Another student did and gave it to me! I was the victim!” I pleaded. That’s exactly what I needed; another rumor to get me into even deeper crap.
“Stand up! Disgusting people like you do not get the luxury of a chair!” he growled.
I shot up out my seat quickly at his voice. How could a man of his age yell like that? Honestly, it made my skin crawl. I peered at the old man with fear. What was soon to come next? Was he going to pull out a pistol and end my life?
He sat down in his seat with a thud and picked up the envelope. He threw it at me and it landed on the floor in front of my feet. I bent down and picked up and held it tightly in my hands. At this point the tears were welling up in my eyes and wanted to fall down.
“You’re suspended for a day. You must leave the school campus for the remainder of the day. Do you have a ride?” he asked, like he didn’t just explode a few seconds ago.
I looked the man dead in his eyes.
“I live in an orphanage, what do you think?” I spat at him. I gripped the envelope tighter and the tears started to pour down my face. I opened the door and stormed out the small office. This was unfair. I wish I can report him to somebody but, everyone hated me so why bother? Everywhere I go from now on, people were going to hate me and call me mean and unnecessary names. Now the only lady treated me like a human being since I moved to Queens was now going to hate me. I was going to be another distraught teenager to her. I soon exited the school and couldn’t be happier to get away. I needed to stay away from all that drama at that wretched school.
I ran as fast my scrawny legs could. My bitter tears flowed down my flushed cheeks as I continued to run. The winter breeze blew through my hair once more and stung my cheeks. The cold wrapped around my body as I ran but, I ignored it. I’m used to cold. After being in an orphanage for eleven long hard years you get use to the presence of the cold. It’s just something you have to go through when you’re poor. Even though when I was toddler I never even thought about being poor because all of the money that my parents owned.
I wiped away my tears and fresh ones traveled down my ruby cheeks. The loss of my parents was too overbearing to even think of. Every time I think of my mother’s big blue crystal like eyes and long flowing pitch black hair, or my father’s flawless blonde hair and big green shining eyes . . . it makes me want to die with them. Why did they have to leave me when I was only five? I only got to enjoy my parents’ company for five years.
I felt my body hit the cement and I started shaking with tears. My beautiful mother, Iris and my handsome strong father, Michael were dead and gone. They were killed eleven years ago but, the loss of your parents isn’t something that you can just get over. Especially if you had my loving parents. They weren’t rich snobs. They gave to charities as much as they could and never tried to act like they were superior to any other person. They were perfect. They were the perfect parents and didn’t need to die. Why couldn’t I have died with them?
If I died with them I wouldn’t have to be going through this sorrow right now. I wouldn’t have to go to a orphanage and being hated and tortured. I could be the nice sweet girl that I always was and not the girl who is an outcast and always crying. I didn’t want to be that girl but, I was. And no matter how hard I try not to be that girl I’m just going to end up as that girl again any way. Of course I tried to get out of being the outcast! But, everything I tried failed miserably and just made me the laughing stock of the whole damn school.
I looked up and noticed that I had my breakdown in front of the damn mysterious beautiful mansion. I wiped away my tears and stood up as I saw something catch my interest. I saw someone coming out of the mansion and walking down the long driveway. The person looked down and didn’t seem to know that I was there. But, as I stared at the person I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he was. All I saw was his ebony hair and that was enough to tell me that he was gorgeous.
He suddenly looked up and his red eyes gazed into my green eyes. I was taking aback by the color of his eyes but, instantly recovered when he smiled. He flashed a set of white teeth but, he shook his head and looked away and kept walking straight. He picked up his pace and I sighed. I needed someone to talk to and he didn’t know me enough to hate me so, I guess he can be that friend that I needed.
“Hey, wait a sec!” I said and started running towards the boy. He turned around and looked at me with wide eyes. His jaw flexed as I stopped and smiled at him. He stared at me with a blank expression. I watch as his strong jaw line tensed as her examined me. His pitched black hair almost fully covered his dark red eyes. His skin was pale but, it seemed to suit him. I could see his ripped muscles through his long sleeved black v-neck. He was wearing red skinny jeans to match his eyes and I felt envy towards him. He looked like he just stepped straight out of a magazine.
“Yes?” he asked in a sexy smooth a voice.
I felt my body tremble under his sexy voice. God, I felt like I would melt onto the concrete. No way was I going to talk to such an intimidating boy.
“Sorry, I just needed someone to talk to but, I guess you’re busy.” I said looking down. I felt like an idiot talking to this sexy stranger that lived in the mysterious beautiful mansion. I felt my cheeks burn a bright red as embarrassment washed over me.
The stranger sighed.
“I’m not busy. Let’s talk.” His sexy voice replied, surprising me.
I looked up and he was smiling. His pink plush lips were turned up in an attractive smile making me want to faint. I had the sudden urge to press my lips against his juicy plump lips. . . I shook my head. Boy, this guy was going to make me lose my mind.
“Alright,” I said and beamed up at him. I held out my hand to the boy. “I’m Cinnamon.”
He smirked and his hand connected with mines. Tingles and electricity shot up my arms making me smile wider. I looked at our hands and was surprised as they fit perfectly together. It was as if they were pieces of a puzzle that were finally put together.
I looked back up at him and he was staring at our hands. He dropped his and my hand limply dropped to my side. He looked back at me and I gazed into his eyes. They seemed to sparkle, making my stomach flutter.
“I’m Kale, it’s very nice to meet you.” He said in a seductive voice.
I sat down on the concrete floor and peered up at Kale. He looked down at me with confusion written all over his face. I chuckled and cracked a smile. Typical rich boy.
“I don’t like standing while I have a conversation.” I explained.
He nodded.
I pat the hard concrete next to me and smiled up at Kale. He raised a brow at me, making me giggle. He wiped his bangs out of his eyes and I could see his deep red eyes. I could see his long dark lashes that shadow his high cheek bones.
“Come on. Don’t tell me you’re too rich to sit on the ground.” I said with an exaggerated sigh.
He chuckled and sat down next to me on the ground. He looked so out of place next to me. He looked like he was a god while I looked like his worn out slave. I bit my lip and looked down.
“So, what do you want to talk about?” he asked.
I looked up and into his eyes and smiled.


A beautiful dark haired skinny girl was crying in front of the house. I had no clue why but, I couldn’t even comfort her if I wanted to. I was hungry and so was the rest of the house and we needed some food. I was walking down the drive way when I felt eyes on me. I looked up and into big green gorgeous eyes. I realized she was wearing raggedy clothes and a short sleeved shirt in the middle of winter. But, the electricity that passed through us from that little gaze had me smiling. I want to wrap her in my arms and kiss every inch of her body. I knew we were already imprinted without me even doing anything. That meant fate actually agreed that we should be together. The burning sensation in my throat snapped me back to reality. I dropped my smile and picked up my pace. I heard her sigh even though it would be inaudible to human ears.
“Hey, wait a sec!” I heard a soft voice say. I froze and turned and watched the girl jog over to me. Her long pitch black hair moved from side to side and I watched as her curvy body came close me. Her long legs stopped in front of me. My eyes widen at her beauty and electricity passed through me. I flexed my jaw as I tried to fight a smile.
Her big gorgeous green eyes roamed all over my body before she looked into my eyes. I knew they were dark red and would turn a light shade of red
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