» Romance » The Ones Left Behind, K Lime [read my book TXT] 📗

Book online «The Ones Left Behind, K Lime [read my book TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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Dont Go...

"Tobi! WAIT!"


I run screaming for him to wait. Begging for him to come back. He is gone. The rain falls around me as I sink to my knees in the forest. I curl in on myself on the soft spongy grass. I didn't understand. I wasn't heartbroken, I just wanted to understand. Why? What had changed? I knew things had been changing between us for the longest time but I never knew why.


It was a price of course. Everything has it's price in this world. I just wonder what his was. What did she give to him that I was so unable to? What caused her to betray me in such a way? How was I so blind to it? How were we all so blind?


I am startled from my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. The grasp is comforting and slightly warm under the chill of the rain. I turn my head slightly and see boots beside me. Dark black biker boots with black jeans. Only one person I knew had those boots. David.


"Come on now, get up."


His voice isn't harsh, but it isn't as kind as most would assume. He's one of my best friends. We've been friends since I moved here back in seventh grade. I smile slightly and stand up. I don't look up at him. I choose instead to stare out into the darkness surrounding us.


"You knew?"


"All along."


"You never said anything."


"We thought you knew."




"I knew, Devan knew, and Sam knew."


"She never said..."


"No. She tried hinting at it. You ignored her. When you guys broke up and you finally caught on that they were suddenly too close was when she realized her little hints weren't ignored."


"But nobody told me."


"Would you have listened if we had?"


"No. I would have asked him."


"Exactly. Tobias is a dick. I never liked him. He treated you like shit. You deserve better than him."


"I wasn't expecting him to just out it when I forced him to talk to me."


"And he did?"


"I pushed him with the issue until he finally stood up and screamed at me that he did it and it was the past and I needed to ignore it."


"But you don't feel that way?"


"David, he cheated on me all that time. With my best friend."


"She has a boyfriend still doesn't she?"


"She's fucking Marko and dating her boy still yeah."


"Yeah I brought that up to Marko. He doesn't care. Pussy is pussy to him."


"But not to you David?"


"Never to me."


"I know."


"Come on, you'll catch your death out here."


I smile and look at him for the first time that night. His eyes glimmer slightly even though it is dark. He is removing his jacket. He wraps the warm jacket around me and brushes my hair from my eyes. I give him a nervous smile and he hugs me tightly. If he were normal, being in this position with my head on his chest I would be able to hear his heart beat. But David isn't normal. He's a vampire.


"You don't have to be so afraid of me you know."


"I'm not afraid of you."


"Trust me..."


I look up into his eyes. The beautiful peace shown in their depts is enough for me. I nod slightly and lean into his hug wrapping my arms around his waist. He leans down and I feel his warm breath against my neck. A sharp pain pricks my skin before I feel the blood slowly sucked from the two small wounds in my neck. He's gentle. So unlike Tobias. He drinks slowly.


Suddenly he stops. He pulls away carefully before leaning back down and kissing my neck softly. I feel the skin already beginning to knit itself back together and I look up at him. He smiles down at me and cups my cheek gently. I smile back happily and gasp slightly as he kisses me. He doesn't take advantage of the gasp. He pulls away and stands up fully and turns away. I watch him carefully for any sign of attack before releasing a breath I didn't realize I was holding.


"I told you I wouldn't hurt you."


"I believe you."


"You'll catch your death out here, come on let's get inside."


"You say I'll catch my death. I'm already dead."


"You're living dead. That's different."




"Do you want me to stay with you?"




"I'm there."


He lifts me into his arms and smiles at me again before turning and walking up the forest path towards my house. The only lights on when the building comes in sight are the living room lights, the light in the kitchen, and the light over the back porch. Enough for us to know my family has already gone to bed, not that they would care if he was staying anyway.


In the entry way I remove his jacket and hang it on a hook beside my own completely soaked one. I didn't realize how long I was in the rain, but it must have been a while if even my shirt was soaked. He isn't too wet though, but we still both needed a change of clothes.


"Are you thinking about a shower?"


"Yeah. I'll get some of your brother's clothes."


"I'll get it. Would you get my black shorts and my tank?"


"Yeah. I'll be in your room."


"Thank you David."


I turn and walk down the hall to my brother's room. His door is open so I look inside and see him watching TV. He turns and looks at me before smiling. He walks over to his closet and comes back with a pair of shorts and a shirt.


"Will these fit him?"




"Don't you wanna know how I knew?'


"You looked out the window?"


"I saw him following you. I'm impressed he didn't kill Tobi."


"I am too..."


"Give him a chance Blue Bell."


"Shut up you."


"What's the matter Kry?"


"I don't want to get hurt Bran."


"He won't hurt you. He's older than Tobi. He's smarter than Tobi. He cares for you."


"And I care about him Bran."


"But you wont say anything?"


"No. I dont know what to say."


"I'm sure you'll come up with something. I'm sure he already knows."


"Night Bran."


"Night Kry."


I smile slightly before turning with the clothes and heading down the dark shadowy hall to the stairs. I climb them slowly before continuing my journey down the hall to my room. Light is coming from the door which is cracked slightly. David is laying on the couch against the wall. His boots lay on the floor beside him along with his socks, shirt, and belt. He doesn't move when I walk in. He just shifts his eyes to look at me. I set the clothes on the table beside him before I continue on my way over to my bed where I sit and remove my socks and shoes.


I turn once I am finished and look over to see my own dry clothes on the table beside him as well. His eyes are still watching me and I smile slightly before walking over to stand next to him.


"You gonna take that shower?"


He smiles at me before sitting up and pulling me down into his lap. He wraps his arms loosely around me and leans his head on m shoulder.


"I trust you David."


"That's a dangerous thought to have Kry."


"Bran told me to just tell you what you already know."


"And you know that wasn't what he meant right?"


"But it's enough for you to know what I mean."


"Are you sure I wont hurt you?"


"I know you wont."


"We'll see."


He smiles against my neck before leaning back and kissing me. The kiss slowly becomes more and more powerful. I gasp against him as I feel his hands slip under my shirt and slowly pull it up before breaking the kiss to pull it off. As soon as it is off he returns to the kiss before carefully unclasping my bra and removing it as well. He breaks the kiss again to kiss my neck gently before I feel him slowly start a trail across my chest and stomach. He stops and looks up at me. I smile at him and he shifts so that I am lying on the couch underneath him. He lays ontop of me careful not to put his full weight on me before slowly unbuttoning and unzipping my pants and removing them. He removes my panties as well before removing the last of his clothing.


A nervous breath escapes my lips drawing his attention off of the current task of roaming my body back up to my eyes. He kisses up my jaw before kissing me and pulling me into his arms. A sigh escapes his lips and I kiss his neck gently. He laughs lightly and I smile before kissing his neck again. His grip around me tightens before I feel him standing from the couch. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around him and hold on tightly.


"You good there small fry?" He asks teasingly.


"Shut it evil." I laugh back at him.


"If you want I'll put you down."


He lets go and I gasp and clutch at him frantically as I begin to fall back. He catches me with ease and pulls me back to his chest before continuing his walk into the bathroom.


"That was mean." I say as he sets me on my counter.


"Have I ever told you that I am an asshole?"


"Yes. Do you take hot or cold showers?"


"Hot. Just like you I know."


"What's that supposed to mean?"


"I know you take hot showers not because all girls do but because I know you enjoy warmth. I'm not sexist. I'm sexy."


"Perhaps you are."


He smiles at me and kisses my forehead before turning around and opening the door to my shower. He turns on the water before shutting the door and shutting the door to my bedroom as well. He reaches down and grabs two towels from the shelf that is shorter than him because it is at my waist level before smiling at me. I give him a look that just dares him to laugh. He doesnt laugh though. He hangs up the towels and pulls me off the counter and onto my feet beside him.


His body is amazing even though he isn't very athletic. He's still chisled though. Probably the being a vampire thing. A tap on my jaw draws me out of my inspection of his body. I look up at him blushing.


"Like what you see?"


"Oh come on I didn't look!"


"You thought about it. And just because you didn't look doesn't mean I didn't."


"How could you have looked its between stuff!"


"You were just sitting on that counter with your very lovely legs crossed. Doesn't cover too much now does it?"




"I didn't look. I merely looked at your legs and your chest. It's a little harder to ignore. I wouldn't take away what you haven't granted."


"You're an odd vampire."


"Perhaps I am. Come on the water is warm."


He opens the door and offers his hand out to me. I take it and step over the lip of the shower and step into the warm water. He's right. It's definately warm. I smile as he steps in behind me and smirks his charming smirk at me.




"Nothing. You mind pushing that button right there?"


"This one right here above our heads?"


"Yes that one silly."


"I know what button. I am just making fun of your shortness."


"I bet."


He leans close to me as he pushes the button above my head. I smile as the water now is not only coming from the shower head above us but also the little jets along the walls. He steps closer and wraps his arms around me again. I breath in his smell and he gently starts to massage my back and shoulders before turning me away from him. I hear him pick up my shampoo and I cant help but smile again as he begins to wash my hair for me. Once he is finished he quickly washes his own hair with the shampoo I had here in case

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