» Romance » my terrible life, xxcuteyxx [i wanna iguana read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «my terrible life, xxcuteyxx [i wanna iguana read aloud TXT] 📗». Author xxcuteyxx

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an American accent. He made me come up to the front and tell everyone my name and was I came from. I was going to sit back down when he told me that newbie’s sit where he could see us so he made me sit next to jack. He groaned as soon as he found out but I didn’t care. He was acting weird around me at school but when no one was looking he would talk to me and be nice. Jennifer-jacks girlfriend-walked into class wearing a really short skirt and her school jumper hanging off the side. She was re-decorating her school uniform. She had but a badge on the jumper and cut off one side of the t-shirt to make it look like a vest top with no collar. She used the tie as a headband and put a flower clip on the band to make it look nice. She looked quit fashionable. She walked over to me and looked at me head to toe again,
“What’s this doing in my seat?!” she looked pretty angry the room went silent she asked me to move so I moved. Everyone seemed to be afraid of her but to be honest with you I just found her typical Amanda. At my old school there was a girl called Amanda she was so popular and everyone was afraid of her. She made people feel bad about them so much that one day she told Kristie she was fat so Kristie went on a diet for three months.
At break, I went to jack who was sat alone on the fence and wanted to see if he wanted to hang out, instead he shoved me out the way and told me to go away. He said it really ruff like so I decided to just go and sit on a bench. A girl –dark hair blue eyes- came up to me she asked if I was ok her name was Olivia. She was one of the cool kids but wasn’t as snobby as you think. She made little snide comments about my outfit but I didn’t mind they weren’t as bad as half the people were saying about me. She took me to the bathroom and dazzled me up. She cut the strings of my vest top to make it a sleeve less top and my jeans were just added a belt. A leather belt which went with the leather jacket she gave me. She actually let me keep it. As soon as we walked out the toilets, everyone was shocked and rushed over to me. They were all commenting on my outfit. Me and Olivia just barged past them and luckily came out in one piece. Because Olivia was so good at designing, we made an idea that me and her would do a little design shop right here in school. She was going to meet me after school and we would talk about what we would do. Because there were three floors in the house, mum let me have the top floor Sophie had the middle floor mum and mike had the last floor. I decorated the whole floor black and white Sophie had rainbows and mum and mikes floor was black cream and red. Anyway, Olivia and I were going to ask mum if we could make the attic right above my room a design studio. Mum said yes because my passage door on the roof led the way there. We went town and bought some stuff for the studio. Olivia gets £375 per week and I get £150 a week so we put it together and bought the stuff we need. We had at least £127.03p left so we bought purple wall paper the people said that all the big stuff would come tomorrow in a van. We couldn’t wait!
The next day, I wore my snazzy uniform. Of course you could guess who dazzled it up for me. To top it off, I wore my black converse and a little make up this time. Today I didn’t walk with jack, Olivia came round my house had breakfast and we went to school. I showed her the passage way which we took. I saw jack there with Jennifer arm in arm. I and Olivia just walked past them talking about the stuff that was coming today after school at 5:30pm.
The whole day at school people kept coming up to us to see if we would take their tops or pants or even jackets to make them snazzy at the studio then bring them in the next day. We decided it was like a little business and it cost them £7 per item. After school we got home and there was mum mike and a man with a van taking all the art stuff to O&E studio. We called it that because Olivia wanted to. After we’d finished arranging everything into place, mum brought up some snack and a drink. We started straight away. It was all tiring work. Mum and I drove Olivia home. Mum and Sarah, Olivia’s mum, were talking for about an hour, Sophie and Rebecca-Olivia’s little sister- where playing in Olivia’s garden there was a bouncy castle. I and Olivia were in her room drawing some new designs we could do. She had a sewing kit which she gave to me to take to the studio for tomorrow.

June 30th 2010

I walked with Olivia again we had two bags full of people’s clothes that they gave us yesterday. They were all done and dolled up. They looked great. I and Olivia made friendship bracelets to say we were friends and we wore similar waistcoats. They were jean and had our names on the back then at the bottom it had ‘sistaz’ with a big heart. Jennifer was really jealous because she and Olivia had plans that night but we had decided that she slept at my house. Well we didn’t decide Olivia’s mum suggested it because she wasn’t going to be in the whole day. I was actually glad that she was sleeping over in the first 3 days at school I already had my first best friend people liked me and I felt wanted by some people. All day, Jack was giving me dirty looks and snide comment about my waistcoat how tacky and untrue it was. He spread a rumour about me being gay so I thought enough was enough,
“Listen, if you have anything to say to me say it to my face, you are giving me snide comments all day you give me dirty looks... I mean I don’t get you one minute your my friend the next minute you are saying I’m gay, will you ever give it a rest I don’t get you now, you used to be cool but you’re as bad as Jennifer!” after I had finished my long yell, people cheered because I wasn’t just talking to jack, I was talking to his little posy too. Before then people never had the guts to do that they still don’t but they know who to come to when they get bullied. After that jack never did anything wrong or bad to me.
After school, I and Olivia were walking home when all of a sudden jack came running towards us, he asked to speak to me private,
“Look, I’m sorry about what I’ve been doing but... I don’t mean it I have a reputation well had and I was this cool...”
“This cool snotty brat who was mean?” I didn’t want to hear his pity story but he ended up cutting to the point, he was sorry and wanted to be friends again. I told him I would think about it.

When me and Olivia were working on the designs, mum came up and said sheepishly,
“Honey there are two boys here to see you and Olivia...” we didn’t seem to surten who they would be we weren’t expecting anyone but I knew who one boy was I think. It turns out I was wrong it wasn’t jack at all. It was Sam and Scott. They were the new extra cool kids. They wanted to see if we wanted to hang. We were sooo excited but did you see us we looked like... TRAMPS! We had to make them wait on my floor in the game room whilst we went and made ourselves pretty. 2 outfits were finished that we were making they were so good that we had to put them on. We also put makeup on and high heels. I curled my hair whilst Olivia straightened hers. We went to this club that Scott’s uncle owns. By the time we got there, it was like 7:30pm it was in little Italy far away. When we got there, we had V.I.P it was great. We had drinks and food and that, but we got to dance in the V.I.P.S section were the entire celebs dance. We saw, Sean Kingston, Adele and Alicia Keys etc. I actually got to dance with Katy Perry it was so amazing. After a lot of dancing, me, Scott, Sam and Olivia went to eat and drink.
A few hours later of eating and drinking, Sam suddenly for a reason I don’t know of, grabs my hand and the next thing you know we’re outside the club in the back.
“I really like you I know this is the worst time to tell you since your half drunk, but hopefully you will remember this when you’re ok again.” He gently kissed my lips again and again the thing that shocked me is that I actually felt a spark. After about 10minutes of kissing, I and Sam went back in the club and there was Olivia and Scott slow dancing.

July 1st 2010
“WAKE UP WAKE UP!” Sophie, only in her diapers, was jumping on my bed screaming and Rebecca (fully clothed) jumping up and down Olivia’s bed screaming as well. After about 1houre and 30 minutes of getting ready to go out and give people their finished designs, Mum made us take Sophie and Rebecca to the park, there was a horse riding fun festival there for kids, 3-6 years old. At first we hesitated but then after when mum told us that a present was coming from rich Uncle Trevor, it changed my mind.
“What do you think the prezzie is?” asked Olivia pulling Rebecca who was tugging on her shirt. I just shrugged my shoulders I think I actually knew what it was, a black berry I had being dying for one for years. A lot of people have one at school including Olivia, Sam and Scott! I couldn’t wait for BBM.
“UNCLE TREVOR!!!” that was Sophie running to see her present, and Rebecca not knowing who she was running to. Trevor gave them both a hug and then two sweets each with £2 to share. Then he gave me a box wrapped up. It was big enough to fit a phone but also jewellery. I was shaking like mad. RIP TEAR
“OH MY GOD I lo..... Oh, it’s a Golden its nice thanks...” Trevor and mum noticed I looked disappointed. It was my birthday and I didn’t get what I wanted a BLACKBERRY I was so upset I ran upstairs past all the floors until I eventually went to a door that looked like it was part of the wall. Only I and Olivia knew about it. She followed after me and eventually found me.
“You don’t need a big present to let people know you have a loving family, I mean I’ve seen your family their much better than mine, and other families I’ve met. I’m not just saying that because you’re my friend or because you’re like a sister I never had, because it’s true.” She hugged me tight then after that she managed
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