» Romance » The Ones Left Behind, K Lime [read my book TXT] 📗

Book online «The Ones Left Behind, K Lime [read my book TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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one of my friends stayed the night like Daniel.


An evil smirk suddenly takes over his features and I look up at him cautiously. His eyes glint darkly before he picks up my loufa and pours some body wash on it. His eyes don't leave mine and he reaches out with one hand which I accept. He turns me so that my back is against his chest. I relax against him as he gently begins to rub the loufa all over my chest and stomach. Once he is finished he washes both of my arms before sliding his arms down to my legs and washing my thighs and up around my back before having me turn around. He slowly and gracefully sinks to his knees and looks up at me before continuing to wash me clean with the puffy loufa. He even lifts my legs one at a time to wash the bottoms of my feet. Gently and slowly making his way back up he edges carefully towards the spot between my thighs. I look at him nervously which he seems to understand because he continues just to rub my thighs massaging them gently until I am comfortable enough to open my legs to him. He doesn't look away from my eyes which is a little unnerving but also comforting to know he isnt going to look away and ignore me. He doesn't linger like I sort of expected either. He only cleans the area before standing and kissing me gently before washing off the loufa and hanging it back up.


Now that we are finished he pushes me against the wall. Something I wasn't expecting but wasn't against either. His gaze doesn't leave mine but the playful look leaves his eyes in exchange for a more serious look. I feel slightly uneasy as I realize where this is going but I don't fight it. I look into his eyes and smile a little reassuringly.


"Do you trust me Kry?"


"Yes David, I trust you."


He shivers slightly. I forgot how much telling him I trust him affects him. He leans down and gently bites my neck before kissing it and then sinking his sharp canines into my soft flesh. The feeling is different from earlier. It is slightly erotic. He wraps one arm around me as with the other hand he gently caresses my side. He easily shifts his hands and lifts me up into his arms. He slips one arm around my back and the other he puts on my ass and holds me up as I wrap my legs around him. He slowly slides his teeth out of my neck and kisses the wound which is already healing. He reaches up above me and pushes the button again to turn off the water coming from the sides of the shower. He pushes me against the wall and looks at me again. His gaze is slightly concerned but he has a look of wild desire in his eyes. If I asked, he would be ready to go all the way with me in a heart beat. If I say no he will respect it. He's leaving it up to me to decide if he will continue or not. The tension in the air is so tight you could cut it with a knife. He smiles at me and kisses me before shutting off the water and setting me down.


I look at him slightly confused but he just reaches out and grabs the towels and hands me one. I dry off quickly and quickly dry off my hair as best as possible with the towel. He is already dry and he opens the door to my room and grabs the shorts my brother had loaned him and puts them on. He leaves the shirt on the table but hands me my dry clothes. I slip into them and hang up my towel. While my back is turned he sneaks up behind me and pulls me up into his arms and flips off the light. He carries me to my bed and sets me down on it gently. He pulls back the covers and I slide under them. He walks over and turns off the light before walking back over to my couch. He makes to lay down when I sit up.






"Stay with me..."


"You don't know what you are asking of me."


"I know. And I'm asking anyway."


"You trust me?"






Carefully he gets up off the couch and walks over to my bed. He slides into the bed with me pulling me into his arms. His touch turns even gentler as he slowly and carefully removes both of our clothes. He looks down at me a final time for reassurance. I nod slowly at him. He's gentle with me as though I am a delicate doll. He keeps control of himself with ease. Something I'm sure Tobias never would have been able to do. He pulls me into his arms and holds me tightly afterwards. He kisses my lips and pulls our clothes back from where he had set them on the very end of my bed. He puts on his shorts and helps me to redress in my clothes.


"It's late and we have school in the morning."


"What time is it?"


"One thirty."


"What time did we come in?"


"From outside?"




"About ten thirty."


"How long were we in the shower?"


"About an hour."




"Trying to calculate?"




He laughs again and kisses my forehead. I smile and kiss him before rolling over and facing away from him. He laughs again and wraps his arms around me and pulls me back against him to cuddle.


"About an hour and a half. We just cuddled for about twenty minutes." He says softly in my ear before kissing my jaw and laying back down.


I smile and wrap my arms around his arm and close my eyes. I sigh happily and tighten my grip on his arm. He smiles against my neck and we both fall asleep.


"Hey sleepy heads get up."


I sit up in bed and look at my door where my brother is standing. David isn't beside me. He isn't even in the room. I look over to see his boots still where they were last night and smile. That meant he wasn't gone.


"Have you seen David?"


"No. I thought he was in here with you."




"Maybe he's downstairs."


"Yeah maybe but his clothes are still right there."


"Maybe somebody brought him some?"


"True. What time is it?"




"Thanks. I'm gonna go get ready for school if you see him, tell him he shouldn't run off like that?"


"Run off like what? I went to get my clothes from Marko." David says as he walks in behind Bran.


Bran turns and looks at him critically before turning around and heading out the door back towards his room. David closes the door and looks at me. I toss off the covers and get out of the bed.




"I called him earlier and asked him to bring me some clothes."


"And he did?"


"Yeah. Weren't you going to get ready?"


"Yeah. I shouldn't be too long ok?"


"I know female stuff right? I'll be here when you get done."


"Thanks babe."


I smile at him and walk over into my closet to pull out my clothes. After I pick them out I set them on my table and walk into my bathroom to turn on my flat iron. When I turn around he is standing in the doorway dressed with his arms crossed.


"What?" I ask him.


"No kiss good morning?"


"Nope." I laugh slightly as I step closer.


He smiles in response and leans down to capture my lips with his. I kiss him back before pulling away and looking up at him.


"What now?"


"Last night..."


"Wasn't a dream. I didn't leave. I'm right here."


"That wasn't what I meant."


"You want to know what it means?"




"If you want a relationship then I'm here. If you don't, I'm still here."


"I do. It's just Tobi..."


"Nobody will say anything. He won't dare say anything. Just relax. We're in this together now ok? For better or for worse ok?"


He leans down and puts his forehead against my own. He looks into my eyes and strokes my cheek softly. A soft kiss is placed on my nose before he stands up and walks back into the bedroom. I smile and start to get ready with a little bit of hyperness. Today was going to be a good day.


Once dressed I walk into my room and see David still on my couch. He looks extremely relaxed and I smile as I walk past him and sit next to him to put on my shoes. Now fully dressed I look at my clock, it's only 6:20.


"Would you like me to take you to breakfast?" David asks nonchalantly.


I smile and look at him. He hadn't even moved. I slip into his lap and he smiles and opens his eyes.


"I said would you like me to take you to breakfast not would you like to be breakfast." He laughs before kissing my neck.


He picks me up and smiles at me. I grab my things and we head down stairs. Bran is sitting at the table in his boxers eating a bowl of cereal. He looks up and waves at us as we walk by. My dad is sitting on the couch drinking coffee with mom.


"Hey mom. Hey dad." I say laughing as they keep moving the cup away from the other.


"Oh hey sweetie. Hi there David." My mom says cheerfully.


"Good morning ma'am." David smiles at her.


"Are you not going to eat this morning?" My dad asks while stealing the cup of coffee back from mom.


"I was going to take her to breakfast actually."


"Nice of you." Dad smiles.


"Oh go on now kids don't be late. Kry we will be leaving for our next business trip this afternoon."


"Is this that long one you have been talking about?" I ask.


"Yes. We will be gone for three months. You kids know how to take care of things, don't throw too many crazy parties ok?" Dad laughs before getting up and hugging me.


Mom gets up and hugs me too before following dad into the kitchen. Probably for more coffee.


"Love you mom and dad call us when you get there!"


"We love you too honey. We will." They shout back.


I smile at David and we head out to his car. Usually he would have his bike. I give him an arched eyebrow. He smiles and opens my door.


"I decided you would like this better."


He walks around and gets in. He starts the car and we head out to the little cafe just across from the school. The place isn't too busy but all of David's friends are there. So is Sam. Sadly, Tobias and Mandy are there too. Sam is sitting with David's buddies so David and I join them.


"You alright Kry?" Sam asks as she reaches out her hand to touch my arm.


"Fine Sammy. Let's just eat ok?"




David flags down a waitress and orders us all some coffee. I look up and see Tobias and Mandy making out. I must have paled slightly because I feel David tense beside me.


"Have they always come here in the mornings?" I ask Sam.


"Yeah. Always met each other here for breakfast. Used to sit across from each other, now well you see." Marko answers.


"I see." I nod and take a sip of my coffee.


The waitress

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