» Romance » Secret, Dee Aulia [some good books to read txt] 📗

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an evil grin. Not more than five minutes she walk back towards us. 

"here, take this" she over me the tall glass "don't worry, no alcohol" she added when i don't take the glass right away. I took the drink reluctantly, then she pulled Davis to the dance floor.

Chapter 3

~Davis POV~


 I was so excited being so close to Vinier. I was right, she smells good, her hair smells good, so sweet.. 

I invited her to dance with me, but she look doubtful. My heart sunk. She avoided looking me in the eyes. Just when she was about to speak, someone's arms clinging on me, it was Stephanie. She was glaring at Vinier, anger in her eyes. 

"Dave, dance with me" she said as she pull me away from Vinier.

"wait.. I'll get a drink for Vinier first" i tried to decline her invitation, making excuses. And turn around to walk away from her. 

"it's ok, I'll get it for her" she said to my surprise. I always thought she hates Vinier. Then she walk away to the counter across the room. On her way she approach Peter and heading to the counter together.

After she's back she handed over the glass to Vinier. 

"here, take this" but Vinier reluctant. Her eyes full of doubt. "don't worry, no alcohol" at last Stephanie assured her and she take the drink from Stephanie's hand. Then she pull me away from Vinier and i have no choice but to accompany her to dance.


After the song end i look at Vinier, but she wasn't there, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Maybe she's in the restroom, i try to convince myself. I walk through the crowd heading to the restroom, but she's not there either. I started to panic.

When i passed the wide glass window, i stood still. There she is beeing dragged by Peter into his car. She's limped, but she obviously putting on a fight. Is she drunk? But i was sure Stephanie told her that the drink was alcohol free. I run frantically to the parking lot. My heart beating fast, my eyes red from anger. Without realising i was already leaning over Peter who is already on the floor bleeding. I punch him until he pass out. 

I finally stop beating him when i heard someone moan behind me. Vinier was sitting on the ground leaning against the the car's wheel. 

I run over to her, hold her shoulders and shake her. 

"Vinier.. Are you alright?" i asked her frantically. "ummm..." She moan. Slowly i lift her up and carry her to the house. I walk through the side door avoiding my friends at the party heading to my room. I put her down slowly onto my bed. 

Just before I pull away from her, i feel her warm breath on my neck followed by her soft lips, sending a spark through my whole body. My heart pounds painfully. My breath getting heavier as she runs her hand behind my neck and pull me closer. 

"Vinier.." i called, my voice trembling. 

 "uummm..." she just moan, i could feel her smiling. 

Then i realised, she was not drunk from alcohol, she was drugged. Stephanie drugged her drink. Or was it Peter. Or maybe both of them. 

"Vinier.." i called her again. But she just keep on kissing me, my neck, my jaw, my face... 

I can't let her do this. This is wrong, i convince myself. Even though i want her so badly. Even though i want to be with her, to touch her, to claim her as mine, but not like this while she is not being herself. 

She pull me even closer when i try to pull away from her. She pull my face until we touch, her lips to mine. She lick my lower lip, i shivers from the touch of her warm, sweet tongue. I can't control myself anymore. I kiss her back, deeply, passionately.. Our tongue meets and tease each other. Her hands slide down to my chest, down to my abs.. 

I moan and pull her closer. Our kiss getting more deep, more passionate. Then she pull up my shirt. She pull away and look at me, smiling. Then she pushed me down to the bed and sitting on my hardness. She start kissing my neck, down to my chest. Her tongue playing with my nipple, stroking in circle motion. I let out a moan between my heavy breath. 

I can't hold it anymore, i push her down and strip her. Her breath is heavy. Her black eyes full of lust. I catch my breath as i see her lying down there, with nothing covering her body. 

God.. She's so sexy, so beautiful, and she's going to be mine. I never wanted someone as bad as i want her. And i can't hold back my desire to take her right here, right now. 

I pin her hands above her head and kiss her deep. She wriggle trying to free her hands. The moment i let go her hands, it's blindly tracing my chest, my neck, my face, my hair, and pull me closer as she deepen the kiss. 

I feel myself getting harder, it's painful. I feel one hand running to my back, one hand pulling my belt trying to unbuckle it. I pull away and granted her wish, then pull down my jeans. Slowly i parted he legs and rub her wetness with my fingers. She moan and move her hips rhythmically. I insert a finger, it feels tight. She gasp as i push my finger deeper. She moan loudly as i stroke her inside. 

She whimper when my hand leave her wetness. Frantically pull me down and pushing her hips up searching for me. Slowly i rub her clit with the tip of my hard dick. Her hands stroking, and scratching my back. She push her hips to meet my hardness again and i push it in, hard. She is really tight. I push deeper and her moan getting louder, it turns me on. 

 I move inside her harder and faster. Then i feel her body tense as she reach her climax. A few stroke later i follow her, i come too. Then i let my body relax, my dick still inside her, feeling the pleasure of her warmth.Then fell asleep. 


That was a nice dream i had last night, i thought to myself, smiling. Then i open my eyes, It wasn't a dream. Vinier still here, lying next to me. I'm still holding her.

God.. I actually did it with her, Vinier, my girl. I feel proud because I'm her first, her only. And i promise she will be my only, now and forever. 

I was about to get up when i feel her stirring. My heart beat faster. How will she react if she knows what had happened last night. I must get up now before she wakes. 

But it's too late.... 


~Vinier POV~


 The next thing I know, i was lying on the bed. A soft warm bed. I feel sore all over my body. I tried to get up but something holding me down. I squirm and feel stings from between my legs. My eyes shot open, and saw someone sleeping next to me, holding my waist... 



I panicked and was about to scream when a sleepy, deep, husky voice greet me "good morning baby..." then kiss my lips softly.


I actually sleeping on Davis's bed, naked..!?

"What happened.. What did you do to me.."

I ask in terror. Tears starting fall... 

He looks terrified by my sudden burst. He get up and pull me to his hard but surprisingly warm chest. 

"hey baby what's wrong" his voice so gentle and caring. He pulled me closer, hug me tight. But i was too terrified, i push him away. At first he won't let me go, but as i push more forcefully, he loosen his arms. I saw hurt in his eyes. No.. I must be wrong.. Why would he..!? 

 I feel dizzy, my head feel pain. I can't think clearly. I look around. My clothes, where's my clothes. I pull the blanket closer to cover my naked body.

"my clothes.." that's the first thing i say. My voice croaked. He get up from the bed not trying to cover himself, as if it's normal to be naked in front of stranger. But of course, he's so popular after all, he must have done it many times before. My throat feels dry, i gulped. I look away, embarrassed by the unfamiliar sight.

He takes his time wearing his boxer and jeans, before finally hand me my dress and underwear. 

"get out, i need to dress" i said without looking at him. He didn't move. 

"please, i need to go home. My mom will kill me if she knows i stay out all night" i begged. 

"I'll get your breakfast, then I'll take you home in my car" he said, then turn around to leave. 

"I'm not hungry, and i can go by myself" 

He turn around to face me again, looking at me blankly. 

"get dressed, i wait for you downstairs." he said softly than walk out of the room. 


~Davis POV~


I went to the kitchen and instructed the chef to make our breakfast. I sit on the dining table read the newspaper while waiting for her. 

I heard her footsteps coming out from my room. I wave her to come for breakfast but she frantically running to the front door. I get up and chase after her. She's a slow runner. I catch her just before she reach the door. 

"i told you I'll drive you home" i told her. 

"you don't have to worry about me" she said, tears streaming down her cheek. 

I want to hold her and kiss her tears away, but i know what will scare her more. So i just silently pull her out to the car. I open the passenger door and instruct her to get in the car. 

She directed me to where she lived. Then she told me to pull over in front of a beautiful house. Not big but clean and organized. I recognised this house, it's Stephanie's. I've been here before. 

"i thought you hurried home because you scared your mum will be  mad at you" i asked her suspiciously. 

"isn't this Stephanie's home?" 

"yes" she replied briefly "i live here" 

I'm confused. I remember clearly when Stephanie said that Vinier is working at her house as a cook. Does that mean Vinier and her mom lives here? Not likely. Unless they have the same mother. 

Before I could ask her, she already out of the car, running to the house. Still puzzled, i drove off the road to go back home. 


Chapter 4

~Vinier POV~



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