» Romance » Secret, Dee Aulia [some good books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Secret, Dee Aulia [some good books to read txt] 📗». Author Dee Aulia

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Chapter 1

It was early in the evening when I got back home. My mom sit on the sofa and Stephanie leaning on her while watching tv. Stephanie is the daughter of my step father. And my mom's step daughter. But my mom loved her more than she love me, because i was born unwanted.

My biological dad and my mom's marriage was arranged by their parents. And i was conceived while my dad drunk and unknowingly "raped" my mom. That's why she hates me and always look at me in disgust.

I close the door behind me softly as not to make a sound, and silently walk straight to my room to change my clothes. After changing i walk to the kitchen to make dinner. It is my daily routine to cook, clean the house and doing the laundry.

After i finish cooking and set the table i called out  "dinner's ready"


Monday morning


                     ~Vinier POV~


After i finished all my house chores i run down the street to the bus stop heading for school. With earphone plugged in and head hang down covered by hoodie.

The sky was a little cloudy when i reach the school gate. With head still hang down i run to the school's hall, but before i reach the hall "bang", before i know it i was down on the ground and everything from inside my bag was scattered all over the place. I looked up and saw a tall guy with light brown hair and sea blue eyes standing in front of me. He was the school's idol, the steaming hot, sexy guy, the captain of the basketball team in our school, Davis Morgan.

He was standing there looking down at me who is now blushing from embarrassment. "i.. I.. I'm s.. orry" i said while i look back down and try to hide my now red face and retrieving all my belonging. Then i saw his hand stretched out to help me up, but I was too shy and nervous to take his big hand so i have no choice but to ignore him and continue to walk away in silence.



                      ~Davis POV~


  I was with Tommy talking about last night's game when i see her. Her body was tiny compared to my 6ft5 frame. She was wearing a hooded jacket that looks too big for her. Her face was mostly covered by the hoodie and some of her black hair falling out of place. 

She's running straight to me without looking where she's going and "bang", she knock me hard and stumbling down to the ground. Her bag flying and all the contents scattered out. Her hood slip down as she looked up to me uncovering her long black hair. Our eyes meet and i found myself drowned to her black eyes, eyes as black as the night. But to my disappointment she look down again and collecting her belonging that's scattered on the ground. "I... I... I'm s..orry" she said softly. Her voice was clear like the sound of music. 

I reach out my hand to help her up but she ignore me and walk away.... My eyes followed her until she disappeared at the corner of the hallway. 

"hey.. Bro.." Tommy waves his hand on my face to get my attention back to him. 

"who's she" i asked Tommy curiously. 

"that nerd?" he asked me back. 

"what did you say?" i reply in disbelieve.

Then from the corner of my eyes i see a brown note book lying under the flower pot beside the wall. I picked up the notebook and i saw a name scribbled below,

Vinier Shawn.. 



                        ~Vinier POV~


It's time for my next lesson, i enter the class which is still empty and open up my book as soon as I sit behind my desk. Around 5 minutes later the door swung open, and there was no other than Davis standing at the entrance.

He stare at me for a moment before he walk in and close the door behind him.


I heard the sound after the door was closed. Then i panicked, and run to it to check... 


"It's locked..." i 

Me being locked in the lab with the hottest man alive... 


I turn around and see him still standing there staring at me. My heart begin to pound, and my face feels like burning. For a moment i don't know what to do and not sure how to react. 

Chapter 2

 I nervously walk back to my desk. I could smell his scent while i walk pass him. The scent of a man. I feel my face getting hotter from the thought, and i look down trying to hide my face. 

"hi.. I'm Davis Morgan". He introduced himself "You can call me Dave". He said, he smile faintly. 

When i was about to look back at him i saw something familiar in his hand. A notebook, my notebook.. 

"is that mine?" i asked. Then he lift his hand up to show the notebook. 

"i think so.. It was at the hall's floor" he replied 

"so your name is Vinier.." he asked but it doesn't sound like a question. He smile while he said that, showing his perfect white teeth. 

"umm.. Yes.." i replied softly. Then he slowly walk closer to me and hand over my notebook. 

"thanks" i said simply and returned my attention back to the book on my desk just to avoid his eyes that's never leave me. 


~Davis POV~


I was unknowingly happy to know that she's talking with me. I want to hear her voice more. And her eyes, I never see eyes as black as hers, it's fascinating. But before i could ask her more, someone banging the door. "the door is locked" someone said from outside of the door. 

"i think we better call Mr. Smith to open it" another voice said. 

A few moments later the door open followed by the other students. 

"Dave how come you are here?" ask Stephanie, a girl from the cheerleader. 

"i was returning my friend's notebook?" i reply her who is now looking at Vinier. She looks unhappy.

"you know Veny?" she ask in disbelieve "but how?" 

"you know Vinier?" i asked instead. 

"yeah.. she's the cook at my house" she replied, there's a hint of dislike in her voice.

I looked at Vinier, her face showed indifference, ignoring Stephanie, and just keep reading her book.

But before i could ask her more, the teacher came in "attention class".. He called out. 


~Vinier POV~


It is drizzling when i walk home from the bus stop. Stephanie was always home ahead of me. She had lots of guys who is willing to drive her home anytime. When i reach the door, my shirt already wet. "I'm home" i said as i open the door. Then i was welcomed by Stephanie's questions. 

"tell me how do you know Davis?" 

"why does he have your notebook?" 

"how come you locked up in the classroom with him" 

But before i could answer any of her questions, her phone ring. 


"hi Dave.. What's up" she said to the phone sweetly. 

"yeah.. ?".. "why do you want me to bring her along?".. "well.. Ok then, see you there".. 

As i walk to my room Stephanie called out to me, "Veny, my friend's having a party, you come with me!"

"why?" i stare blankly at her, puzzled. She never bring me to a party, she never wanted to be seen with me. 

"just get changed and come with me" she said curtly 

"wear something decent, don't embarrass me with your nerdiness." she continues as she walk to her room. 


Sometimes later... 


 Stephanie pulled her car in front of a big house. Correction, it's not a house, more like a mansion. From the entrance i could hear the music and laughter. I feel nervous, i never been to a party before. Well.. I never had friend, that's why. Right before we enter the house, i mean the mansion, there's standing in the doorway a tall, handsome guy welcoming us with a sexy grin. It's Davis. Stephanie runs to him and give him a big embrace, he embrace back but his eyes never leave me.


~Davis POV~


I was racking my brain to find a way to see Vinier again. I don't know why I'm so attracted to her. I'm not sure why I'm so curious about her. What is so special about Vinier that attract me.

Ah.. Right, Stephanie knows her. I'll hold a party at my place and ask Stephanie to bring her along.

At first I thought Stephanie was going to decline my request to bring her to the party, but after a while she finally agree. I feel ecstatic. I can't wait to see her again.

After like a lifetime, finally there she is, in front of my house, in front of me. She's wearing a black dress that hugs her petite body perfectly. It shows her body curves at the right places. I wish i was that dress. I wish i was the one who hugs her body tightly. I feel a shivers down my spine by the thought of her. She let her hair down, it's shiny black and long. It swayed down her back. I wanted to run my hand over those long black hair.

I tried not to show how i really feel. I tried to smile, not sure if it's convincing though. She walk slowly towards me. Her eyes meets mine, and i drown in those big beautiful black eyes... Again... 

As i was gazing at those eyes, someone gave me an embrace and judging by the Parfums, it was Stephanie, the cheerleader girl. I embrace back but i still can't look away from those enchanting eyes.. 


~Vinier POV~


 Stephanie blended in the crowd right away as soon as we enter the house, left me alone at the corner of the room. I feel bored. I wish i was in my room, tugged in my comfortable bed. As i was looking down at my feet, i feel someone approached me. I looked up and see Davis standing there, so close to me. Too close.. I can smell his scent, it's fresh like mint. Is it the smell of his aftershave or his cologne? I'm not sure, because i never really be near any man before. I don't even remember how my dad's smell was. 

He leaned closer to me, his lips grazed my ear that automatically sends shiver down my spine and said "would you like to dance with me?"  his voice husky. I was having a hard time breathing with him being so close like this. My heart beating so fast, I'm scared it will explode.

"i.. I...." before I can finish my sentence Stephanie came and cling on Davis's neck. Her eyes glaring at me with anger mix with jealousy before it turns to Davis. 

"Dave, dance with me.." she said in her most sexy, sweet voice.

"wait.. I'll get a drink for Vinier first" he replied without looking at her and strode away to the counter at the other side of the room. 

"it's ok, I'll get it for her" Stephanie pulled him back and walk away. I'm sure i saw her grinning,

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