» Romance » Mistress by Circumstance, Oluwanifemi Oloniyo [books to read this summer .TXT] 📗

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ringlets. From There to a boutique, Shopping and lots more ranging from Shoes, bags, underwears, accessories and make up. The stylist did something to Her face bringing out the Beauty in Her eyes, As the saying goes 'Beauty is in the Eye of the beholder'.


He couldn't't take his eyes off Her when she came into his Office. She looked as breathtaking like an angel. She had Her hair down in ringlets, had on a turquoise knee length gown pleated from the waist to the tip, red wedge, a rose in Her hair. Her bushy eye lashes were darker and arranged with mascara, Her eyes glistened with turquoise shadows matching Her outfit. A string of crystal red bead glistened on Her neck with a matching crystal rose stud ear-rings. On Her right hand is a single silver bracelet. Her lips shone with a red gloss lipstick, carved up in a seductive smile.

"Excuse Me? You're ogling" Gracious snapped.

"Oh! Sorry" He said as He sat more comfortably as his anatomy was beginning to respond.

"So, did You get your money worth?"

"E-r-r Words can't express the beauty before Me" He stammered.


Gracious has been moved to Christian's house to avoid suspicions and also in preparation for the Wedding. On a faithful morning, She was dressed and was about to go pay Her father a visit when Chris said She can't to avoid the media.

"But You can't do this. What is the meaning of this? You can't tell Me where to go and where not to and we're not even MARRIED!" Gracious shouted as she stood blocking his way out.

"You still have obligations to observe. Out of my way!" Chris shouted back.

"Don't shout at Me"

"Okay am Sorry. Please out of my way am late for work. I'm Sorry, I promise to be back early" He said after he had calmed down. She left the door sobbing, He then dropped his suitcase and went over to where she sat sobbing. With His arm over Her shoulders, He comforted Her "I'm Sorry".

"Get out" She yelled as she stood and went up to Her room closing the door noisily behind Her. I wonder how I'll cope with Her, Chris thought as He looked up to Her closed door.







Wedding preparations could be seen everywhere, invites were distributed, preparations where in earnest, and everyone wondered who the bride was except Rosie. The Cathedral and priest were all informed, the field to be used was arranged, Shopping for the wedding has been done earlier. Nelson and his Wife Anna have been informed and compensated, the bride price has been paid and everyone looked forward to the party.


The wedding day.

"I can't use that, it'll clash with my colour."

"It wont my lady"

"You know what, just get Me to look natural, bright pink lipstick, pear stud ear rings"




"Silver Bracelet and my bouquet. What colour is It?"

"Vintage hand tied rose"



"Thank God its my favourite"

"Okay, your gown is a chapel with a bow behind"

"Don't tell Me, where is It?"

"Its not yet time to bring It Out"

"What in heavens name is this all about? Am I to move around with corset alone?"

"You're not even allowed to leave this room"

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" She screamed.

Everyone who heard Her scream thought something happened. Chris rushed to the room where She was.

"What happened?" He asked anxiously looking from Gracious to the make up artist. "Can someone say something?

"Where is my gown?"

"Well" He said looking at His time. "Its not yet time"

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" She screamed again louder this time. Chris had to block his ears to avoid He's ear drum being blocked.

"Bring out my gown before I tear down this room and make It look like a bomb went off here. My gown! Out! Now!"

"Okay! Okay! Bring It Out Sarah" Chris finally said.

"Do You want to see Me undress?"

"Why not?"


"Okay, I'll leave"



All guest were all seated in the cathedral ranging from staffs, clienteleés, board members, Family members, friends and well wishers they were all seated in colourful attires.

Christian Stanfield IV, stood with the priest in a navy blue Italian suit with a red rose pinned to the top of his suit. A bell was rung and then the congregation stood for the bride's entrance. Walking down the isle is Gracious in Her Wedding dress and a veil with Her Father by Her side.

After the Priest's sermon, the solemnization took place. After the giving out of the bride's hand in marriage to Christian Stanfield IV, the exchange of vows took place.

"I now pronounce You as husband and Wife before God and Man. Ladies and Gentlemen, let Me introduce to You the latest couple in town. I present to You Mr and Mrs Christian Stanfield." ministered Priest Nicholas.

They were congratulated by everyone as they left to append their signatures on their wedding certificate.

The staffs of Guidelines Insurance Company had already organized the after party venue.

The After Party.

The venue used was a field filled with beautiful natural flowers.

Roses and tulips could be seen everywhere, different floral scents rented the atmosphere. The cynosure of all eyes was the middle of the field flanked by both sides where palm trees forming an isle for the couple's entrance. There was enough for all to eat and drink. After the party had ended, the vote of thanks speech was delivered by Rosie.



















The couple went on honeymoon to Paris by Guidelines Insurance Company's private airline. Rosie had already packed a suitcase for Gracious. They were welcomed by the Italian Hostess.

"Welcome on board Christian and Gracious, every board member wishes you a happy married life"

THE 'Fasten your seat belt' sign was aglow.

"Please Fasten your seat belts please as we will be taking of now" The Pilot announced. As the plane took off, Gracious held the arm rest tightly as She wasn't used to travelling on air. Chris was buried in a magazine He told the Hostess to get Him. Breaking the silence the Pilot announced "Christian we should be expecting a cozy weather for safe landing at Paris. Enjoy"

THE Italian hostess came in after the pilot as assured a balance in air

"What Do I get You Signora?"

"Just a.... "

" A bottle of Red wine and two tumblers please" Chris Interrupted. The hostess smiled and left to get the Order when Gracious turned to look at him and asked "You don't expect Me to drink that right?". "Sure Dearest Wife You will" He answered still buried in His magazine.

The Hostess returned with the order, pulled a table close by in between the couple and left. Still looking at him she hissed, and stood up. On Her way, She felt dizzy and tripped, Chris was fast enough to catch Her, As He was also about to catch Her, He also tripped on her clothe and suddenly like flash, they both were on the floor. They landed with a thud in a position that Chris was below with Gracious on top and both within a very close range. Alexandra virago inglese the Italian hostess came rushing in.

"Wha.... Oh! Sorry" She left grinning seeing them in such position.

"Oh Sorry" Gracious apologized and stood up. She also helped him up, As she was about to pass through, She tripped again, this time she fell on his seat, sitting across his laps.

"Am Sorry I think am..... " She was cut short by his lips meeting Hers.

He pushed through Her lips with His tongue and felt Her sigh, taking that as a go on, He held Her close and kissed deeper, kissing him back, She nibbled at His lower lips sucking in His tongue. They where enjoying the intimacy when they were Interrupted by Alexandra.

"Ehem..... Sorry Chris. Elizabeth needs your attention at the cockpit". He stood up, adjusted his shirt and helped Gracious back to Her seat while Alexandra left.

Watching him leave, She touched Her swollen lips and wondered what happened in just a few minutes. Standing up and leaning on a table, She was able to get to the rest room without tripping. Standing before a full length mirror, She adjusted Her skirt and eased of the creases, re-applied Her lipstick and rearranging Her hair, She left for Her seat.


On his way to answer Elizabeth's call, His memory did a play back on what had just happened. He could still feel the warmth of Her soft succulent lips and Her slim waist. Surprisingly, his anatomy responded to just that quick effect she has on him. Adjusting his pants, He entered the cockpit. "waow! Chris you've joined the Marriage league" Steven the copilot complimented.


Adjusting the seat into a sleeping position, Gracious doesn't want to sleep on the neatly made inviting bed. She opened the wine and poured herself a glass full, picking up the magazine He was reading earlier she lied down.


"Guys, I think have had enough, I have to get back to my wife" Chris said as He stood up to leave. "Hmmm Boy don't miss your Wedding Night" Steven said. "I bet She's beautiful" Elizabeth added. "You Can say that again"


As soon as He stepped into the conjoining room He didn't fail to notice the spilled drink and soiled magazine. Wondering where she was, He felt a pair of hands wrap itself around his waist. Turning around to face the small frame behind him, He couldn't't believe what was before him. An underwear clad Wife sleep walking! Taking Her hands off himself, He carried Her to the bedroom, the awful sight that welcomed him where clothes thrown all over the place like a bomb just blew off. Turning to look at the drunk woman in His hands He asked "Whats the mess for?"

"I cooldunt gent somefhin tho whear" She said slurring Her words. Carefully picking his way towards the bed to avoid stepping on the clothes. He placed Her gently on the bed, and covered Her with the duvet. He then picked up the clothes and arranged them in Her suitcase. After he had arranged the room, He had his bath and slept beside Her in a spoon position.


After few hours, Gracious awoke with a nasty headache. Stretching out and stifling a yawn, as she was about to sit up she felt two muscular hands wrapped around Her abdomen. Startled, She looked around trying to figure out where she was. Remembering the party and the trip to Paris, She stood up. Feeling the cold air on Her skin, She realized she was dressed only in Her underwear. She quickly grabbed the duvet covering Chris and practically ran into the bathroom.


Turning to his side, He felt the emptiness beside him, opening his Eye.... Then the bathroom door opened. Gracious was putting on a wine flowing gown and she wore Her curled hair down allowing It fall on Her shoulders and back. Seeing that He was awake, She hastenly walked out of the room. Chris followed Her out of the room with His eyes and wondered what she was up to.


He stood up, dressed and went to meet Her in the conjoining room. He met Her watching a Movie. Taking his seat beside Her, he buzzed for the Hostess. "You rang"

"Yes, please get Us something mild to eat, cara"

"A minute, signor"

She returned with two plates of toasted bread and warm tea.

While they were eating, the fasten your seat belt sign aglowed.

"Chris, we'll be landing soon. Favorable weather as predicted, please fasten your seat belts" Elizabeth announced.

The airline had a safe landing, then Alexandra came in to move the suitcases. "Senorita, on behalf of the crew, we're giving You this little gift" she said handing Her a little package

"Thank You" She Appreciated accepting the gift.



At the end of the exit was a man with a lady both dressed casually in GIC's uniform. As soon as they got to the end, their suitcase was collected and they were directed to a black sleek limousine. Their Journey to their suite was a silent short journey.






















The suite they lodged in was a special couple's honeymoon suite. To the west is a french window with the ocean and shore

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